Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Post about two current events. Your post should be a minimum of one paragraph.


  1. the two current events are writing this and me being at school now both are really dumb in my opinion but i have to do them anyway but i don't mind it is for a grade and grades are what really matter.

  2. 1. there was a shooting investigation in san bernardino california. according to the article, investigators believe shooter Syed Rizwan Farook may have been plotting an earlier attack in California with someone else.
    2. more than 30 people was killed in a airport. according to cnn news, Thirty-seven civilians were killed in an attack Tuesday night at a market bazaar and a school near Kandahar airport,Another 35 people were wounded, the Afghan Defense Ministry said.


  3. Donald J. Trump’s call to bar Muslims from the U.S. is still reverberating around the world, igniting widespread condemnation. His supporters, however, see things differently.

    The Pentagon is warning that comments like Mr. Trump’s could fuel the Islamic State terrorist group’s narrative of a U.S. war with Islam.

    And some legal scholars say a ban on Muslims could survive a court challenge if applied only to foreigners.

  4. One current event is the 2016 Presidential election. Republican and Democratic candidates are now on the campaign trail for the White House. While on the campaign trail candidates are covering different topics from police brutality to foreign terrorism. Another current event is Syrian refugees, refugees from Syria are now trying to enter the United States to escape middle eastern ISIS oppression.

  5. the two events are school and Donald trump. the teachers in this school be trippen fr. i think that some of them don't really care if we fail, they just put grades in. Donald trump,hope he dosnt become president of 2016 he has said some really bad things that people find it offensive

  6. Donald Trump's tweet on Tuesday dangling the idea of an independent run for president sent a clear warning to the Republican establishment: Attack at your own peril.
    After 24 hours of withering criticism from the likes of Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and virtually every fellow GOP presidential hopeful -- not to mention Democrats and the mayors of Philadelphia and London -- Trump is defiantly standing by his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States. And he upped the ante by tweeting a new USA Today/Suffolk University poll that shows 68% of the 2016 Republican front-runner's supporters would ditch the GOP and stick with him if he launched an independent campaign for the presidency.

  7. Thirty-seven civilians were killed in an attack Tuesday night at a market bazaar and a school near Kandahar airport, Afghan officials said.The police shooting of a 17-year-old on a South Side street corner nearly three years ago was captured on four cameras and was unjustified, according to a former investigator who has seen the videos.

  8. 30 people were killed at an Afghanistan airport. The people were shot dead by armed terrorists. I believe this is just the beginning of terrorists attacks worldwide. ISIS has also been using U.S weapons. They obtained the weapons from stealing from U.S. allies. This creates great danger among us.

  9. Recently, Kim K has had her baby boy. Also, many killings have been happening in Ga. Recently , a Henry county foster parents killed their foster child.

  10. The Taliban took responsibility for the attack saying the gunmen carried machine guns and were targeting foreign forces, a Taliban spokesman said in a statement.
    The death of Cedric Chatman occurred more than 20 months before those two killings and raises troubling questions

  11. Two current events are:thirty(30) people were killed in an attack at Afghanistan's Kandahar airport.Yolanda Adams talks about her divorce with her husband.It was because of a chronic illness that he left.

  12. The police shooting of a 17-year-old on a South Side street corner nearly three years ago was captured on four cameras and was unjustified, according to a former investigator who has seen the videos.

  13. The police shooting of a 17-year-old on a South Side street corner nearly three years ago was captured on four cameras and was unjustified, according to a former investigator who has seen the videos.

    The Indiana Pacers seemed primed to give the Golden State Warriors a run for their money. They had lost only two games thus far at home. They started Paul George and George Hill, a pair of elite perimeter defenders with the on-paper goods to keep up with Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson. Even their new small-ball strategy seemed like a good fit to keep up offensively.

    Well, about that.

    Thompson poured in a game-high 39, and Curry added 29 of his own as the Warriors earned a 131-123 win over Indiana. The win is Golden State's 23rd straight to start the regular season, extending its already seemingly insurmountable NBA record.

