Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Muslims 12/8/15

Give your opinion about the article below.one paragraph minimum



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    3. i thought this was his blog and his opinion

    4. "Give your opinion about the article below.one paragraph minimum"

    5. Lets all just get along guys..

    6. This is a blog and in a blog we should be free to reply to each other's opinions.

  2. Everyone in the United States of America is an immigrant, this nation was built on the backs of immigrants. Our founding fathers of this country were immigrants. The United States has been a global port for immigrants for the last 400+ years. It would be morally and politically incorrect for the United States to reject any legal law abiding immigrants.

  3. i think trump is kind of doing the right thing in 2015 isis has been on the rise and it is really hard to tell a real good muslim with good intentions.from an isis member so cutting of muslim from traveling to the us it is good and bad at the same time but with all the shooting due to isis the U.S. cant take that risk of another isis attack it is just a matter of time before something really bad happens and lots of american citizens die

  4. complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.

  5. Everyone in the United States of America is an immigrant, this nation was built on the backs of immigrants. Our founding fathers of this country were immigrants.The U.S. cant take that risk of another isis attack it is just a matter of time before something really bad happens and lots of american citizens die

  6. honestly everyone was an immigrant at one time, i don't think they mean any harm. its like saying the rotten apple spoils the bunch which isn't always true.

  7. i think they should allow muslims because its fair. its un-fair for them to disregard muslims like their not apart of this country

  8. well me personally i think that if muslims were banned from coming to the united states. would make america a safer place. but it is wrong to do that to discriminate an individual because of their race. but the reason i think that it would be safer for muslims not to be able to come to america. is because. its the muslims who are making the attacks. but like i said earlier it is wrong to discrminate an individual.

  9. i feel that trump isn't doing the right thing or giving the right idea on it due to him saying that all Muslims are terrorist? its most likely saying that all Asian's or all whites are suicide bombers? but none of us are. so why put shame on all Muslims why not put more security up fund for more resources to find terrorist and make the world a better place? because it doesn't help any of us if we don't find the people who fake id's in airports or are able to just leave the place there in to come to the USA Without any proof?...

  10. i think they should allow muslims because its not fair to them so everyone should be allowed

  11. I don't feel like the United States should disallow Muslims because all Muslims aren't the source of the recent terrorist attacks. Besides it would be so degrading to our country if we were to send an entire religion out. I believe that would cause more problems for our nation and make many other countries angry with the US.

  12. I don't feel like Muslims should be banned from coming into the U.S, and honestly I feel like it's stupid. Just because there were Muslims who did a wrong deed in the past doesn't mean all Muslims should be typecasted. Everyone was an immigrant at one point, even your ancestors. But not everyone will think like I do, and I will always respect others opinions, even if they're wrong.

  13. I feel like its a racial thing. He is always trying to kicking out someone out the united states, especially Mexicans. I see why he wants to kick out the Muslims but it shouldn't be necessary to kick them all out.

  14. i think they should go through a check before coming to the united states

  15. i just believe people need to be kept an eye one trump thinks everyone who isn't white deserves to "go back to where they came from" i understand that they don't want the huge threat in the united states but everyone isn't apart of it but like i said keep an eye on them.

  16. At the end of the day, these people are still human beings, Donald Trump is a monster for even considering that we should kick or ban muslims out of the country for no reason. Isis is the group causing this pain and suffering not them, times are getting tough and its up to us to come together not break apart. America was built by immagrants, and this is the land of the free period, Muslims, Asians, Africans, doesnt matter what race, what Donald Trump is doing is not American.

  17. I dont think he should ban all muslims because not all are bad. I understand whats going on but its not fair. It will make them feel like they are on lock down. There are muslims all around us that arent bad.

  18. I'm not sure where to stand on this issue. Even if they were not allowed to enter the country, the American prison system encourages inmates to convert to Islam because the religion itself exercises discipline. It won't matter if the people are banned from coming in because the religion will find a way onto American soil.

  19. i dont think he should banned Muslims because they are still human beings, Donald trump is a horrible rich person. Isis is the group causing this pain and suffering not the Muslims.

  20. I don't feel like its the right thing to do. I means yea studies have shown that the Arab people are causing terrorism and they just so happen to be Muslim, but not all Muslims are violent. This would not be fair to all Muslims.

  21. I feel as though Muslims do have a history of causing problems throughout the the United States. They are group that should be heavily watched and we need to mantain the protection as a state to try to prevnt any harm from them.

