Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Colin Kaepernick and Nike have made a huge statement. Do you think that the company was smart or strategic in partnering with CK?



  1. I think the company was pretty smart. He not the whole face for the 30th anniversary. They will have someone that everyone likes for the 30th anniversary. This will be good because do you see Adidas doing that. I sure don't it gives them a bit of an advantage in the shoe business.

    1. Colin Kaepernick was known for basketball when he won the trophy for doing sports

  2. I think the company is was smart because even though we doesn’t have a contract CK was still getting paid and they knew exactly what they were doing. Kapernick is a icon now I’m this generation with is skills of football and his taking action in something he believed in. So score 1 for Nike because they just did something so crazy that their business is about to boost from the black community.

  3. Nike is smart for getting behind a man that is aware of the things going on in the world. This man is Colin Kaepernick(CK) who sets an example to others around him. He stands up for what he believes and what he believes in is that you should "believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything."

  4. I do think that Nike made a great decision partnering with colin Kaepernick. Some people may call Colin a bad person but Colin is just a person who is not scared to speak his mind and stand up for his country.Colin was kicked out of the NFL for taking a knee during the national anthem which publicly some how turned him to a "bad person".

  5. Yes it was a smart choice because Kaepernick is a big face in what he did during the national anthem. Other players are following him and kneeling as well.

  6. Making this move is probably the smartest marketing move you could make. There is a ton of news surrounding Kaepernick, and this move brings Nike into the same spotlight. It barely hurts it's relationship with sponsors either. Most of their sponsors openly support Kaepernick.

  7. Overall this is a big step that Nike is taking. There will be a lot of risks and criticism, but I personally believe that Nike has enough experience to prevail through this. For example back then when blacks were disrespected and Air Jordans were banned in NBA because Micheal Jordan was black. Nike still kept letting Jordan make shoes for the world.

  8. I think Nike was smart and strategic in partnering with Colin Kaepernick for the 30th Anniversary commemoration. Kaepernick is a controversial figure to people in the NFL because he knelt during the national anthem. He took this action as a protest to racial injustice and police brutality, which are major political issues that many people are ignoring. Nike's partnership with Colin is a positive statement because it shows that the company is not neglecting the issues going on in the country.

  9. I think that Nike made a strategic choice because Nike is a big company which has the power to start a movement.

  10. I feel that they made a smart move on picking Colin Kaepernick. Colin started the wave with kneeling for the national anthem. They started kneeling for the national anthem because of all the black people that was getting killed by cops. Colin showed that he is not scared to speak out this is why i feel like they made a good choice on picking him for nike.

  11. Yes , I think it was an good idea for nike to partner with Colin Kaepernick , the reason is he stands up for what he owns and he speak his mind to others also don't no other company doing the things they doing . Some people think colin is actually a bad person but I don't see it that way .

  12. The company is good because he still getting paod even through he not sighed. Hes an very known football player so he sets a good example for kids and teens.

  13. I believe that Nike made a good decision. Some people don't side with Kaepernick. With the popularity of CK and Nike combined, this is basically a publicity stunt. Also, Nike now approves of one who stands up for what he believes in. This idea can inspire children to trust what they believe.

  14. I think it was smart for the company to collaborate with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Not only will their company earn more from sales but they also gave CK a chance to address the problem in society which in my opinion is very empowering to the audience.

  15. nike was being smart because their marketing move was smart . Most of their sponsors support Kaepernick.

  16. I believe the company is making efforts in making good decisions and avoiding conflict. Their choices with Colin Kaepernick was a good idea and is bringing the company Nike forward. His actions during the NFL was for his own beliefs and it will propose a new upbringing.

  17. I think that Nike was smart for partnering with CK. He can help the company show others that race shouldn't matter when it comes to anything. They built themselves around top Nike athletes, and a lot of them were African American. This includes Serena Williams, LeBron James, and CK. John Rich had also been involved in the protest, getting millions to join in as well. A journalist claimed that Nike became the company that we know today because it is based on rebellion when black men were at risk. They also included Michael Jordan.

  18. From a business stance, they'd probably lose sales from this ad. However, I do not think that was their goal at all. Their whole brand is based around striving for your goals, standing up for your beliefs, and to "just do it." Nike is a multi-million dollar company, they can withstand a few conservatives boycotting their product. Their goal in backing Kaepernick was probably more emotionally-motivated and their way of being bold and actually acting on what their brand stands for. Also, since the ad is controversial it's giving the brand publicity.

  19. i agree with nike because its an important cause, and it will put nike out there and attract people that also support the cause

  20. I think Nike made a good choice in partnering with CK. I don't know much about football but what CK did set himself as a good role model to kids. Also since CK is very known I think he set a good example to the football community or even the sports community in general.

  21. This a very smart move by the company Nike whole heartily. Colin Kapernick has never did anything wrong he stood up for something he believed in. I am so happy that Nike has stood behind and believes in what CK is doing for the community. He is activist now for the black community and soon to be a icon.

