Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Current Events

Please summarize two current events in one paragraph minimum


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The article found on The New York Time addresses about school education and one in particular teaching about the outside world in modern society. The middle school in Brooklyn New York talks about in quote, " society’s racist beauty standards, to fund-raisers for L.G.B.T.Q.+ rights groups, to creative writing pieces, artwork and political letters that urge others to help victims of police brutality, mass incarceration and the school-to-prison pipeline." This has brought a lot of awareness to the students about outside conflicts that is happening right now. It gives them a opportunity to voice out their opinions and discuss it as a class. In my opinion, this idea sounds great and realistic. Not only does it apply for further knowledge, it relates to lessons in history from time to time. The second current event is about the loss of John Mcain. Quote, " For years, Mr Trump had used Twitter and the presidential bully pulpit to mock and condemn the senator from Arizona. In death, Mr McCain found a way to have the last word, even quietly making it clear through friends that Mr Trump was not welcome at the services." John was making a saying from his death.

  3. Everyone know the Wizard of Oz. But did everyone know that Dorothy ruby slippers was stolen in 2005 in the Judy Garland Museum. But they just know found them. On top of that the shoe is worthy over 2 million dollars. They found the ruby slippers but did find who was respond able for it. So the search is still on. We have a flying car that works. A video camera caught a flying Tesla. But was it really flying or was it just really speeding. We don't know.

    1. The evil witch forced dorothy to give her the ruby slippers but dorothy needs her ruby slippers so she can go home and be with her family

  4. Instagram is looking into developing a shopping app. The app would be called "IG Shopping" and would compliment their existing features. In Detroit, water fountains have been replaced by water coolers. It is in response to the contaminated water that has been around for about 4 years now.

  5. the event that i found is that Pompeo says he wants to “reset” strained relations, but the appointment of Zalmay Khalilzad as a special adviser on reconciliation in Afghanistan could complicate his job.

  6. Colin Kapernick was the cover the Nike 30th anniversary ad.Telling people believe in something even if means scarfing everything. Colin was fighting for the injustice black people were getting after being murdered for terrible reasons. Areatha Franklin just died she was the queen of soul and the queen of Motown. She had funeral which was six hours long that's crazy but she deserve's it. She will be truly be missed she made all women want a little RESPECT!!

  7. This event is of a mother that claimed she was beaten unconscious and when she woke up her son was gone. Later the police found the child near a lake but, they also found blooded items in the apartment. This came to the conclusion that she murdered her son. She will be seeing time behind bars or jail time.

  8. Brett Kavanaugh didn't say a lot on the first day of his confirmation hearings. But then again, how could he, with protesters constantly interrupting the proceedings and Democratic senators staging an aggressive, sustained attack to slow the march to his inevitable confirmation.Tropical Storm Gordon killed at least one person when it made landfall late last night west of the Alabama-Mississippi border. A child died when a tree fell on a mobile home. The storm also knocked out power to at least 20,000.

  9. Another democratic incumbent upset by primary challenger ! This is a great day for the Democratic Party as primaries have been taken over by democratics. A 14 year representative was beat in the primary in massachuesetts and people are falling in love wth the winner AYANNA PRESSLEY . Woodward’s revelations raise disturbing questions about trump the truth is ring revealed as people are starting to read then book. 45 is not all that

  10. i read about how a lot of poeple are getting killed in the Mississippi jails. Prisoners are dying at the highest rates the state of Mississippi has ever seen. Thirteen prisoners have died behind bars in the month of August alone. That’s compared to 47 prisoner deaths in Mississippi in the entire year of 2015.

  11. Nike put out an ad with Collin Kaepernick's face and Nike got a lot of back fire. Nike was supporting Kaepernicks decisions in what he did in the NFL.

  12. The article of "how these miracle babies survived horrific attack" . His mom said before you pull a knife I want him to be baptized.

  13. Kyl's appointment means the Republican attorney who had been guiding President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, through the confirmation process will now have a vote on Kavanaugh's confirmation.
    In choosing Kyl, Ducey tapped a figure who is well-liked by both Trump's political team and McCain's family and allies. However, with Kyl saying he won't run for re-election, it also leaves open the possibility of a bruising primary in 2020.

  14. After reading a article on Fox News it turns out that the world is not that cruel. After a homeless veteran "Johnny Bobbitt" gave his last $20 to Kate Mclure it turns out that Johnny would not be poor anymore. Kate and her boyfriend started a GoFundme account for Johnny which soon raised $400,000.

