Friday, August 31, 2018


Comment on the article below. Please google Harvey Weinstein if you need more information about him. One paragraph minimum. What are your thoughts?


  1. Corporations have always tried to hide things that could hurt them. That's not surprising in any way. It's just sad that it's normal for companies to do that.

    1. Many people say Harvey Weinstein blocked the door and won't let Angie Everhart get out of the bathroom

  2. My thoughts is that NBC News tried to kill the Weinstein story while Ronan Farrow was at NBC News, or even more ludicrously, after he left NBC News, is an outright lie."

  3. Harvey Weinstein is a former film producer. It was told that NBC News tried to kil the Weinstein story. In August 2017 the NBC Need has put qsdigned Ronan Farrow to investigate Weinstein and supporting his effort in 8 months.
    As of right now Farrow has not responded to a request for a commment he probably.

  4. My thoughts is that the "the assertion that NBC News tried to kill the Weinstein story while Ronan Farrow was at NBC News, or even more ludicrously, after he left NBC News, is an outright lie." They tried to hide the things they would hurt them with .

  5. My thoughts are corporations always hide things that could make them look bad.

  6. Harvey Weinstein the film producer is speaking out on the film industry. I think this is great because we get a real inside look. I don't think he would lie and tell us something that's not real like people in the past.

  7. NBC tried to kill the story. Ronan was going to interview a woman with a credible rape allegation against Harvey Weinstein.

  8. In my opinion I believe that justice was served in this video. Harvey Weinstein was a American form film producer. It was mentioned that NBC tried to kill the Weinstein story. Harvey is also known to rape more then three women each with their own story about their experience with Harvey.

  9. I think the actions described in this article are absolutely absurd, but at the same time I am not surprised about the outcome. A former NBC journalist had a full report complete with interviews and testimonies from a woman Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexually assaulting. The unbelievable part of this article is that an order from the higher levels of NBC was given to prevent the story from being publicized. By killing the story, NBC is also silencing the multiple women who have been victimized by Weinstein. I personally think that he deserves to be publicly humiliated with these interviews and news stories because the women he assaulted have been belittled and placed in an unwanted spotlight.

  10. Corporations hide certain things to come off as a bad look. I feel that NBC attempted to dead the story. I think that this shouldn't be left alone or normal.

  11. Harvey Weinstein is former film producer for the big production company NBC. He had his own independent company with his brother Bob Weinstein but after the rape allegations he expelled from his own company! His has executive produce movies like all the Scary Movies, and many more like 47 meters down. His was once a respected movie mogul but it doesn't seem that way anymore.

  12. My thoughts on this is that he is just trying to hide his personal things that are going on that will make them look bad in the long run . NBc is killing the story

  13. My thoughts about Harvey Weinstein is that what he has did to these women is wrong. For all the women out there that he has traumatized these will always be in women lives.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I think that the nbc news tired to get rid of the Weinstein story. I'm not that shock honestly, because the news alway6s dose thst

  16. The article talks about the Weinstein story being canceled. My thoughts on this is that its usually common for news to make other people look bad and that some journalists are willing to reveal false information just so they can get their big break. Ronan Farrow is a reporter who twisted his statement on the allegation of rape against Harvey Weinstein. He listed seven names of victimized woman to The New Yorker, but however did not say anything about those people in NBC news. His next action was that he would interview one of the victims but was stopped completely. There could be a other side of this and the statement these reporters present are true. They would need confirmation and evidence to put all their pieces together. Harvey Weinstein denied all allegations.

  17. I think that Weinstein would not tell a lie because NBC was made the story up because this has happened many times when some women say they got rapped then they should tell somebody when it happens at not 30 years later I think they made the whole thing up.

  18. I Feel like they are doing the right thing. Harvey was a American form film producer. It says in the article that the NBC tried to kill the story on what they said he did.

