Thursday, August 2, 2018


Please comment on this article with whether you believe there is enough security measures in place to prevent this from happening at other establishments. One paragraph minimum DO NOT COPY AND PASTE


  1. To hack ppl online is very illegal and its against the law to be a theft of services or unauthorized access to a computer system or a"fraud".

  2. I think it isn’t enough security measures to prevent any software breakdown or hacking to happen at any given time . I believe other establishments should find ways to where they trick the hackers into thinking it’s their security info but it’s not . They should find more ways to prevent these things from happening because you never know when it will happen.

  3. I don't think there will ever be complete safety from hackers. Hackers get into servers by using an undiscovered way. We won't know how to protect against it until they actually do the hack. Since hacking is about innovating and idea sharing, there will always be new ways to get into "secure" servers. The only thing to do is protect against known techniques and hope that the hackers don't discover another way in.

  4. There is not enough security measures in establishments today. If the can steal more than 15 million credit cards at 100 establishments. Then clearly their security is trash. They need to find a way to upgrade it.

  5. Many hackers are able to hack people because people download items to their computer with a virus. That allows hackers their computer. Hackers can hack anyone if their computer isn't safe or not have protection.

  6. The security system has weak spots that allowed hackers to get through those companies. The companies security system should find all weak spots and make them stronger so they aren't accessible by hackers.

  7. I believe that there is not enough security measures to counter hacking. Hacking is very common nowadays. Most establishments are vulnerable to hackers. Hacking can be dangerous if used in the wrong way. Lastly, I think establishments should create a stronger barrier towards hackers.

  8. I honestly think that no matter how hard they try, someone will still manage to get past it. There are extremely intelligent people in this world that know more than you think. Most hackers make a living off of what they do and may do anything to make sure they don't get caught. The new security may stop some people, but definitely not all. All they can do it try and hope for the best.

  9. To hack people is illegal because people have personal things in there phone or whatever you trying to hack .

  10. I believe that the restaurant do not have enough security measures. Although, they are fully aware of what has happened after the obligations of many credit and debit cards gone missing, there is a higher chance it will happen again. The good thing about the companies is that they are trying to find ways to block out hackers, they could eventually expand their security systems. However, many people have lost their money and that could effect many lives. I think the idea of trying to overcome these unknown groups is a good way to alert other companies the same.

  11. Well obviously theres not enough security to protect against these things, if there was it would've never happened. The USA is a big target of population and wealth, and with that comes people that won't what we got. In these other countries they don't have it like USA, and they want to be like USA therefore it puts a big target on our back and we need to further security in this country to protect what we got and what they want.

  12. I do not think there are enough security measures to prevent this from happening to other facilities. Since many individuals have joined the union and have not been arrested, only Dmytro Fedorov, Fedir Hladyr and Andrii Kopakov have been arrested. And after the three men were arrested, the rest of the group in particular and all of the bad hackers in the world will generally gather experience, find more sophisticated ways, secret and more careful to commit crimes and not arrested. And we will not be able to stop them, we will not know what will happen and we will not know what they will do.

  13. There area all types of ways you can hack computers .The company needs a better security system to stop the hackers. Either they download a virus or use and strong software .Its always going be new ways they will find out hacking the system .

  14. The little spots that are open in there security system are entrances for FIN7 or any other hackers. FIN7 is a hacking group from Europe. FIN7 was accused of stealing millions of credit card card numbers from big worldwide businesses customers.

  15. Hacking is a huge problem in the U.S.A. it has to stop. The thing is for us to have the greatest security in the world we're always getting hacked.There will never be enough security measures in place to prevent ever again. I won't be surprised if this is or will happen to any other establishments.The U.S thinks their doing the best they can,but I know they can do much better to to make our security stronger.So, with that being said they're not enough security measures to prevent this from happening again.

  16. The internet is a very complex domain. There is no way anyone can be completely safe on the internet. If someone prevents a hacker from hacking, there will always be another way for them to violate data and steal personal information. When we think of hacking we think of people that are anonymous, but what we don't realize is that hackers can be people we think we know through the internet. Such as that new friend you found through social media that supposedly share a common interest as you. Though this is not always the case, we need to be more careful with the internet and how we handle our personal information.

  17. There doesn't seem to be enough security in place to prevent these things from happening. Of course based on what the article says, a lot of the fault lies with the employees that opened emails with linked malware in them. Maybe employees in certain positions should be taught to be more wary of these kinds of things as a requirement depending on where they work or how important the job they have is. I'm not sure what malware was sent and I'm not very familiar with most of the Dark Web so I wouldn't know.

