Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kylie -Wheel Chair

Do you agree or disagree with the article below, explain why


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I disagree with the article. People get offended too quickly and the photo shoot wasn't intended to offend or mock disabled people. The photo shoot was simply an act of art.

  3. I feel like if she is doing something like that and wearing something fetish she should not be in a wheel chair.That is disrespectful to people who are stuck in a wheelchair for life.Being in a wheel chair is not something cool to just take a picture in for a magazine especially a gold one but you can't blame her it's her job....

  4. i disagree its not fair for disabled people to not be able to model but everybody agrees when she models in a wheelchair, thats no different than disabled people modeling. its crazy how this society is , its not fair at all.

  5. honestly people need to chill, its not like she saying i hate disabled people. its like people are trying to start arguments.

  6. People are in wheelchairs for a variety of reasons. Rolling around in a wheelchair everyday, feeling powerless, and not being treated equally in the eyes of regular people are a few things and problems that the disabled go through everyday. Kylie Jenner's photos disturbed the disabled because the type of clothes she was wearing and the tone it gave off. One tweet that made me understand how they felt was: "Oh I see! When I'm in my wheelchair noone can look me in the eye but when Kylie Jenner sits in a wheelchair it's FASHION. Silly me,".

  7. Kylie Jenner is a very controversial person, and I feel that this was just another one on of her controversial moments. Although she shouldn't have taken a picture like that, because it could be offense to disabled people, I feel that the media has over hyped the situation (like they usually do).

  8. I disagree with the article. That is disrespectful to people who are stuck in a wheelchair for life.Being in a wheel chair is not something cool to just take a picture in for a magazine especially a gold but its her job

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I disagree it is not fair to disable people to be able to model but sometimes modeling can't be all in famous people and it can be for disable people , It doesn't mean disable people caa't do their people can't do and some nomal people can't do what disable people can do.

  11. I agree to disagree....Honestly I can see why people with disabilities are upset and offended. Kylie Jenners pictures are very distasteful and disrespectful. How ever I am a Fan of Kylie and I dont think what she did was right and i think she needs to sincerely apologize to the disabled community. I dont think she intended to disrespect anybody but social media has ways to make anything and anybody look bad

  12. I feel like if she is doing something like that and wearing something for disable people she should not be in a wheel chair.That is disrespectful to disable any disable person who might be in a wheelchair for life.Being in a wheel chair is not something cool or for any kind of fashion or to just take a picture for attention in for a magazine especially a gold one? like really but who needs a gold wheel chair but you can't blame her it's her job correct?

  13. I think this is was offensive to disable people because its like shes makin fun of

  14. I think it's okay. It's called modeling. I mean she didn't really say anything bad about disabled people.

  15. I think people are taking it the wrong way. I think she was trying to send a positive message about disabled people but everyone took it offensive. It not like she was playing around in the wheel chair to represent a negative message about disabled people. She was probably trying to say that if you're disabled or not you could still look good and model.

  16. I can see why people are upset i think that the pictures were really disrespectful to people with disabilities.

  17. naw not really because its disrespectful. i dont like it my grandma my grandma in a wheelchair thats not cool what she is doing

  18. Honestly I disagree I can see why people with disabilities are upset and offended. I don't think what she did was right but I also don't think she meant it like how people are implying people are just feeding in to much of this in my honest opinion.

  19. people need to chill she is not doing anything wrong it just a photo shoot

  20. i believe that she is in the wrong for doing that.

  21. I believe Kylie's actions are wrong. I'm disgusted with the fact that she is pictured as a sex doll while at the same time in a wheelchair. I feel like this mocks all disabled people. She shouldn't have even did the photo shoot in a wheelchair.

  22. I believed that the photo shoot was beautiful until I saw the photo of the wheelchair. Kylie Jenner is extremely problematic, and continues to display actions that give her a negative appearance. There is no reason why anyone should use a disability as a prop.

  23. I think this is inappropriate. The comments are right being is a wheelchair isn't fun at all. In my opinion being disabled isn't ment to be joking around with.

  24. I'm still trying to figure out where they came up with this idea and why she decided to do it

  25. I agree with the article that Kyle Jenner's picture doesn't give off a good message. She could have chose a different way to do her photo shoot, being shown in a wheel chair can seem ignorant or insensitive to others.

  26. I honestly think it wasnt even that serious. Its just a photo shoot i dont think kylie was trying to offended anyone in anyway. I dont think she just woke up one morning saying lets make fun of disabled people. She has done a lot of wrong things but this isnt that bad. I understand some people might be a little offended but its never that serious. She's just doing her job as a model.

  27. I disagree it is not fair to disable people to be able to model .Kylie Jenner is a real jerk for not thinking about real disable people when she took the pictures. Sometimes people don't like about how people can be offended by media.

  28. I disagree completely, there is a fine line from ok to going overboard and this was extremely crossing that line. Disabilities arent something to just take light of, thats something someone has to go threw everyday of their life. And for Kylie to post that picture like that just shows her type of character, she should be ashamed of herself and owes the world a apology.