  14. Kim Kardashian recently had her son and named him Saint West. They chose this name because since Kim's pregnancy was so hard and how she had a breech baby, he was a saint. In other news, Wale says that Kendrick Lamar has gone "Hollywood" and not returned any of his calls. Hopefully they can talk out this misunderstanding

  15. More than 30 civilians killed in attack at Afghanistan's Kandahar airport. 37 innocent people were killed in an attack Tuesday night at a market bazaar and a school near Kandahar airport. Another 35 people were wounded. And 9 armed terrorists were also killed.

  16. Thirty-seven civilians were killed in an attack Tuesday night at a market bazaar and a school near Kandahar airport, Afghan officials said. Another 35 people were wounded, the Afghan Defense Ministry said. Fighting continued Wednesday into the early evening after Afghan National Army forces surrounded the attackers.

    A new report from a prominent human rights group has found that ISIS has built a substantial arsenal, including U.S.-made weapons obtained from the Iraqi army and Syrian opposition groups.

    Amnesty International's 44-page report, released late Monday, found that much of ISIS' equipment and munitions comes from stockpiles captured from the U.S.-allied Iraqi military and Syrian rebels. The findings come as President Barack Obama has recommitted to leaning on regional forces, including the Iraqis, Kurds and Syrian opposition, to try to wipe out ISIS rather than committing significant numbers of U.S. ground troops.

  17. Thirty-seven civilians were killed in an attack Tuesday night at a market bazaar and a school near Kandahar airport. This is just despicable, people are just killing now and days for no reason. The taliban feels proud of this attack when they should be ashamed. In other news some strange things are going on in Japan. over the past 3 months ghostly looking ships have washed up on Japans shores, with nothing in them but decaying bodies, and empty cargo, Japan has no answers to why it is happening, Some believe this is the the wrath of their ancestors.

  18. NBA player was arrested in L.A. this week -- after allegedly jacking a brand new Mercedes from a valet stand and going on a wild joyride ... TMZ Sports has learned. The alleged car thief is Jeff Adrien -- a 29-year-old ex-college stud at UCONN who played 5 seasons in the NBA. In fact, he was a team captain on the UCONN team that made the Final Four in '09.
    Law enforcement tells us Adrien -- who played with the Minnesota Timberwolves last year -- was waiting outside of a popular West Hollywood hotel where he was staying when he saw a guy valet a pretty sick Mercedes.We're told Adrien somehow got the keys to the Mercedes (even though he didn't have a claim ticket) -- and peeled off with the car.

    Kim Kardashian will never be seen giving birth to her son, because there wasn't a camera in sight. Sources familiar with the situation tell us, there is absolutely NO delivery room footage, and that was Kim and Kanye's doing.What's more, we're told Saint West will not be appearing on any of the family's reality shows ... at least in the foreseeable future.We're told the plan is to keep the baby off all shows until he develops an awareness. K&K kept North off TV for the first year of her life, and then only allowed her to appear on "special episodes" where the filming environment was tightly controlled.
    As for now ... don't expect any Saints on TV.

  19. A new report from a prominent human rights group has found that ISIS has built a substantial arsenal, including U.S.-made weapons obtained from the Iraqi army and Syrian opposition groups.

  20. 1. there was a shooting investigation in san bernardino california. according to the article, investigators believe shooter Syed Rizwan Farook may have been plotting an earlier attack in California with someone else.
    2. more than 30 people was killed in a airport. according to cnn news, Thirty-seven civilians were killed in an attack Tuesday night at a market bazaar and a school near Kandahar airport,Another 35 people were wounded, the Afghan Defense Minis

  21. Two hours ago the 3rd Bataclan bomber was identified.Nearly 30 minutes ago there was a pig's head left at the door of a Philadelphia mosque.

  22. kim and kanye son saint west has been brought into the world congrats to them now north has a younger brother

  23. Kim Kardashian recently had a baby boy by rapper Kanye West and decided to name the baby Saint West. Considerably this is a current event for Hollywood but a joke to me. However, the funniest thing that comes out of this current event is the baby name is Saint and her ex boyfriend Reggie Bush plays for the Saints.

    Next current event is Donald Trump has proposed an idea for all Muslims to be banned from this country. Now, that is unbelievable because one; how can a white man say such a thing when all Caucasians are not from this country themselves. Keep in mind who were the first people who inhabited America.

