Friday, August 17, 2018


Do you agree or disagree, should Facebook have an obligation to journalism?


  1. I agree that facebook should have some type of say so in obligation to journalism.

  2. I think if they don’t want to have to be obligated to support journalism because Facebook has enough money for them not to be obligated yo do anything. Now if this was something that has hurt people I honk hey should go somewhere else because Facebook is it’s own company that has expanded on its own so they can pic and choose.

  3. I agree because it causes more people to come to Facebook. Also it provides more options to view on Facebook

  4. No, Facebook should not have an obligation to journalism. They can be obligated to do whatever they want.

  5. Yes ,I agree that facebook should have an journalism ,The reason is facebook need new things to use for the update app , facebook been out for a while now so I believe they should have the obligation of journalism .

  6. I agree because facebook should have an journalism . More people think that more people will come to facebook. Facebook should be obliged to do what they want at the end of the day . Facebook been out for a while that why I think Facebook should have the obligation of journalism .

  7. Yes , I agree that facebook should have an obligation of journalism , the reason is facebook have been out for a while I believe that it should try to explore the new types of apps, It would be able to view more options and see the new things .

  8. ill say I do agree on facebook because its can tell you about your expressions on whats one your mind for the journalism.

  9. Facebook has no obligation to any content creator. Facebook isn't a publisher, they're a platform. They aren't concerned with how the creators feel about the site. They only thing that should concern them as a company is how users feel.

  10. I don't think Facebook should have a obligation to journalism. Because if the creator doesn't want it we should respect that. He should have a greater reason maybe it could make his app down fall or bring it up.

  11. Facebook is their own company and have the rights to expand their platform. They are obligated to include any additions they want on their app and website. In this case, Facebook should have the obligation to have journalism as part of their platform, which can create more opportunities for people and provide a way of entertainment to the audience.

  12. I agree that facebook should have an journalism. I feel they should have a journalism because facebook as been the same for a long time and they finally though of something new for people to do.

  13. Yes I do Believe Facebook has a obligation to Journalism as a company. It's more than social media company they have that entitlement as a company. To publish and comment on things that are going on in the world today.

  14. Facebook should have journalism so people can know what is going on around the world but at the same time they need to be careful of what the journalist put out there.

  15. I disagree, Facebook should not have an obligation against journalism. Facebook is a social media app and some journalism is posted on this social media app.

  16. I agree that Facebook should have journalism. Its a good idea for a feature for Facebook. Plus it gives jobs for others who are in the field of journalism. Also many people still use Facebook till this day so it would help keep everyone updated.

  17. I think Facebook should have an obligation to support journalism. Mark Zuckerberg doesn't care about supporting new publishers for the sake of supporting them.

  18. I agree that Facebook should have a obligation to journalism. I say this because Facebook is a big platform and it is used by my people. It would allow people communicate with others on things that are happening in the world. It would allow bring more and more people to the platform. I also think that Facebook could use a facelift even though Facebook has improved a lot ,but it would nice if Facebook has a new feature that other apps don't have.

  19. Facebook should have journalism because a lot of people use facebook for information on news and stuff like that. plus it'll also help people who want to do journalism.

    ~Mackia Badio

  20. I agree, journalism would give facebook users more to do on the app because all you can really do on there is post and message people so they need more in order to keep users using facebook.

  21. Facebook has no right to any content creator. Facebook is a platform. They aren't worried with how the creators feel about the site. They only thing that should bother them as a company is how the people who use their site feel.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I agree because they should support journalism. Facebook is used by many people and this is something new and creative that Facebook could be apart of. This is why I agree.

  24. Facebook is a big platform, so many people use it- they use it all over the world. I think that it might be a good idea for facebook to get into journalism, it could give the opportunity for people to reach out to others, and it can also let people know what's happening in full context.

  25. I don't think Facebook should be obligated to support journalism. Journalism is a business and it should be up to journalist to use the app or not just like it is for everyone else or any other business.

  26. Yes ,I agree that Facebook should have an journalism. Facebook is a big platform and it is used by my people. Facebook can create more opportunities for people and provide a way of entertainment to the audience.

  27. I agree that facebook should have a journal

  28. Yes I do Believe Facebook has a obligation to Journalism as a company. It's more than social media company they have that entitlement as a company. They have the right to publish and comment on things that are going on in the world today.

  29. I feel that facebook should have journalism because people already express how they feel on facebook. Facebook is a big platform.

  30. I agree that Facebook should have a obligation to journalism. It should because they should be able to do whatever they want with their app and site in all. Also the need to updates if they want to attract more people to their site. If they have an obligation to journalism , it will give them an opportunity to make a lot more money with their business. This is why I agree with the fact that facebook should have the obligation to journalism.

  31. Facebook should not be obligated to have journalism. The reason for this is journalism is a career choice not a small feature. Some people's jobs are a journalist and it should be left to them.

