Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Facebook + Instagram

Click the article below, and comment on whether or not you agree or disagree. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE.

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  1. The new time tracking feature for Facebook and Instagram is a god idea. It will really help people who want to cut down on their time on social media. The feature helps people track their time and sends them a notification on when they've spent their set time. Meanwhile, it doesn't affect people who don't use the feature. It's a great feature that has no inherent negative consequences.

  2. I actually agree that sometimes we should take a break from being on social media. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram , Twitter, or Snapchat . This way it helps us explore more and actually forces us to be more aware of our surroundings. In an article it states “ As we learn more about how people’s relationship with media technologies impact their well being , we’re looking for ways to help give people more control ,” head of Facebook communications Gretchen Sloan . So I believe it’s a great new way of tech. That will most likely have pros and cons to it .

  3. If you see how much time you use on social media you might realize that too much time is spent on social media. The time you spend on social media is important. You can set designated cut off times for social media.

  4. The feature, in which tracks the amount of time you spend on daily apps, is a good thing. It can improve in limiting your time on social media. This feature mutes notifications and notifies you when you've spent an excessive amount of time on the apps. Also, this will help with showing just how much time you're wasting in the day. I have no problem with this feature, and I agree with it.

  5. Allowing people to see the amount of time they spend on these social medias is a good idea, but may not affect people with genuine addictions. I'm sure the majority of people that spend too much time on social media are keenly aware of it. I'm not too sure of how strong one's addiction may be to one of these websites because I don't use either of them, but maybe enabling the ability to have the app close itself would be a good idea for those unable to fully commit and to it themselves.

  6. Many people spend a lot of time on technology everyday. Many people use different devices to go on social media. If people use two different devices together they will be on the social media website for a long time. Many companies are making updates and apps to show the user how much time their spending on their device.

  7. I do agree with the up coming addition to the apps. Not only does it help people keep track of how long they spend on the app but they also notify users when the limit is up. Many teens in this generation procrastinate on school work or any type of work because they are so distracted by what is on their feed. With the new update, it will help teenagers get into a healthy habit of having screen time of 2 hours or less, as recommended by doctors.
    They want their users to use the app when they look forward to seeing what they want to see, instead of scrolling around until they find something that sparks their interest. This will help reduce time spent on social media. Though it is a good update to the apps, it will only work for those who plan on using the feature.

  8. In 2018 a problem that has to be dealt with is the use of technology, specifically how much time we are using the technology. they claim the use of technology is cutting out on how we communicate, see life, and relationships. Facebook is proposing a new idea, A movement, the "Time Well Spent' Movement. Where it states that it will try to give us goals of when not to use the app, so if we set a 25 minute goal, when you use thew app for 25 minutes the app will notify you as if its telling you to get off the app, trying not to use technology as much. they also stated that the time you do use the app will be Time Well Spent, where you can see the news, family, and friends, things that are important to you . I do agree with what facebook is doing but I don't think it will limit the use of technology, it may be time well spent but the more they enjoy the app the more there going to use it.

  9. social media that I agreed on when its be more business to make money that they can do the job more easier then is.

  10. I disagree with the whole letting use know how much time were spending on social media. We all ready know how much time were spending plus for some of us that is the only communication with some of are friends or family. I know the creators say they want our time to be well spent but do they really. Because they get paid off us using their apps, and how long we use them for.

  11. I agree that we spend to much time on social media and we should give It a break . The features mutes the notifications to show how much time you spend on these apps .Been on Facebook and Instagram is a way socializing through the internet . Many people do not use these apps so it want affect there feature of been on these websites .Also there are other websites that waste up time .

  12. I do agree to this because its a feature and you can turn it off. It doesn't affect anyone that does not use it. Sometimes on your phone it tells you how much time and how much data you spend on the app.

  13. the tracking feature is a great idea for instagram and facebook! some people will be on social media all day but with the new tracking feature it can cut it down. if someone feels that their always on social media to much they can get help with the new tracking feature. The new tracker will send them a notification when they passed the time they set for them to be on instagram or facebook. with this new update on social media it will change peoples ways.

