Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Comment on the article below with what memories you have of the older technology and your opinion of how technology has advanced. ONE PARAGRAPH MINIMUM



  1. Older technology is different from tech now. Some devices needed Wi-Fi or cables to operate on the internet. Now, devices can be used with cellular data. Also, computers took a lot of time to start up. Now, some computers and laptops can start up almost as fast as phones.

    1. the children didn't know how to use a phone what they are on

  2. I remember getting my first ipad when I was a kid and the ipad I got was a big one. Now all the ipads are different sizes from what I had.

  3. the more things change, the more they stay the same is a fine way to look back at the rapidly leveloping technological world. social media came out before 2006, but the year we can look back and see the birth of the social media platforms we'ev been using ever since then.

  4. I remember technology being bigger and slower. Computer screens used to be 4 inches thick and had a 800x600 resolution. now computer screens are less than an inch thick with 1920x1800 resolution. Technology is undeniably better than it used to be. The advancement of technology comes with negative pitfalls, but in the end, the progress we make is worth it.

  5. Phones from 2006 should be something to get rid of, it's nothing that's comes good from it when you try using them a lot and has failed service. It would be better if they stopped selling old cell phones.

  6. I remember when technology used to have simple things such as talk and text and play games like boxade. So technology Has had its Facelift. Over thousands of apps update over the years and really every second . The advancement of technology has changed the world as we know it because of the influence it has over man kind

  7. I remember when the first iPhone came out. But before the iPhone came out we have the slide touch screen phone called a g2. But today the technology has advance. Our phones work faster their not a lot of buffering then the phone in 2006.

  8. Old technology is so different from todays technology. some computers need Wi-Fi to get on the internet. The first time I got a phone we had the brown Youtube , but now its red. technology used to be so easy , but now its hard as I don't know what .

  9. Technology now is way different from back in the day. I remember when i was in first grade and i got my first phone. It was a flip phone back when everyone wanted one or had one. They had this thing on flip phones called minutes were you had to pay for every call and text. Mostly everyone just have untitled data on there iphones technology came a long way.

  10. I remember the technology we had back then was smaller and slower .The ipads and ipods are the old technology ,The ones that are up to date are much faster different colors and bigger .Also they have new apps and facetime is way different then how it use to be .

  11. the technology we used to used wasn't all that good how it is now. Now that we have better and faster technology, it isn't as slow as it was years ago. people cell phone move faster and computers are also faster.

  12. My memories with older technology was with the company, Apple. At first, I remembered there were ipods and than everyone would upgrade their phones at certain dates when it was released. There were so many new available features that Apple was always adding to which was accessible in extend. The company's intentions of satisfaction are still continuing to grow to this day. We would always joke about the size of the phone's screen cause it continued to grow bigger between the huge gap of iPhone 4 to iphone 7. I saw a guy who couldn't fit the phone in his pockets, it was hilarious.

  13. I remember getting my first iPhone (5) by the time around when I was in 7th grade I think. I got my first iPad as an early birthday gift, both of them were from my mother. Nowadays people are buying the new iPhone X that its design got the help from the creators of the Samsung phone series (and it looks like a Samsung too). The oldest model of Apple phones has to be their original and the first one. every released.

  14. My memory of older technology was the phone that slid up and a keyboard popped up. I remember the old youtube icon. Todays technology is far more advanced and harder to use.(for some people)

  15. I didn't have much experience with older technology besides a box TV and a white laptop. The TV was loud, slow, and the remote didn't always work. The laptop was just incredibly slow. Of course technology has advanced, as time goes on it's bound to. With new advances comes new problems. It's undeniable that in many areas technology has greatly improved, becoming stronger, faster, generally more efficient and even more convenient to handle. That of course doesn't stop some idiots on the Internet from misusing it, and regulating them must be harder than it seems considering how long it took for bigger corporations to react to Alex Jones.

  16. Technology has advanced a lot over the years. I remember getting my first phone in 1st or 2nd grade and it was a little tracfone. It was just a basic phone so that I could start learning to be responsible. Over the years many phones have been created and improved such as iPhone. iPhone started from a box phone to a phone with a glass home button and many other features.

    Jade Tucker

  17. When i was little i remembered that me and my dad would play on the playstation 2, but now the console has come a long way. Now, not only does it allow you to play games, but it also lets you access websites and apps such as Youtube and Netflix on the Playstation 4. Technology has come a long way, we used to have flip phones but, now we have phones with touch screen. Computers used to be a giant block with a screen on it but now it's only around 1-2 inch thick. Technology has advanced quite dramatically, but not all changes are good, but overall it shows us how far we have progressed.

