Friday, December 4, 2015


After viewing the article and video, give a minimum of one paragraph about how you feel on AT&T raising the price for their unlimited data plan. (ps. I feel bad for the people who have AT&T lol)


  1. I feel as if everyone will cheat you if they can. If you can't afford it you should go to a cheaper phone company. Everyone wants money. Basically, everyone has to make a living for themselves somehow.

  2. How the heck cares at&t is not that great and i can see why they raised their prices because no one uses it and the just want money.The current monthly rate for grandfathered unlimited plan holders is $30. For that price, new AT&T customers would get 2 GB per month. i just don't care about at&t.

  3. I feel as if everyone will cheat you if they can. If you can't afford it you should go to a cheaper phone company.

  4. I feel that AT&T has probable cause to raise their rates. Either way AT&T in my opinion has the best service in the nation. In order to receive quality service you must pay quality dollar. It has been like that since the beginning of time. The people who complain or can't afford AT&T should switch their service provider if an extra $60 a year is a dramatic change.

  5. i think that everybody is going to cheat you if they can do it. if you cannot afford it then you should go to a less payable phone company.everyone needs to make a living out of something

  6. AT&T is a popular plan, but I feel that that they are doing is wrong. You can't raise the prices of a plan when there are people who only signed up for a specific amount of cash, and then it lags and slows. That's just unfair to the customer. But money is money, and if you could get more of it I'm sure you would too, it's just business. Which is why Sprint is the right place to go ;)

  7. phones bills getting stupid high, its like they starting to cost more than the phone now, and if you have a apple device you can just facetime or audio call so you dont even need a service unless you have android friends

  8. I use Sprint, so I'm safe from the price increase. With AT&T raising their prices, people will seek other sources for cheaper prices. The cellular industry is like a game of chess, AT&T may be making a mistake but they might be making a smart decision. Who knows? I don't. I'm just happy I'm with Sprint.

  9. People who can't afford it should switch to a cheaper phone company.

  10. I honestly don't know much about phone services, however, I propose that AT&T is just raising the price to keep up with demand.

  11. well what i think about at&t raising their prices is. that its outregeous. paying 30 dollars for two gigs. that is riduculious. i know its a popular company and all but that is ridiculious. im glad idont have at&t as a my company. because if i had now i would have to ask my mom to switch to a cheaper, more affordable company.

  12. I feel sorry for them because they have to pay extra now if they want more data.Probably they are going to need WiFi every where they go.AT&T are about to loose a lot of customers because of their change in their data plans.There are other phone companies that are offering more than what they are offering.I am so glad that am not with AT&T.

  13. i have to say it somewhat sad they have to pay extra now if they want more data phone there phone.Probably AT&T might loose a lot of customers because of their change & charging of more money in their data plans.There are other phone companies that are offering more than what AT&T is offering. and people can find better deals than AT&T

  14. this isn't really necessary to bump the price up. its not like they don't make that much money from what they were making. now there wanting more money is outrageous. they will lose a lot of people from this because a lot of people thought they were a good company for their prices. A lot people cant afford that and I can see the AT&T ratings go down.

  15. why raise the price? all it's gonna do effect the company in a negative way because you can switch carrier's and get the same thing at a cheaper price.

  16. i don't really know about the price of that. But everyone who use that, now have to pay extra money. That is not a good idea

  17. AT&T is a popular plan, but I feel that they are doing there cumstomer wrong by rising they prices.they're about to lose a lot of there cumstomers that got m to switch companies for a cheaper price they can afford but in my honest opinion I see why they doing this because AT&A is getting so popular there a higher demand for them so there going to rise there prices.

  18. AT&T probably increased the price to keep up with other carriers. They're probably dealing with a loss of customers right now and are trying to compensate for those losses.

  19. I think that the rising prices for AT&T sucks for their customers. It is such a popular plan, so rising the prices very high is not a wise choice if they want to maintain their customers to stay with their plan and continue to use their phone service.

  20. At&t raisring the price wont really effect them to bad. ALot other companies charger alot more for there services. Raising the prices benefits them.

  21. I feel that AT&T has probable cause to raise their rates. Either way AT&T in my opinion has the best service in the nation. In order to receive quality service you must pay quality dollar. It has been like that since the beginning of time. The people who complain or can't afford AT&T should switch their service provider if an extra $60 a year is a dramatic change.

  22. I feel that AT&T has probable cause to raise their rates. Either way AT&T in my opinion has the best service in the nation. In order to receive quality service you must pay quality dollar. It has been like that since the beginning of time. The people who complain or can't afford AT&T should switch their service provider if an extra $60 a year is a dramatic change.

  23. I feel like it is fair for AT&T to raise the price. People should pay more to get what they want. Data isn't easy to come by for the carrier. If people want it unlimited at a reasonable usage they should pay it. We know that people who cant afford the carrier will still try to pay for it .

