Thursday, October 1, 2015


Write a minimum of one paragraph about what you would do with the money if u won the lottery.


  1. drop out of school, cause im going to school to be rich but if im rich then...i would buy my grandma a new house and my mom a new house,then ill invest it in stocks and get more money

  2. If I won the lottery I would put my money in my savings account and continue living my life. I wouldn't spend any extra money, but I might invest in some stuff.

  3. If i won the lottery i would buy stuff and thangs obviously o.o

  4. I would save up and go to college.And i would help parents with bills and go shopping.

  5. If I wont the lottery, I would donate to charity. Then give Mrs. Nelller 2500 so she could buy me a car in her name.

  6. I would invest my money into charity and i would spend some of the money for my family as well to help them out a little bit than i might buy stock so i can regain some of the money back from the amount of money i had so i may be able to help out more people.

  7. The first thing I would do with my money is split it four three sections. One section is for donations to charity, my hometown of Philadelphia, and family members who are struggling financially. The second section would be used to multiply my wealth such as starting a business and investing in stock. The third section would be used for my personal luxury such as cars, houses, and extravagant traveling. The fourth section would be stored in a secure banking location to make sure I have enough money in case I waste or lose all of my other money.

  8. I think I would use the money to help out my parents renovate the house, and of course keep a small portion of it for myself to shop online.

  9. if i won the lottery i would give 1/4 to charity and i would pay for cosmo school and i would use the rest to buy apartment and car

  10. It depends on the amount that I win but I assume you mean big bucks, so in that case I'd do a few things. Let's say I won 10M; I'd first put half of it in my bank account, and spend the rest on something nice.

  11. i would use the money to put me and my brother through school and buy my mom a house and car

  12. invest into it so i can build it up and have more for me and my family

  13. If I won the lottery I would invest my money in a fashion designing company like Rue 21 and Forever21 to have a share in their company and then get a house in Florida and a car.

  14. well me well i would probably spend some of it but most of it i would invest in it. or i would save it. i would invest in companies like nike, areopastle, and other popular companies. and save the rest for things like college. or i would donate some money to charities.

  15. if i won the lottery i would buy a car and apartment and i might buy stock so i can regain some of the money and save the rest for future needs

  16. I would pay off my parents bills. Also, I would invest in a new house for my grandma. Then, I would take my crew on a Disney Cruise. Then I would by myself a Black Bently.

  17. if i won the lottery i would first buy my dad a studio or remake his. then i would pay off his house and build him another one but the studio would be in our house like it currently is. after that i would go shopping for myself , my siblings and my parents. and put the rest in the bank

  18. If i won the lottery i would give some of it to my church. Then i would buy me a house, New Car, and then pay for My College, Including tuition, books, etc. After that i would buy me, my sister, and my cousins, all new wardrobes, so that we all have new clothes. I would then invest the money in big companies, to get like 5 or 10% of whatever they make, to make more money. Finally i would put the rest in stocks, and save it for later.

  19. If i won the powerball i would just enjoy the rest of my life

  20. If i won the lottery i would first buy a ps4 and 2k and madden 16. Then i would also purchase some yeezys . Other than that, I don't want anything

  21. If I won the lottery, I would invest it in multiple companies. I would go business school with that money then afterwards I would use what is left to start my own business. If i have any of it left by the time I retire I'm going to use it for research to invent something amazing.

  22. If the i won the power ball then i will buy the Minnesota Vikings. Thats my favorite tea, and i will make good money on them. i would also buy a house and car and make sure my whole family straight and he eating good.

  23. If I won the lottery I would do many things with the money I receive. I would split the money up between my family first, and I would put some money up for school. Then I would give back to my community and help those that are in need who may need help financially.

  24. if won the lottery i would still go to school an fous on my carreer

  25. I would probably fund projects i've been working on. After i put my money on that i would probably lend my mom some money for the house and stuff, maybe then i can donate to my church and keep funding my projects.

  26. I would pay all of my parent's taxes in full, put a whole ton of it into my college fund, and store a bunch into my savings account. Then, I would split up a huge portion of it just for donating to credible charities, funding growing artists, writers, and other people trying to start their careers. (only if they're really good!) Finally, with whatever is leftover from that, I would use for myself to buy all sorts of neat junk.

  27. Travon and jasmyne: If i won the lottery I would splurge at the mall. I would buy 5 houses and rent them all out. I would getting money constantly.