  18. Older tech is different from today. When i was 7 i had a PSP, game-boy, and a PS2. I loved those things until better tech came out. In 2009 smartphones were introduced and then by 2013 i had my first IPhone.

  19. Technology back in the day is so different from the technology today in many different ways. For Computers some are now touch screen they never had touch screen computers. then the phones you can use them anywhere now because you have cellular data and you dont always neeed wifi to use them.

  20. 2006 changed the world, it brought social media, internet, data, wifi, and almost everything that has to do with tech today. 2006 has everything to do with todays technology just like flour has something to do with bread, it was the building block. even tho technology is way different than when it was in 2006, 2006 was the main building block of what we have achieved in 2018, it amazes me and shows me that what happens now always affects the future, something that happened 12 years ago still affects us today.

  21. Technology has changed dramatically through these past several years. From Flips phone's to Smart Phones with the touch screen and different apps. With Phones you need internet and data for them to work to their full potential. Older you could just pick up the phone and dial the number and talk.Charging your phone is different you would put batteries in the back you wouldn't need one at all . Now you need a block and cord or now Samsung as created the wireless charging station for your phone. Technology has changed has changed so much over the years and still is each and every day.

  22. I can remember A lot of the old technologies we used back in the day when I was young but I specifically remember the flip phones. I remember the flip phones because it was funny when someone just popped it out like "bam, hello". This was also A phone I used to make moves around the neighborhood. The box TV is another one and it used the have the 3 plugs you'd have to plug in to play your Xbox and stuff but that was before HDMI.

  23. The oldest technology I remember using are flip phones and iPods, in the early 2000's. Looking back from now, technology has made major advances, with some setbacks as well. Now that I have my own touchscreen phone, a smart TV, and new laptops, it is evident that these creations transformed people's everyday lives. In a year such as 2005, you would need to use a remote to turn the station on the TV, but now I use a voice command, or an app on my phone. One consequence of the technological innovations is that almost all of them require a Wi-Fi connection, which makes some of them cost a lot more. It was simpler in prior years to use electronics because all you needed was a modem or an outlet to sit by to use a computer, but now you can't even try to send a video on your phone without asking someone for their Wi-Fi password.

  24. When I was younger, technology wasn't as efficient as it is today. Video games back then didn't work as good and didn't look good. Technology has advanced a ton compared to what it use to be. Now we have smart phones and better quality videos and things of that nature.

  25. In 2006 the internet changed alot. In 06 twitter was released and also facebook Facebook released new feeds in September. Facebook and twitter changed the way we engage with friends, consume news and view the world.

  26. The memories that I have of older memories was VCR tapes and the text phones. I love watches movies on VCR tapes because some of the shows i use to watch don't air anymore. Then when i got my very first phone it wasn't even a touchscreen. It was a small phone with a lot of buttons which made it easy to text. I didn't use it a lot because I wanted a touchscreen but when I found it after cleaning up my room I just kept pressing the button. Then I miss the flip phone because if you wanted to hang up rudely all you have to do it close it. Or you could make it dramatic by slamming it close. I miss a lot of older technology but i like the newer ones better because I like all that we can do with them now.

  27. technology has changed since 2006 they have become more advanced in 2007 the first iPhone came out even the different websites but technology is still going to keep advancing

  28. Older technology is so different from todays technology. Some computers need Wi-Fi to get on the internet. The first time I got a phone we no siri it was just voice control , but now we have siri. technology used to be so easy, but now it is more complicated.

  29. My memories with older technology don't really run that deep because I got my first phone when I was 13. However, I do remember I used to play games on my mom's blackberry a lot. technology was really simple to use back then, everything was on the keyboard. I feel like now technology is more complicated and hard to use.

  30. To be honest i don't have any memories of the older technology because by the time i was old enough to remember things like technology and use it, the internet had already advanced. Since then there have been upbringings in the internet and it has advanced since then. But it has not changed too much it pretty much is all the same.

  31. Technology has greatly advanced over the years. We have many more apps and search networks than we did back then. Back in the early 90s/200os, people had to go to the library and read books, now everything is on Google in the palm of our hands. Smartphones have also advanced, going from flip phone to touch screens.

  32. The memories I have are big, bulky TVs with bad quality and playing on my Ninetendo DS. I also remember having my Gameboy and borrowing my brothers PSP before getting my own. I even remember playing golf, bowling, or Mario Kart on our Wii.

