Tuesday, August 28, 2018


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  1. Instagram is launching a new service that allows students to pair up with somebody to collaborate on a assignment. This will allow students from different schools to help each other on this app.

  2. Instagram can have more explore than Facebook and Twitter, because Instagram can be use the business and different company.

  3. This post is about a new feature. This Instagram feature makes it easy to connect with classmates. A Facebook owned company is testing a tool that allows students to join a virtual community of peers and exchange direct messages with them. I believe this feature will help with finding new people to study with. The new feature is not a bad idea overall.

  4. So Instagram new products are working. But there just steeling other peoples ideas. And making it into their app. For example tinder but for you collage, Face filter from snap chat along with the story from Snapchat ,Vine video, and YouTube but they call it IG TV. While they do this they make other apps disappear like vine. Facebook isn't doing so well either. Which is great for Instagram because their collecting that money.

  5. I don't understand why Instagram would even need to add features like this. They saying to attract people to Instagram, but everyone uses Instagram. They're using this new "group chat" feature to attract college kids, but every college kid already uses Instagram. It's a pretty bad excuse to launch this feature.

  6. I actually like the idea fro doing that for college students because it helps them get more connected with peers and people that are like them. So facebook who is now the owner of instagram had an amazing idea that when it goes into affect. the rating and the feedback is going to be outrageous.

  7. Its good that Instagram has way for students to connect to each other for help from other schools. they should at the same time be careful of cyberbullying to prevent that from happening.

  8. This fye , They allowing college students to pair up and collaborate on a assignment . They are allowing students from different schools to get on this app and help each other . They need to do this for high school . That would help us a lot .

  9. Students are collaborating with each other through a community by receiving messages and talking to one another with multiple social medias such as Facebook, Instagram, and surprisingly Tinder which is also used to find study buddies. Though this isn't something new, it impacts learning individuals in a positive way and are able to focus on their education. The article states that it helps students gain new experience from the new features that was added.

  10. I think it's what Instagram is doing for the college kids with adding this new feature. Instagram is trying to connect more the college kids knowing that half of the users are 18 through 24. This new feature allows the students to make friends and find a study buddy.This new feature can even help them find romance on the campus they attend. I feel like Instagram is doing big and great things with this new update.

  11. This is about a new posts on Instagram new update , for the colleges students they is making it a way for the students can collaborate with assignments om Instagram ,so thus app is going to be better than facebook and twitter ,Instagram is going to collect more money off of this .

  12. the new update for Instagram has changed over the year. they added new features like instasnap, ig tv, and highlights. this app has most definitely became better over the years.

  13. I don't think it is a necessary feature to add on Instagram since almost everybody already has the app. College students are already most likely in group chats with other students and friends from projects or just to talk with each other.

  14. I think the feature that ahs been added to tinder and Instagram are very helpful for students at schools. This seems like it'll help the kids that aren't the talking type get out there more. People who are scared to ask for help from a peer can do it online where most kids are comfortable talking to each other at. The way Instagram is helping Facebook fight its problems as well as attract attention is a good thing. Maybe Instagram and Facebook developers will make an app together in the future.

  15. i think is a great idea for instagram. Its already a large number of college students on instagram so why not. with this new update it can help students find a study buddy or even a new friend.

  16. This article is about Instagram's new feature. It is grabbing the attention of college students. This feature is supposed to be a new way for students to connect with other students.

  17. Instagram is basically taking the two concepts of a story from Snapchat and "Tinder U" from Tinder to use as their in an effort to attract more college users. I personally don't care for Instagram, Snapchat, or Tinder because they all use features that send out information that is much to personal for me. Seeing as how Tinder started out as a dating app, and now has applications that allow students to target people to study/collaborate with in a specific area, seems like people would still use this as a way to find relationships. In conclusion, Instagram has not made any new updates or features, they have just implemented more ways to let people in your business.

