Thursday, August 9, 2018


What are Deepfakes? Do you think that things are getting out of hand? Explain in one paragraph.


  1. Deepfakes are videos that are not true. Deepfakes are people editing things to make them not true

    1. They are call Deep fakes because they are fake then they seemed deep that people are deep and fake

  2. Deepfakes are videos that people edit to make them not true

  3. Deepfakes are videos that are not true .They aye types of videos that they are editing and making seem true .They try to mske it seem real for people can believe what they are saying .

  4. Deepfakes are edited videos that aren't true. They can give mislead information. Also, deepfake editors can pose fake situations. These deepfakes are hard to spot, and most may believe they're real videos. Lastly, they may have greater threats than current fake videos and pictures.

  5. Deepfakes are video that are really fake that might even fool people. I think the deepfake's is getting out of hand. Because how do we know if something genuine anymore. We can't because of how technology advance we are today in the world.

  6. Deepfakes are doctored videos/pictures that are extremely convincing. It's obvious that deepfakes can cause a lot of trouble anywhere. A well doctored video can show a politician in a scandal or soldiers committing war crimes. We essentially wouldn't know what is real and what was fake. It's no question that this technology is going too far.

  7. Deep Fakes are people that edit videos that are not there. There videos are not true .

  8. Deepfakes are fake videos that are not real. people make them to make lies on famous peoples names. The viewers can not tell because it looks just like the real person.The only way people can find out if its real or not if the person is not blinking at all in the video. i feel that deepfakes are getting out of hand because there are even making videos of the president!

  9. Deepfakes are videos that have been edited to make somebody say something that they didn't say. Yes deepflakes are getting out of hand because soon anyone can get what they edited to say anything.

  10. Deep fakes are videos that people can make up with people saying things they really didn't say. I really do think is a horrible thing some people are doing. Those type of videos can ruin people's reputation and life's at the most. Technology Company's are doing the best they can to try to stop it , but really hard. Trying figure who's doing it and how to stop it all at one time and things are really getting out of hand.

  11. Deepfakes are videos that are not true. Videos are edited from the original and make videos fake to try ad fool people on social media. Deepfakes littered the 2016 Presidential election with fake memes. Deepfakes give false information.

  12. Deepfakes are doctored videos that are edited with false statements and actions to make it seem real. To me it is both getting out of hand. Many people rely on news and trustworthy sources to confirm whether the videos are real, but some viewers believe what is stated in the video and takes the situation seriously because it looks so real and realistic, which can cause a conflict for those who oppose.

  13. Deepfakes are fabricated videos that have been altered to include specific people's faces and voices for the purpose of causing harm to that person's reputation. A deepfake may look completely legitimate because some internet users use a "deep learning" to take a video of a targeted person, like Obama for example, and use their voice to say false or insulting information. The video of Obama sitting in the oval office calling Trump a "dipsh*t" is a deepfake because the actor Jordan Peele was the real person saying these comments. This is getting out of hand because normal people could have their lives ruined because someone put their face in an inappropriate video for revenge, or as a joke.

  14. Deepfakes are videos that people are editing to make a video interesting or real. I do think these videos are getting out of hand. I say this because the videos that people are making could mess up someone's reputation. I think these videos are used to make fun of people. There are different apps out now that are used for editing and you can use the app to make someone do or say something that could be inappropriate.

  15. Deepfakes are videos that have been edited to change what a person says to putout false information. Things are getting very out of hand. As this technology advances it is just going to get harder tell the difference between real and fake.

  16. Deepfakes are completely fabricated well edited videos made to show something that looks incredibly real. I don't consider deepfakes a problem only because they don't seem to have existed long enough to be one. Given time I could easily see these spreading large amounts of slanderous misinformation. I'm aware that technologies and simple things to look for are being developed in order to identify deepfakes, but talking about them in interviews and posting articles about it is pRoBAblY making it easier for the creators of these types of videos to fix their mistakes and make it harder for the videos to be confirmed real or fake. This could also possibly lead to people being legitimately caught saying or doing something outlandish and then claiming any evidence was a deepfake, knowing it would be hard to be proven true or false.

  17. Deepfakes are fake videos that has been altered by a great amount of editing. The content of these videos provides a lot of false information which can lead the viewers believing it is real. Deepfakes could cause many conflicts and misunderstanding with people such as the relation with Trump and Obama. These type of videos could cause a lot of damage to what is actually happening in real life.

  18. deep fakes is an artificial intelligence-based human image synthesis technique. It is used to combine and superimpose existing images and videos onto source images or videos. They are used to fool people .

