Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Please comment on the article below in one paragraph minimum.



  1. Its good that youtube is paying its youtube stars because people make videos for money.

    1. I think Lexy Savvides is running on a treadmill

  2. I don't get the importance of this article, or what it's supposed to signify. If it true, this isn't the first time, and who cares? YouTube is paying people to advertise another one of there features. Soon the same people that advertised it will fill it with a ton of unfunny garbage one hour "movies" or make an awful TV show, with the occasional creative person getting in on the spotlight.

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  6. This is the same thing Youtube has been doing for the last 5 years. Youtube isn't really paying it's creators out of the kindness of their hearts, they need creators to advertise their new feature. It's the same exact thing they did with Youtube Red. Youtube doesn't really care about youtubers, they're more interested in whatever makes them the most money. That means that they're more focused on big media companies and clips from late night talk shows.

  7. I feel that it is good that youtube is paying their stars because the stars are the reason why youtube is expanding.

  8. Youtube is like a job . You make videos and when you get a lot of views you make money . Its nothing new because they always paying there stars .

  9. YouTube paying its stars is an improvement because many people benefit from it. The stars themselves gain more fame and money, as well as the company itself. The new paid membership and enhanced chats are also good features for its users.

  10. I feel it’s good that YouTube is paying their stars again because one it shows the stars that YouTube really does care. Tats shoes a lot 1 about the company and the perspective given on the company

  11. I thought YouTube has been paying people to create videos. So I don't know why this article had to be created to be honest. Because most youtubers will even tell you that they get paid off their subscribers and views.

  12. Youtube is like the job is to make videos to makes some money. Youtube very important thing to do is that when you get alots of views and get ads to get paid.

  13. I think YouTube is doing a great thing with paying their YouTube users and bloggers. Their basically saying that if you use their app and praise them for the opportunity they will pay you. Using their services daily or monthly getting many subscribers your basically a employee for the company.You get payed for what your doing on a daily basis for the company.

  14. Everyone is starting to make a youtube channel .The reason is youtube is paying them if they mske over a lot of viewers .Also if they advertise it more the money they will make .Also their importance is on whoever make the more videos and talk shows about what they are doing . Also they are paying their stars to make their website more official and the reason to be on youtube .

  15. YouTube has been paying their stars money but this is nothing new people are getting payed to make videos and the stupid ads on YouTube is paying them too.

  16. This isn't much of a surprise, Youtube has been making money off their stars by having them promote their latest subscription service and features. Some of the channels aren't even that big but they still take advantage of them too. They are paying their stars more if they agree to sprinkle praises or promotion of the platform from time to time.

  17. Youtube is doing good on paying their stars but they are doing it for a reason. They pay their "stars" because they need to make them want to make more videos. As they make more videos youtube gets even more money then they are giving their stars.

  18. Youtube is making a plan to pay people who has made enjoyable content and will continue to open up to many users. They have been doing this for the past years and is currently earning billions of dollars. The company has encourage stars to post more and has offered them film roles as a opportunity to better their careers.

  19. YouTube is a like a job. Most people make a lot of money from YouTube. People who have millions of views make a lot of money.

  20. Everybody starts off some where and youtubers deserve to get paid for what they do they grind for what they want and work hard like every other individual in this world so this idea is good. Some people depend on youtube for there lifes because they probably quit everything just to do youtube.

  21. YouTube could be a significant way as a job. I've seen ads of where a guy helps people make a career on YouTube doing what they love to do. It's basically turning your hobby into a career. By putting ads on your videos, you can possibly have enough money to pay rent and stuff like that. I noticed a long while ago that people make a living off of it, so I think it's beneficial.

  22. YouTube has always paid the creators since the beginning. If the video bring views and comments and gain a list of followers, you would have a higher chance in money. If the videos are good and don't break any of youtube rules that you will get paid for it.

  23. I do not understand the purpose of this article. YouTube has been paying people for years and this is nothing new.

  24. Google's Youtube is paying its digital stars up to hundreds of thousands of dollars to vouch for new features it rollls out, Bloomberg reported Monday, citing unnamed sources familiar with the deals.

  25. I don't think it is wrong that youtube is paying their youtube stars. Some of youtube's stars may have many subscribes and could have them to check out the new feature that youtube has created. Most people don't make videos for free, at the end of the day they usually want something in return. YouTube is a large platform and makes a lot of money each day.

  26. YouTube is finally paying youtubers again which is a great thing because all they were doing was looking at memes and try to hit the 10 minute they can finally make some good content

  27. I think YouTube is doing a great thing with paying their YouTube users and bloggers. Their basically saying that if you use their app and praise them for the opportunity they will pay you. Using their services daily or monthly getting many subscribers your basically a employee for the company.You get payed for what your doing on a daily basis for the company.

  28. It is good that youtube is paying all the famous youtubers. YouTube is a career for a lot of people. YouTube keeps people entertained and youtube needs to pay the youtubers money to keep entertaining subscribers.

  29. I think that it is good that Youtube is paying all the famous content creators. YouTube is a career for a lot of people. YouTube keeps people entertained and Youtube needs to keep paying the Youtubers money to keep entertaining their subscribers.

  30. Its good that YouTube is paying its stars. YouTube is a career for most people and they need to get paid for their achievements. If they don't get paid they wont want to become youtubers anymore and YouTube will lose followers. This is how I feel about the article.

  31. You tube has been doing this same thing for years. Youtube only pays its stars so they can promote the app and all of its features so they make more money. An example would be Youtube Red. Once they had it, they had stars promote it by giving it a small shoutout in one of their videos or posting it on their social media. This is not a matter of kindness, it is a matter of selfishness because all thy want is money.