  22. That was good that Nike took sides with Colin Kaepernick in making the just do it add and Colin is right sometimes we have to stand up for what we believe even if we have to sacrifice. trump on the other hand needs to shut up because he always has a comment for everything and he always calls people names that comes up on his mind.

  23. I think nike made a strategic choice because they have the power to start a movement regarding racial injustice. Nike also has money which can be used.

  24. Nike made a good choice supporting Kaepernick, the sponsors had their rights for it.

  25. That's was good that Nike took sides with Colin Kaepernick in making the just do it add and Colin is right sometimes we have to stand up for what we believe even if we have to sacrifice. trump always has something to say over little things even with the national anthem he just needs to shut up and to do his job in the white house.

  26. I think Nike made a smart move.CK always stood up for what he thought was right. I think that did will have a great outcome

  27. Nike made a smart decision because Colin doesn't get that much recognition. So having this well big brand to help push out his words is great. Even though some may not agree with his words at the nike company atleast most are. Which after awhile of the campaign he will have alot of support

  28. Yes I think this was a very strategic idea and callaboration.

  29. Companies and brands often attempt to avoid taking strong public positions out of fear of alienating customers, but Nike is running straight into the political fray.

  30. I think that it was good idea for Nike to partner up with Kaepernick. Kaepernick is already sponsored by Nike and they also support the many things that he has done. By Kaepernick being the face for the 30th anniversary it could push the company forward and attract more people. I also think that Kaepernick sets a great example for our society today. It could encourage others to believe that if you put your mind to something then you can do it.

  31. It was smart for Nike to partner up with Kaepernick. First off Kaepernick is known for standing up to what he believes in and being a motivator. For Nike to take this approach is too show that they want to put out a message. This is why this is a good move for Nike and Kaepernick.

  32. I think it was smart for Nike to partner up with Kaepernick. Having Kaepernick be the face for their 30th anniversary is a big deal. In a way it shows that Nike isn't ignoring what's happening around them in the country. It shows a positive outlook on what Kaepernick stands up for as it represents what they themselves stand up for. Which is very smart.

  33. Nike made a wise decision to partner with Colin Kaepernick. They can project their sales and also allow Colin to have a voice.

  34. Nike was smart by partnering up with CK because he uses his platform to speak out against racial injustice and the world needs more role models like him. Nike is a big brand and by partnering up with him they might have the ability to make change in teens and kids.

  35. yes it was smart for nike because more people that agree on kaepernicks stand will buy stuff that hes promoting and its a break that he needed as far as money goes since he wasnt signed by an nfl team this offseason
    ^brennan sanders

  36. Nike more then likely have 2 main reasons why they teamed up with Colin. First reason is that they trusty believe in his fight and join him and Nike really want the same change that CK wants. The other reason is Nike doesn’t care much about his reasons but sees that he’ll eventually come on top and will gain money from this through the NFL so Nike will benefit from this finaillcaly.

  37. Nike is making a very smart decision to partner u p with Colin Kaepernick. It will show that someone has his side in his protest. He is going to be a very important person in Nike's history.

  38. I think it was a good idea for Nike to partner up with Kaepernick because he is already sponsored by them and he has had an impact on the NFL. Also, its a great opportunity for Collin because they paid him a lot.

  39. I think it was a good idea to have Kaepernick in a Nike ad because they could possibly reach out to a larger demographic, due to what he stands for and believes in.

  40. I think it it is a great idea that Nike is working with Colin Kaepernick. By working with him it shows that they really stand behind him and what he believe in.

  41. I think it was a good idea to have Kapernick in a Nike ad because they could possibly reach out to a larger demographic, due to what he stands for and believes in.

  42. I think Nike is smart because most of the star athletes they sponsor have already come out in support of Kaepernick. But it may also cost the company to lose lots of customers.

  43. I think that was a good idea that Nike took sides with Colin Kaepernick in making the just do it ad. Kaepernick was right when he decided to take a knee knowing that it would sacrifice his career of being a pro football player. This made a stand that went across the whole world that showed that you can stand up for what you believe and it doesn't matter about the consequences. What really matters is the principle behind what you are standing up for. Kaepernick was standing up for his culture and himself in general and no one should be treated how he was treated. Therefore, I think this was the right decision and now it's seen by everyone in the world and it's making a big difference.

  44. Yes, I feel that that was a smart decision. I feel that way because he's a known face and having him there will draw more people.

  45. I think that Nike made a good decision partnering with Colin Kaepernick. Some people may call Colin a bad person becausse of what he did, but Colin is just a person who is not scared to speak his mind and stand up for what he beilives .Colin was kicked out of the NFL for taking a knee during the national anthem which publicly some how turned him to a "bad person".

  46. Companies and brands dont always do strong public positions but partnering up with Kaepernick was a good idea. He is sponsered by Nike already so he is familiar face with the company.

