Monday, August 27, 2018


What are your thoughts about the article below?

Summarize in one paragraph whether John McCain is making a statement in his passing.


  1. My thought about this article is that trump trying McCain that her trying be a better praetant tham McCain.

  2. My thought about this article was that McCain has the right to tell who can and cant be at his funeral. He doesn't want Trump to come because he is not true about his word.

  3. I'm with McCain on this one, I wouldnt want Trump at my funeral no way. I think anyone should have a right to whom shall come to your funeral.

  4. In my opinion I don't think he has the right to say Trump cant come to his funeral because he is dead. Its not like McCain is going to know who is there.

  5. I think John McCain is making this statement in his passing. Most people know when their time is coming and how they may not make it for the long run.I believe Mr.McCain knew what he wanted when his came to past away.His wishes should be held out as he planned them, so President Trump shouldn't attend his funeral. The people of his estate should go through all wishes and see them to the fullest.

  6. John McCain recently passed. Before he passed, he stated that he doesn't want President Trump to attend his funeral. Also, he intends for Obama and Bush to eulogize him.

  7. I think McCain is telling the right thing , about who can or cannot come to his funeral .I Believe that Donald Trump think he can do whatever since he the president ,if no one wants you at there funeral do not attend at all even if they alive or not its there funeral not yours .

  8. The rivalry between Trump and McCain will never come to an end.

  9. I feel as if trump is trying to do a better president . He said that he doesn't want him at his funeral and he wants his word to stay .

  10. John McCain passed away earlier this week from brain cancer. John McCain got to have the last laugh and said that Trump was not allowed at his funeral. McCain seemed like a cool guy.

  11. McCain is right about who can and cant come to his funeral. And Trump think because he president he can do as he pleases and that's not the case. he should have family and friends at the funeral.

  12. In my opinion I feel that Donald Trump should be able to come to McCain funeral. I feel that he should be able to go just to show respect to his family and even McCain. Even though they may not have been on good terms before his tragic death out of maturity and respect he should show up atleast for a couple minutes.

  13. I feel that john McCain made a good chose and not letting trump come to his funeral. The funeral is for him so he should be able to chose who coming and who not. A lot of people don't like trump and he would probably make a big seen at his funeral, because trump loves attention.

  14. I agree with Senator McCain's final wishes which exclude Trump from attending his funeral services because everything Trump does, believes, and stands for are all ignorant and close-minded beliefs. Trump is an immature and mentally ill person and he unnecessarily argues and insults people because of his position of power. Presidents are not supposed to mock their citizens or other cultures of the world because they are different from what everyone else looks like. If McCain were to be president, I'd actually not be ashamed to live in America. McCain was a man of dignity, respect and courage, which he displayed all throughout his life.

  15. John McCain was making a statement when he passed. It was kind of like his he doesn't listen to me when I'm alive he might listen to me when I gone. Like the saying you don't know what you have into its gone.

  16. John McCain knew in the long run that he wasn't going to make it so he made it his dying wish that President Trump wouldn't attend his funeral and people should respect all of his dying wishes and see them to the fullest.

  17. My thoughts on this article is that John did contribute a lot as a senator and that his actions was praised by others who spoke highly about him. John McCain's leadership and ideals had a significant upbringing to whatever was in plan, and to further less take action. Due to this passing, we can only hope for the best and be reminded that he had good intentions along side with the party. John Mcain is making a statement in his passing with regards of what will still be in store. Despite Donald Trump walking on thin ice, many critics are on his tail due to the passing. However, the mourning of John Mcain's death will carry on and the decisions the party intend to do, is up to them.

  18. McCain statement is very clear and Trump shouldnt feel any type of way towards it, it was a choice that McCain said before he went to the resting place. He has his opinion.

  19. John McCain has the right to have whatever person to attend his funeral. If he didnt want trump there then that was his choice.

  20. My thought about this article was that McCain has the right to tell who can and cant be at his funeral. He doesn't want Trump to come because he is not true about his word.

  21. John McCain whom has died at the age of 81, was known for his services under the U.S. Senate and military services. Before he passed, he wishes to have his ceremony take place in three places and invited previous presidents such as Barack Obama to attend, except, Donald Trump. Just because Donald Trump is the president doesn't mean he is able to be part of all events and in this case, John McCain made his wish very clear.

  22. The feud between Donald Trump and John McCain is never coming to an end. The cycle is going to continue for probably years as long as we know. It's never going to stop. There were two people that purposely kept McCain from the White House. McCain can still have a right to say who comes to his funeral and who doesn't. It's HIS video.

  23. John McCain was true to his words every time he gave a speech and he even spoke against a lady who was saying bad things about Obama he said that he was a good person and she didn't have to say those things about him. This year they were trying to get rid of Obama care but he went against his own party when they were trying to get rid of it. I don't blame john for telling trump not to come to his funeral. John McCain was a true American hero.

  24. Yes, I think he is making a statement in his passing. The reason why I think this because since he didn't invite Trump to his funeral because Trump did all the stuff he was against. Also since Trump was criticizing him why should he go his funeral. If he would have went he would have made it all about him and practically be dancing on a dead man grave. Though with McCain's passing more people know about him and what he did.