  18. I don't think there is enough security measures in place to prevent this from happening at other establishments. Hackers break security system with different types of technology. Establishments are not secure because the security system is strong enough for the time being but not much longer. When hackers try to break into a security system they always use techniques that they think will work ,but they are not always sure. They should more ways to prevent these type of things from happening.

    Jade Tucker

  19. It's impossible to outsmart hackers. Sometimes using a security protection works but not often, it's always illegal to steal an account. The internet should have better way to protect peoples online accounts.

  20. I believe that there aren't enough security measures to prevent hacking's. Each day there are 1000 ransomware attacks and security companies breach defenses aren't working out so good. The U.S and security companies should start getting there defenses upgraded.

  21. I feel that there is no way people can stop hackers. Hackers have there own way of getting into peoples private info. No matter how hard you try to keep your stuff private a hacker can easily get in it. its best if you just hope that a hacker does not discover a way to get to you.

  22. I believe there wasn't enough security in place because they got in and stole 15 million customer info. If people can get in your security then it isn't good enough. There is no security that's unbreakable only ones that'll take longer to get into. So they can upgrade security as much as they want but the simple truth is it'll never be enough to keep every hacker out.

  23. I believe that there are not enough security measures in place for this to not occur again . The reason I say this is because there are very smart people all around the wall . Too many of them . There is no way to be completely safe on the internet , to be honest nothing is 100% safe . You can train your employees to do everything they can to keep this from happening but 9 times out of 10 it will happen again just because there are so many ways to do anything .

  24. Hackers are specialize into tearing down systems like these so the possibility of it happening again is very high. Even if the company personally believes its secure there is no way to be sure that they can figure out a way in. So I don't think there are enough security measures in place to prevent it. Over time I think companies can get better developers to make a something thats not is not very easy to hack but thats a far way from now like how in the article 3 people easily got into big chains networks.

  25. I personally do not feel like there is enough security measures in place to prevent this from happening again at certain establishments. I feel like this because we don't know how many hacks could be happening just cause we don't know doesn't mean that there not happening. For example lets use Bank of America people get their accounts hacked all the time. The only reason we don't know about it is because its never on the news. So that makes me like if you can hack a bank what else can you hack.

  26. No I do not believe there is enough security measures in place to prevent this from happening. All of these establishments keep getting hacked so other establishments need to change things so they won't get hacked as well.

  27. I believe there are enough security measures for these types of problems.These problems can be very stressful without the proper protection. With protection it can help a lot.

  28. Its crazy how these hackers used over 100 retailers to hack into. I don't think its is safe to use credit or debit cards because you are taking chances when you shop online because there is a lot of cyber hacking out there. I don't think trump is taking this serious.

  29. I think that there are many hackers who've been smart and trained enough to know that the security systems are heavily flawed. The government needs to have better security in order to prevent major hacking.

  30. its crazy how these hackers used over 100 retailers to hack into. I don't think its safe to use credit or debit cards because you are taking chances when you shop online because there is a lot of cyber hacking out there. I don't think trump is taking this serious.

  31. I do not believe that there is enough security measure's in place because even some of the biggest site's still get hacked. Things such as Facebook should have a very tight wall of security yet they've still been hacked. If Restaruant's are getting hacked for millions of dollars and the people that work there debit card numbers are at risk of being stolen then security is horrible. peoples debit and credit cards should be safe but there not which leads me to think that nothing is safe and anything on the internet can be hacked.

  32. I do not believe that their is enough security measure to prevent people from hacking other people. it is so easy for someone to log on and break through the protection that is set in place.

  33. I don't think there will ever be enough security anywhere. Hackers will find a way to get your information either way. You just have to be careful of what websites you buy off of or who you give your information to online. The amount of security is not the problem, the problem is people being naive online and giving people all of their info.

  34. There are not enough security measures for this type of stuff. Hackers are getting skilled day by day and we don't have not type of protection to their skills. Establishments need to figure out ways to not get hack so their wouldn't be any problems like this. This is why there is not enough security measures.

  35. I don't think there will ever be enough security ,measures to prevent this from happening. The internet is composed of trillions of 1's and 0's changing everyday and there is no one solution to prevent hackers from exploiting weak-points in the system. However, I do believe further investments in cyber-security, by businesses and world governments, is definitely a step in the right direction.

