Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Cali Bond

Do you think that this is a good idea? What are the pros and cons of this new bill in California?


  1. The new bail system sounds like a great idea. In theory, the system treats everyone fairly based on their risk level. However, it does open up the risk of discrimination. It is highly likely that minorities wouldn't be released even if they pose no threat.

  2. I think it is a great idea b/c the system can treated everyone good and use bail money for it.

  3. With the new system people do not have to be treated unfairly in court. Rich and Poor will be treated equally with this new system.

  4. I think the new system is fair, depending on how serious the crime is the new bail system treats everyone fairly. Instead of using money to bail, now they will put the safety of the citizens first. Thought it is a good idea, they didn't sufficiently address racial bias in pretrial decision making.

  5. Based on the article, I think the new bail system is a good idea because wealthy people do have excess amounts of money to use for bail even if they did commit a harsh crime. This new bill of eliminating bail money altogether does somewhat put everyone on an equal playing field, financially. Although people of a race other than white may be held longer or labeled as a higher risk than they actually are. In conclusion, Senate Bill 10 is a great attempt to equalize everyone, which the justice system in this country does not always do.

  6. The new bail system sounds like its going to be a new way of treating inmates. The new bail system plays a big role in the bail of an inmate. If a person is on trial they wont be able to bail their selves out before the trial date

  7. The new jail system could work but it's the time and effort in what they are doing now. Now we can do this but the question is are they going to work for it how they been doing all these other laws. This is going to affect how discrimination will change alot. Plus jail already affects black people now.

  8. Well I think that the new bail system is a fair idea to everyone. Although there are some pros and cons to this idea. For some people thats awaiting trial, they will have to wait weeks, months, or even years. Also for some people that did horrible crimes, I believe they shouldn't get the option to bail. Although for people who did minor crimes should be able to have the bail option.

  9. This new system sounds like a good idea. It can be a new way of treating inmates. It makes things more equal and fair. Bail money would be distributed fairly now.

  10. The new bail system in California is what we all need to be honest. Purchasing freedom has always been common and unfair to those who are unfortunate. Imagine being in jail and the next guy to your cellar just got released just because they paid this amount of money. A lot of people have got away with it and can eventually cause more dangerous activities in the future. "Abolishing money bail and replacing it with a risk-based system will enhance justice and safety. For too long, our system has allowed the wealthy to purchase their freedom regardless of their risk, while the poor who pose no danger languish in jail," quote Assembly member Rob Bonta. This is so true and the fact that other places is optional when it comes to money, California will proceed to end the cash bail system. However, the disadvantage would be that those who pose no threat aren't able to bail through money. It is a double-edged sword in exchange.

  11. its good that they have the cash bail so the poor people can also be treated fairly because before the rich people can get themselves out of jail with the money they had but it is good that they have the cash bail fro the poor.

  12. The new bail system seems good. I feel that the new bail system will treat everyone fairly depending on what they did.

  13. The changing of the bail system is a agreeable transformation. This will make it to where most criminals will have to face the justice of the crimes that they have done. Its also making California safer from people that can kill and bail out only to do it again to someone else. I believe if this new way of doing things is successful other states will be sure to follow this rule.

  14. The new bail system for the state of California sounds great.This new system treats everyone fairly rich or poor it doesn't matter the person. It still does larger n the risk for discrimination for anyone but mostly black people. It basically saying minors won't be released even if they didn't commit a crime.

  15. I think this is a chance to change the jail system. By having everyone being trailed fairly. Now no one can say that the system is unfair. Maybe it can change the system in other place too.

  16. Yes , I think this is a good idea for this article and the reason is with the new bonding system it is the right thing to do to treat everyone fair, Instead of putting the money for the bail the citizens will come first instead of using the money , the rich and poor will be treated equally with the new system .

  17. -Johnathan Brown

  18. I think its a good idea because they need to treat everyone good and use bail money for it . rich or poor people will get treated the same with the new system .