  22. Donald Trump trying to kick Muslims out completely is really unfair to millions of people. There are an average of 12 million Muslims in the United States. The attacks on the United States are scary knowing who is doing it and there background . I don't think you have too kick an entire religion out of the states.

  23. It would be morally and politically incorrect for the United States to reject any legal law abiding immigrants. not all muslims are violent. you dont say anything when theyre your teacher, your neighbor or your close frined. they shed the same blood as us and have the same organs.

  24. The United States was meant to be a safe haven for immigrants, however as history shows this has not been very true. Muslims should be allowed just as any other religious group, the only reason their is outrage is because they are brown and America over exaggerates a lot of stories dealing with minorities.

  25. honestly everyone was an immigrant at one time so banning them wont really solve any thing it would snap ties we have with other countries that support us.

  26. I don't feel like the United States should disallow Muslims because all Muslims aren't the source of the recent terrorist attacks. There are also a lot of reports of cops shooting African Americans but not all cops are doing it. Just like not all Muslims are terrorists

  27. More idiocy and racism i see.To blame 100's because of a few really says how stupid we are as a nations.

  28. I don't feel like its the right thing to do. I means yea studies have shown that the Arab people are causing terrorism and they just so happen to be Muslim, but not all Muslims are violent. This would not be fair to all Muslims.

  29. Donald trump is wrong for saying that.you cant ban a whole group of people. some Muslims have been living here for the longest.

  30. I feel like Muslims should be allowed in America to an certain extent because some are good and some are bad. The good out weighs the bad so i feel like they should stay

  31. the shooting due to isis the U.S. cant take that risk of another isis attack it is just a matter of time before something really bad happens and lots of american citizens die ALEXIS

  32. Trump ban one entire religion to come to America. I know what Trump is trying to do. To protest our countries, to find out about the ISIS, I understand, but he can not just ban every single Muslim alive to come to America. Muslim are people, and you're telling me we can't have them here. Because Paris was attack by them, doesn't mean he should do all this. America may be safer, but it ain't right.

  33. i would to but everybody is not the same but the u.s.a got to take risk and be very caution

  34. I don't think it's right to ban someone just because of their religion. This is exactly why Trump shouldn't be president. Judge someone by their character not their skin, weight, shape, size, or religion.

  35. I don't think Muslims are an issue because their religion doesn't make them do things. It is their actions that make them the reason these things are happening.

  36. I don't think Muslims are an issue because their religion doesn't make them do things. It is their actions that make them the reason these things are happening.

  37. I fell bad for the Muslims but we cant bring them here to the united states, but some Muslims have evil intentions and if i was in charge i wouldn't wanna be the one responsible for any american deaths that could come from immigration from the middle east.

  38. I honestly don't think all Muslims are bad. So I feel that they shouldn't be banned just because some of their race decides to be dumb and do bad things.

  39. Not all Muslims are bad but because of the history the US has with them has them questioned.I don't think it's right to ban them because of their religion.

  40. Being a minority myself its makes you feel bad that people talk down on your people due to a group of certain people who are bad . Not every Muslim is bad dont blame others people action on some certain people.

  41. i don't thinkk all muslims are all bad cause their religion doesn't make them do things.

  42. I don't feel like this is the right thing to do. I mean studies have shown that the Arab people are causing terrorism and they just so happen to be Muslim, but not all Muslims are violent. This is not fair to all Muslims.

  43. I don't feel like the United States should disallow Muslims because all Muslims aren't the source of the recent terrorist attacks. Besides it would be so degrading to our country if we were to send an entire religion out. I believe that would cause more problems for our nation and make many other countries angry with the US.

  44. i think Muslims should be allowed in America to an certain extent because some are good and some are bad. some of them have common sense and care about other folks. some of them really just dont have a heart so they do whatever they feel like doing.

  45. Everyone in the United States of America is an immigrant, this nation was built on the backs of immigrants. Our founding fathers of this country were immigrants.The U.S. cant take that risk of another isis attack it is just a matter of time before something really bad happens and lots of american citizens die

  46. I fell bad for the Muslims but we cant bring them here to the united states, but some Muslims have evil intentions and if i was in charge i wouldn't wanna be the one responsible for any american deaths that could come from immigration from the middle east.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I think that theirs not gonna make much of a difference if Muslims in the United States or not. They are humans and just like everyone else. They may be a little bit more different then others, but we shouldn't discriminate against them.