  19. deep fakes are exactly what the name is, fake. deep fakes are videos designed to seem like the truth but really isn't, deep fakes to me corrupt the mind and fill your mind with bad things, and really today this hole world is like that and I'm pretty sure we watch deep fakes allllllll the time but we don't know it, because everything else in this world is wrong and messed up, so how can we tell the difference.

  20. Deepfakes are videos that are fake that have been edited. Deepfakes have real things in it but are just a hoax.

  21. a new kind of video featuring realistic face-swaps. In short, a computer program finds common ground between two faces and stitches one over the other. If the source footage is good enough, the transformation is nearly seamless. a lot of things that we watch can be fake but nobody would know until now. fake videos and everything.

  22. Deepfakes are videos that are not true. With deepfakes people edit fake videos and make them look real. Deepfakes allows you to change what people say and make some say something negative and make them look bad. Youtube, reddit, twitter, and facebook are major targets for deepfakes.

  23. its crazy how they make fake videos and other things but this is nothing new its been happening. the election was fake because they made trump go into the office.

  24. Deepfakes are videos that are edited together to look real. A lot of people make fake videos of conversations that never happened to make other people look bad.

  25. Deepfakes are videos that are not true. First I have to say is that this making a lot people convince that you can't trust everything on the internet even if it is real or a good source. Now that Deepfakes is coming out, you won't trust anything that goes on. This is what Deepfakes is why is a bad idea.

  26. Deepfakes are videos that are not true. With deepfakes people edit fake videos and make them look real. Deepfakes allows you to change what people say and make someone say something negative and make them look bad. Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, and facebook are major targets for deepfakes.

  27. Deep fakes are videos altered and edited to change what happens to make things look real. Many people make these videos to cause controversy and arguments just for the sake of arguing. These things are just parts of the huge negativity that cover social media especially places like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

  28. Deepfakes are videos that have people's faces photo shopped onto another person's body to make it seem like the original video. I think that deepfakes are a problem. It probably started out as a joke at first, but now people are actually getting in trouble for things that they never did or said. The ones who are creating these videos need to be stopped.

  29. Deepfakes are videos that are edited to make someone to look like they are saying something their not.

  30. Deepfakes are videos that have been tweaked with to make it look real. I don't think it has gotten out of hand just yet because people have always made fake videos. However I see it getting out of hand in the future.

  31. Deepfakes are videos that are not real. People make these to make it seem like these people really said these things or done something. These are getting out of hand, because it seems people having nothing else to do with their lives. Also why would they want to make people look bad and make fake news because there is really no point. People find out there fake anyway.

  32. Deep fakes are real videos edited together to make a fake video. Yes I do believe that deep fakes are getting out of hand. Deep fakes can and will ruin somebody career.

  33. Deepfakes are fabricated videos that are seem realistic. The major issue with deepfakes is that people will actually think that they are real. For instance, people can create a deepfake making it seem like Barack Obama talked bad about Donald Duck or called him inappropriate names. Another example would be fabricating a video so it looks like people are talking about each other so eventually they have a fight. Therefore these deepfakes will cause a major problem.

  34. Deep fakes are videos edited to make be untrue. The objective of deep fake videos are to make them seem real. These videos cause lots of arguing and can lead to chaos. Deep fake videos can be a bad idea if there taken too seriously, that is why not everything on the internet it real.

  35. Deepfakes are fake videos that can add anyone's face and voice to video. In about 2 months this will get out of hand since it can make people believe that some famous figure said something inappropriate and no one will will be able to tell if its fake or not. Soon most platforms such as twitter and youtube will be filled with deepfake videos. It will lead to false information being spread around and it can cause trouble for the person in the video.

  36. Deep fakes are videos edited to make it look like something is something else. For example using a celebrity face in a porn video. Deep fakes are getting out of hand and must be stopped. Sometimes it is not serious because they are made into a viral joke,but sometimes and can ruin a person reputation or make them look bad.

  37. Deepfakes are doctored videos they portray things that aren't true or never happened. I think that, yes, things are getting out of hand. It's crazy that we're supposed to examine heart rates and blinking patterns before trusting what we see. I think some are harmless but of course some people are going to find malicious ways to make doctored videos. Social media platforms should definitely crack down on them before things get worse.

  38. Deepfakes are videos that are not true. They are real videos edited together to make a fake video.

  39. Deepfakes are video's where you put someone's face on another person's body and make the video look real.They make a lot people "say" things they normally wouldn't say.It's getting out of hand because it's been going on for a long time. But people are working on cracking down deep fakes.