  28. i would buy myself a all white loft and i car then i would give my mom some money and i would also put some money to the side for my college tuition just in-case i dont get a scholarship but currently i already have a dance scholarship and if i more more money i would put half in the bank and i would send the other half to Africa to feed to hungry ALEXIS (paragraph)

  29. i would buy myself a all white loft and i car then i would give my mom some money and i would also put some money to the side for my college tuition just in-case i dont get a scholarship but currently i already have a dance scholarship and if i more more money i would put half in the bank and i would send the other half to Africa to feed to hungry ALEXIS (paragraph)

  30. I would first give money to my immediate family members o help out with our issues. Then I would get everything I want and go places that I want to see. With my family members of curse. Also I would do things that I've always wanted to do.

  31. I would share it with my family and with my friends, but I would keep the most of it. After that I would do want I want to do for a short time like building an indoor soccer place or stuff and like that but I wouldn't give my whole money away. Anyway, I would still finish school and study.

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  33. i would buy myself an all white loft then i would give my mom some money i would also put some money to side just in case i dont get a scholarship but i currently have one in dance and lastly i would even the money out in three ways and i would send some money to Africa to feed the hungry and send some to saint jude childen's hospital then i would put money in the bank for myself ALEXIS (paragraph)

  34. If I won the Power Ball I would pay off my parents bills and car notes. I would make sure my immediate family is taken care of and don't have to worry about certain things. I would invest and start businesses in my home town. I would give to my church and donate to charity. Then I would treat myself to what I want and save the rest for a rainy day.

  35. If i won the lottery I'll invest and start a successful business so I wont have to work for the rest of my life.

  36. I would buy my mom an house and take care of my little brothers. I would invest in a restaurant and then I would use the rest for my school funds.

  37. what i would do with it's put it in to a bank and spend the money wisly and only use the money when i need to use it.

  38. If i won the lottery i would buy a new house for myself and my parents and then go back to Uruguay (where i am from). When i go back i am going to set up my grand parents so they will have no more worries. Then i will finish school and then go to college and get my degree. After that i will invest in real estate to make twice the amount of money i won in the lottery.

  39. Mia Reddick.

    If i won the lottery , I will put money up in my account for college and buy me a house and car. As well , i will give money back to the less fortunate in the community. I feel like with all the money i received they deserve to have a portion of it because they need it more than i do. I will own my own jewelry line too and fashion line.

  40. If i won ima be in the trap wearing wang

  41. buy my mom a car . and get a car myself

  42. If I were to win the lottery, I would invest the money into myself through paying off the college I would attend and getting me throughout that time. Then, once I have finished school, I would use the remainder of that amount to expand my business and invest in the less fortunate and make thrice the amount I made on the lottery.

  43. I would use it for college, and to pay for any creative endeavors I undergo.

  44. If i won the lottery i would use that money for my mom and family, and then i am going to move to California and buy a house next to Chris Brown so we can get married. Buy that time i will be old enough, so dont even.

  45. if i won the lottery i would first give to close family. then i would save three quarters of the money i have left. then uses the rest for my personal needs.

  46. i would first invest the money. i would buy a piece land and build homes. i would also buy land in the city then i would build and apartment building. then i would live off the interest and apartment money.

  47. I would buy me and my family a beautiful beach house where we could go on vacation. I would also buy a really cool car. But most of it I would Inveat in my education so that I can get a great job and gain money, so that if I should spend all the money won, I would not be there without money and education.

  48. if i won i would give some to charity and to some friends. i would by me all the video games in the world. i would buy me a Lamborghini. i would buy me a big house. i would start my own business.

  49. if i won the lottery i would pay for my cosmetology school and give back to my family and give to the people in need of it.

  50. I would quit school and have a nice life. would buy a house and a car. I would also buy my parents a house.

  51. if i were to win the power ball, i would do many things. first i would pay off my dads morgage and car note so he is worry free. next i would get my cousins out of the hood, and pay for both their college tuituions. next i would pay my college off so that i have no bills to worry about. i would have to save about 20 million , but other than that. i would just make sure my credit is established , and my family is straight.

  52. If i bought the winning ticket for the lottery i would've donated half of the money to "Hope for Haiti" to help the Haitians that got affected in the 2010 Haitian earthquake. The major reason i want to donate to "Hope for Haiti" is because i'm part Haitian and Dominican and i want to give back to my country.

  53. if i won the lottery i would spend it accordingly... say i won 400 million in the ga lottery well right off the bat the govt takes about half so im down to about 250 mil i would give about 25 mil to my parents and put 40 mil in the bank as retirement now im down to 185 mil... i would buy a decent house with a good bit of land to hunt on for less than 1.5 mil,,,, i would buy 20 mil in gold and silver as investment and i would spend 30 more mil on buying and selling houses i would then reup to about 200 mil left then i would buy about 10-15 vehicles wich i will keep in a custom 2 story garage because i have to have a place to work and the rest i would disperse to my family and my kids colledge fund

  54. To be honest, if I was to win the lottery I would travel the entire world, including my pilgrimage to Mecca. I would first buy my mother and father their own acres of land and plenty of jewelry. I would build a shelter for homeless people. Then, I would purchase both of my grandmothers brand new luxury cars. After, I would make my two younger sisters a bank account for 10,000 each and they would only be able to touch it when they turn 18 years old. Also, I would give all my aunts about a thousand dollars. Most importantly, I would buy get my self through college and business school. Lastly put the rest inside a bank account and save until I want to go shopping.