  36. I don't think its enough security measures in place to prevent hackers. Hackers know many various ways to hack things.The government should improve the security so that if they try to hack the system or something they won't be able to. Many people, businesses,organizations, etc. get hacked and nobody has improved the security and they aren't taking it serious.


  37. I think it isn’t enough security measures to prevent any software hacking to happen at any given time . I believe other security companies should find more ways to where they are able trick the hackers into thinking that it’s their security info but in reality it's not. They should find more ways to prevent these things from happening because you never know when it will happen again.

  38. I honestly think that there are not enough security measures set in place to prevent this from happening to other establishments. I think this because hackers now and days learn from each others mistakes. For instance, since these hackers failed , other hackers know that they can do this same thing but find loopholes so they don't get caught like these men did. Another reason why I think other establishments aren't safe is because even with the security measures they do have, they are not going to expect something like this to happen to them. Therefore, they will be blindsided when it does happen and they will look stupid.

  39. I don't think we will ever be completely safe from hackers. Hackers get into computers by using an unknown way. We won't know how to protect against it until it is discovered. Since hacking is about innovating and idea sharing, there will always be different ways to get into servers. The only thing to do is defend against old hacks against and hope that the hackers don't discover new ways.

  40. These guys who hacked teh

    The guys who hacked these people are low life people and have nothing better to do. How can you steal $15 million dollars worth of credit card numbers and sell them? Get a real, legit job

    1. There are not enough security systems put in place to prevent hacking in other restaurants. The businesses should download some type of anti-malware program to prevent future issues. Although I don't think that there is any true way to stop hackers, there could be extra steps taken to prevent this.

  41. I believe no matter what people do to improve security someone can hack it. Even if you update your security daily someone going to find a way past it. It’s scary using personal information on the internet with the chance of getting hacked. I think this a big issue in the world.

  42. It doesn't matter how much security you use hackers will always find another way to get to what they are looking for. You can use programs, software, and etc. to lower your chances but it will not be 100% secured from hackers. I recommend to only use cash when going to these places. If you use card it can a leave a digital trace your information. I'm glad the three guys were arrested so now people will know that will get punished is you break the law.

  43. I believe that these security measurements are a good first step in the direction we need to go in but much more work needs to be done. Of course we will never be completely safe from hackers but much more steps need to be taken in order to get us as safe as possible. I think the 3 men who committed the crime should have to take a special team through a step by step process of how they did it. That will allow companies to find more precautions to take to ensure this never happens again.

  44. I don't think there is enough security measures set in place to prevent this from happening again. There are many different ways they hack and all are not be known so this could happen again.

  45. There is are no type of security measure that can prevent 'anything' to be un-hackable, but it makes it harder depending on how good the security measures are. So no, there aren't enough security measures to prevent this from other establishments.

  46. They are crazy to hack one restaurant, but t hack three is outrages. Their were going to get caught for hacking in the first place. The government needs to improve their security, so things like that doesn't happen

  47. There are not enough security measures to stop this from happening at other establishments. This group of hackers, FIN7, is a highly complex and sophisticated group. FIN7 is very shifty when it comes to ways to steal identities, such as pretending to be a company like Life-Lock. The only way to prevent being hacked by people such as FIN7, is to have better security, and only trusted security software. A helpful tip is to not trust any security that is simply E-mailed to you and claims to be free. Sometimes paying more money for a trusted security such as Life-Lock is safer than accepting an E-mail from Combi.

  48. Hacking credit and debit cards is a very serious problem we have today. I do not think there will ever be enough security to prevent it, but from the article it seems the government is pushing it and trying the best we can. By running penetration testing it will show our weak spots of security and help us learn to improve them. I believe we need to try harder.

  49. I believe there is never enough security measures. Someway, somehow, people tend to get around a lot of things so you can never be to careful when putting up security measures. Nothing is truly secure. Honestly I'm not even surprised about hearing hackers do this. I'm just trying to see how they got away with it for so long.

  50. i believe that security is a good step, Of course we will never be completely safe from hackers but much more steps need to be taken for us to be even a little safe. I think the men who committed the crime should have to tell investigators how they did it so that when something like this happens again they'll know how to shut it down

  51. I think that the government needs to create a stronger wall to break when it comes to hackers because these hacker are braking into these major company's security and getting peoples card information to make a profit with. In which I feel like because hackers are smart people and they know how to crack codes, why is the security so accessible for them? The security should literally be foreign to them. Changes need to be made real soon.