    1. Another tragic death in the United States. In Missouri it was concluded that three people was responsible for the death of Sherris Stringham. She was only 68 and living in retirement in Belize. The suspects have not been found and it seems that Herris was robbed during her death.-Zion Forde wrote both

  15. Aretha Franklin's family slams pastor for 'offensive' eulogy. In his eulogy, Williams spoke on the state of black America, saying it had lost its soul and that Franklin was calling on her race to turn its direction around.

  16. The first event I found was the reinstatement of the Ugandan music festival, called Nyege Nyege, after it was banned by the ethics and integrity minister: Simon Lakodo. Lakodo stated that he banned the festival because he saw it as a way to celebrate and recruit young people into homosexuality. The festival was reinstated yesterday because the decision was over ruled by interior minister Jeje Odongo. Another current event I found is extremely heartbreaking to the dedicated audience and cast of "The Big Bang Theory". One of the main actresses, Mayim Bialik a.k.a. Amy Ferrah Fowler, reported in a social media post that they may only be doing one more season before they go off the air forever. As a long-time fan, this article made me very emotional because the chemistry the characters share on and off the set is relatable to my friends and I. When I left my old high school to come here, I felt lost like Leonard did in the beginning of the series. In conclusion, the continuation of the Nyege Nyege festival that has been held for the past 3 years shows the progress in the world, and the ending of "The Big Bang Theory" shows that all good thing must come to an end.

  17. People are burning their expensive Nike apparels and shoes to protest the company's ad campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick,an American football quarterback who is currently a free agent. Kaepernick caused a lot of controversies when he decided to sit down on the bench during the national anthem to protest over police brutality to unarmed black men. Videos of customers burning their Nike products became trending as more people started to join in on the protest.
    A woman in California faked her own kidnapping so she won't have to pay her employees. Maria Gonzalez, 33, reported around 2:30 p.m. that she had been kidnapped at gunpoint by two masked men. She lied about being kidnapped because she didn't have $9000 to pay her workers. Now police are preparing a warrant for her to be arrested.

  18. Bob Woodward: Trump's aides stole his papers 'to protect the country.
    Trump re-elect starts with 36% firmly behind the President.

  19. The first current event that I found says that Amazon is now worth $1 trillion. The company's cloud business as well as the advertising sells across it's site and revenues from the Prime membership subscriptions. The second current event that I found says that Tropical Storm Gordon is pouring rain on to the Gulf Coast. The storms strong winds has left several people in the dark. The storm ahs dropped 4 to 8 inches of rain at the most the storm has dropped 12 inches.

  20. yesterday I saw these two men on wsb news shooting out of the car randomly shooting their guns taking turns. The Clayton county police said they know these two men that were shooting but they did not put the names out yet, they need to catch those idiots. There was a protest in Nicaragua because there was a bad wildfire in the spring destroying the tropical forests and in July the police went to the national autonomous university of Nicaragua and attack the students who were in defiance with the government and it lasted for several hours and leaving two dead and the rest they forced out of the university even the ones that were injured these governments now and days don't care for there people and their needs.

  21. On August 2, it was announced that Apple is now worth more than $1 trillion. Apple is the first American company to do so. Which is very believable how that everyone currently has an iphone. Also when new ones come out everyone is striving for it.On August 12, NASA launched its mission to send a satellite closer to the sun. The Parker Solar Probe is meant to provide answers to the mysteries about the sun.

  22. The article found on The New York Time addresses about school education and one in particular teaching about the outside world in modern society. The middle school in Brooklyn New York talks about in quote, " society’s racist beauty standards, to fund-raisers for L.G.B.T.Q.+ rights groups, to creative writing pieces, artwork and political letters that urge others to help victims of police brutality, mass incarceration and the school-to-prison pipeline.

  23. on august 28,2018 the department of heath services stated that there was an outbreak of the Zeca virus in Atlanta.

  24. Aretha Franklin's family slams pastor for 'offensive' eulogy. In his eulogy, Williams spoke on the state of black America, saying it had lost its soul and that Franklin was calling on her race to turn its direction around.

  25. The iconic shoes from Wizard of Oz is found after 13 years. Back in 2005, the shoes were stolen. But now the shoes are found. Another event would be the fire in the Brazil museum that destroyed millions of artifacts. This are current events that are going on.