  55. First Ill pay off all my mom's bills then I'd put money aside for college. then I would buy an apartment and a car. Buy my mom a new car put money aside for my sister and brother. Buy my sister a car for when she turns 16. then save the rest for the future or other things I might need down the line.

  56. First Ill pay off all my mom's bills then I'd put money aside for college. then I would buy an apartment and a car. Buy my mom a new car put money aside for my sister and brother. Buy my sister a car for when she turns 16. then save the rest for the future or other things I might need down the line.

  57. If I had the money I would pay off going to college donate to a bunch of charities and then save the rest of it. i would probably take out like $600 to go shopping. then in the future i would buy a pretty decent house. not a mansion or anything but maybe just a really nice 2-3 story house. i would also get a nicd car and then just use the rest of it to pay off my house. i would probably travel a lot too!

  58. Attend SCAD and start my own gaming company. I would also give half of it to my parents so they can move to the house they want and my mom won't have to work two jobs.

  59. I would create a bank account and begin buying many uprising stocks with medium value to hopefully help boost them to higher digits. After amassing even more money, I would begin to buy out many multi-million companies and become the new world version of Donald Trump. Afterwards, I would wait at least two decades by improving my services and streamlining work for proficiency and eventually take over the planet in the same manner as Google and Apple by controlling one of the world's largest stocks.

  60. I would first buy a house and pay it all off then buy cars and also pay that off after that i would invest in company and stocks so money will never stop money coming in . And move out of Georgia for one

  61. I would first buy a house and pay it all off then buy cars and also pay that off after that i would invest in company and stocks so money will never stop money coming in . And move out of Georgia for one

  62. If i won the lottery i would give my momma half so tat she can be financially stable & I would save some & spend the rest.

  63. If i won the lottery i would give my momma half so tat she can be financially stable & I would save some & spend the rest.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. If I one the lottery i would put away half of the money away for college and the with the rest i would spend it slowly or give some to my family.

  66. If I won the lottery i would donate a quarter to charity and keep the rest to myself and see what i could do with it later.

  67. It depends on the amount that I win but I assume you mean big bucks, so in that case I'd do a few things. Let's say I won 10M; I'd first put half of it in my bank account, and spend the rest on something nice.

  68. The first thing I would do with my money is split it four three sections. One section is for donations to charity, my hometown of Philadelphia, and family members who are struggling financially. The second section would be used to multiply my wealth such as starting a business and investing in stock. The third section would be used for my personal luxury such as cars, houses, and extravagant traveling. The fourth section would be stored in a secure banking location to make sure I have enough money in case I waste or lose all of my other money.

  69. If i won the lottery , i would payoff all debts. Buy my parents and family stuff. Buy a brand new house and shop .

  70. I'll drop out of school and live with the money I have

  71. I'll drop out of school and live with the money I have

  72. I will save most of it and the live life and blow it.

  73. I would buy whatever it is that I desire. I would make sure that my family was stable. I would pay for all of my college tuition and give money back to the school.

  74. If I wont the powerball, I woud put my family in the nicest house there is and pay it off, get them each a car and pay it off, then spend some on bundles, clothes, shoes jewelry, and food. The rest I would save for times I really need it,

  75. drop out of school, cause im going to school to be rich but if im rich then...i would buy my grandma a new house and my mom a new house,then ill invest it in stocks and get more money

  76. If i win the lottery , i'd use the money to start my hair line, buy my shop, pay for college and help my family out.

  77. I would put the money in the bank and use it as I need it.

  78. If i won the powerball i would just enjoy the rest of my life

  79. The third section would be used for my personal luxury such as cars, houses, and extravagant traveling. The fourth section would be stored in a secure banking location to make sure I have enough money in case I waste or lose all of my other money. alexis bush


  80. First im goin to disney land cuz i already went to disney world. then im buyin my momma whatever house she want and then im buyin the whole retro collection in every color possible finally I'd invest the rest of my money into shoelaces and gum. 

  81. I wish i would have won. i need sum moneys asap college coming . i need a new house. i need a car. i want a bull master pitbull. my mama need a new spot. ima invest in a bp and mcdonalds too.

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