Thursday, December 3, 2015

San Bernadino

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Do you think there should be stricter gun laws


  1. yes i think there should be stricter gun laws because people just been killing others for no reason they are not using it for protection.

  2. Yes I think there should be stricter gun laws because I think some people in the world should not be able to hold a gun and everyone should have a license to even have it in the car because you could have it in you're car without one.

  3. This shooting is another example of why this country needs immense gun regulation laws. All citizens should have a right to express their second amendment rights as declared in the Constitution. However, those who are mentally ill should not have access to weapons. Shootings like this are inevitable in a country with 320 million people. It is impossible to stop mass shootings but it's our job as America citizens to decrease the amount of incidents.

    1. Yes I think there should be stricter gun laws.

  4. i think that it should have been a stricter gun law. people that are killing more for absolutely no reason there not using protection at all.

  5. yes for sure i think there should be stricter gun laws in order for incidents like this to be avoided. because if you look over this past year you will see the ridiculious mass shooting that have been going on.

  6. 2015 had so many shootings and while it most likely not isis just some mad man with a lot of problems. i don't know why people do these things is just evil and why would you do something like this when you have an infinite it just crazy

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. even if there were stricter guns laws, that wont stop weapon trafficking and purchases off the deep web. its not the guns fault its the crazy people who buy them.

  9. Yes i think there should be stricter gun laws to avoid incidents like this.

  10. So far in the year there had been numerous shootings, just seeing innocent people get harmed is tell tell sign that there has to be more strict laws about owning guns. For all we know, we could be selling guns to those who aren't mentally stable and could possibly start a shooting. So I believe that there should be stricter laws against guns.

  11. to answer your question, I do believe there should be stricter gun laws and incidents like this one is a great reason why. Even if the country of america was to completely ban the use of guns people would still have guns, similar to marijuana in america. But I do believe there should be stricter guildlines to be able to have a gun in america because it is becoming an everyday thing that there are mass shootings; this must be stopped.

  12. The San Bernadino shootout is one of the most scariest things that has happened. The United States, in my opinion, is going down the drain, and it's like no one cares. My family has talked about this situation for a minute, I have even seen on twitter someone say "Just heard about the mass shooting over in San Bernardino, CA. Prayers up for the families who may have lost someone today" My condolences go out to the families and people who were hurt in this shootout. This world has got to get better.

  13. I don't think gun laws are the problem. You can make stricter gun laws, but that won't stop the fact that there are just a lot of crazy, insane people in this world. You can always have someone buy a gun for you. So if anything the people need to get checked.


  14. Yes I think there should be stricter gun laws because I think some people in the world should not be able to hold a gun there some crazy people out there in the world that will use it for the wrong reasons like killing innocent people so think there should be a law

  15. The San Bernadino shootout is one of the most scariest things that has happened. The United States,and it's like no one cares. My family has talked about this situation for a minute, I have also seen on twitter that they are say "Just heard about the mass shooting over in San Bernardino, CA. Prayers up for the families who may have lost someone today" My condolences go out to the families and people who were hurt in this shootout. This world has got to get better

  16. I don'y think stricter gun laws would change anything. People still easily obtain guns and other things illegally. If the laws are made more strict, some people wouldn't be able to protect themselves. Maybe more places should invest in metal detectors. They could also invest in security.

  17. of course i think there should be stricter gun laws because people are losing there lives and they dont know how to be responsible. there out of control doing things that foolish and are either losing their life or causing others to lose their life.

  18. yes unless you have a thorough background check you should not be able to buy a gun

  19. Yes I do believe so. Without laws restricting some people from the violent crimes. It would be less dead people if we did. Many people don't realize how guns aren't for everyone.

  20. yes there should be a stricter law about guns. Too many shootings are happening around the world. its sad seeing the families in pain of a lost one in their family. People with a gun should be experienced with it and trust with it. Even though guns are used for safety at a house there are other weapons for protection.

  21. law enforcement handled it as directed. armed suspects need to be taken down when it comes to harming the public.protecting the public was the only objective for the police.

  22. At the end of the day the fact that there are still some crazy people in this .world making the gun law stricter would really change much but gets make more actions illegal. its till many way to get your hand on a gun and you still have many people out there coming up with new ways to sell. and by doing this it just make actions tougher to contradict

  23. yes because everyone wants a gun but don't know how to handle it properly

  24. my opinion on this is that there should be stricker gun laws but then i think about the intruders that like to home invade. So either way it goes theres really nothing we can do about this

  25. I believe we need stricter gun laws to a certain extent, just allowing anyone to have the possession of a gun who does not use it for strictly safety can put other people in danger. Especially with all the shootings that are reoccurring.

  26. Gun laws are pointless. There are so many illegal organizations out there that a criminal could just as easily turn too. Stricter regulations would just keep guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.

  27. Even if there were stricter gun laws people would still be able to obtain a gun.

  28. Yes, I think we should have stricter gun laws in place. Even though these guns were obtained legally, the amount of gun violence crimes in US are phenomenal, and people just can't see that, if we had more restrictive laws set in place for guns, more than half of these situations would not been happening.