  49. At the end of the day, these people are still human beings, Donald Trump is a racist man for even considering that we should kick or ban muslims out of the country for no reason.

  50. My opinion as a young Muslim I feel like what Donald Trump stated was extremely ignorant. To me it seems like he's being races to religions he has no knowledge of. Also, just because certain Muslims create terrorist attacks doesn't mean every Muslim is the same way. For example, that's like Christians making the 9/11 attack take place. In other words, anyone can do a bad deed and it doesn't matter what they believe in.

  51. because this is not anonamyous i will not give my full oponion..but i will ask you this ask any true muslim and i mean a true muslim the kind that wear the wrap there head everyday. ask one of them if they wil totally denounce that isis has nothing to do with them and they dont support it in any way..either they will not answer you or they will come up with some excuse that makes no sense.

  52. Personally, the issue with the "Muslims Crisis" is completely seen in the wrong light. Donald Trump is acting out of complete foolishness as the true threat isn`t just out there, but within. If we ban Muslims (who aren`t terrorists), it will just increase the crisis of the ones that are already HERE, as the radical movement is happening here. If we just abide by the laws and treat all of our people that reside in this country with the same equal dignity and tolerance, we would not have this problem. Obama was right with what he said in his address to the nation, as we are all, no matter what creed, color, or attitude, are still Americans.

  53. the Muslim crisis is seen in the wrong light.light. Donald trump is acting stupid and he is out of control. if we band Muslims its going to increase the crisis of the ones that are already here.

  54. I don't think Muslims should be discriminated against. I say this especially since they are being judged by the actions of a few people. They are still Americans like the other various races and deserve equal treatment. Donald Trump talks down on many other people anyway.

  55. Even though Issis is doing this theorist bombing thing I don't think it is fair for Muslims to be taken away from the United States.He should NOT let the good people suffer because of the bad one's.That is why I feel like no one would really for him because that is just as bad as being racist to black people.We all are are one there is no need to send anybody back to where they came from.

  56. Even though Issis is doing this theorist bombing thing I don't think it is fair for Muslims to be taken away from the United States.He should NOT let the good people suffer because of the bad one's.That is why I feel like no one would really for him because that is just as bad as being racist to black people.We all are are one there is no need to send anybody back to where they came from.

  57. honestly,i would hate to say it but i have to agree with him because they're causing to much chaos and its too much. its sad because i have Muslim friends and there aren't the terrorist type of people that almost everyone suspects them to be and they have to go through a lot because the other Muslims believe something different than them.

  58. Personally I think its unfair and wrong. America was built off of immigration and the people who immigrated to america didn't come to america for hate or to cause destroy our great country. Donald Trump is a idiot in my opinion nothing he says ever makes since. So he wants to void the immigration of muslims to protect our country but think about the millions of american citizens who identify as muslim who were born american should their freedoms and rights be taken away because of senseless people out there who dont want to do right? If i was a muslim and was born and raised an american Id be furious if my rights as a citizen of america were revoked and its not fair for people who have immigrated over here and started businesses and families. some of our best and most prominent people here are some the reasons we have great scientist inventors and doctors. Donald Trump sounds just as dumb as he did when he said he wanted to eliminate the border of mexico and the united states to keep mexicans out. If this is so the UNITED States we sure aren't acting like it because we are turning are backs on the very countries who help keep america up and running.

  59. Donald Trump Is an complete idiot. And is a disappointment. i don't even know why he is running for president he's not required to be the leader of our country.

  60. I think trump is kind of doing the right thing in 2015 isis has been on the rise and it is really hard to tell a real good muslim with good intentions from an isis member so cutting of muslim from traveling to America it is kinda good at the same time but with all the killing due to isis the U.S. cant take any risk of another isis attack it is just a matter of time before something really bad happens and lots of american citizens suffer

  61. I think trump is kind of doing the right thing in 2015 isis has been on the rise and it is really hard to tell a real good muslim with good intentions from an isis member so cutting of muslim from traveling to America it is kinda good at the same time but with all the killing due to isis the U.S. cant take any risk of another isis attack it is just a matter of time before something really bad happens and lots of american citizens suffer

  62. I think Donald Trump needs to be removed form the presidential race. he has said awful things about almost everything and he likes to play if off like 'oh haha you guys are just dumb and uneducated and im smarter than all of you.' the video literally said that a magazine literally compared him to Hitler this is clearly not a good guy that we need running our country. Honestly I will be horrified if he were to be elected. I would leave the planet.

