Wednesday, August 15, 2018


What does Autonomous mean? Comment on the post below with your opinion of the article


  1. Autonomous means the ability to act independently. Self driving cars could be the future, but it would have to be all or nothing. If self driving cars share the road with human driven cars, there would be thousands of accidents. The self driving cars are programmed to respond based on the data they have in real time. This is a problem because humans can drive unpredictably. The safest option would have to be to recall all normal cars and replace everything with self driving cars. I don't really want that to happen though.

    1. Having self-government at least to a significant degree

  2. Is a county or region having self-government at least to a significant degree.

  3. Autonomous means independent, and in the article, cars are Autonomous. I think that the government should work out the problems of putting self driving cars and regular cars together on one road. I think they should either replace all cars with self driving cars or create a separate road for self driving cars.

  4. So basically Autonomous means independent, the article is talking about how cars are autonomous. Self cars could drive in the future when we have the technology needed to do those things , problem because it is problematic to people’s safety. Safety recalls we have on ars now are little so what can be recalled on self making cars.

  5. Something being autonomous means it has the freedom to act independently. In this case it's referring to cars. Self driving cars of course seem plausible but the thought is also terrifying. Planes and trains use auto pilot or are steered automatically, but they're also much safer than many other modes of transportation. Cars driven automatically driving with cars driven by people is also a serious threat. As the article said, there are definitely people that would take advantage of the fact that these cars respond by manually stopping or waiting, and even causing crashes by accident due to the stupidity of some prankster.

  6. Autonomous is a self driving car. I believe that autonomous can change the future of driving. It could lead to less accidents and lives lost. It could do this because its has sensors and yields to predestines too.

  7. Autonomous vehicles are cars that drive themselves. I think that self-driving cars will become the norm. These cars are revolutionary to our near future. Soon these cars will be common on the road.

  8. Autonomous is a vehicle that is a capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. Also it the self driving cars.If the self driving cars are on the road there would be plenty accidents .They should try to work out cars between self driving and human driving .

  9. The meaning of autonomous is sufficiency of doing something independently. The article is about self-driving cars where there is less work effort put and the easiness it takes to get to your destination. The questions asked are who owns the collected data and what procedures do we have to take to obtain it. I think the idea of having autonomous vehicles would be cool, but risky at the same time. Unless proven secured, the idea is still in reach.

  10. Self-driving cars are increasingly common sights on roads in California, Arizona, and a few other pioneering locales. They're still something of an anomaly, sure, but it won't be long before autonomous cars go from being an exception to bring the norm.

  11. Autonomous is independent is like a car because a car is independent . if cars drive there self there would be a lot of accidents . human drivers would not like that to happen .

  12. Autonomous means being able to control its own self. If a car is autonomous then we need to change how the road operates so we can ensure the safety of all the people driving them. Seat belts are a need because even if it drives itself sometimes the unexpected will happen. The cars should still stay at a safe distance because of people walking across streets and the car in front of another will have to brake then you'll have a crash. I think autonomous cars are cool but they still need all the safety equipment to keep people safe.

  13. Autonomous means the ability to act independently. The article is about autonomous cars. In the future there will be more self driving cars. Many laws are gonna have to be passed to ensure people's safety.

  14. Autonomous is doing something independently for example is the passage it was talking about self driving cars.

  15. Autonomous means something can be independent where it won't need help. In the article their talking about a autonomous car. I feel like this will be the future and almost anyone can do it. After a while people will forget about driving cars.

  16. The word autonomous means operating as independent. In this article, the self-driving cars are autonomous because no one would have to be driving it. These cars are a product of innovative technology, but I think this may be going a little too far. My personal opinion is that most cars should stay reliant on the driver because we all know that machines do malfunction and seriously hurt people. A self driving car could misinterpret a signal, or command, and cause an accident. Therefore, not all cars should become autonomous.

  17. The autonomous vehicle is a about and safety and protective drivers. this car will us on the road and have less accidents.

  18. Autonomous is a self driving car. I believe that autonomous can change the future of driving. It could lead to less accidents and lives lost. It could do this because its has sensors and yields to predestines too.

  19. Self driving cars are the future of automobiles and technology and vehicles to come. One day a human driving a car could come illegal in the United States.Their working on new models each and every day as we speak it's coming.My opinion is it seems to great and bad for self driving cars.Many other people always complain about not wanting , and other people still love to drive until their 100.So this self driving cars thing will affect a lot of people in many ways than other.

  20. A type of advanced technology that automatically controls itself. It could be safe if everyone agrees to it.

  21. Autonomous means acting independently or having the freedom to do so. Self driving vehicle is going to be probably the future. There already 1 brand that is self driving and so far it is doing well. There is already electric cars so it will probably be soon till it be alot more self driving.

  22. I think this can mean more roadway fatalities because people can hack more into a car that can drive itself. people think its cool and more reliable but I think they have taken technology to a another level I would stick to manually driving the car myself that way If I see somebody about to run into me then I can dodge it quickly.

  23. Autonomous means to have enough freedom to act independently. Self driving cars could cause many problems in the future. I say this because self driving cars are programmed to respond and do different things based on data. Humans in this day and time drive any kind of way especially teens. I feel that it would be a lot more accidents with human driven cars and self driving cars on the road.

  24. I think that roadway fatalities happen because hackers can hack into your car and make you crash.

  25. Autonomous means to do on your own free will. I think it is a great idea for getting self driving cars. I think this because it would making traveling long distances easy for people who love to drive. Even though there are alot of safety regulations I think it would be fine as long as people stay awake while driving.

  26. Autononmous means that it is capable of sensing its enviroment and navigating its self with no input. I dont think that self driving cars would be good because if the system gets messed up or something then the car could loose control and crash.