  24. I'm not sure about any events that have happened so if I find some I'll give a brief statement about them. Miami-Dade police say that a student died by a fall. He tried to jump from between ledges of the building and I guess he...missed. Anyway I don't know why you would try something like that. People who try to do parkour need to be careful and aware that certain things you just need to leave to professionals or better yet there are some things people/humans just can't do.
    Another event is how yet another black student was shot down by a police officer. He was charged for assault if I'm remembering this correctly. I don't know a lot about the case but it seems to me that these killings of black students is getting a bit out of hand.

  25. the san barrion shooting and the u.s.a dropping bombs on isis

  26. current events is that Donald Trump said a comment about Muslims and now cannot run for president

  27. The U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether Chicago police have made a habit of violating the law or the U.S. Constitution in their policing Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Monday.

    Muslim leaders gathered at a makeshift memorial in Paris on Monday to pay their respects to those killed in terror attacks and warn members of their community against joining ISIS.

  28. Current Events: The founder of the North Face brand died recently from hypothermia when he fell out of his kayak in Patagonia. Also, incidents and reports of Islamaphobia in the U.S. are on the rise following the shootings in Sacramento, California and the recent Paris attacks.

  29. Golden State Warriors continue hot start as they improve record to 23-0. Led by reigning MVP Stephen Curry & teammate Klay Thompson.

    Presidential candidate Donald Trump makes an attempt to ban Muslims from US border.

  30. Muslims around the world go on the streets to demonstrate against ISIS and terrorism in general. They want to show that terrorism has no religion.

    Many people showed their anger about Donald Trump on social media. The white house posted the following on Twitter " We cannot turn against one.another by letting the fight be defined as a war between America and Islam". Other people said Trump should be banned from becoming US president. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter novels, tweeted "How horrible. Voldemort was nowhere near as bad.", which was retweeted over 180 thousand times.

  31. There was a shooting at an airport in Kabul, Afghanistan at the Kandahar Airport. more than 30 citizen's lives were taken and another 35 citizens were wounded. The Taliban took responsibility for the attack. Trump is standing by his ban on Muslims coming into the U.S. Trump is also giving off the impression that he will do a run for president independently which may give republicans a good chance of taking office in 2016.

  32. 1. More than 30 civilians were killed in attack at Afghanistan's Kandahar airport. Another attack. I have no idea why we're having so many people killed this year. What do they gain from killing people? Good thing we still have 35 alive, but injured.

    2. Again with Trump, banning one entire religion isn't right. I know he trying to find out something, but he not going to find out anything for maybe doing this.

  33. there was a kid that was shot in the arm this morning.

  34. they are spraying liquid ass in dutchtown's hallways and it stinks really bad. I maxed out today at 190lbs in bench press today in 4th period.

  35. hirty-seven civilians were killed in an attack Tuesday night at a market bazaar and a school near Kandahar airport, Afghan officials said.

    Another 35 people were wounded, the Afghan Defense Ministry said. Fighting continued Wednesday into the early evening after Afghan National Army forces surrounded the attackers.

  36. he Senate cleared an overhaul of the controversial No Child Left Behind program in a bipartisan vote on Wednesday, sending the measure to President Barack Obama, who will sign it into law, the White House said.

    The vote was 85-12.

    Critics complained the George W. Bush-era law, which was supported by Republicans and Democrats when it was approved in 2002, gave too much influence to Washington in controlling education policy and that power should be returned to state and local school boards.

  37. hirty-seven civilians were killed in an attack Tuesday night at a market bazaar and a school near Kandahar airport, Afghan officials said.

    Another 35 people were wounded, the Afghan Defense Ministry said. Fighting continued Wednesday into the early evening after Afghan National Army forces surrounded the attackers.

  38. Investigators believe shooter Syed Rizwan Farook may have been plotting an earlier attack in California with someone else.

    Baltimore police Officer William Porter, one of six officers charged in the April death of Freddie Gray, took the stand at his own trial Wednesday, and said there were no signs that Gray needed immediate medical attention.