  29. i don't think a stricter gun law could've changed the outcome of the San Bernadino shooting; but it wouldn't hurt to look into it.

  30. yes i think there should be stricter gun laws because people just been killing others for no reason they are not using it for protection.

  31. of course there should be better gun laws! people have been saying that for years but others get all hurt and feel disrespected because were taking away their precious "second amendment." if we had gun control it would prevent a lot of these cases and a lot of other things that are similar to this stuff. i don't understand why people won't wake up and see that being able to just have and carry guns as long as you know how to shoot one is a major issue.

  32. this is terrible it really just lets us know we need to be more aware of our surrounding the world is changing in a bad way we need to look out for eachother

  33. Yes I think there should be stricter gun laws. For all we know, we could be selling guns to those who aren't mentally stable and could possibly start a shooting. So I believe that there should be stricter laws against guns.

  34. There should be way stricter gun laws in the US. Compared to other countries, the number of killed people in the US is just insane. Around 30 people die every day because of gun violence in the US. This number is too big. In Germany for example, less than 100 people die every year because of that. That's only one of the reasons why the United States should change their gun laws.

  35. I do think they should have stricter gun laws but at the same time it wouldn't matter. People will always find a way to get these weapons and also it relies on the person whose hands it falls into. I just want them to analyze and be careful who they give weapons to. I just want my family and loved ones to be safe from those psychos out there.

  36. I believe that gun are use for defense and the can keep you safe in any way. I really do, but we can't have dumb people carrying around and not using them properly. I think we should have a stricter gun laws. But either way, gun users will go crazy over this law. Hopefully, things will change after that. Cause I don't think I can go another day of people dying from gun users.

  37. I think that the US should be more cautious on who they give guns to . 2015 has been a bad year .But at the same time the gun laws dont mean nothing to some people if they want guns they will get guns. The US needs to keep cautious

  38. Yes I believe there should be stricter gun laws. To many people die from guns rather its an accident or not. I think the only way you should be able to have a gun is if you are apart of the criminal justice system. even though guns are suppose to protect people its more used in harm then it is for safety.

  39. yes i think there should be stricter gun laws because people just been killing others for no reason they are not using it for protection

  40. Yes I think there should be stricter laws when referring to guns. People take advantage of having guns in their possession.

  41. yes for sure i think there should be stricter gun laws in order for incidents like this to be avoided. because if you look over this past year you will see the ridiculious mass shooting that have been going on.

  42. Yes I believe there should be stricter gun laws. To many people die from guns rather its an accident or not. I think the only way you should be able to have a gun is if you are apart of the criminal justice system. even though guns are suppose to protect people its more used in harm then it is for safety.

  43. This shooting is another example of why this country needs immense gun regulation laws. All citizens should have a right to express their second amendment rights as declared in the Constitution. However, those who are mentally ill should not have access to weapons. Shootings like this are inevitable in a country with 320 million people. It is impossible to stop mass shootings but it's our job as America citizens to decrease the amount of incidents. I think you should have a license for every gun you want to buy.

  44. no...i think we should do more background checks on the people before we sell them to someone..guns keep this country somewhat in order

  45. The need for stricter gun laws is something that has been the question on many people`s minds lately. However, the need of it should be regulated now because even in our own country, not a whole lot of people are safe. However, it should not only be guns that need regulation, but a regulation on any weapon, as apparently anyone has the capacity of killing someone with any weapon aside from a gun. Overall, there should be stricter gun laws for the benefit of the people from those who would simply misuse them for their own nefarious purposes.

  46. I do think there should be stricter gun laws. I believe this because gun ranges should make it much harder for just anyone over 21 to buy a gun. They should also check their background, but sometimes that don't even work. On the other hand, making stricter laws wouldn't really make a difference; people still are going to go out their way to harm innocent people. Overall, guns is not the problem, the suspects are the actual weapons.

  47. of course i think there should be stricter gun laws because people are losing there lives and they dont know how to be responsible. there out of control doing things that foolish and are either losing their life or causing others to lose their life.

  48. i do think there should be stricter gun laws because someone who is losing their lives, some body can not control themselves form something that made they do like evils

  49. i do think there should be stricter gun laws because someone who is losing their lives, some body can not control themselves form something that made they do like evils

  50. That was a tragic event that happened that cost 14 people their lives and families heartbroken. the gunman and woman did not have a criminal record so it would have been hard to find them before they did what they did. there should be some stricter gun laws. many people die from this and that could be prevented. they should just let people that is sane and that they do something to get guns.

  51. 2015 had so many shootings and while it most likely not isis just some mad man with a lot of problems. i don't know why people do these things is just evil and why would you do something like this when you have an infinite it just craz

  52. 2015 had so many shootings and while it most likely not isis just some mad man with a lot of problems. i don't know why people do these things is just evil and why would you do something like this when you have an infinite it just craz

  53. There should be way stricter gun laws in the US. Compared to other countries, the number of killed people in the US is just insane. Around 30 people die every day because of gun violence in the US. This number is too big. In Germany for example, less than 100 people die every year because of that. That's only one of the reasons why the United States should change their gun laws.