  27. Self-driving cars are increasingly common on roads in California, Arizona, and a few other pioneering locales. My mom owns a Telsa Model X which also has self-driving. They're still something of an anomaly, sure, but it won't be long before autonomous cars go from being an exception to bring the norm.

  28. Autonomous means to act independently. I believe that self-driving cars will cause a lot of problems because if the system shut dow the car will lose control.

  29. Autonomous means acting independently or freely, in this article they talk about autonomous cars that are coming. This thought of self-driving cars is very scary because cars were made to be driven by people and not by themselves, what if the car malfunctions and leads you off a cliff or into another car. even though it is a cool idea, i think it is kind of unnecessary.

  30. Autonomous means that something is able do things independently with out help from anything. It can survey it's surroundings, so it knows where it is going.

  31. Autonomous means to be independent. I don't like the thought of self driving cars because they pretty much have a mind of their own. You may not be capable of controlling the car when it's needed.

  32. Autonomous is having self-government, at least to a significant degree. The article is about self-driving cars where there is less work effort put and the easiness it takes to get to your destination. It could lead to less accidents and lives lost.

  33. Autonomous means to act independently. I do believe that self driving cars will be the future. These cars will possibly be the safest kind of car and will eventually be found everywhere. It can even help insurance company's with the cameras that are inside the car.

  34. Self-driving cars are increasingly common sights on roads in California, Arizona, and a few other pioneering locales. They're still something of an anomaly, sure, but it won't be long before autonomous cars go from being an exception to bring the norm.

  35. autonomus means to act independently and to have your own free will. self driving cars is a good idea for people who don't focus on the road well. It also can cause poblems to people who don't have self driving cars cause if the self driving car stops all of the sudden and the driver of a regular car wasn't paying attention, that could cause some problems.

  36. Autonomous vehicles are cars that can drive themselves. This idea can be both great and tragic. I mean cars that drive themselves is wonderful but if they were to malfunction it could cause too many problems and accidents.

  37. I think Autonomous to do it by itself. Like independently on it's own. Like self driving cars, it's on its own.

  38. Autonomous means acting independently with a car. It is capable of sensing its environment and navigating its self. Self driving cars and cruise control are great for drivers with a busy schedule. However, they shouldn't be depended on so often and should not replace regular human drove cars.
    -Zahra Khan

  39. Autononmous means independent. In this article meaning cars will be self driven. They want to make these cars the norm. They think it will be more safer and prevent accidents.

  40. Autonomouse means to act independently of your own free will

  41. autonomous means acting independently or having the freedom to do so. In my opinion, Autonomous cars could pose a problem because there is a chance that the system would malfunction which could create a major problems like death of innocent civilians.

  42. An autonomous car is a vehicle that can guide itself without human conduction. This kind of vehicle has become a concrete reality and may pave the way for future systems where computers take over the art of driving.
    An autonomous car is also known as a driverless car, robot car, self-driving car or autonomous vehicle.

  43. Autonomous is the freedom of someone or something acting independently, after reading the article I believe that the idea of mass producing self-driving cars could reinvent society more negatively than positively. The less control people have on their daily, the more risks there are involved in doing daily activities.

  44. Autonomous is the ability for a machine to operate automatically, with little or no human intervention. Autonomous cars are becoming increasingly popular. Even though not many people own an autonomous car today (because it is still in testing), states are modifying road laws for the future to accommodate these types of cars. I think this is a good thing that states are taking precautions for this, because whether we like it or not, autonomous cars will become the new mode of transportation.

  45. Autonomous means to move independently. California and other states are about to start letting self-driving cars be common on roads there. I personally believe that should allow them, but 100% make sure the system and everything is going well.

  46. Autonomous means to act alone and be independent and to have cars like that can be good but it can also mean the car can get hacked considering its all tech as well

  47. Autonomous means to be independent or to do things without the help of others. These cars are great because they are independent for the most part and don't need anyone else to do anything for them. When these cars come out they are DEFINITELY going to take over the car industry.

  48. It means to be independent. and for this article it's autonomous cars ( independent cars) aka self driving

  49. Autonomous is when something or someone works independently without requiring help from anything/anyone. These types of cars could work in the future, because they don't require our help in driving. They're kinda automatic, they can drive on their own and it'll be smarter.

  50. Self driving cars are the future but we need to get laws in place so maximum safety can be reached. Self driving cars are amazing but it’s crazy to think a car can self drive to the point you wish it to.

  51. Autonomous is basically to be independent, which there are now cars that are becoming autonomous. It can be a good or a bad thing, depending on if it ends up malfunctioning or not. But, besides that aspect- it can be good for people who cant drive, it can still be able to take them place to place.

  52. Autonomous is basically means to be independent. The cars are now becoming self driven. I think it’s a bad idea because the car may malfunction, but at the same time it’s a good for people can drive themselves.

  53. Autonomous is when something or someone is moving on its own without needing any type of help to move - Alex Berry

  54. autonomous is doing something independently and i dont think thats a good idea for the car to drive by itself so many problems could arise . probably the worst idea ive ever debated on

  55. Autonomous is being able to act independently. Personally, I don't think self-driving cars are a good idea. Machines and technology glitch and I don't feel comfortable riding in a self-driving car or even being on the roads with them until more research and adjustments are made.

  56. Autonomous is a vehicle that is a capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. Also it the self driving cars.If the self driving cars are on the road there would be plenty accidents .They should try to work out cars between self driving and human driving .

  57. The meaning of autonomous is sufficiency of doing something independently. The article is about self-driving cars where there is less work effort put and the easiness it takes to get to your destination. The questions asked are who owns the collected data and what procedures do we have to take to obtain it. I think the idea of having autonomous vehicles would be cool, but risky at the same time. Unless proven secured, the idea is still in reach.Destiny Jackson