  26. I read about how people are getting killed in Missouri.

  27. The FDA is warning consumers "not to eat and discard Kellogg's Honey Smack cereal" as part of an ongoing salmonella outbreak linked to the popular breakfast product. 30 people have gotten sick in multiple states due to an outbreak of salmonella illness linked to recalled Kellogg's Honey Smacks cereal. The cereal was recalled in June and should no longer be available for purchase.

  28. One current event would be Hurricane Gordon. Hurricane Gordon has hit the gulf coast of the United States and was first categorized as a tropical storm and progressed to a category 1 hurricane. One has been found dead due to this hurricane starting in the Florida. Another current event would be the Wizard of Oz slippers were found 13 Years after heist. The slippers were stolen back in August 2005 from the Judy Garland Museum. FBI and US Attorney's office reveal this information in a press conference. They proved they were the real slippers by comparing them to another out of the four pairs of slippers that the actress of Dorothy Gale wore.

  29. A man named one of U.S. Marshals’ 15 most wanted fugitives was captured Wednesday — 16 years after he allegedly killed his sister and an ex-girlfriend in New York City.
    Andre Neverson, 54, was arrested after U.S. Marshals and police received information that he was hiding in a house in Bridgeport, Conn., authorities said. U.S. Marshals closed in when Neverson was spotted leaving the home. I think this is crazy because he was on the run for so long then one day he just leaves and gets caught.
    Russian police are investigating claims a boy beheaded himself with a chainsaw after losing at a computer game.
    According to reports Pavel Mateev, 15, went into his yard Monday morning before he “switched on a chainsaw and sawed off his own head.” I think this is ridiculous. Boys are too addicted to the game and it leads to stuff like this. It's never that serious.

  30. Today, Nike is being criticized for siding with Colin Kaepernick, the 49ers former quarterback, who lost his job because he was kneeling during the national anthem during football games. People are supporting it as well as some people are starting to boycott Nike by burning there shoes and refusing to buy any more of their products.

    Serena has beaten her last two opponents in the U.S Open including her sister, Venus, and Karolina Pliskova. Even though she started off rough, she came back strong and strived to the finish to take the dub.

  31. Just recently Toyota had to recall 1 million hybrids. Apparently something was wrong with their electrical systems and could cause the cars to catch on fire. Richard Liu was arrested last Friday on suspicion of sexual misconduct. But was released one day later and wasn't charged for the crime, wasn't required to post bail and he didn't have to surrender his passport. Many speculate that it was a false accusation but has lead to his shares dropping by 6%.

  32. Toyota is recalling 1 million hybrids at risk of catching fire.The automaker said Wednesday that the safety recall covers its Prius, Prius plug-in hybrid and C-HR SUV models and is intended to repair a problem with their electrical systems, which in some cases can cause fires.

    More than half of the affected vehicles are in Japan, while just under 200,000 are in the United States. The rest were sold in Europe and other markets. US drivers will start receiving recall notices by mail this month.

    your iPhone isn't eavesdropping on you.ech users have long questioned whether mobile devices and smart speakers eavesdrop on their private conversations. Apple answered that question Tuesday with a resounding no.
    In a letter to federal lawmakers, the tech giant insisted that iPhones do not listen to what users are saying and said third-party app developers don't have access to audio data.

    "iPhone doesn't listen to consumers except to recognize the clear, unambiguous audio trigger 'Hey Siri,'" Timothy Powderly, Apple's director of Federal Government Affairs, wrote in the letter, which was obtained by CNN.

    "The customer is not our product, and our business model does not depend on collecting vast amounts of personally identifiable information to enrich targeted profiles marketed to advertisers," he added.

  33. since September 3, the tropical storm, Gordon, has been causing damage to Florida and is threated to hit the coastal gulf of the united states as well. This storm has caused a death of a child who lived in a mobile home in Florida as the storm neared Mississippi and Alabama. Another tropical storm called Florence is building up in the southeastern part of the united states. This storm is still building up but the forecasters are still uncertain weather the storm is going to have a big impact on land or not.

    ~Mackia Badio

  34. The first article discusses the toll the trial of an officer who shot a 17-year-old 16 times is taking on Chicago. The shooting added to the distrust Chicago residents have held for decades for their police. The second article was about Tropical Storm Gordon. The storm reportedly resulted in the death of a young child after a tree fell on a mobile home Escambia County, Fl.

