Friday, August 24, 2018


What is your opinion about this article. Please comment in one paragraph or more.


  1. Samsung is releasing it's own sound speaker with it's virtual assistant. Samsung is extremely late for the assistant speaker market. Most of the other speakers from other companies were released 2-4 years ago. The Samsung speaker needs to innovative in some way to justify it's release.

  2. Samsung is trying to be at the top of the competition by adding a speaker to the phone like Siri to a IPhone. Samsung came out with the galaxy note 9 which will make the phone a whole lot better.

  3. My opinion about this article is that Samsung has came out with a new phone and a speaker. The new Samsung speaker is supposed to compete with amazon echo, and google home.

  4. Samsung has its own sound. Samsung has a been trying to be like iPhone and make their phones similar. Samsung is a going to be a different kind of speaker.

  5. Its all about competition with the phones and now that samsung has this invention on this new samsung the product will sell out the door. Its actually can help people that have disabilities and that can type and can just use this there are a lot of advantages to this.

  6. My opinion on this article is that Samsung is releasing a new type of speaker that is a new type of phone .I think Samsung is late releasing the new types of speakers other types of phones been came out with new phones .

  7. Samsung has a high speaker of the sound is that whatever genuation that they had.

  8. Other companies has already released a speaker and now Samsung has finally released their own several years after. In addition with the Galaxy Note 9, they are taking a big step into catching up with other companies.

  9. Samsung revealed a smart speaker. I think that it can be useful, at times. It can help with music and information. It adds new competition also.

  10. Everything the article says is pretty much true. Samsung are extremely late releasing a speaker. If there's nothing new or innovative about it, it's almost doomed to fail. I don't see many ways to add on to what we already expect from speakers, so I'll have to wait and see like everyone else. The design of it seems to be the only thing about it that's actually original or unique based off of what we're seeing.

  11. This article is mainly talking about how late Samsung is to add the smart speaker feature to its devices, but I think Samsung has always been superior to Apple products because they are durable, more sophisticated, have more features that are mostly worth your money. People buy from Apple because it has small features like FaceTime and more emojis. Samsung, and other android devices, are always going to be ahead of iPhones because they can do more than just turn on and search something when a person says the phrase, "Hey, Siri." Therefore, Samsung is not behind Apple and Google products with their new smart speaker. They are in a whole other league with their technology.

  12. samsung is trying to be better then iPhone . every time iPhone makes a new phone Samsung has to add something to there new phone . By them adding a speaker its still not going to make them better then iPhones .

  13. Samsung has made a new product and is finally introducing the speaker to the public. It includes different features of what the device offers to Samsung users. My opinion is that since it is directly to Samsung users or new buyers, I don't really care for it. There are many speakers you could buy, but I believe that they made it cause why not. Hopefully, they did took a different direction and made sure that it stood out from the rest. It's a good idea considering that it has a lot of quality into the making, but nonetheless pretty lit. 🔥

  14. I think that the reason it so long for Samsung to come out with one was because of Apple. The reason why I think this is because Samsung is trying to be better than Apple. So since it took Apple so long to make their's speaker they had to wait for them so they can see how they can make it better. Though I think this goes with every company if one come up with the idea they try to make it better and better. By doing this they are making it seem one is better than the other when are all the same but with one thing added to make it seem better.

  15. there is always competition with these electronic companies I remember when the apple watch came out was in 2015 and Samsung's watch came out in 2013 people always want money and will copy each other even with the smart speaker from Samsung they been had these smart speakers out like Alexa and apple home pod but Samsung is late for there smart speaker.

  16. Samsung always has its own features with their new releases, android already have Alexa and Google Home for the speakers. They always have ideas for new technology.

  17. Even though Samsung was late to the speaker game. Doesn't mean they can't make it up. Have you seen their commercial of them making fun of apple. I believe they could slick take the game on phones.

  18. samsung coming out with a smart speaker. They should have been came out with it because apple is already on game with a smart speaker. It would help the poeple who don't like iphone on their samsungs but people are still going to keep buying more iphones.

  19. My opinion on the article is extremely biased because I really don't like Samsung products. However, they are promising to do a lot of useful and impressive things as well as saying that their intelligent speaker "Bixby" will be able to do more than it's competitors (Apple's Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Echo's Alexa.) Samsung is very much behind the other companies, but if they are able to pull off what they are saying they can, they just might be able to catch up, despite my negative opinions on them.

  20. There is always competition with these electronic companies. I remember when the first apple watch came out was in 2015 and Samsung's watch came out in 2013. people always want money and will copy each other to be the best even with the smart home speaker from Samsung they have already had these speakers released like Alexa, apple home pod and google home speaker. Samsung is late for there smart home speaker.

  21. My opinion on this article is that Samsung feels that they have to come up with a idea that will draw customers away from using Google or Amazon. So Samsung is supporting Spotify so they can draw in more customers. But Amazon Alexa is the biggest challenge for the different brands. Samsung's speaker has been lacking many things that the other brands aren't. Customers willing to pay $50 for a smart speaker form Amazon or Google.

  22. In my opinion Samsung is always doing something to bring in more customers but instead of coming up with original ideas they always steal others. I think they should come up with something that no one has before and maybe they will bring in buyers.

  23. I think that it's a good opportunity for Samsung to make more money. Most companies tend to compete with each other. Although Samsung is late when it comes to the release date, it's still probably a good product.

  24. I believe that it's too little too late for Samsung when it comes to smart speakers. The article stated that unless Bixby can do something Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant can't then it won't profit from this already competitive speaker market. I support this claim and while Samsung is a respectable tech giant and has even innovated the world with VR, I don't believe selling speakers will be in its future as far as specialty items.

