Monday, August 20, 2018


Find any current event on the internet and summarize in one paragraph.


  1. That i found is that google CEO Sundar Pichai has sought to reassure employees who are worried the company might compromise its values to get into China.

    1. I found that Sundar Pichai has been wondering that he was the CEO of google

  2. Twitter has been attempting to "clean" their service. A lot of this includes finding and disabling bots and hate speech accounts. The mass deletion of bot accounts has resulted in a apparent user decline in Twitter, but it's only because a large number of fake accounts are deleted. Twitter also plans to introduce a broader way of following, including following topics and hashtags instead of just following people.

  3. So this women was fell off a cruise ship on Saturday . She said that she was on the cruise ship and next thing you know she fell off.This lady was in the water for 10 hours before the Coast Guard came and rescued her. Kay longstaff will be returning to her friends and family in about 2 days once they make sure she is safe and is well to come back to normal life.

  4. The PepsiCo chief executive announced Monday that Pepsi is buying SodaStream, one of the world's top sparkling water brands.

  5. On July 1st a man begin to stab children at a birthday party. The man injured 6 children and 1 girl died. The man responsible for this is Timmy Kinner and it is said that he did this unthinkable thing to kids because he was kicked out the apartment building which the children were celebrating there birthday party at. If he did this because of something so small then he deserves no mercy. To take a 3 year olds life and hurt 5 other kids is just ruthless.

  6. Kay a British women fell over board on a cruise ship. The only way she was able to survive was by treading water for ten hours. The cruise ship notified the Coastal Guards that someone fell over board. People were surprise that she was even alive.

  7. On August 20th, 2018 a woman by name of Kay Longstaff fell off the back of a Norwegian star cruise ship. Kay was treading in the water for 10 hours, she is very lucky to be alive.

  8. I read about Who's Trump attacking on Twitter . Trump has long used twitter to define and defame his political opponents . He directly attacked 97 people . 75 men and 22 women . 252 mentions fake news in 574 days . 113 mentions of witch hunt sine come was fired on may 9. But too me trump attacks everybody .

  9. Wildfire near Athens. On July 25, wildfires in Greece started and killed 74 people. Residents were forced to jump into the sea.

  10. Korean families separated by the Korean War of 1950-1953 are given a chance to see their relatives from the opposite side of the country. Unfortunately citizens of North Korea aren't allowed to step foot into South Korea. So they allowed South Koreans to trespass and remain in the North for 3 days to spend 11 hours with their relatives each day.

  11. Simone Biles brought home the gold this weekend at the U.S Gymnastics Championships. She became the 1st women to win US all around in that championship. She has her eye on the prize training to compete for U.S.A at 2020 Olympics In Tokyo. She feels and thinks she be in the best shape of her life when the Olympics come in three years. Simone is ready to win and take home all the gold at the 2020 Olympic games.

  12. A large sex abuse scandal involving priests in Argentina has been uncovered. Over 1,000 children have apparently been raped or abused, and it has been actively covered up by the church. The Pope himself released a letter to apologize for whats happened. This has been getting looked into for 2 years, and the report has been widely anticipated.

  13. A bomb in Yemen killed 40 children. Reporters say that the bomb is similar to an attack in Yemen in October 2016 which killed 155 people. The bomb's impact caused bodies, metal, schoolbooks and book bags to be scattered everywhere. The US is working with the Saudi-led coalition to improve procedures so that this never happens again. This incident shouldn't have happened and it leaves many people devastated and they also still think that it is not true.

  14. I read about a old lady that was stun gunned and arrested for trying to cut dandelions with a knife . The 87-year-old lady was just trying to get dandelions for her husband , but she didn't speak English so the cops stun gunned her to put the knife down.

  15. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr are all part of the internet.

  16. I found out that there was a crazy man at the Marta station yesterday pushed a mother and her daughter out into the railway at one of the stations going north the train came and hit them but nobody died so they said that the mother and daughter were at the hospital and one of them was in surgery the man was in custody. I think that they should have more security on Marta and other public transportations to prevent things like this from happening.

  17. The current event I found was the Paul Manafort trial. Paul Manafort is a former Trump administration campaign chairman on trial because he has been charged with 18 counts of tax evasion, bank fraud and hiding foreign bank accounts. He has been on trial since 2016. Over the course of 5 years (2010-2015), Paul Manafort allegedly stole close to $100 million dollars because he finished a work project in the Middle East, and took out loans to put in foreign accounts. Basically, Manafort was being greedy, and wanted all the money he could possibly get from the government to support his high-end, luxurious life. The jury still has not yet reached a verdict because of the same reasons most white-collar criminals aren't convicted: he has money and he's white. In the rare occasion Manafort does get convicted of all charges, he will be serving 305 years in federal prison.

  18. On July 23, an app created by Abhishek Singh allows Amazon Alexa to respond to sign language. The app uses a camera-based system to identify the gestures.

  19. Barack Obama's new reading list is probably deeper than yours. he listed some books that people can read on the beach or whenever they have free time .

  20. "Netflix Tests Promotional Videos but Users See ‘Commercials’"
    I think Netflix should keep the commercials but keep them short. I think if they keep them short people can get a preview of the shows they recommended for the user to watch. Now, I myself is not a fan of commercial but I do watch them sometimes if I found them interesting. Another thing is they should only put commercial on maybe every 5 episode you watch so it don't be constant and make the user upset. Though since I don't have Netflix i will never fully know from a personal experience.