  40. Deepfakes are videos made to look like someone is saying something, when the person shown actually never said it. They are one of many infestations in the internet community, and while I do believe it is an issue, I also know there are bigger issues, at the moment. The problem of deepfaking seems to be more complex than problems like cyber bullying and exposure, however it also is fairly new. Other than the whole celeb porn thing, the report has yet to say deepfaking has been used for malicious intent. However, I do appreciate the fact that people are informing others on it and though I don't believe its priority #1 I do believe it has to be solved BEFORE it gets out of hand.

  41. deepfakers are videos are fake videos that people make and edit to make other people argue and make it seem like someone said something that they didn't say.

  42. Deep-fakes are used to add anyone's face and voice to videos. Mostly found on the internet's dark corners. Which tricks people into thinking they are watching the real thing making them believe something that is far from true. I personally think this could go two ways to either as a joke or something to trick the community which i wouldn't approve unless its for entertainment.

  43. Deepfakes are videos, pictures, and GIFs that have been doctored. Most of the time they will spread fake news. I think this is getting out of hand. While it is a good thing that companies are trying to combat deepfakes, I don't think they will be successful at completely getting rid of them. No matter what people do, there will always be fake news, and an audience that enjoys it.

  44. Deepfakes are really dangerous because people are editing videos of big people in the industry and making them look as if they were really saying this things. This could possibly be very dangerous because if this gets in the hands of the wrong person they could send a bad message out to the world and cause problems.

  45. Deepfakes are videos that can any voice and face on it. Basically a photoshoped video edited to look real. They confused people to think its real. Examples of platform are Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc.

  46. Deepfakes are false videos that that are very hard to spot out.In my opinion, yes, this could cause conflict worldwide in so many different ways like saying something negative/ something completely opposite from what the person was actually saying.

  47. Deepfakes are basically videos with another persons face on a body saying whatever as in a way to make someone think another person said something they never did. I believe that they are indeed getting out of control because a lot of the time it can end up bringing up a lot of problems for the person who is getting cut up in the video because they decided to use that persons face.

  48. I'm pretty sure iv'e seen alot of deep fakes and didn't even realize .

  49. Deepfakes are unauthentic edited videos made to make people believe lies. I definitely think that deepfakes are a problem because it is hard to tell which videos are real and which ones are fake.

  50. Deepfakes are fake videos that are edited to seem real. These are really starting to get out of hand because it is trying to make you think and iconic figure is doing or saying things inappropriate and nobody can tell whats real. It will lead to false information being spread about them and may ruin their career.

  51. deep fakes are false videos that people may end up watching and not even knowing

  52. deep fakes are videos that are edited to look like something else.It getting out of hand bad because people think is actual real. We will never trust the news.I say if does not effects the country don't trust it.

  53. Deepfakes are basically when somebody voices over a video or photoshops a picture on something in a video. For example, like in dank memes or memes period when they put another face or voice over another person in a video, but they are saying things that are false.

  54. Deepfakes are doctored videos that shows false content. Also people who does this should not do this because its editing and basically showing false information to the world.

  55. someone voices over a video and photophops on something in a video

    -jayden williams

  56. Deepfakes are fake videos that show false content. I do think that this is getting out of hands. I think so because now in day we can't believe what we see on the internet. What if one day something really big happens but we will think it was fake because of deepfakes. Hopefully these people will stop posting these fake videos that can ruin some people life an instead do something better with their skills.

  57. That's not to say they aren't working on it at all. Facebook, for example, said it is collaborating with academics to see how their research might be applied to the platform. One researcher told CNNMoney that Google has reached out of him.

  58. there are magazines these days that have deep fakes besides media. they should be more careful on the media with the deepfakes that are out there. The election was a deepfake I think that they pushed trump into office.

  59. deepfakes are fake videos that are put together to make untrue things look real. Deepfakes are starting to get out of hand, because of them not many people can tell what video is real or not.

  60. deep fakes are videos that are fake that are made to look real to get people to watch. this is called clickbait

  61. deep fakes are videos that are fake that are made to look real to get people to watch. this is called clickbait

  62. Deepfakes are videos that are not real. People make these to make it seem like these people really said these things or done something. These are getting out of hand, because it seems people having nothing else to do with their lives. Also why would they want to make people look bad and make fake news because there is really no point. People find out there fake anyway

  63. Deepfakes are videos that aren’t real. It’s basically called clickbait. People make deepfakes to make it seem like they do these things but they don’t. It’s makes them look bad when people find out it’s fake because it’s fake news


  64. Deep fakes are videos edited to make it look like something is something else. For example using a celebrity face in a porn video. Deep fakes are getting out of hand and must be stopped. Sometimes it is not serious because they are made into a viral joke,but sometimes and can ruin a person reputation or make them look bad.