  24. i really don't care because i don't have a AT&T service. but i do fell bad for the people i know that currently have that service. AT&T's going to lost many customers for this raise. And i really don't think this is a bright way to gain more business or more money. Instead of rising the prices they can invest in other products. Like WIFI service everybody needs WIFI nowadays.

  25. At&t should not raise their prices because At&t's internet is still slow and not useful. It is the slowest internet out of all companies and they should not raise their prices until the internet gets faster

  26. If AT&T want to stay being the "best" phone company they have to have the best phones and the lowest prices. If AT&T is going to raise there prices they need to make there service better. AT&T needs to get it together because everyone will drop them if these prices get any higher.

  27. i mean at&t is big but i think that it wont help them because if yo raise prices then some other provider then they will go to another company to get a better deal. for me this company is not my favorite so i really don't mind for this change. i do have a worry about other companies to raise their prices to.

  28. I think at&t is making a mistake of raising their prices. I mean come on do they think they're the only phone company.

  29. Maybe they want to make more money after their fusion with DirectTv. But I guess that some of their customers will leave them and go to someone else.

  30. what the point of raiseing the prices like there already cost alot

  31. I feel AT&T is going to lose a lot of customers after this. AT&T is a big phone company but I don't feel this was a smart move.

  32. The current monthly rate for grandfathered unlimited plan holders is $30. For that price, new AT&T customers would get 2 GB per month. i just don't care about at&t.

  33. The current monthly rate for grandfathered unlimited plan holders is $30. For that price, new AT&T customers would get 2 GB per month. i just don't care about at&t.

  34. They might be trying to raise money for a future project of theirs, but i don't use AT & T so i couldn't care for it.

  35. They might be trying to raise money for a future project of theirs, but i don't use AT & T so i couldn't care for it.

  36. I think its kind of funny that they raising the prices. If they want more money that is fine. We will just go to sprint and they will chop the rent in half. So then they will be forced to bring it down.

  37. I dont really mind considering im not with AT&T. I guess if i was i would be but it doesnt directly effect me. for the people that are with them i guess i feel bad for them having to pay more money but i dont really have an opinion because i havent had any experience with it but raising prices is never good.

  38. I think AT&T just want to make more money by raising their prices. I didn't see a clear reason for them to raise their prices. This is why I;m glad I'm with T-Mobile

  39. i feel highly upset because i think they need to have unlimited everything for less money . My phone bill last month was 395 dollars . thats crazy !! i hate this new thing . They need to go back to the original price . ALEXIS BUSH

  40. i dont get why would they would raise there going to lose an abundance of customers plus Christmas is coming around and there raising prices

  41. Well I don't know why they felt the need to raise the price for unlimited data. To me it seems stupid because being the fact that most people won't be able to afford it so they would lose a lot of customers. Luckily I don't use AT&T so I don't have to complain that much about my phone plan. Still though I do think that's a bad move whether or not if they're trying to get their money up.

  42. I feel as though if they want to raise the price they could because its their company. People might leave and people might stay it depends on their financial status but it is crazy but its their choice you get what you pay for

  43. Since I do have this plan at home, i'm less than pleased about this. Honestly, raising prices isn't going to help them out much, and will just only cause their own competition to raise THEIR prices.

  44. i feel like they should not have to pay higher pices.

  45. I use Sprint, so I'm safe from the price increase. With AT&T raising their prices, people will seek other sources for cheaper prices. The cellular industry is like a game of chess, AT&T may be making a mistake but they might be making a smart decision. Who knows? I don't. I'm just happy I'm with Sprint.

  46. Its messed up i feel bad for the people with contracts and stuff because they really dont have an option. They will lose customers because its not a great way of business. Being a top industry and still have poorly choices

  47. At&t is beyond dumb. They are giving all their business away. People are going to go to cheaper companies.

  48. well what i think about at&t raising their prices is. that its outregeous. paying 30 dollars for two gigs. that is riduculious. i know its a popular company and all but that is ridiculious. im glad idont have at&t as a my company. because if i had now i would have to ask my mom to switch to a cheaper, more affordable company.

  49. i use to have att lol but i mean they already have high prices..swo raising them even more is gonna cause them to loose ALOT of customers

  50. How the heck cares at&t is not that great and i can see why they raised their prices because no one uses it and the just want money.The current monthly rate for grandfathered unlimited plan holders is $30. For that price, new AT&T customers would get 2 GB per month. i just don't care about at&t.

  51. I don't use At&T so I am fine with their increased prices, altough I think its stupid to increase the price, when the network is really slow and not always there. before they increase the prices, they should increase the standards of their network

  52. AT&T is about to loose a costumer because they should be raising them prices. Why are they raising them, they shouldn't be. I'm pretty sure they they are going to loose many, many, costumers because raising the prices makes no sense.