  32. I don't think Facebook should have an obligation to journalism. Facebooks only concern is engaging users.

  33. Facebook should include journalism. Many people use Facebook and they would probably make a lot more money if they incorporated journalism.

  34. I disagree that Facebook should have a obligation to journalism. Their are many people that are on Facebook that they have to monitor on a daily bases. Their not going to know who's real and who's fake.

  35. I agree that Facebook should not have an obligation to journalism. The main reason is that Facebook is a company that has created a platform that allows friends to communicate online. Facebook wants what is best for the community so they should not be obligated to include things that the community may not like. Facebook should only be obligated to do something if the community wants it.

  36. I think facebook should include journalism. Facebook has the freedom to do whatever they want with the site. Plus i believe the updates would make more people want to use facebook so it’s a win for them.

  37. I think that facebook should include journalism on the platform. By including journalism facebook can engage more user to view the news.

  38. I believe that facebook should have journalism. I state this because people of facebook should be able to express the way they feel. Freedom of speech allows people to feel the way they feel and show the world. It allows for good communication and making friends with the same interest.

  39. Facebook should not have an obligation to journalism, It is a site for people to communicate on. Sure journalism is important, and having a news feed on Facebook is good. But their main focus should not be on journalism. Just like how you can't censor people's opinions, you can't just pick and choose what news articles are allowed on Facebook.

  40. I believe Facebook shouldn't have to post or promote journalism throughout their app. Journalism isn't only full o false news it also is a extremely competitive industry and Facebook posting only the journalist that it chooses flips the playing field.

  41. I think Facebook should include Journalism. I believe it would be a big step ahead of every other social media. With Facebook, having the most features it would be ahead in the markets.

  42. I agree with what they are saying. Facebook is used by millions of people. It will allow people to communicate with all types of things. It keep people updated with everything.

  43. I think facebook should take a interest in journalism. I believe so because facebook is already a populated brand. They should widen their branches.

  44. I agree beacause some people can use this feature as a job or hobby. It can expand their media.

  45. I agree that Facebook should have a obligation to journalism. But Facebook is a huge company which a great amount of people use, So this addition would boost the site by a lot.

  46. In my opinion, Facebook should consider and in include Journalism, this would give Facebook the advantage over other popular social media with keeping people updated in whats going on in the world around us.

  47. Journalism should not be promoted by facebook

  48. I agree that Facebook should have a obligation to journalism. I think that having this will attract more people & a lot of people that at first weren't attracted to Facebook will begin to use it more to publish there articles.

  49. I agree that facebook should have obligation , face book is like any other social media site and the company should be able to do what pleases them most - Alex Berry

  50. I don't agree because most of the stories are fake.But millions of people use facebook.Newpapers should be on online.

  51. I agree that Facebook should have obligations. It’s like other social media’s and also company’s. Lastly also people have businesses in Social media’s as well

  52. Facebook's global head of news partnerships has come under fire after a report in Rupert Murdoch's Australian quoted her telling news executives that Mark Zuckerberg "doesn't care" about news publishers and that publishers would die unless they cooperated with the company.

  53. I don't feel like they should have obligations I feel like they should be able to do what they want to do with their website.

  54. I do not agree that Facebook has an obligation to journalism because Facebook is not exclusively a journalism website. It's millions of uses may post articles from time to time, but Facebook is not owned by any journalists. Therefore, I think Mark Zuckerberg was well within his rights to not support journalism because it is his company.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I believe that Facebook doesn't have any obligation to journalism. They should be able to run their company however they please. Even though the promotion of journalism may increase the visits to the website, the creation of the website was initially a social media outlet. How the owner would like to expand their company is completely up to them.

  57. Facebook doesn’t have to do anything with journalism. They have no obligations with them Facebook is a social media website with millions of users they only have obligations with their users satisfaction. They only should worry about the users and nothing else.

  58. I agree, Facebook is used for blogging and social media

  59. I agree that Facebook should have a obligation to journalism. But Facebook is a huge company which a great amount of people use, So this addition would boost the site by a lot.

  60. I think Facebook doesn't have anything to do with journalism. The reason I say this is because Facebook is a social website. With it being a social website it doesn't usually have any news on it unless it is from a news blog like fox five. Usually when people are on Facebook they are trying to catch up with their friends and family.

  61. i think facebook is just tryning to reach all ends of the population, some people like journalism, i mean its just another way to get people to use there app. this is ashton

  62. I agree that Facebook should have journalism. Its a good idea for a feature for Facebook. Plus it gives jobs for others who are in the field of journalism. Also many people still use Facebook till this day so it would help keep everyone updated.

  63. Facebook is a big platform, so many people use it- they use it all over the world. I think that it might be a good idea for facebook to get into journalism, it could give the opportunity for people to reach out to others, and it can also let people know what's happening in full context.Destiny Jackson