  63. Even with Donald Trumps comments about no longer letting Muslims in this country, he didn't mention anything about all the Mass Shootings done by Caucasians... Coincidence i think not. You Can not ban anyone who is an immigrant from this country when the first people who took a step off the Mayflower were Immigrants to this very own country we call America. So the Muslims good, up to the government on finding a way to handle ISIS and all they have done.

  64. Muslims should not be banned from the US. I have no clue why Trump thought that this would be a great idea. I really don't like him and he's talking so much stuff other people only laugh about. He really is one of the reasons why many people in Europe don't know what's wrong with the United States. Wealthy Muslims helped to bankroll his presidential run and Qatar Airways had a corporate campus in the Trump Tower in Manhattan. Muslims everywhere try to make clear that terrorism has no religion. Banning Muslims from the US is the wrong way to handle this situation. ISIS kills also Muslims which are against them. In fact, ISIS killed far more Muslims than Christians or people from other religions. I hope that Trump won't be elected as the new president of the United States. Banning members of a religion from a country and talking about them in that way reminds me as a German of another person who acted in a similar way. If this happens the US isn't the same country it was before.This is not country where dreams come true or a country of freedom anymore.

  65. Doesn't Donald Trump know that his entire family lineage are immigrants? Europeans came down from countries in Europe and basically took over and colonized land that was never theirs in the first place. He, essentially IS an immigrant. And even so, Donald Trump is an absolute disgrace to the human race and is a terrible candidate for our next president. He has no real helpful plans or solutions to combat America's problems, he never directly answers a question when faced with one, he never cites the sources in his arguments, he runs off his own prejudice, racism, and bigotry, and he CLAIMS to be a good christian and follow christian values and beliefs when in reality, most of the things hes said so far go AGAINST what Christians are REALLY supposed to believe in. I'm sure a slice of moldy cheese would make a better president than Donald Trump.

  66. Everyone in the United States of America is an immigrant, this nation was built on the backs of immigrants. Our founding fathers of this country were immigrants.The U.S. cant take that risk of another isis attack it is just a matter of time before something really bad happens and lots of american citizens die

  67. Ok Trump, I know you don't want an ISIS attack on the U.S. but banning every Muslim is not a solution.

  68. Donald Trump is really an idiot and doesn't know what he's doing or saying. Banning Muslims isn't going to stop anything from happening. From the Article I read I saw that Muslims are better educated than Americans, and they're as religious as Christians. I know that we've had terrorists that were Muslims attack us before, but not every Muslim is like that.You can't punished a certain group, because of what other people have done. Many Americans have done stupid stuff before in the past. I really think that Trump is saying anything and everything just to get attention. He's really stupid to me.

  69. I think that if Muslims were banned from coming to the united states it would really would make america a safer place. It is wrong discriminate an individual because of their race. We have the same thing going on in our country already with black men and white officers. But the reason I think that it would be safer for muslims not to be able to come to america.

  70. I don't think Muslims should be banned from the united stats. you cant judge all Muslims from one thing that somebody has done. Trump is inconsiderate for saying this and this is why he will never be president.

  71. I think they should be banned because you dont know who is going to kill you so they might as well go.

  72. complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.

  73. Mia Reddick.

    Discrimination to any kind of race is prohibited and should not be allowed. Therefore , banning immigrants is not right. However, yes you will have to pay attention to all people , especially the ones who may seem to cause harm. It should be based on color or race to determine how harmful they can be. In other words, any type of person whether they are blue , purple, pink , big ,tall or short , will do anything in their might.

  74. I feel that they dont have a good enough reason to band them. Not all muslims are the same if they were something wouldve happened a long time ago.

  75. Donald Trump decided to make the comment that he thinks that all Muslims need to be banded from the United States. He wants to make sure that these people never enter the Us and he will do this by banding them. This is rediculous and VERY ignorant.

  76. I don't think all Muslims are bad because everyone doesn't follow their set of rules.

  77. From an early age, Muslim children
    in the Middle East are trained not only in the art of war, but in the brutal specialty of Islamic Jihad. it's good hes making thing likes this known because otherwise, Muslims would try and dominate the entire United states and without that being said, we wouldn't know much about them until know.

  78. Donald Trump triping. It is a shame that just because of someone's race they can just be frown upon. Nobody chooses what their skin color or ethnic background is goin to be before they're born. And for someone to think that having color in your skin or speaking differently is disgusting. They not just muslims they people too.