  29. I disagree it is not fair to disable people to be able to model. That is disrespectful to people who are stuck in a wheelchair for life. The comments are right being is a wheelchair isn't fun at all.

  30. Just another act for fame. Just another chick who wanted to become more famous by doing something insanely stupid, Miley Cyrus twerking on the Mexican flag i believe remind anyone.

  31. I think it's gross and wrong that people with or without disabilities present themselves like that. It's indecent and revolting to see people displayed in such ways just for money and fame when honestly to me it's a joke or just...well aside my beliefs and thoughts it's not my place to judge people's thoughts or decisions. It is your choice and your body whatever you want. It's you who makes a fool of yourself or whatever.

  32. Kylie Jenner is an attention seeker just like them 3 other sisters of hers. Let's be clear the Kardashians are not famous for anything except for their father who passed decades ago. For these women to still be in the spotlight is crazy, to me she should have not did any photo shoot being in a wheel chair if she is not in one, that's distasteful. Wish they would just die off.

  33. Kylie Jenner is such a nuance. she most definitely should not be doing anything to glamorize disability or using it to be "edgy" or "hot" it is a serious issue for a lot of people and she should not be turning it into a fetish that is awful.

  34. I personally disagree because a gold wheelchair always look freaking horrible. She look terrible on that wheelchair. Her in a wheelchair is dumb. I know what she doing is a model, but she does not look like one. It not like her legs broke. That is sad for whoever is using a wheelchair.

  35. i disagree with what the picture is protreading.

  36. I disagree with that picture. it seemed to be rude and disrespectful to those who are in a wheel chair. I don't know what she was thinking but she has got the wrong point across to the people.

  37. Kylie was just being a model. there was no offense in it

  38. I love the kardashians so its just a wheelchair she is not making fun of anyone. Its just a picture people trip over the little things. Let the girl live people take it personal but she making money anyways

  39. i think that was offensive because its like they was making fun of her and she was just being a model.

  40. Kylie Jenner is a very controversial person, and I feel that this was just another one on of her controversial moments. Although she shouldn't have taken a picture like that, because it could be offense to disabled people, I feel that the media has over hyped the situation (like they usually do).

  41. I feel like if she is doing something like that and wearing something fetish she should not be in a wheel chair.That is disrespectful to people who are stuck in a wheelchair for life.Being in a wheel chair is not something cool to just take a picture in for a magazine especially a gold one but you can't blame her it's her job....

  42. there wasn't any offense involved it was just how the world is.

  43. I disagree with the article. People get offended too fast. the photo shoot wasn't intended to mock disabled people. The photo shoot was simply an act of art. honestly

  44. I think that this is just a photoshoot and people should not get offended that easily, cause really it does not offend anyone. It's just a women that did a photoshoot in a few positions. Its just a regular modeling photoshoot to me, and people should not take it that serious.

  45. The images that featured Kylie Jenner in a wheelchair while wearing a very offensive outfit are both an object of disrespect and disgust for many reasons. One , she`s disrespecting people who actually CAN`T walk by appearing in a way that doesn`t work for the benefit of those who are paralyzed at their legs. The other is that she is still practically a minor, and she`s wearing an outfit that borderlines rudeness. So, in a way, she`s being rude towards women for being incredibly offensive-appearing, and towards paralyzed people for mocking their ability to walk.

  46. The images that featured Kylie Jenner in a wheelchair while wearing a very offensive outfit are both an object of disrespect and disgust for many reasons. One , she`s disrespecting people who actually CAN`T walk by appearing in a way that doesn`t work for the benefit of those who are paralyzed at their legs. The other is that she is still practically a minor, and she`s wearing an outfit that borderlines rudeness. So, in a way, she`s being rude towards women for being incredibly offensive-appearing, and towards paralyzed people for mocking their LACK of the ability to walk

  47. tbh.....i have mixed feelings about everything right now i mean i just got kicked out of but i mean this is just a stupid excuse to get attention from the press so i think kylie needs to calm down

  48. To be honest, I agree and disagree with the article. First, I agree with it because she might not be trying to be offensive towards people in the wheelchair but it is hurtful to their self-esteem. The worst part is she has the guts to be in a wheelchair wearing inappropriate clothing. On the other hand, I disagree as well because I feel like just because she's famous, there is a big issue. Also, I think reporters or journalists just want to have something to write about on blogs.

  49. I agree, people already feel bad that they're in a wheelchair. Kylie can't just do a photoshoot dressed as a sex doll and in a gold wheelchair. If the main purpose was to help raise awareness then its obviously not working. It's as if she is glamouring being in the chair. That's just wrong in many ways actually.

  50. I agree, people already feel bad that they're in a wheelchair. Kylie can't just do a photoshoot dressed as a sex doll and in a gold wheelchair. If the main purpose was to help raise awareness then its obviously not working. It's as if she is glamouring being in the chair. That's just wrong in many ways actually.