  47. I feel like it was a great decision to partner with Colin Kaepernick. Them supporting him means Nike also agrees with speak out against racial discrimination. Also says in the article
    "...he began kneeling during the national anthem to raise awareness about police brutality against African-Americans and other racial injustices. Dozens of other players also began joining Kaepernick, and he has grown into a symbol of dividing lines over race in America"

  48. In my opinion, I believe this is a great move by Nike to partner with Kaepernick because he has my a major impact on the NFL and the racial community. And Nike doing a partnership with Kaepernick shows that he is still a icon in his own right and some people still believe in him for the decisions he have made.

  49. I think that it is a good idea for Nike and Kaepernick to partner up. It'll help Nike to get more publicity and they already have sponsored Kaepernick before so at least they know who he is and are familiar with him, which is good when you are sponsoring people.

    ~Mackia Badio

  50. I think that was a good idea that Nike took sides with Colin Kaepernick in making the just do it ad. He is sponsored by Nike already so he is familiar face with the company.

  51. It is a good thing to partner with Kaepernick since has made a major impact in the NFL. It suits Nike to support him since Nike was built on the idea of rebellion. This also helps Nike gain publicity.

  52. In my opinion, I strongly believe the partnering of Nike and Kaepernick because they can reach out to larger statistics, due to what he stands for and also hes already sponsored by by them and has a great relationship with the NFL,

  53. I think this is a smart move on Nike's part. Sure, Kaepernick is caught up in some pretty controversial stuff, but he'll definitely bring in some publicity.

  54. I feel like the company will receive a lot of hate for this decision because of what has happened with the athlete in the past and what he represented many will not agree with it.

  55. II think it was beneficial to both Nike and Kap. Not only did it put Kap's cause on a global platform, but also it showed that Nike allows public protest, and clients won't be penalized for it. This not only appeals to present clients, but it also encourages future clients to voice their opinion, and "Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything".

  56. I think the company is smart because one, he is being sponsored by Nike. Two, the company has already been associating with Collin so they should be familiar with each other.

  57. I think the company was smart because even though the company have a contract CK was still getting paid and they knew exactly what they were doing. Also I think Kap knew he was making a smart move.

  58. I believe Nike was neither smart nor strategic in partnering with Colin Kaepernick. Usually I would be more moderate in my conservative views when engaged in a political debate with a liberal. But Kaepernick is an exception. When I first saw him kneel during the National Anthem I lost all respect for him. What he did absolutely made me sick. All of his supporters might say his National Anthem protest has made him a civil rights icon. All I see is nothing but a disgrace to this country and a worthless scumbag worthy of zero respect from any proud U.S. citizen. Former fans, including myself, are just to not show any respect to the quarterback and his sponsors, we do this in a "civil" manner, by boycotting football games and Nike products. Kneeling during the National Anthem has made Colin Kaepernick a traitor to the United States of America, and it is also symbolic that Kaepernick has proclaimed a desire to terminate his citizenship. To he and all of his fans, I say, "If you cannot even show one ounce of respect to your own country: (police officers, military personal, veterans, the president, local, state, and national officials, the flag), you don't deserve one ounce of respect from anyone else. It's pathetic to be protesting over such small issues, and in such a petty way I might add, and you take everything else for granted. If you hate this country so much; leave. See how much better it is to live in places like Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Afghanistan. We'll have one less problem without you." Best wishes - Jacob Benton.

  59. I think company i would be smart because Kaepernick will be one of the faces of Nike's 30th anniversary commemoration of its iconic "Just Do It" slogan.

  60. I believe that Nike made a smart decision to step up at this point and time. It was very strategic in partnering with Colin Kaepernick. With him kneeling the NFL, they decided to take his job away unfairly not understanding what he was standing for. With Nike on his side in this makes his stand way more stronger than it originally was as well as it is for sure going to bring Nike more clout or publicity/popularity.

  61. i think that nike was smart. the reason i said this because they already worked with the man before. then he already got this publicity stunt going so why not.

  62. Nike made a wise decision to partner with Colin Kaepernick. They can project their sales and also allow Colin to have a voice.

  63. nike was being smart because this marketing move was smart . Most of their sponsors support Kaepernick.

  64. I think Nike was smart and strategic in partnering with Colin Kaepernick for the 30th Anniversary commemoration. All of his supporters might say his National Anthem protest has made him a civil rights icon. All I see is nothing but a disgrace to this country and a worthless scumbag worthy of zero respect from any proud U.S. citizen. It's pathetic to be protesting over such small issues, and in such a petty way I might add, and you take everything else for granted. (Isaiah Placide)

  65. Companies and brands often attempt to avoid taking strong public positions out of fear of alienating customers, but Nike is running straight into the political way.

  66. I strongly believe the partnering of Nike and Kaepernick because they can reach out to larger statistics, due to what he stands for and also hes already sponsored by by them and has a great relationship with the NFL.Destiny Jackson

  67. That was good that Nike took sides with Colin Kaepernick in making the just do it add and Colin is right sometimes we have to stand up for what we believe even if we have to sacrifice. trump on the other hand needs to shut up because he always has a comment for everything and he always calls people names that comes up on his mind.