  39. A petition calling for Donald Trump to be banned from entering the UK has attracted more than a quarter of a million signatures -- more than enough for a committee to consider sending the motion for parliamentary debate.The petition to block the front-running Republican presidential candidate from entering the country was created on the British government's official petitions website in response to Trump's call Monday to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. due to the threat of terrorism.
    The actor, who plays brooding fan favorite Daryl Dixon on AMC's hit show "The Walking Dead," posted an Instagram to that effect after a female fan apparently bit him during a photo op at a recent Walker Stalker convention.The Instagram photo shows Reedus in a "Bite Me" T-shirt that appears to have been amended for the post to say "Do Not Bite Me," with a caption that reads "Um please don't."According to TMZ, Reedus is not pressing charges against the fan, who has been banned from future conventions.

  40. the two events are school and Donald trump. the teachers in this school be trippen fr. i think that some of them don't really care if we fail, they just put grades in. Donald trump,hope he dosnt become president of 2016 he has said some really bad things that people find it offensive

  41. 30 people were killed at an Afghanistan airport. The people were shot dead by armed terrorists. I believe this is just the beginning of terrorists attacks worldwide. ISIS has also been using U.S weapons. They obtained the weapons from stealing from U.S. allies. This creates great danger among us.

  42. iswis continues to put fear into the world and evidently donald trump has been disqualified from the presidential race

  43. Press says that Trump may be eliminated from running for president as he says that he wants to band all Muslims because of whats going on with isis. He still is in the race but they're saying that he may be eliminated. Isis also is putting fear on the united states as they continue to terrorize the world.

  44. Today`s events are yesterday`s backlash as the drama Donald Trump created with the Muslim trouble not only defied the validity of the American Constitution, but even devalued the meaning of the American people. While personally, I would agree that we should be more watchful of the people that enter this nation, we should not go far to either side of the issue: by banning them completely (like America did to asian immigrants in 1882) as it is both wrong and doesn`t stand for what America is.

    The second event also is everyone bashing Donald Trump for being very ignorant and prejudice. Hillary Clinton, the appearing front-runner for the democratic party, is one of many people who accuse him of being a hypocrite and for being very inconsiderate towards others, stating that he is making a name for himself to simply slander those he thinks are unworthy.

  45. Kim Kardashian recently had a baby boy by rapper Kanye West and decided to name the baby Saint West. Considerably this is a current event for Hollywood but a joke to me. However, the funniest thing that comes out of this current event is the baby name is Saint and her ex boyfriend Reggie Bush plays for the Saints.

    Next current event is Donald Trump has proposed an idea for all Muslims to be banned from this country. Now, that is unbelievable because one; how can a white man say such a thing when all Caucasians are not from this country themselves. Keep in mind who were the first people who inhabited America.

  46. The U.S. government is cracking down on the Japanese mafia, the yakuza, and has frozen the American assets of a top gang boss.Oil fell below $37 a barrel on Thursday, after new data showed OPEC is still pumping like there is no tomorrow.The mighty oil cartel produced 31.7 million barrels a day in November, its latest monthly report shows. That is the highest output in over three years and 1.7 million barrels a day over its former production ceiling.

  47. Geneva, Switzerland, is on high alert as police search for suspects who may be related to the terror attacks in Paris.
    Swiss national authorities gave Geneva authorities a description of suspects who could be in Geneva or the Geneva region. Investigations are being carried out in close collaboration with international and French police.
    The United Nations Security Council will discuss the human rights situation in North Korea on Thursday, as defectors and victims of torture complain that not enough has been done since the publication of a landmark report in 2014.

  48. The Human Rights Panel of the U.N. found many human rights abuses in North Korea. The case and those responsible will be sent to the international criminal court. Nearly 50 were killed in an attack on an Afghanistan airport. The Taliban are claiming responsibility for this major attack.

  49. The premiere for Star Wars 7 is next week... this is the best year in my life!

  50. The premiere for Star Wars 7 is next week... this is the best year in my life!

  51. A current event that happened was the ban of Muslims that is trying to take place. I think that they shouldn't Ban Muslims because this is the land of the free and everybody should be welcomed. Another current event is that the U.S is running out of bombs to throw on ISIS. This is a major problem because ISIS has a lot of weapons and people

  52. On Thursday December 2, there was a shooting in San Bernardino. Fourteen people were killed, and 20 people were injured at a Holiday Party. The suspects (husband and wife) were killed during a shootout with the police. The police believe that this was tied with a terrorism attack. December 3, 2015 the Pentagon announced that all Military Combat Roles are now opened for Women. This rule overruled the 1994 rule made by the Pentagon that didn't allow women to do combat jobs. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said " that there will be no exceptions to the new rule."