  14. I totally agree with the new tracking feature for Facebook and Instagram. It great way to show people how much time their really spending on a phone each day.It could open up a lot of people's eyes of what they could be doing during the day. Playing with their kids ,putting the phone down, and maybe take a nice walk.Also, to tell people there's more to life then a social media or a phone screen. This is really great thing Facebook and Instagram are doing for the app user's.

  15. I don't agree with the new feature that Instagram and Facebook are putting on the mobile apps. The new feature helps you manage how much time you use on the app. I think that fewer users will stop using the app because of this. I say this because you cant tell anyone that their time is up on a app ,and they not allowed back on until that certain amount of time is up. I feel that this new feature is not necessary and its a waste of time. Social media is used for many different things in society today. For example, social media is used for communicating with others and finding out things that are going on in the world. I don't think this new feature is going t benefit others.

  16. I agree to this new added feature on Facebook and Instagram . The reason I agree is because people are actually spending a lot of time on social media . I feel like this new feature will really help's people who actually want to spend less time on the media .It will not effect anybody because you can simply turn the feature off just like you can any other feature .Last but not least this will also help parents who don't want their kids on social media that much manage the time their child has on social media .

  17. The creators of Facebook and Instagram are adding little things every year. These things are being added to keep people locked on the internet. People spend too much time on the internet doing nothing productive.

  18. For starters, I don't think my opinion matters at the moment because I do not use either of them for the time being. However, I do agree with it because people (mainly girls) treat social medias like Facebook and Instagram as a sport. Many people are addicted to their phones, although I feel like the platform telling you how much time you spend on your apps and not shutting up about it is a bit too much.

  19. I agree with this article because some people need to know when they have been on social media to long. The notification can help some people stay on track with their daily schedule. This new idea of helping those social media junkies get they life together should prove to be beneficial. These new features can also with learning how to be responsible. This is why I disagree but others may agree because they think it should be something you can do on your own.

  20. I agree with this article because using your phone can be really bad for you especially when using it 24/7. Although, it can be annoying to some people if they make this a mandatory thing for everyone on Instagram and Facebook. Most people may be supersized with how long they have been on these apps. I think that we tend to use social media when we are bored which happens to be most of the time, so this update could probably help the people who care about this topic.

  21. I do agree that we spend a lot of time on social media. The new update of these apps are making spend more time on. It will effect many people but parents wouldn't mind that much.

  22. I dont agree with the features upcoming on these two apps facebook, and instagram. The app will be used less because you can only be on it for a certain time and nobody wants to do that they want to spend there quality time and not be told how long they want to be on it. Social media is the big thing these days the ratings will go down because of this then evgeryone is going to make a big issue on this and the app doesnt want millions of poeple coming at them the wrong way so i think they should rethink this whole idea of these new features.

  23. I agree with Facebook and Instagram because out of 24 hours of a day most people will probably spend 20 hours on it. While most people are on their phone, their mostly on social medias. Social media has a big influence on people nowadays.

  24. I agree with the idea of tracking the time that is spent on social media. People spend most of their day on social media. People need to see how much time they spend on social media. Now that Instagram has started doing this it starts to get used by other companies.

  25. The new features are a way to help users to acknowledge your time spent on social media. I agree with the platform and their willingness to do so. It gives the person control to the current accessible features that is found in settings and notifications about your recent time. The tools are easy for tracking how much hours you spent, however I feel like there wouldn't be any difference because majority of the people will still be able to look at their screens however long they want. But for those who can put down their phone and live a healthy life style, that is good to say the least. The article states that you will be able to stay connected through these new applications and be able to use their time wisely each growing day.

  26. I agree that the time we spend on social media should be tracked. This helps users be more aware how much time they spend on social media. This feature can help the user cut back on the amount of time they use the social media app.

  27. I agree to the new features because the time we spend on social media we can be doing something productive with our life. I also feel as if the time we spend on there should be tracked because if you want to better yourself and be able know how much time you spend of social media a day you can.