  18. This new attachment to instagram is making work easier. MAke classmates connect more with assignments. FAcebook is doing great things with there company

  19. I feel that the new feature for college students is a good idea. I say this because it gives the students an opportunity to connect with their classmates. I also feel that Tinder is trying to compete with the other platforms and I don't that's a good idea because it is based on romance. Instagram is a large platform that has many users. It would draw in more college students if the feature was added.

  20. Instagram has more users than facebook. It is more of a better use on social media

  21. I think that this is an advantage for cyberbullying to take place. We already have DM (Direct Messaging) for someone to harass you, now I think that this just makes it even worse. I don't see any point in it honestly, that's why we have Facebook.

  22. think is a great idea for instagram. Its already a large number of college students on instagram so why not. with this new update it can help students find a study buddy or even a new friend.

  23. This feature is a good idea for bringing in more users but most kids in college have an Instagram so why would they need to add this feature. It is a cool idea but maybe it should be a whole separate app.

  24. I actually like the idea for college students because it helps them get more connected with peers and people that are like them.

  25. I think that it's a good idea for Instagram to have a platform where college students can communicate with their peers.

  26. I think it's a great new feature. It's very smart for Instagram to make updates targeting the majority of their audience. I also think it's funny how Instagram tends to bite of of other social media platforms' ideas. They got Stories and filters from Snapchat now their adding this new tool that Tinder recently designed. It's smart though.

  27. I think that instagram is trying to connects with more college students and users period. That is the reasoning behind this new feature. In my opinion this is a good idea. It's a good idea because it gives college students the opportunity to connect with each other and start study groups, clubs, and etc. This might be another project that will set instagram for another record on the social media charts. Overall instagram is doing they thing and this new feature cool.

  28. I think that the addition that they are planning to use on Instagram with be a good idea, looking onto how many people are on Instagram compared to other social medias that it's a actual good idea. It can broaden people out and help them be more social than they already are with the people surrounding them It would also be a good way to make friends.

  29. I think that it is a great idea for Instagram to have a tool for college student to use to connect with each other. With this tool college student are able to find someone to study with make a new friend and connect with someone who is facing some of the same problems as them.

    1. This was published by Jaila Lord

  30. This idea is interesting to say the least. While it does give millennials the chance to interact with other students and potentially find love it also gives students more reasons to stay on their phone. However, with Instagram's constant battle with Facebook for new features, I believe this was good for expanding the company's horizon as a social media app.

  31. Instagram is used for many different things like telling you news that has happened or telling your followers about you and things like that. College students using it to help them communicate with each other more can be helpful, though I'm pretty sure a lot of college students use Instagram already, so I'm pretty sure that will them out a great deal more and for them to be able to contact with other college students as well.

    ~Mackia Badio

  32. I think this is a great thing for Instagram. It's a way to help college students connect and engage with classmates.

  33. This new update can attract more users. People can meet and connect. Most users are between the users of 18-24 anyways. They can help eachother on assignments.

  34. I don't know why Instagram would even need to add features like this to their software. They're using this new "group chat" feature to attract college kids, but every college kid already uses Instagram. It's a pretty bad excuse to launch this feature.

  35. Instagram making a virtual world allowing students to join a virtual community of peers and exchange direct messages with them would be great and bring a lot of people together. But I honestly think it would explode for a little bit as the new thing but slowly lose interest.

  36. I don't understand why Instagram would even need to add features like this. They saying to attract people to Instagram, but everyone uses Instagram. Also Instagram is basically the facebook of the new generation it will not be out dated for a very long time.

  37. This update will allow for more users to get to now each other and network. Meeting new people can be a struggle for some individuals this update will allow for college students to get to know each other and make friends the safe way.

  38. I think it's going to far. There's already enough going on with Instagram, so why add more to it when it's not needed.

  39. I think it's a great idea for Instagram to do this. One, Instagram is one of the most used social media apps to this day. Two, for Instagram to worry about college students is showing there creativity. This is will really make them gain popularity. This is why I think this is a great idea.