  33. The technology is more advanced from what it was in the 2000’s. With older technology you were using flip phones and the internet was not all that good. With new technology their is more things to do with the technology you can go on social media. Play more games.

  34. The memories I have with older technology is the flip phones or those big thick phones. Forgot the names or those big TV's, the big box TV's. Technology has been a big impact on my and maybe everyone's life. Technology has change so much more then when was I was a little kid. I feel that technology is a big thing everyone wants and needs now and days. That's all kids and adults need now to be able to everything. That's why Toys R Us shut down, because they just give their kids technology. So the world pretty much revolves around technology. Technology is just going to be improving more over time.

  35. The memories that i had in 2006 of the internet when is it was terrible and sometimes very unreliable. It has changed so much since then.

  36. From 2006 I don't really have any memories because I was only 2 years old but when I got older I knew what facebook and twitter were.Also, I've seen how facebook and twitter looked back then vs now.Technology has advanced from 2006 to today.

  37. The memories I have is when I got my ps4 back in middle school and now there coming out with different kinds

  38. I remember when technology was simple and wasn't as advance years ago. With the help of social media technology will continue to grow.

  39. Technology has changed a lot since 2006. I remember both of my parents were using flip phones. We also had an old home telephone. But nowadays everything is touch screen phones, laptops, and tablets. Technology will continue to evolve and will never stop so things we have currently will be considered things of the past for the future generation.

  40. very advanced, changed a bunch. Became seriously amazing, before the iphones I remember the really popular flip phones that everyone went crazy over.

  41. Technology has advanced a lot from the early 2000's. When I was younger I remember using the VCR, flip phones, and waiting hours for the computer to load. Technology is now easy, fast, and efficient. It is still getting better and better everyday.

  42. The oldest technology i could remember owning as a kid was my first phone which was the Nokia 3110 classic (feel free to look it up) which at the time wasn't the greatest thing to have but i enjoyed everything about it. And looking at the phone and its specs and then looking at the newest phones and the cool things you can do is mind blowing and its only getting better and better and much faster.

  43. I remember watching VCR tapes on Saturday mornings, walking around playing on my PSP, and the day my family finally bought a Blu-Ray CD player. Technology has advanced drastically over the decades and the internet is the foundation. Faster computers and mistakes in the past have propelled technology into what it is now, and with more and more creative and revolutionary ideas revolving around the internet, it can only be assumed that this is just the beginning of another enlightenment.

  44. I remember having an old flip phone that was pink that didn't even work but it was the coolest thing at the time but then technology advanced and Apple came out with iPod shuffles, then iPod nanos, and finally an iPod touch which i got at the age of 10 and I instantly thought I was the best person ever. Everyone at the time had iPod touches or the iPhone 1 and it was a huge step up for technology because they were the first touch screens. Now the iPhone's generations are up to 10 and there are so many devices that are touch screens, including refrigerators, computers and radios in cars. Technology has changed so much over a short period of time which is crazy because with these advances came so many other things that we now use everyday, like social media, texting apps, and places to watch movies and videos. Technological advancements have definitely impacted us for the better.

  45. We have came a long way with technology over the past few years. I have many memories with older technology like I remember when I was in first grade my mom had a pink flip phone. I would always play with her phone and take pictures of myself and my dog. I also remember going to my abuelas house and she had vcr tapes and me and me and my brother would watch movies from there. I believe we are in a better place today with technology because we are smarter and the internet provides us many resources and benefits.

  46. I remember when people were showing off with their first generation Ipod and my dad giving me one. As well as me playing on the OG gaming consoles such as the Dreamcast, the GameCube, and the PS1/2. Things back then were so amazing and now that we look back at it and compare it to our technology today it does not really amaze us like that. The simple things used to make us go wow..it made us appreciate the technology and new things. Now, this new generation does not understand how good they have it.

  47. The memories I had with the tech used in the pass were flip phones and the first playstation, but comparing with the technology we have now I see that it has change alot. Moving from flip phones to Iphones and moving from jack to HDMI on the playstation that can access the internet while in use to a talk/interact with multiple people at once.

  48. Technology has changed enormously since 2006. Now technology is so advanced. Technology will continue to grow and advance and get better.

  49. Technology from back then and technology now is so different. I remember seeing the old Iphone when it first came out. Today's Iphone has different features, button layouts,camera quality, and extra. Producers at Iphone had to make innovate new and better phones for a new generation.

  50. the oldest technology I remember having as a kid was an Nintendo ds. technology has changes a lot like from the I phone 4 to the x. I feel that the technology will continue to grow as we get older.