  51. I can definitely see why people are getting so upset over this. Most of society already sees disabled people as "helpless" or "broken", and this photo shoot of Kylie is implying this heavily. She's dressed up as a sex doll, has a blank expression on her face, can't MOVE or help herself out of the chair, and is carried around and thrown around like a rag doll. What else does this photo shoot imply other than ""a helpless, sexy person stuck in their wheelchair & can't do anything about their situation but be used by other people."" Disabled people's LIVES depend on things like wheelchairs to help them interact and live on a daily basis, and for Kylie to just pose in a wheelchair and walk away just fine is WRONG. Disabled people can't just "get up" and leave their disabilities behind them. They have it for life, and it's just plain gross to me that Kylie and her producers/fashion directors/whatever thought that something like this was actually okay.

  52. I disagree it is not fair to disable people to be able to model but sometimes modeling can't be all in famous people and it can be for disable people , It doesn't mean disable people caa't do their people can't do and some nomal people can't do what disable people can do.

  53. I disagree it is not fair to disable people to be able to model but sometimes modeling can't be all in famous people and it can be for disable people , It doesn't mean disable people caa't do their people can't do and some nomal people can't do what disable people can do.

  54. i disagree, but she is in something is wrong

  55. i disagree its not fair for disabled people to not be able to model but everybody agrees when she models in a wheelchair, thats no different than disabled people modeling. its crazy how this society is , its not fair at all.

  56. honestly think it wasnt even that serious. Its just a photo shoot i dont think kylie was trying to offended anyone in anyway. I dont think she just woke up one morning saying lets make fun of disabled people. She has done a lot of wrong things but this isnt that bad. I understand some people might be a little offended but its never that serious. She's just doing her job as a model.

  57. It isn't fair to those people who are forced to be in a wheel chair but she did bring some kind of light of how beautiful you could be inside of the wheelchair its making it seem as if it isn't anything to be ashamed of. There is a target on her back anyway and anyone will do anything to bring that family down. The pictures should have been different but there already done.

  58. I don't even know how to respond to this, why is she doing this? Is it to taunt people in wheelchairs? Or is she trying to send some sorta message? Either way it left me speechless in a bad way.

  59. I disagree with this I think she should be able to do as she pleases just like everyone else

  60. i think everyone would take that to offense or the wrong way and trying to make a style should be something personal not in a wheel chair

  61. I don't find it offensive. People don't like the photos because it's Kylie Jenner. I'm pretty sure if it was anyone else, it wouldn't have a big deal.

  62. honestly think it wasnt even that serious. Its just a photo shoot i dont think kylie was trying to offended anyone in anyway. I dont think she just woke up one morning saying lets make fun of disabled people. She has done a lot of wrong things but this isnt that bad. I understand some people might be a little offended but its never that serious. She's just doing her job as a model.

  63. People get offended too quickly and the photo shoot wasn't intended to offend or mock disabled people. the picture was beautiful and very artistic.

  64. They blew it way out of proportion it wasn't even that serious, the media is just doing what they do best and thats judging people because of their actions just for a check.

  65. i disagree its not fair for disabled people to not be able to model but everybody agrees when she models in a wheelchair. I think it's gross and wrong that people with or without disabilities present themselves like that. Disabilities are not something to just take light of, that something someone has to go threw everyday of their life.

  66. I disagree with the article, because it's not fair. I understand she was probably doing it to show disable people that she cared, but it wasn't such a bright idea. Many disabled people would love to do what she does, but they can't. Instead they have to look at someone in a wheelchair that isn't even disabled. Some people may find it as a joke, but I just don't agree with it. It was a really stupid decision, like I said there are many disabled people that would love to do everything she gets to do, but they don't get that advantage and I just didn't think it was fair to them.

  67. Despite the photos not being intentionally serious, the sexualization of both women and (now) the disabled have turned into a serious issue. What they did was not wrong, but it was rather in poor taste. I believe that more thought should've been put into what was shot and done.

  68. I disagree its not fair for disabled people to not be able to model.Everybody agrees when she models, thats no different than disabled people modeling.This generation and society is horrible, its not fair at all.

  69. I disagree with the article. People get offended too quickly and the photo shoot wasn't intended to offend or mock disabled people. The photo shoot was simply an act of art.

  70. Mia Reddick.

    How you take the picture , is based on your feelings towards it . Therefore, I don't believe she is wrong because if she finds that a piece of art then that is based on her actions. People have to understand not to take things overboard, because believe it or not art is your own creativity. Honestly, I don't believe she was trying to harm anyone if so I'm pretty sure she would have been direct with it.

  71. i feel that she wasnt trying yo arm anyone she was just taking a simple picture that she believe is art,

  72. This is very disrespectful and she is making fun of people in wheelchairs. I would be offended if that was me and she needs to be shamed. She may not have been trying to offend people but she did and she needs to apologize

  73. I disagree with the article. People get offended too quickly and the photo shoot wasn't intended to offend or mock disabled people. The photo shoot was simply an act of art.