  32. I think it is a good thing that YouTube stars are getting paid because it is a talent to hold the attention of people for as long as they do. A lot of youtubers but a lot of effort, creativity, and time into making and producing videos and that deserves recognition.

  33. YouTube has always been paying their stars to make videos. I don't think this is anything bad if anything it offers more jobs to people.

  34. YouTube paying stars is nothing new, they've been doing it for years, and it is benefiting both YouTube and the people who do YouTube for a living. It helps YouTube with being able to do different features, and it also helps the stars that do YouTube to be able to make money and to show off their creativity as well.

  35. i believe its good that they are giving youtubers money because it supplies another way for people to get rich by just making videos so i like this idea alot and believe they should pay youtubers even more especially if they do advertisements promoting another buissness

  36. Youtubers getting paid is a good thing since the amount of time and effort put into making a video is immense. Since many people use youtube it need people to make content for people to watch. So paying the big name content creators give them a reason to continue to make videos which also allows youtube to grow.

  37. in my opinion, Youtube is doing a good job paying their youtubers so they can entertain and bring more customers to their application. everyone benefits

  38. It is good that youtube is paying they're stars because they make a living out of youtube. I thought they were already getting paid, aparently not. It is good that they are doing this and it can help the people who make youtube videos every day and that is they're job.

  39. Youtube is a really big platform of entertainment that anyone can start off. Youtube is a job for some people and just a hobby for others. My uncle is a youtuber he has 400k subscribers and has a few videos with over millions of views. Youtube pays good, he is very sucessful.

  40. I think it's good they are paying famous Youtuber's. Because they give entertainment just like people on tv. Like they pay actors they should pay famous Youtuber's.

  41. I believe that it is a good thing that youtube is paying their stars to record videos, because it takes time and money to create a video.

  42. Its great because if you do a service and make people happy you should be reward it for your work.I made money from youtube and its rewarding because its fun to make videos in your spare time.The thing is youtubers will stretch there videos for more money snd its less entertaining.

  43. I think this is a great business move by google. Paying its stars not only helps promote their audiences to subscribe to new features, but it also encourages others to create channels. With Facebook making new features look Facebook TV, Youtube's move to start paying for self-advertisement is a great way to ensure that stars will continue to post and they will gain subscriptions for YouTubeRed.

  44. I guess what YouTube is trying to do is a good thing. It's rewarding for YouTube stars to get paid. I seriously don't know if very many people would be interested in YouTube TV though. Not while there is Netflix or Hulu.

  45. Its good that Youtube is paying their stars again. Youtube creators work very hard making videos and they should get payed for it.

  46. Youtube is like the job is to make videos to makes some money. Youtube very important thing to do is that when you get alots of views and get ads to get paid.

  47. I believe that YouTube is trying to do a good thing by paying YouTube stars once again. These stars be working their butts off to provide entertainment and content that please the viewers. Youtube's move is also starting to put them in competition with Facebook. These two powerhouse entertainment sites are in a numbers war.

  48. I feel as if that YouTube paying their stars again is a great thing. Even though I thought they always have. Cause everyone uses YouTube making it a huge company so paying the people who bring people over to their website should be paid according to how many fans they have.

  49. Youtube is steadily growing so it's no surprise that competitors are finding it hard to keep up. They are constantly bringing in new users as well as money. I didn't even know Facebook had a "TV-like programming called Watch".

  50. I think this article isn't really something new. The reason why I think this because I been heard that top You tubers got paid for making videos but they stop doing it. I'm guessing since they are starting to get competitors they have to do something to keep their audience. Overall I think this great for people that want to get a start in entertainment. Besides people use YouTube more then Facebook or anything else

  51. I think that it's good that YouTube is paying their stars since they are technically working for YouTube anyway. It would be unfair if people were taking their time to make videos for a company to stay in business and they weren't getting paid.

  52. it’s good that YouTube is paying their stars again because one it shows the stars that YouTube really does care. Tats shoes a lot 1 about the company and the perspective given on the company

  53. Paying their stars is a very rewarding thing for YouTube to do. It is a very great idea to pay them as well because it makes more people want to do YouTube. These things make their market rise up as well as it's overall popularity. But, it does make the popular people have a lot of competition.

  54. Paying YouTubers is nothing new because its like a job and the more they blow up in the youtube world the more they deserve to get rewarded even if they dont do it for the money but for entertainment so i think its a good thing for them and its only fair in my opinion.

  55. I believe that it's good that Youtube is paying again, a lot of these youtubers bring out good content and they do that for a living.

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  56. Youtubers bring money to YouTube and google from the entertainment they have created for years now and it’s good to see them being paid these amounts of money. They work
    Hard and provide a living off social media, they bring more users to social media which bring in revenue to YouTube.

  57. When people make videos on youtube they do it to make money.Youtube is a job for them.Some youtubers make millions of dollars a month.

  58. Youtube is basically like a job . You make videos and if you get a lot of views youtube pays you. Its nothing new because they always paying there stars. Some youtuber make a million dollar a month.

  59. youtubing is a job, and alot of these people that do it bring more people on youtube and i think youtube owes them so i think its good they pay them. this is ashton

  60. Youtube has been paying their stars. The more views and likes the money they make. Youtube a job.


  61. I think YouTube is doing a great thing with paying their YouTube users and bloggers. Their basically saying that if you use their app and praise them for the opportunity they will pay you. Using their services daily or monthly getting many subscribers your basically a employee for the company.You get payed for what your doing on a daily basis for the company.Destiny Jackson