  51. I have mixed feelings about the way technology has advanced. While technology has sort of made things more convenient, it also has somewhat hindered the way we learn and socialize. Instead of reading a book to find information about something, you can simply, copy and paste whatever you need to know. We used to read news on paper, but now it is all over the internet, and most of it is fake news. I remember a time when socializing didn't involve texting. We used to always talk to each other directly. Cell phones used to only be used to call people, but when did we ever need to do that? If you wanted to play video games with your friends, you would always invite them over to your house. But now you can just play with your friends online. I do like getting on the internet, but there are too many distractions. It's even worse now because everything school related is now on the internet. I never thought I would hate a computer so much, the Chromebooks issued from the school are broken, and there is also a possibility that I am being spied on at home. I would rather use my personal computer to do homework online, but the problem with that, is that for most assignments I have to watch a YouTube video. Once I finish the video all of these non-school-related videos pop up, next thing I know, I've spent 2 or 3 hours wasting time on YouTube, not doing my homework, so I either end up behind or staying up past midnight. This is why in my opinion, technology has advanced, but mostly hindered society.

  52. one of the oldest piece of technology I remember having is either the Gameboy or the GameCube and they are both old video game counsels that my brother and I used to play on a lot. since then, lots of advances to the counsels that Nintendo or other counsel makes make, now we have games with way better graphics and game design than back around 20006. also, the car my dad had and still has is an old car that only has access to radio and a regular car charger and other things that a car needs to function, but last year, my mom got a brand new car that has access to more things like the radio, you can watch movies in the car, it has an outlet, a car charger and also the engine will turn on once the key is inside the car, something my old car can't do. technology has advance so much since that time, especially with computers, phones, and tablets. these advances helped make life for us easier and made things like the news and other informational feed easy for almost everyone to access.

  53. When it comes to the way technology has advanced, I feel like I have mixed feelings about the way technology has improved. Technology has become bigger and better, but you have people who try to use technology for the wrong reasons. And these days people will do anything to try to keep an eye on you through the camera on your computer or the lens on your phone camera. Whoever has came up with these ideas using technology has improved and demolished the privacy of the world all in one.

  54. Technology has increased in value and actual worth. Technology has become something the peop0le rely on before now people weren't really into technology they depended on written material. Technology wasn't always reliable back then but now that its up. It has become main source for everything.

  55. The memories of older technology is crazy. I remember the Ipod touch 2nd generation. It came out before I was born but I still got it when i was like 8. All it could do was play music. Now and days you can get an Ipod touch and it will do everything a smartphone can except make phone calls. For instance, you can still get social media on the Ipod touch. This has helped kids of all ages and everyone in the world become brainwashed with social media and the technology behind it ovrall.

  56. Older technology has grown because I remember when people would walk around with flip phones and slide up phones but now we see people walking around with IPhone 10's and 8's.Now we got 3d printers and all these new laptops.

  57. Technology back then was way different compared to now. Things like flip phones, VCR, cassette tapes just anything. I didn't get to experience having a phone younger but my parents did have flip phones. Also I would use the VCR and DVD player but that usually it.

  58. Our technology definitely evolve over the years. We went from flip phones to IPhone X. I got to experience using a phone when I was little because it was my mom's phone. This is my memories of using a phone and my knowledge on phones back then and now.

  59. The opening and rise of Facebook and Twitter are MAJOR contributors to the spread and addiction to todays technology. The rise of Facebook came with trial and error adding many things to it which help built it up today. Amazingly all social media sites did the same Twitter, Snapchat, Instragram, Etc.

  60. The two services introduced the social media news feed to a mass audience, changing how we engage with friends, consume news and view the world.

  61. technology has advanced alot. before we didnt have touch screen computers you could only use the mouse. the quality has changed too where you can improve it instead of being on the same quality. the world changed when social media was introduced

  62. Technology has advanced a lot over time. I while ago we didn’t have touch screen but now almost everything is. I remember we had flip phones and ipods had buttons not touch. Technology has changed a lot and it’s still not done.

  63. compared to all the new tech nowadays it was like using a potato to try to talk to people,play games and take pictures now the tech is so advanced and kids that may be very young have access to it.

  64. 2006 changed the world, it brought social media, internet, data, wifi, and almost everything that has to do with tech today. 2006 has everything to do with todays technology just like flour has something to do with bread, it was the building block. even tho technology is way different than when it was in 2006, 2006 was the main building block of what we have achieved in 2018, it amazes me and shows me that what happens now always affects the future, something that happened 12 years ago still affects us today.Destiny Jackson