  53. Personally, I don`t view this new development as bad or good, as it appears to based on supply and demand: as people are growing more interested in Android, with the supply dwindling and the demand rising, prices are sky-rocketing. Therefore, I`m not saying people should not invest in AT&T anymore, I`m just saying that the demand for more may be more than the company can give to support their business.

  54. I feel like AT&T is just trying to take advantage of people and their plans. I think they just want to make a lot of profit. But my point is you can't make profit if eventually you're going to loose all your customers due to terrible data plans.

  55. I feel like the price change is unfair. People I know that have At&t have had issues all the time. It seems like they are taking advantage of customers. I believe people should switch over to other services.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. I don't use At&T so I am fine with their increased prices, altough I think its stupid to increase the price, when the network is really slow and not always there. before they increase the prices, they should increase the standards of their network


  58. at&t sucks, they cheating people out they money, they better switch.

  59. AT&T is a great plan but what their doing to costumers isn't fair. Their service isnt all that great. If they are going to tax the people for all this money then they should have the services that benefit the costumer best.


  60. I feel that AT&T has probable cause to raise their rates. Either way AT&T in my opinion has the best service in the nation. In order to receive quality service you must pay quality dollar. It has been like that since the beginning of time. The people who complain or can't afford AT&T should switch their service provider if an extra $60 a year is a dramatic change.

  61. f you can't afford it you should go to a cheaper phone company.
    I feel that AT&T has probable cause to raise their rates.The people who complain or can't afford AT&T should switch their service provider if an extra $60 a year is a dramatic change. its all business. if you dont like it go somewhere else.

  62. I feel like it is fair for AT&T to raise the price. People should pay more to get what they want. Data isn't easy to come by for the carrier. If people want it unlimited at a reasonable usage they should pay it.

  63. I feel like it is fair for AT&T to raise the price. People should pay more to get what they want. Data isn't easy to come by for the carrier. If people want it unlimited at a reasonable usage they should pay it.

  64. I think they shouldnt raise the prices.

  65. I fell like they might as well raise the prices, people are still gonna buy them anyway and the people who don't have them are going to eventually buy them too so if you raise the price you will still have the same amount of costumers and clientele soo why not?

  66. I use Sprint, so I'm safe from the price increase. With AT&T raising their prices, people will seek other sources for cheaper prices. The cellular industry is like a game of chess, AT&T may be making a mistake but they might be making a smart decision. Who knows? I don't. I'm just happy I'm with Sprint.

  67. I am with T mobile so i am happy that i am not involved with this issue at at&t because their service sucks anyway and now they are forced to pay for more which is unfair.This will also decrease the customers at at&t because this incident.

  68. I think AT&T is trash. I had this company for a year and left as soon as my parents agreed to switch me over to T-Mobile. So with that price increase i could care less, but the thing is i have unlimited data so if T-Mobile were to try this increase of prices. Than it would most definitely be a problem.

  69. I think AT&T really sucks honestly. I believe that they're just trying to cheat people out their money. I think it's stupid what they're trying to do. All I know is that they're trying to get more money out of people that have that company. Really AT&T has barely any service in some places. My friend has that company and she gets no service in the school, and for them to raise their prices is stupid.

  70. I think AT&T is making a dumb move. they are going to lose a lot of their customers. Most people will probably go to sprint

  71. I dont have AT&T so i wouldnt know how to feel because i wont experience it because i got T-Mobile.

  72. I use Sprint, so I'm safe from the price increase. With AT&T raising their prices, people will seek other sources for cheaper prices. The cellular industry is like a game of chess, AT&T may be making a mistake but they might be making a smart decision. Who knows? I don't. I'm just happy I'm with Sprint.

  73. I use Sprint, so I'm safe from the price increase. With AT&T raising their prices, people will seek other sources for cheaper prices. The cellular industry is like a game of chess, AT&T may be making a mistake but they might be making a smart decision. Who knows? I don't. I'm just happy I'm with Sprint.

  74. Mia Reddick.

    I feel like there is nothing wrong with AT&T raising their prices. If AT&T feel like they need to make more increase on their job growth then they will do anything to meet those circumstances. Of course , the people who has AT&T as their provider will not be so happy. However, no one should become really upset , because in this world it is all about competition and seeing who can accumulate the most money.

  75. i feel that they have a reason for raising this price it could be because there supply people have went up on prices as well. If you cany afford it then you should get a cheaper one.

  76. I am actually pissed because I have Att and this means that my plan is getting raised. I don't understand why people do this. They have enough money already so why raise the price. They are just being greedy.

  77. I have AT&T and my price is getting raised so that's not good on me.

  78. I feel as if everyone will cheat you if they can. If you can't afford it you should go to a cheaper phone company.

  79. I don't use At&T so I am fine with their increased prices, altough I think its stupid to increase the price, when the network is really slow and not always there. before they increase the prices, they should increase the standards of their network