  52. I don't think there is enough security for these type of things. I say that because of we stay on the internet 24/7, so we can't just stop it from happening . As well as it would take a bunch of people to stop just one hacker because we basically are adding fuel to the fire by teaching these things in schools and colleges. When a person knows something sometimes they create their own opinion of how things should be so they want to change it up or sometimes people hack to make themselves feel good. But, for whatever reason they do it we can never stop it because it's like crime...once you have stopped one thing then it is always another person popping up.

  53. I personally don't think we are not even close to enough security in place to protect us from hackers like Dmytro Fedorov, Fedir Hladyr, and Andrii Kopakov from stealing millions of records of our purchases and using them to make profit on the black market. And just to allow companies to test weak spots in their security systems to me isnt good enough they need a serious check in every spot possible and then have more security on it, to make sure this situation never happens again.

  54. Security isn't the problem. Some hackers are just too smart. Hackers always find a way. Sure improving the security can help but for how long? This is a big problem in the world.

  55. I believe that there will never be enough security from hackers. Hackers find there way to your important stuff through undiscovered ways. Also, we don't know how many undiscovered ways there are to get our personal info so that means that if the hackers try hard enough they can get your info every time.

  56. These hackers cause much trouble to millions of people. Taking Money from companies and taking money from innocent people. The government should be able to prevent this from happening building stronger fire walls and stronger security for these companies as well.

  57. In my opinion, companies are lacking in the required security measures needed to protect their companies and the consumers that purchase their goods and services.We have the tech to protect our people from their account from being hacked but don't put in the effort to do so. If they can do something like that,we have to the tech to better.

  58. There is not enough protection when it comes to hackers. They always find a weak spot in computers and hack. Hacking is a serious problem because its everywhere. You also have to be careful when you shop or go to different websites.

  59. In my opinion I believe that there no security or little there of it.People need to protect there credit cards.Like giving card info on public wifi.Keep cash on you all of the time.So if you protect yourself you don't have to worry.

  60. After reading this article, I noticed that there's really not enough security to prevent hackers. Hackers know how to prevent things like that, they been through it all. At the end of the day, they're going to get what they want. you never know, the government might find a way to catch hackers trying to hack computers.

  61. I don't think there's enough security from hackers. There are obviously too many hackers with extensive knowledge and abilities and not enough people with just as much understanding ans skill to combat them. We should be training preventive groups just like groups like FIN7 train their hackers. Hackers cause to much trouble for us to just overlook the faults in security and remain defenseless.

  62. Hackers are very unsafe for the internet and for people. The fact that hackers take money from companies and people is sad, the government should create something to stop this from occurring.

  63. I do not think there is enough security from hackers because millions of people and businesses are still being targeted and robbed. Security departments, such as the DOJ(Department of Justice), do have effective strategies to catch hackers, but they have only caught the hackers after they had already stolen people's identity and credit information, and sold them to another criminal. In addition, more security is needed because only small quantities of felons have been arrested and charged with their crimes. In this investigation, 3 people have been brought into custody for stealing over 15 million people's private information. These 3 are part of a much larger organization of thieves, called FIN7, who have not yet been identified and charged with their crimes. Therefore, there is not enough security in place for hackers because they are only part of a major organization that normal security forces cannot combat.

  64. i don't think that their enough security from hackers. I say this because almost everyday someone getting hack and being robbed even becoming bankrupt because of hackers. If there was more security for our stuff it would be harder for the hackers to try to get into people business or bank accounts.hopefully this situation would be handle soon.

  65. I don't think that we will ever be able to protect everyone from credit card fraud. why?, because there is so many people that have a credit card and there are billions of people on this earth. So no matter what we do hackers will always be able to find away through the security.

  66. Getting the security to prevent people from hacking a system is a really difficult task. Getting new security will help protect it for a little while, but eventually a hacker will be able to get through it with no problem. So devising a security system that'll keep hackers out of a system for good will be nearly impossible.

  67. I believe that hackers will always find a better smarter way. No matter how intense the security is there will always be a way to get through it and thats where hackers come into play. There will never be a protection security that can not be broken.

  68. hackers will always find a way to get what they want and also decider that anything can be hacked because hackers do things very smart which means eventually anything could potentially be hacked,

  69. I believe that there will never be enough security from hackers. Hackers find there way to your important stuff through undiscovered ways. Also, we don't know how many undiscovered ways there are to get our personal info so that means that if the hackers try hard enough they can get your info every time. Destiny Jackson