  25. I may not be a fan of Samsung's products but I di find it interesting that they are now doing smart speakers, like how google, amazon and the Apple company did theirs. It's true that they are now just following what the other companies did, but at least they are putting up a competition and are trying to get some buyers to buy their product. They also are trying to do something new like letting their home assistant to be able to have a decent conversation with you, but for that to fully work, I think it needs to be tested a bit more and also updated too.

    ~Mackia Badio

  26. I think its too late for Samsung to put in smart speakers. One I don't even use Samsung, and two other companies been putting out smart speaker stuff for a while now. So I don't understand why Samsung haven't did this yet.

  27. Samsung is trying to be better then iPhone . every time iPhone makes a new phone Samsung has to add something to there new phone. I think it would be a good opportunity for Samsung to make money. Company always compete to make the best technology and that’s what i think their doing.

  28. I love samsung and i love that they are making speakers. this will increase theyre profit and notority

  29. My opinion is that Samsung still have a chance to catch up but only if their new smart speaker can do things the amazon alexa or google home can't do. What Samsung has showed off is something that alexa and google have been able to do for more than a year. Samsung will also have to make their smart speaker cheap in order to be able to sell more and try to keep up. That is what I think Samsung should do.

  30. Samsung is way behind on Smart Speaker production. I seriously do not know if Galaxy Home can compete with Google Home or Amazon Echo by now. Also its design looks ridiculous. Sure Samsung has been the leader in electronics for a while, but I believe those days are coming to an end. Google and Amazon are the new leaders.

  31. samsung is trying to surpass apple by making speakers on their phone and get more sales

  32. I'm not a fan of Samsung I like apple more, but I think that it is really smart for them to be adding smart speakers. Samsung is always creating new things

  33. Samsung creating a smart speaker will put them ahead of the game for a while..With them doing so they will be in the lead for best company overall, but they still will have competition.

  34. I think it is great that Samsung is putting out smart speakers for those who have a Samsung phone because a lot of people do not use the other companies that is producing the smart speakers.

  35. My opinion on the article is not accepting because I really don't like Samsung products. However, they are promising to do a lot of useful and impressive things as well as saying that their intelligent speaker "Bixby" will be able to do more than it's competitors (Apple's Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Echo's Alexa.) Samsung is very much behind the other companies, but if they are able to pull off what they are saying they can, they just might be able to catch up, besides my negative opinions on them

  36. Samsung finally are making speakers I think this is a good move and a lot of people may be willing to buy them

  37. In my opinion they should just leave the smart speaker to Apple and other products. Now they are just trying to be a follower and jump on the bandwagon. I personally don't even care for Samsung products. Even though it will help some people with finding stuff on there phones, it can still have problems until they can get the perfect update for the smart speaker.

  38. I feel like- in my own opinion- that samsung should not try to 'copy' apple with the whole their own 'siri' aspect. There are plenty of other additions they can add to their phone to make the company go up in marketing and adding something like their own personal 'siri' is just nothing big, maybe working on camera quality would be better atm.

  39. I think it is great because speakers they are rising on the tech stock market.They make great products for cheap and great products.They will make comp for everyone so better for the consumer.

  40. I feel that Samsung is trying to just now catch up to all the new technology. But they can only peek if there speaker is better then the rest out there.

  41. In my opinion, I believe Samsung is trying to catch up on the new technology and can only reach that level if they improve something about there products like the speaker to beat the competition.

  42. In my opinion, I believe Samsung is doing good with this plan because they are trying to try something they have not done before. They are trying to be the next powerhouse of technology, compared to technology.

  43. All companies are competing to be the best. I believe samsung releasing their own speaker is a good idea. This product can be a top seller for their business.

  44. I think this great step for the Company of Samsung. Coming out with new technoglgy for the new Samsung Galaxy 9. Also releasing their new smart speaker their really late with that one. With the new phone they coming including the new popular game Fortnite.

  45. In my opinion I think the Samsung speaker will be a good idea to make money and compete with other companies.

  46. I think it is great because speakers they are rising on the tech stock market.They make great products for cheap and great products.They will make comp for everyone so better for the consumer.

  47. I think it's a good idea but they're a little late. I don't think they're "copying" Apple. It's smart to make some competition. Considering that Samsung products tend to be less expensive, them joining the speaker market should be interesting.

  48. Samsung has made a new product and is finally introducing the speaker to the public. I feel this upgrade will allow for better products. It will allow for the competition to be greater and more people to have a reason to go with Samsung.

  49. I believe it's a good idea but they're a bit late. I don't think they're "copying" Apple. I think its good to create competition between the two companies. Considering that Samsung products tend to be less expensive, them joining the speaker market should be interesting.
    - Craig Flint

  50. The Galaxy Home joins a crowded market of voice-activated speakers from the likes of Amazon (AMZN), Google (GOOG) and Apple (AAPL). Amazon pioneered the category with its first Echo device in 2014, so Samsung is definitely playing catch up.

  51. It's a good idea to bring something like this and catch up with the other companies. Which may or may not bring competition in the Virtual Assistant business.

  52. samsung is late on this game but i mean rather late than never i guess, but i think that all it will do is just put more people liking samsung and using samsung

  53. its all about competition with the phones and now that samsung has this invention on this new samsung the product will sell out the door. Its actually can help people that have disabilities and that can type and can just use this there are a lot of advantages to this.Destiny Jackson