  19. I agree with this new jail system rule because everyone is going to get treated equally. when you are a celebrity and they know you have the money for bail they raise the prizing so they can make more money off the wealthy but if you are not a celebrity the prizes are somewhat high but not like the wealthy.

  20. This bail system is less flawed than the first. It blatantly decreases the chance of people that are a threat. It can also pose a problem if prejudice or simple grievances are involved. Although this is an improvement there are still flaws.

  21. The idea sounds good but ending the bail system is an idea to disagree to.


  22. This new system sounds like a some what great idea. It can be a new way of treating prisoners. It makes things more fair with bail money being distributed equally.

  23. They finally made a rational decision with this whole bailing system. What usually happens is no matter how bad that person was or how extreme the crime was, they'll still release them back into society where they'll continue their ways before getting arrested, and the cycle continues. This new system will be beneficial because they're finally considering citizens' safety first. I think this is better than just using money to bail people out, I hope the rest of the country (or the world, even)takes this into consideration.

  24. California will end the cash bail system in a sweeping reform for the state.

  25. I think the new bail system is a good idea. I say this because the new system treats everyone the same. It is based on their own risk level for the sake of justice and safety. The State Senate and General Assembly felt that the cash bail was not fair at all. If people are getting just by paying money then what about the people who cant afford it, and they just have to sit in jail.

  26. In my opinion i think its a good decision that this act is being placed because people can do some pretty harsh things and still get bailed out for it. So the new system should be very strict now for the people that are in jail.

  27. The idea for the bail system sounds like a good idea. Everyone should be treated fairly and not be decided with the poor and the rich. This will make people watch they actions. This is why I think this is a good idea.

  28. I think this is a good idea because people with money always get out of things and it is not fair to people who font have money. Instead of wealthy people getting away with things everyone will be treated equally.

  29. I think the new bail system in California is a good idea. It gives everyone an opportunity to be equal. It also helps with safety because now you can't just walk in and give money. You have to put something else up as collateral. By putting something up as collateral, you are more inclined to make a hard decision on whether you want to bail that person out of jail or not.

  30. I think this is a good idea. I think other states should do the same because some people get out because they have the money. This bail system isn't based on money but what risk they are to society.

  31. The bill being passed helps put everyone in the state of California on equal settings. It levels out people who are rich and can just bail out people which takes away the rich can break laws with less punishment then ones with less money.

  32. This law, though fair, essentially chips away at people's ability to make bail. While I do believe the law destroys the barrier between the rich and poor, I am worried about the extent in which the law could progress. The Bill of Rights secures everyone the right to bail and if this bill were to pass, it would be one step away from eliminating it altogether. However, if this law were to stay as is, and prevent the rich from getting out easier, I believe it will benefit the U.S. and its crime problem.

  33. I think it's a good decision. With the system every other state has, if a criminal with money can get out on bail for worse crimes than a criminal who committed minor crimes but has insufficient funds. The way things used to be in California, and still are everywhere else, is very dangerous. It's better to base release on "risk to public safety".

  34. Its a good because if you do the crime you need to do the time.It will keep the state safe.But more tax dollars will have to be payed for more jail cells

  35. In my opinion I think depending on the crime they should be given a choice of bail or not. Like I feel this is good, because people that do crimes shouldn't be out and around where they can just harm someone.

  36. Before I heard the reasoning behind it I thought immediately that it wouldn't be good, but hearing the case of it going to treat poor and rich people equally seems like a good idea. A lot of rich people end up paying their way through the law system just because they have money, i think this is a good idea.

  37. I believe this reform is a good idea. Why should people have to pay bail, especially even if they are proven innocent after trial? My belief is that no one should have to pay a price until proven guilty. Nevertheless, there are some new laws put in place. The risk system is a good way to determine if someone is worthy of bail. However, it should not be biased. Luckily only trusted officials can make this decision. This may not change the way things are right now very much, but at least it is much more fair than having to pay before trial.