  40. I think this is a great idea because it helps college students get together and help each other out.

  41. Instagram is just taking ideas from other apps and making it theirs. First Instagram takes Snapchats facial features and stories. Then they decide to try to help connect college students after tinder already did it. Although they are doing it to help better their platform and gain more users. Instagram just need to do its own thing then they can gain even more followers.

  42. This new update can bring more users to the app. It’s a way to help students engage and connect. I’m pretty sure a lot of students already use instagram so this only makes it better.

  43. This Idea is great for instagram to do this. Many college students use instagram and they would to be able to collaborate

  44. I don't know at all if what Instagram is doing is a good thing. Some people may be more interested, but not very many. All Instagram is doing right now is being a copycat. Most people would much rather just use the original app for whatever purpose it is intended for. For instance, if you just want to casually chat with someone and share funny pictures for a temporary period, you would use Snapchat, not Instagram. Instagram as well as many other companies cannot succeed in competition if they do not add some sort of original element to their work.

  45. I think it is a good for ig to have a tool for college students to keep in contact with each other

  46. I think the idea is great for college students.There are various amounts of college students who use Instagram.They can talk to other students and ask them how is there school and etc. They can also make alot of friends from their university or college that they Never met before.

  47. more people use Instagram more than facebook

  48. I think this idea is good for instagram is because instagram is trying to branch out and give more ways for college students to interact with the brand.

  49. I think this idea would really help out students. It helps them be able to do contact each other when their working on similar or the same assignments.

  50. instagram is opening a new feature that allows you to talk to other collage students.Just like tinder or any other dating apps.All instagram doing is just adding good things from every app to make theres better.

  51. I think this is a great idea for college students because it could teach them about CGI.

  52. Instagram will be adding a new feature to bring more people together on one of the most used social media platforms. This will help people communicate more on this app on a school/student level and as well as a dating level connections with tinder.

  53. In my opinion, this would be good for college students that are doing modeling or something in that field. working together to complete an assignment.

  54. Instagram hopes to lure more college students to the platform with a feature that makes it easy to connect with classmates.

  55. Instagram is trying to bring a new feature to bring all college students together on a new platform which i think is a good idea. Especially for local colleges that you could of went or have friends that go to other colleges.

  56. I think this is very good for Instagram they will definitely benefit from this accessory. This is a good way to connect in college.

  57. Instagram new products are working. But there just steeling other peoples ideas. And making it into their app. For example tinder but for you collage, Face filter from snap chat along with the story from Snapchat ,Vine video, and YouTube but they call it IG TV. While they do this they make other apps disappear like vine. Facebook isn't doing so well either. Which is great for Instagram because their collecting that money

  58. I think is a good thing for Instagram and it might help alot

  59. This feature isn't a bad idea for college student to chat, but people can chat anytime in their imessages or regular messaging. It seems as if Instagram is trying to grab different people from different apps to come together on their app alone.

  60. To me this isn't a bad idea but there are other apps that work in the same way. Then you also got your regular phone number so I don't think what the point of this. Now i know it would be good for people who doesn't have phones or don't want to give away their numbers. Though overall its up to them rather they do this or not.

  61. i like this idea, it puts instagram as kid friendly and as well gets kids to meat other kids to help them in school. this is ashton

  62. I think the feature that ahs been added to tinder and Instagram are very helpful for students at schools. I also think it's funny how Instagram tends to bite of other social media platforms' ideas. They got Stories and filters from Snapchat now their adding this new tool that Tinder recently designed.

  63. Instagram has more users than facebook. It is more of a better use on social media. I think is a great idea for instagram. Its already a large number of college students on instagram so why not. with this new update it can help students find a study buddy or even a new friend.


  64. I think that instagram is trying to connects with more college students and users period. That is the reasoning behind this new feature. In my opinion this is a good idea. It's a good idea because it gives college students the opportunity to connect with each other and start study groups, clubs, and etc. This might be another project that will set instagram for another record on the social media charts. Overall instagram is doing they thing and this new feature cool. Destiny Jackson