  28. I agree with Facebook and Instagram tracking how much time you have spent on their apps. This feature lets you realize that you have been spending to much time on the internet. Once you realize that you have reached your time limit you can spend the rest of the day doing another activity for example a type of sport. This feature will help you stay off your phone.

  29. I agree that the owner of facebook and instagram did a good thing about keeping track of our time on social media because its such a huge part of society now and people get obsessive over it and lose the sense of reality. With that people can see their time on there and see how unproductive they're are being and trying to change it. Lastly I feel like people will have more experiences and better time doing the more important thing than scrolling through instagram and not doing work or having fun like a lot of people spend their time.

  30. I agree with finding out how much time we spend on Instagram it may be helpful for people who what to change how much time they spend online this may not control if you want to get off or not but it will try to make you know how much time you spend online in general, also push you to control how much time you put in Instagram. This is making us know how time we spend on our phones for hours and sometimes never taking a break. This could be a step forward for the people who decide to change and a step back for who think nothing is wrong with the time they spend online.

  31. I agree. Because this feature of Instagram and Facebook helps users learn the time they spent on Facebook and Instagram every day and every week. Helps users can spend their time on meaningful works. Helps the user's health is not too affected by the technology, helping users easily control their spending time. Helps users to bring their time to intentional and meaningful works is the main purpose of Instagram's and Facebook's "Time Well Spent" movement. In my opinion this is a good idea.

  32. I agree with this because this a feature and you can turn off. It does not have an affect on anyone that does not use it. On my phone it tells me how much data,time,and battery percentage you spend on the app.

  33. I agree with the new time feature for Instagram and Facebook. It gives people the opportunity to limit the amount of time they use those apps. It also gives you an idea to know if you are addicted to those apps or not. By doing this maybe more people will stop being on social media for so long and will start doing things like go for a walk or to the park. Overall I agree with this new feature.

  34. I agree with this article because people spend way too much time on facebook and instagram. When they could be doing things more productive. Some kids don't do their homework because their on social media, they don't talk to their families.In my opinion, I think about 80% of kids worldwide spend 90% of their day on instagram when their out of school.SO I think its an good idea.

  35. I agree with the "time well spent" movement. Many people such as myself spend most of the day on social media platforms such as Instagram or Snapchat. This isn't the best way to spend your time. While I could be doing more productive things such as studying or doing homework, I'm typically staring down at my phone. I would genuinely consider using the time management feature.

  36. I agree, because people will sit on instagram/facebook all day and not do anything else. This is giving the people a reason to do other things besides post and scroll. This idea might backfire because people will be using the platforms less which will halt some of the money that they are bringing in. The pro's for this idea out weigh the cons so overall THis is a great idea

  37. They would like for the user of todays technology especially people who invest heavy time into social media such as Facebook and Instagram to evenly spread time to both things to maximize the activity of user on all social media accounts. This will give these accounts more activity which can lead to more time on ones technology and lead to the companies getting more out of what they are investing but the users must maintain their happiness with the apps so they wont push this idea hard onto the users

  38. I agree with these features to the two apps because these things can really help out people physically and mentally. People spend large amounts of time on both of these apps and with this feature it's going to help people be able to have a limit and be able to learn self control with social media. People spend too much time on social media trying to flex and show off, but what they don't realize is that they are wasting their precious lifetime. Life is very short..and with this feature it may be able to help people to go and do something else with their lives as opposed to spending it all on social media worrying about dumb things that are super irrelevant.

  39. I think it’s a good idea, especially for people who do not want to spend a lot of time on social media. The feature helps users learn more about how much time they spend on social media, and also helps them if they want to cut that time. The tracker notifies the user when they have met their set time to get off. This is also a good idea, because sometimes a lot of social media isn’t good for health and can also be a distraction. I believe this a good idea.

  40. i agree with the article. They want to bring a feature that allows you to see how much time u spent on the app. This feature can be very beneficial to the users of these social media platforms. By seeing how much time you spent on social media you might realize you spend a little too much time on your phone. This can help you cut down on time on your phone. This can be very healthy for your mental. This is a great tool.