  19. A former film producer, Harvey Weinstein was accused of rape by many women. Rich McHugh who has documented reports and interviews has spoken up about the tactics of film industries when he was "told not to do the interview and ordered to stand down, thus effectively killing the story," according to McHugh. This is to prevent any controversies to stir up around NBC but now that the journalist has exposed the company, there is no doubt that there will be news regarding this problem.

  20. Harvey Weinstein was an American film producer. My thoughts on this article is that NBC news tired to kill Weinstein's story. Corporations try to hide and cover up stuff so it that it doesn't make them look bad.

  21. Rich McHugh, who left NBC News' investigative unit recently, said in a statement provided to CNN that the orders not to run the story came from "the highest levels of NBC. That was unethical."

  22. I think Ronan Farrow didn't have enough evidence on this situation. He reported seven names that were never spoken of and he wasn't able to interview someone who claimed of being raped. Also NBC wanted to shut this down because of what would happen with this news going public, but despite that Mr.Farrow still wanted to send this out.

  23. So basically NBC news tried to kill Weinstein's story and accusing him of certain things. He was charged with first and third degree rape and committing criminal sexual acts. All of them were false though. He denied these, seeing as he is a journalist and people are purposefully degrading and accusing him just so he won't succeed.

  24. Corporations always have something to hide. Which will give the bad rep for the company as well. Weinstein really did the women wrong as well.

  25. NBC news tried to kill Weinstein's story and accusing him of certain things. Weinstein was charged with first and third degree rape. All of them were not true though. He denied these, seeing as he is a journalist and people are purposefully degrading and accusing him just so he won't succeed.

  26. I think this is something that happens a lot when different news outlets don't want certain stories to be heard. It's unfair to me because you're ruining someone's name by accusing them of things. I don't think there was enough evidence to really build a case.

  27. NBC news tried to kill Weinstein's story and accusing him of certain stuff. Weinstein was charged with 1st and 3rd degree rape and committing criminal sexual acts. Even though this information is not true. This is the story on Harvey Weinstein.

  28. The fact that they said he "wasn't guilty" and they let him go free is terrible. The women are probably scarred for life and their abuser is running free around the street. This shouldn't be handled so poorly and carelessly.

  29. NBC news tried to kill Weinsteins story on what he did, while corporations tried to hide it like they usually always do when something goes wrong.

  30. I think that Harvey should of went to jail because why would those women lie about things like this.But there also isn't evidence he did anything to them so I see why he plead not guilty.

  31. Harvey Weinstein, a former producer for NBC, was accused of raping multiple women. Rich McHugh who has documented reports and interviews has decided to speak out about the tactics of film industries. Of course other industry people were not pleased with this and pushed him not to do it. This is to prevent any controversies to stir up around NBC. Unfortunately it did and their reputation is demised by this.

  32. Ronan Farrow tried to publish a story about Weinstein but was shot down. NBC didn't think it was ready to air since he did not have the name of a single victim. But Ronan decided to leave NBC and went to the New Yorker. Their he published and did have the name of the victims. Farrow is now writing a book and did not request to comment.

  33. Justice is finally being served for Harvey Weinstain actions. They had to make the right decisions for what he did.

  34. nbc ignored his story and tried to cover it up that he inticed people to commit sexual acts on him because of his position of power and its now all coming to light.
    ^brennan sanders

  35. It is no surprise that the corporation did this because a lot of companies and corporations hide things to keep them from loosing profit. even trying to keep things a secret also hurts them too since the public will get suspicious about what they are doing and what they are hiding. And what NBC did wasn't fair for Weinstein, though life is never fair. They accused him of committing crimes that to try to keep him from doing his story that he had.

    ~Mackia Badio

  36. I hate how nbc tried to sweep this under the rug.But we should not say anything until he is proving guilty.

  37. NBC tried to kill the Harvey Weinstein story. My opinion is that its very common for news to make other people look bad. Also, some journalists are willing to reveal false info just so they can have a story.