  53. I've Been waiting for so long to see my grandparents, and NOW to be old enough to give back to them for Christmas, is something that i will forever respect. i'm grateful for them and being there for our family when we needed it most. THANKS GRANDPA & GRANDMOTHER!

  54. Kim Kardashian had her son and named him Saint West. They chose this name because since Kim's pregnancy was so hard and how she had a breech baby, he was a saint.

  55. Kim Kardashian had her son and named him Saint West. They chose this name because since Kim's pregnancy was so hard and how she had a breech baby, he was a saint.

  56. A bus carrying Argentine frontier police plunged off a bridge in rural northern Argentina on Monday, killing 43 people on board
    Police in Mumbai are investigating the suspected murder of an artist and her lawyer, whose bodies were found bound and dumped in cardboard cartons over the weekend, officers said Monday.

  57. more than 30 people was killed in a airport. according to cnn news, Thirty-seven civilians were killed in an attack Tuesday night at a market bazaar and a school near Kandahar airport,Another 35 people were wounded, the Afghan Defense Ministry said.

  58. Kim kardashian and Kanye west just had a baby boy.
    Clinton is up in polls against trump.

  59. New mayor was elected the next day he was found murdered in his own home.
    they was a shooting in California where 14 people was injured and 17 died.

  60. States expanded gun rights after Sandy Hook school massacre. This is extremely the wrong way to handle this because then a person like the one who started the massacre to do the same thing. Data shows that the number of guns manufactured and sold and the number of permits to carry concealed weapons have also increased. Moreover, A black man who was fatally shot by Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies kept holding a gun as he lay dying on the ground. Two deputies fired 33 bullets at the man after he refused to drop the gun and walked across a busy street.

  61. States expanded gun rights after Sandy Hook school massacre. This is extremely the wrong way to handle this because then a person like the one who started the massacre to do the same thing. Data shows that the number of guns manufactured and sold and the number of permits to carry concealed weapons have also increased. Moreover, A black man who was fatally shot by Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies kept holding a gun as he lay dying on the ground. Two deputies fired 33 bullets at the man after he refused to drop the gun and walked across a busy street.

  62. Over thanksgiving break while i was in chicago an outbreak occurred where a man was shot several times by a police officer and people acted like nothing happened. Officers deleted video clips until someone actually found it.

    Later a little boy was shot and killed because of his father being in a gang. They killed him to get back at his dad because the dad wasnt going to participate in the gang anymore.

  63. Baltimore police Officer William Porter, one of six officers charged in the April death of Freddie Gray, took the stand at his own trial Wednesday, and said there were no signs that Gray needed immediate medical attention.

    The Carolina Panthers are still undefeated and trying to stay undefeated when they play the NY Giants

  64. Mia Reddick.

    An affluenza teen is on the look for a terrible crime he has committed. His name is Ethan Couch and is about 16 years old. According to the article I just review, Ethan committed an adultery crime. Therefore, once the FBI and U.S. marshals find him, he will serve his sentence for maybe life. Ethan has killed four people along with injuring several others. Ethan is a teen who was never taught from his rights and wrongs, which has a major impact why he has committed the crimes he has committed.

  65. 30 people were killed at an Afghanistan airport. The people were shot dead by armed terrorists.

    kim kardashian gave birth to her & kanye west baby boy name saint west.

  66. In Mexico a van and a bus got in a crash and killed 13 amd 7 was ingered.

  67. I'm glad i have friends, i realized the other day that , not having friends in the future can really break a person and having them can be a life changing thing, especially one that support you in all that you do.
    Family and friends of Gisela Mota, the mayor of Temixco, Mexico, who was assassinated on Jan. 2, leaving a memorial service on Jan. 12.

  68. more than 30 people was killed in a airport. according to cnn news, Thirty-seven civilians were killed in an attack Tuesday night at a market bazaar and a school near Kandahar airport,Another 35 people were wounded, the Afghan Defense Minis