  41. I agree with Facebook and Instagram tracking how long you use each app because it can show people that it is not healthy to just sit with a phone in their face and be on a app that don't really benefit you. By allowing people to set a timer on how long they can be on the app is a good thing because it allow you to get things done and be interactive with other people that is in front of you. With Facebook and Instagram creating this tracker it will benefit everybody.

  42. I agree with this. I think it is a good idea to let people know the amount of time they spend on each app. Some people think they spend 15-20 minutes but in reality they spend almost 2-3 hours on social media which is not very healthy. It has become a sport for many people in which they spend there free time. So I think this feature will help a lot of people monitor the amount of time they spend on these apps.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I personally agree with this feature because it can show you that you maybe need to take some time off the app and make sure your time on the app is well spent and fun at the same time.

  45. I agree with what they are trying to do. We spend major of our day on social media and once people realize how much time they spend it will allow them cut back on how much social media they use.

  46. I agree to this new feature. It allows users to see how much time they've been on which helps in many ways, like time management and how it affects health.This new feature will help many around the globe.

    1. written by Kareem Sutherland

  47. I agree because Instagram and Facebook should remind you that your on social media for too long and you should spend your time doing something else. Our world is so stuck on social media that forget to do things that are important. So I agree on Instagram and Facebook to help people to get off social media. This is why I agree.

  48. I agree with having something on Facebook and Instagram to tell people how much time we spent on the app. Most people lives our being overpowered with technology nowadays. Showing the time you spent on an app can basically tell you what you are doing with your life. You can also have a set time and limit yourself to how long you are going to be on the app. In that case, people can better their lives and be active instead of living life on their phones.

  49. I agree with the new time feature for the social media applications instagram and facebook because it's a smart idea for users to know how much time hey use spending on these apps. Also this feature helps users with using their time wisely and not always being on there social media apps .

  50. I agree with the new update Instagram and Facebook are making. They're helpful for those who monitor how much time they spend on social media and I'm sure others will begin being mindful upon seeing their data. Social media quickly became an obsession so these new features have the potential to help us take back control. Since people can decide for themselves what they want to be doing with their time, maybe we'll become a more productive society.

  51. I agree with most of the viewpoints of the #TimeWellSpentMovement, however there are some disadvantages if people begin to spend less time on social media apps. If people were to spend less time on social media it would definitely improve production in workplaces. It would also help people get a better night sleep, which in turn could save those suffering from exhaustion and depression. However, there are some flaws with this awareness, if people were to decrease dependence on these apps, it could result in a decrease in profit for both Facebook and Instagram. Social media, also provides insight for businesses and millions of viewpoints on current day problems. This in turn could make people less socially aware and decrease the reach public figures wish to extend to fan-bases. However, overall I agree with this new update and I believe it will have more beneficial than negative outcomes.

  52. I agree because facebook and instagram is apart of a lot of different peoples lives and especially teens. Thousands of people use facebook and instagram everyday and with these features it will help people release that there are other things to do rather than sit up on social media all day. This will be giving people a reason to do other things.

  53. I agree with the addition they have made to these apps because so many people waste their day away on social media. Social media can lead to body issues or certain thoughts about things because of the content that is posted. It is good for people to get off of it for a while because it may risk their health. It will be good for people to realize how much time they spend on apps so they can limit it and actually be aware of what is going on in the world around them. For some people social media has taken over their thoughts, appearance, and overall world.

  54. Most people in the westernized world today are addicted, or should I say dependent on technology. I have seen fellow students at school as well as family members on their cell phones all day. My younger cousins are a quintessential example of tech-dependent people. Whenever I am visiting them, their faces are almost always buried in their phone screens, until their parents tell them to give them their phones. Even I have found myself spending a quarter of the day watching videos on YouTube. I agree with the decision that companies such as Facebook and Instagram have made. I believe it is beneficial to people, especially young children who have young brains that are still developing and no concept of time management.

  55. I agree, because it limits peoples time on their phone. Especially children; We are always focused on our phone and it can get in the way of school. This helps prioritize and gain control of how much time we spend on the phone. I think "Time well spent" is a great movement and could be significantly helpful.