  35. I read about how a man crashed his truck into a Dallas news station. It was said that immediately after he crashed the vehicle, He got out the car and began throwing papers on the ground and smashing the windows. The man was taken into custody later on. Also, a police officer in Chicago is finally facing a murder charge for killing an unarmed African American Teen Laquan McDonald back in 2014.

  36. Twitter is working on a way remove all toxic content from it's site. They are potentially going to stop people from harassing people and posing hate speeches on their platform. Toyota is recalling 1 million hybrids over risk of catching fire. The problem involved wire harnesses that is connect to the car power control units. These can wear away over time, generating heat.

  37. Yesterday Dorthy Red Ruby Slippers were found after 13 years of being missing. The thief broke into the muesuem back door.They are worthed to be 2-3 million$.

    September 4th the gulf coast of the united states are under a hurricane wanrning. "The National Weather Center's Weather Prediction Center forecasts the tropical storm will strengthen into a hurricane before making landfall in Mississippi late Tuesday. Currently, according to the National Hurricane Center, Gordon has maximum sustained winds of 65 mph. A hurricane warning is in effect for parts of Mississippi, Alabama and Florida,and a tropical storm warning is in effect for parts of Louisiana."

  38. There was a huge tropical storm that came from Miami Florida and traveling to Arkansas. Reachinf 50+ mph winds and having 10 plus inches of rain and causing the death to 1 person. In Portugal there’s been a rise in murder in the past few months some suspect it to be the rising in population kidnapping as well due to the rising prostitution rate in Europe.

  39. After Hurricane Gordon devastated Alabama and Mississippi, Hurricane Florence approaches right behind. There is a huge debate about whether or not Florence will make landfall. Even professional meteorologists cannot predict her path. Today was the second day of Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and once again, he was grilled and falsely accused by Democratic senators. He was accused of perjury and collusion during the Russia probe, and whenever he could not answer a question quickly enough they would use that against him.

  40. There was an earthquake registered at 6.7 last Thursday in Japan. About 28 people were injured and 3 million houses lost power in the city of Sapporo. China has now surpassed New York in being the place with the wealthiest people.

  41. Laws Punishing Homeless People for Sleeping in Public Are Cruel and Unusual, Court Rules
    i think that the law needs to stop making these rules about homeless people and start trying to help them. if they stop and try to help them get a better life then their wouldn't be a need for these rules. it not their fault that they are homeless so what are they going to do. they cant get a job because where would they be able to get dress at or take a bath? so they do what they have to do to survive not on purpose. now i know got some that be on drugs and stuff but they cant help that stuff is addicted and it probably make them feel better because of the images or mirages it gives them taking their minds off of being on the streets.

  42. On August 2, it was announced that Apple is now worth more than $1 trillion. Apple is the first American company to do so. Which is very believable how that everyone currently has an iphone. Also when new ones come out everyone is striving for it.On August 12, NASA launched its mission to send a satellite closer to the sun. The Parker Solar Probe is meant to provide answers to the mysteries about the sun.

  43. The southern East Coast of the United States is bracing for the arrival of Hurricane Florence, as the storm already packing winds as strong as 130 mph is expected to near Last week's combative Senate Judiciary Committee hearings over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh looked at times like a flash-forward to the racially infused politics that may increasingly consume the court, and the nation, through the 2020s.Category 5 strength before it strikes overnight Thursday.

  44. People are burning their expensive Nike apparels and shoes to protest the company's ad campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick,an American football quarterback who is currently a free agent. Kaepernick caused a lot of controversies when he decided to sit down on the bench during the national anthem to protest over police brutality to unarmed black men. (Isaiah Placide)

  45. Everyone know the Wizard of Oz. But did everyone know that Dorothy ruby slippers was stolen in 2005 in the Judy Garland Museum. But they just know found them. On top of that the shoe is worthy over 2 million dollars. They found the ruby slippers but did find who was respond able for it. So the search is still on. We have a flying car that works. A video camera caught a flying Tesla. But was it really flying or was it just really speeding. We don't know.Destiny Jackson


  46. Just recently Toyota had to recall 1 million hybrids. Apparently something was wrong with their electrical systems and could cause the cars to catch on fire. Richard Liu was arrested last Friday on suspicion of sexual misconduct. But was released one day later and wasn't charged for the crime, wasn't required to post bail and he didn't have to surrender his passport. Many speculate that it was a false accusation but has lead to his shares dropping by 6%.