  38. It is astonishing what NBC has done. Every day we expect the news to give us the true, unadulterated facts about what is going on in the world. True, we have heard a lot about fake news and, I believe most news stories are "fake" to a certain extent. But when the news intentionally withholds information from viewers to cover up their own internal affairs, then that is just unacceptable. What this does, is it loses the audience's trust in what is being reported, so after reading this article, regardless of if it's real or fake, we must take everything with a grain of salt.

  39. My thoughts on how NBC tired to kill Weinstein's story is that it was wrong. He was accused of all of those terrible things, so he should have a say in it.

  40. I feel that it was wrong for the NBC news station to not run the story. Even though it was not enough evidence to build a case they still could have allowed the story to run so people could hear the women side of the story.

  41. I think its not fair to the people that were raped by him and he got away with it to plead him not guilty it would not be fair at all

  42. Harvey Weinstein is a produce. He did stories NBC news wanted to get rid off. They accussed the man with rape allegations. Nobody should make up something liek this or lie. They tried to make him look like a bad person when these were all false.

  43. Harvey Weinstein is a former top film producer. I feel that is was wrong for NBC to not run the story because people should hear the women side of the story. Just because you don't have enough evidence of an event happening, does not mean that the story should not be televised. More people need to hear this story.

  44. In my opinion,its surprising what NBC has done.We expect the news to give us the facts, truthful facts about what is going on in our surroundings.I feel that it was wrong for the NBC news station to not run the story, Even though it was not enough evidence to build a case they still could have told the people what is going on and all the things was accused of.

  45. Harvey Weinstein is one of the top film producers. I do not like the fact that the NBC news station did not run the story and in my opinion the news is known for trying to make people bad for people like him but at the same time I do appreciate the news for keeping us to date on the things that are going on the world.

  46. It’s not abnormal for companies and corporations to hide things from the people and hide things from other companies that could affect company. Things like Weinsteins case could really damage them so they distract and hide it with other news that seems more important to the outside but it won’t affect them as much as the other case.

  47. I think cooperation's always hide things that can ruin them even the smallest thing if it can ruin them it needs to be hidden

  48. he is a bad man, that everyone thought was good. trust no one even the ones that support you. this is ashton

  49. A veteran NBC News producer who worked with Ronan Farrow on Farrow's explosive story on disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has left the network and is speaking out, calling the network's decision not to make the story public "a massive breach of journalistic integrity."

  50. I think they should've been able to publish the story. It seems like NBC is taking the side of a rapist and that's completely unacceptable. These men are very courageous to still find a way to get the information out in the open.

  51. in my opinion they should have publish the news. i mean the people had the right to know about it. it might have seem minor to them but it is major to us. i know corporate usually hides the truth from us. but doing this only makes us distrust them more and more.

  52. this is something that happens a lot when different news outlets don't want certain stories to be heard. It's unfair to me because you're ruining someone's name by accusing them of things. I don't think there was enough evidence to really build a case.

  53. I think the actions described in this article are absolutely absurd, but at the same time I am not surprised about the outcome. Of course other industry people were not pleased with this and pushed him not to do it. This is to prevent any controversies to stir up around NBC. Unfortunately it did and their reputation is demised by this.

  54. A veteran NBC News producer who worked with Ronan Farrow on Farrow's explosive story on disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has left the network and is speaking out, calling the network's decision not to make the story public "a massive breach of journalistic integrity." Destiny Jackson

  55. A veteran NBC News producer who worked with Ronan Farrow on Farrow's explosive story on disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has left the network and is speaking out, calling the network's decision not to make the story public "a massive breach of journalistic integrity."

  56. My thoughts is that the "the assertion that NBC News tried to kill the Weinstein story while Ronan Farrow was at NBC News, or even more ludicrously, after he left NBC News, is an outright lie." They tried to hide the things they would hurt them with .