  38. I do think that this is a good idea. The pros are that it will help people that are poor and are probably innocent. It also means that the rich can not escape jail as easily and can probably keep the citizens safe. The cons are that it can potentially let go dangerous criminals if they judge their risk level incorrectly. That is what I think.

  39. It sounds like it would be a good decision for the state of California. I will not give convicted felons a chance to get out of prison. They will have to with the consequence

  40. I think this new bail system is great because it reminds you that if you did the crime, even if you have cash, you wills till do the time.

  41. The bail system seems like a good idea because not everyone can be able to bail themselves out of jail. This idea can help people to respect the law a bit more and also know that everything they do, they will have a price to pay, not literally though. It's also a good idea because this way everyone with be treated equally regardless if they are poor or not.

    ~Mackia Badio

  42. I think that it is a good idea to stop cash bail. Those who have commited a crime should not be able to get out just because the have the money upfront and they can just pay their way out.

  43. I think it's a good decision. With the system every other state has, if a criminal with money can get out on bail for worse crimes than a criminal who committed misdimenor crimes but doesnt have the funds. The way things used to be in California, and still are everywhere else, is very dangerous.

  44. The new bail system seems to be a fair idea. The bail system will finally allow the government to treat everyone equally and to there benefit. This will also allow the opportunity to save money.

    1. The new bail system in Cali a smart idea. It allows people with money that's incarcerated can bail out with cash of there own


  45. The new bail system in Cali a smart idea. It allows people with money that's incarcerated can bail out with cash of there own .

  46. I think this is a very good idea, unless of course somebody didn't do the crime so it would not be fair. But, making the criminals pay for the time even if they have bail is very good.

  47. I think this a very good idea because Jail can be really trumatizing to some people. You can hold someone in jail for years without being proven guilty just because there trial hasnt been set.

  48. I think is a good idea.It allows people with money that are in jail to use their own money to get out.

  49. The new bail system sounds like its going to be a new way of treating inmates. The new bail system plays a big role in the bail of an inmate. If a person is on trial they wont be able to bail their selves out before the trial date

  50. The new bail system Is a good idea because now if you are from
    not rich family you will still be good

  51. I think that this is a good idea, but there are pros and cons. A pro is equality and everyone gets the same treatment. One of the cons is that some people who could possibly be innocent don't get a second chance.

  52. i think it depends on the crime on whether the person should get bail or not. A pro is everyone gets the same treatment. A con is a person who may be innocent doesn’t get a second chance.

  53. In my opinion, this bail system is a great idea, giving the opportunity for every inmates to get out without money whatsoever.

  54. I believe this new bail system is perfect if a you've been put in jail then you have done something impeccably wrong. So why should you be able to bail out with money. This causes more risks in our society. So with this new system you'll have to serve your time without being able to get out. This should make people more cautious of what they're doing.

  55. i think this system is better than the last, if youve done something like murder why would they post a bail, i dont get it but all i do know is the jail systems are getting better but there still not good. this is ashton

  56. I think this is a good idea. Though with this idea there are some pros and cons to it. The pro would be everyone would be treated fairly in the eye of the law. The con would be what if the crime wasn't really a crime or if the person going to jail for something they didn't do what would happen then. I think with this law the should think it out a little more before making the final decision.

  57. Based on the article, I think the new bail system is a good idea because wealthy people do have excess amounts of money to use for bail even if they did commit a harsh crime. This new system will be beneficial because they're finally considering citizens' safety first. I think this is better than just using money to bail people out, I hope the rest of the country (or the world, even)takes this into consideration. (Isaiah Placide)

  58. In my opinion i think its a good decision that this act is being placed because people can do some pretty harsh things and still get bailed out for it. So the new system should be very strict now for the people that are in jail.

  59. Well I think that the new bail system is a fair idea to everyone. Although there are some pros and cons to this idea. For some people thats awaiting trial, they will have to wait weeks, months, or even years. Also for some people that did horrible crimes, I believe they shouldn't get the option to bail. Although for people who did minor crimes should be able to have the bail option.Destiny Jackson