  25. I do think that John McCain is making a statement regarding his passing. I say this because McCain chose two people that kept him out of the white house to give a eulogy instead of Trump. McCain didn't even want Trump to attend his funeral. It really shows that the things Trump does has an effect on people. Obama saw things in McCain that Trump has never seen.

  26. mccain can decide who comes to his funeral because its his funeral , especially if its his dieing wishes and me personally i wouldnt want that loser at my funeral so i totally agree fasho.
    ^brennan sanders

  27. Yes, I think he is making a statement in his passing. The reason why I think this because he didn't invite Trump to his funeral because Trump was I person he generally did not agree with.

  28. I think John McCain is making statement regarding his passing. One John McCain is still in feud with Donald Trump. Also John do good things in the world and he knows right from wrong. So if he don't want Trump there that is a sign that Trump is not a positivity and good person in his eyes.

  29. I agree with McCain not wanting Trump to attend his funeral because he was disrespectful and he never apologized.

  30. I think he is making a statement in his passing by not inviting Trump because you should have a right to say who can and cannot come to your funeral. He did not want Trump there because he disagreed with things he has done and I respect that.

  31. John McCain died earlier this week due to brain cancer. Before he died he made a statement basically saying that Trump is not to attend his funeral. I think that was a wise decision. I think that because Trump is not someone that he would want to try and honor him at his passing especially because he was for everything McCain was against. Also if trump was all ready saying dumb and stupid things about him on the internet, what would he say at his funeral or do at his funeral. Overall i think John McCain made the right decision when he made that statement.

  32. Yes, John McCain is making a statement. Not allowing Trump to attend his funeral has definitely been controversial. I believe this is a way of saying, no matter the circumstance, living or dead, he doesn't agree or stand by Trump and though he's no longer here to fire the feud, they'll never be in compliance.

  33. I feel like McCain was making a statement. He didn't want trump at his funeral which says a lot. He has a right to not want someone at his funeral at the same time.

  34. In my opinion, I think that john McCain is making a statement in regards to his passing, i think so because he didn't invite Trump to the funeral because trump opposed the things he did and This as an effect on people when he does this.

  35. I think John McCain is making a statement after his passing because he is still refusing to have any dealing with president Trump.

  36. Yes John McCain is making a statement. Even once he is dead john still mad a statement showing that he does not agree with Trumps ideals. By saying that he doesn't want the president to come is a clear statement.

  37. I think John McCain is making this statement in his passing. The reason why he did this is because people know when their time is coming. It wasn't shocking that he didn't want Trump at his funeral. Trump has a huge negative effect on people.

  38. Not inviting Trump to his funeral makes a huge statement, in regards to McCain's passing. As a respected politician and war hero John's opinion on Trump definitely increases, the already tense, conversations about his priorities and morals. Another statement, McCain's invites made was the solidifying of Obama as a great president. While Barack has faded away from the media, many still argue on his contributions to the world, and with McCain being a major republican supporter, it leaves no room for debate, of his importance.

  39. McCain had the right to choose who can and can't come to his funeral. Trump insulted McCain and never really regarded him as a war hero because he was captured in Vietnam. So it makes sense on why McCain didn't want Trump at his funeral.

    ~Mackia Badio

  40. I agree trump should not go because he disrespect there family member pres or not

  41. John McCain made lots of decision that made people question him. He made changes to his life to help change other people's life. John made an impact on the United States and the world.

  42. I agree John McCain because he should have his wishes honored if he deceased and if he does not want certain people to attend his funeral (trump)then certain people does not have to attend.

  43. Yes, John McCain was making a statement in his passing. McCain was trying to state that living or dead, he does not agree with some of the things that trump has done in office.

  44. John Mccain has the right to say any statement regarding his funeral. Before he passed he had a few wishes. He did many things in his life to help him and others change.

  45. John McCain has the right to exclude who he wants from his funeral, Donald Trump cannot force himself to be there even though he doesn't want to

  46. I believe John McCain is making a statement, however, this news article does not talk much about his statement. All the media wants to talk about and will talk about is what is going on with President Trump. I mean seriously, a US senator just died and all you can talk about is what Donald Trump said or did?! For the most part, when they did talk about Trump, it wasn't even about what had to do with McCain. They still want to talk about the Russia investigation. RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!!! I wish the left would just give it up already and accept the fact that they lost. As for John McCain, I believe that he is an honorable man that represented his party and his people the best he could. I also think that President Trump is doing the same in office, and I believe more people would be able to see it if the wolves of the media would back off. I believe that the fact Trump was not invited to McCain's funeral should remain personal and confidential, no outside opinions should be involved.

  47. John McCain was a Great senator and politician. He asked George W Bush and Barack Obama to do the eulogy and asked for Trump to even be there

  48. I believe that John McCain is making a statement. It shows his behavior and how he feels about Trump. McCain claims living or dead that he will not support trump. This behavior is making huge statement.

  49. John McCain can choose who he does and doesn't want to attend his funeral. If he didn't like trump he just dosen' can't do anything about it. You just have to respect his wishes. But this article really does not talk about his statement.

  50. I believe that John McCain has the right to say who he does and doesn't neral. he claims that living or dead he will not support trump. We has to respect that. this statement definitely leaves a statement.

  51. I surmise that McCain is trying to say that he will never support trump even after the day that he dies. Which is why he doesn't want him at his funeral.