  56. I agree with the article because it shows how much time we spend on Facebook and Instagram. It shows us how much time you spend on the app and how you can change how much time you spend on the app.People will people change their habits with their.

  57. I definitely agree that this new feature will definitely help people to spend time on more important things rather than being on social media for unnecessary amounts of time. This would definitely make people pay more attention to how much time they spend on social media and I'm sure Instagram and Facebook will definitely see changes in the usage of the apps. Less time will be spent on looking at everybody else's life and posting to tell everybody about there life people will began to focus on there well being more.

  58. I agree with the article stating that the "time spent" feature to the Instagram & Facebook app. It would be beneficial for people to see how much of their day they are spending on different social media apps. It would influence people to put their phones down and do other things if they saw for themselves how much time they spend on it instead of just estimating.

  59. The time tracking feature for Facebook and Instagram is in some ways a good idea. It will really help people who spend too much time on social media. The feature helps people track their time and sends them a notification on when they've exceeded the amount of time they've set. Meanwhile, it doesn't affect people who don't use the feature. It's a great feature that has no known negative consequences.

  60. I agree with Facebook and Instagram. This feature lets users see exactly how much time they've spent one each app. This feature is beneficial for the users. They can now see if they're spending too much time on social media. This will help them manage their time better. Its a very good idea.

  61. I agree. I'm not sure about other people but me personally, if I'm getting ready to go somewhere this would be of use because I'm usually not paying attention to time when on Instagram which makes me late. Like 70% of the time I'm late because I'm checking peoples story and stuff. This would come of great use to help me get off of the app on time for me to go to that destination in time. This is why I agree with this.

  62. I agree with them because we spend too much time on social media. Most people can't live without technology. I feel like you should set a time and limit yourself to how long you going to be on a app so it want have your attention all day. Why people on there phone they can b more active and do something more important.

  63. There are both pros and cons with this. Like it's good they are trying to let people use social media less. But people are just going to use it less no one what's to be timed on something they want to do. It limits the time on your phone and makes you focus on the real world and what's around. So I think I would have to agree. There are so many people that focus to much on there phones that they miss out on soo much. At least they will still have a little time on these apps.

  64. I agree because facebook and instagram is apart of a lot of different peoples lives and especially teens. Thousands of people use facebook and instagram everyday and with these features it will help people release that there are other things to do rather than sit up on social media all day. This will be giving people a reason to do other things.

  65. I also agree with big companies like Instagram or Facebook to see how much time spent on the app, I agree with this because I myself tend to catch myself spending valuable time being wasted on social media, and this would make me be more cautious.

  66. I think the time tracking feature on Facebook and Instagram is a major improvement for its users because many people may not realize how much time they actually spend on their phones, computers, tablets, etc. instead of interacting with others in real life. This issue of spending too much time on the internet threatens many peoples' lives because they may not realize that they are isolating themselves for long periods of time every day, which causes them to become increasingly anti-social. Therefore, the time tracking feature will help a large quantity of social media users to use their time less, or in better ways on social media.

  67. i agree because more and more people get on social media everyday.

  68. I agree with this idea since a lot of people now in days are always on their phones. I think once people find out how long they be on technology they might cut back or become more aware of how long they be on there. I personally be on my phone a lot watching videos on YouTube. When I do this time seem to go by so quickly that next thing I know I spent an whole hour on it. So having it track how long we be on these app would help us greatly. Maybe then more people would become active knowing there something better to do than being on their phones all day.

  69. Get ready to find out how much time you spend on Facebook and Instagram. A new set of features are starting to roll out to the Facebook and Instagram mobile apps on Wednesday to help you better manage how you spend time on the platforms.

  70. the new time tracking feature that is on Facebook and Instagram is a good idea for people who have a hard time trying to stay off their phone. It helps Delete repeated word people to keep track of the time they have been on the internet, specifically Facebook and Instagram, and that'll help them with their time management on the internet.

  71. The new time tracking feature that is on Facebook and Instagram is a smart idea. This generation spends most of the time on social media to where it is now becoming unhealthy and causing a toll on their life. Having a cut off time allows for a healthy lifestyle.