  54. There should be way stricter gun laws in the US. Compared to other countries, the number of killed people in the US is just insane. Around 30 people die every day because of gun violence in the US. This number is too big. In Germany for example, less than 100 people die every year because of that. That's only one of the reasons why the United States should change their gun laws.

  55. The gun laws suck. Everyone is getting guns anyway they can and there killing innocent people. They are working off how they feel that second, and hurting the first people they see. It sucks that you can't go out your house and just have a good day you are constantly worrying and looking over your shoulder for the next crazy psycho.

  56. Yes I think there should be stricter gun laws. For all we know, we could be selling guns to those who aren't mentally stable and could possibly start a shooting. -jasmyne

  57. Yes I think there should be stricter gun laws. For all we know, we could be selling guns to those who aren't mentally stable and could possibly start a shooting. -jasmyne

  58. noo like if they do people still going to find a way and get guns

  59. Gun laws should be as strict as they could possibly be.

  60. Gun laws should be as strict as they could possibly be.

  61. I don't think gun laws are the problem. You can make stricter gun laws but that won't stop the fact that there are just a lot of crazy, insane people in this world. You can always have someone buy a gun for you so if anything the people need to get checked

  62. Yes , they need to be stricter. The let anyone buy guns these days. we have alot of security infractions that have to be dealt with.They're so many people with mental illnesses out here.

  63. The gunpowder was still lingering in the air as San Bernardino Police Lt. Mike Madden and three other officers approached a conference center where a mass shooting had been reported.

  64. Yes I do think that there should be a more regulated and a little stricter gun law to protect the citizens of the United States of America. To many crimes have been committed where guns have been involved and the holder of the gun has been justified due to certain aspects of the gun law that protects their usage

  65. yes there should be stricter gun laws. More and more people die everyday and its getting very sad. How many more people of us do we have to see die because of someone wanted to get crazy with a hun?! this have to stop now ! #alllivesmatter

  66. There should definitely be stricter gun laws, the NSA refuses to understand that restrictions do not mean complete dismissal of guns.

  67. There should definitely be stricter gun laws, the NSA refuses to understand that restrictions do not mean complete dismissal of guns.

  68. i deffently thank that there should be stricter gun laws so they can keep stuff like this from happening.

  69. to answer your question, I do believe there should be stricter gun laws and incidents like this one is a great reason why. Even if the country of america was to completely ban the use of guns people would still have guns, similar to marijuana in america. But I do believe there should be stricter guildlines to be able to have a gun in america because it is becoming an everyday thing that there are mass shootings; this must be stopped.

  70. We need gun restriction laws, it is obviously way too easy to have a firearm in the united states and congress probably regrets making the laws to bear arms. it is obvious that not everybody should have a gun some people are evil and misguided.

  71. If there was stricter gun laws it would be harder for people to protect themselves. I think it should be harder for people to obtain laws like for example the only people to sell weapons should be the federal government.

  72. I believe there should be stricter gun laws to protect other people, but than again no because the people who have nothing to do with it are getting punished. I do believe that there should be stricter security at places. People need to get checked before they walk into certain places. It's time consuming, but innocent people are getting killed and they have no idea why it is happening to them. Maybe stricter gun laws would be an appropriate idea, but like I said it wouldn't be fair to the others. Security and people need to get their priorities right first.

  73. I believe there should be better gun laws so incidents like this wont happen.Even if we were to completely ban the use of guns people would still have guns, similar to weed in america. I do believe there should be better guildlines to be able to have a gun in america because it is becoming an everyday thing that there are shootings and this must be stopped.

  74. Yes because when you have a gun then you think you have all the power and when people dont bow down to you then you gone pull the trigger on them.

  75. I don't think gun laws are the problem. You can make stricter gun laws, but that won't stop the fact that there are just a lot of crazy, insane people in this world. You can always have someone buy a gun for you. So if anything the people need to get checked.

  76. Mia Reddick.

    Stricter gun laws can be enforce if the justice system thinks it will make things and people in the world less harmful.However, either way it go I doubt it will reduce the actions of people in society. There are insane people in this world and any person in the world will be mounted to do anything of their conscience.

  77. i feel that there should be stricter gun laws because the wrong people are getting these guns and have the wron intentios with the gun,

  78. Yes there definitely needs to be a stricter gun law. I mean it's obvious from the amount of peopl that are being killed off by guns. There are way to many people that have guns that shouldn't have guns. At some point our country has to say this is enough.

  79. There needs to be a gun law because to many people are getting killed over stupid reason and you shouldn't just be able to just kill people for nothing.

  80. Yes i think there should be stricter gun laws because people just been killing others for no reason they are not using it for protection.

  81. No gun law should be stricter. Most of the laws just need to be enforced correctly. It dont make sens how you can be 13 in 8th grade and get a .22 . Dont ask me what im talkinmg aboutlol. (shade emoji)