  21. Trump is trying to attack someone on twitter. It says Trump has directly insulted, attacked or otherwise maligned about 97 individuals, according to an unscientific review of his feed. These figures do not account for larger groups, like NFL players who protested by kneeling or FBI and intelligence community officials criticized more broadly.

  22. There was a rare sighting of a shark found in Scotland where it is the 2nd most largest fish growing more than 35 feet. The research group APECS who studies in sea-creatures are gathering data about the mysterious life-form they came across. The shark's enormous silhouette is a major part of their body and draws in scientists that wants to learn more about this incredible phenomenon.They are usually spotted during winter or summer. Despite their aggressive-like appearances, they are harmless to humans. I believe they are greatly misunderstood and because of that, 100 million sharks are killed each year. We need sharks to lower the population of fish and management to something we can't simply control. They are most likely to be killed for marketing with great precautions. There are those who capture sharks for the thrill of it and later releases them which is fine. But there are also those who attempts to keep them and take their bodies apart. There are also many other endangered species more like these guys that are being affected to by the environment and outside conflicts. However, there are donations and charities that support funds to help these helpless animals. The APECS came up with new technology such as tracking devices to monitor the sharks on the map and letting others be aware from members of the public.

  23. People today uses technology more than they read books. Social media has tooken over the world. People have business in social media even make money from it.

  24. Pepsi is buying the company Soda Stream. Soda Stream is a healthier alternative to sugary sodas. Pepsi would like to make more nutritious products, so this is a win win for both companies.

  25. pepsi plans to buy Sodastream in 3.2 dollar deal.PepsiCo will buy the Israel-based DIY soda company SodaStream in a deal worth $3.2 billion. The move is widely seen as an effort by Pepsi to prop up its catalog of “healthy” food and drink options as it continues to wage battle against longtime rival Coca-Cola. Both PepsiCo and Coca-Cola have invested heavily in both healthier and eco-friendly alternatives over the past decade.

  26. The NFL and its employees have been swirling around rule changes prohibiting both offensive and defensive from using helmets to make tackles/block. The rule wasn't discussed with the NFLPA, and opinions vary by position and personality. However, one thing many people are worried about is that this is the beginning of the end for football, as we know it. Rules restricting big hits and concern for the long-term safety of players, put a lot of emphasis on the success of offensive players. These rule changes, when made, also make it extremely tough on officials to fully understand the rule without incorporating it with another. I believe, while these rules are necessary, they are too broad and allowing things like crack and pancake blocks really give too much power to the offensive player.

  27. Did you know the Democrats used to support a border wall? In 2006, a senate bill called the "Secure Fence Act" was supported by 26 Democrats, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Chuck Schumer. The only reason why they changed their views in 2008, was to get more votes. Now that Republicans are in control, the Democrats try to make themselves look like angels by doing whatever they can to stop, or slow down Donald Trump's agenda. What do Democrats actually stand for if they keep changing their minds? If my summary interests you, read the full article below for more information.

  28. A motley crew of diehard Trump allies have found their way to constellation of pro-Trump entities and outside political groups.

  29. Alejandra Suarez, 26, of Gainesville, is in the Hall County Jail on a charge of second-degree cruelty to children. She called the police on her self when she accidentally took one of her own children. She was dropping three of her kids off at her grandmothers house and one fell asleep in the back seat. She felt guilty and called the police on herself and is now charged over 5,000 dollars.

  30. Michael Cohen has put a target on Trump. Cohen was charged with some series of crimes, including bank fraud that ensnared Manafort.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. A mother of five children and grandmother of four grandchildren was murdered. She volunteered at the City of Refuge, helping abused women possibly get out of bad situations. They is a video of 4 people who witnessed the murder but did nothing. She was driving home from the homeless shelter not knowing that her life was going to change for the rest of her life. A 12:30am she began to go home and between then and 1:30am she was shot in the head. It is still to be determined what lead up to the murder, what time the murder happened, and who murdered her.

  33. I heard of Michael Cohen and how he was charged with a lot of crimes. This had some involvement with Donald Trump. When every I hear some type of bad news Donald Trump name is in it. This is the news I heard online.

  34. In july of 2018 a great flood happend in the indian state of Kerala. Over 445 people have died and 15 went missing due to this tragedy. 280,679 people were evacuated from their homes. 1/6 of their population was affected


  35. UnknownAugust 26, 2018 at 4:07 PM
    In july of 2018 a great flood happend in the indian state of Kerala. Over 445 people have died and 15 went missing due to this tragedy. 280,679 people were evacuated from their homes. 1/6 of their population was affected

  36. Apparently, Pepsi is buying a company called Soda Stream. They made a $3.2 billion dollar deal to purchase the Isreal-based soda company in efforts to tap into the "healthy alternative" side of the drink business. This will help while Pepsi continues to compete with Coca-Cola.

  37. A teen was stabbed by her friend because of an argument they had which mad the other teen furious. I believe this would make parents afraid of their children going to their friend's house. This a serious case that was caused from something ridiculously small.
