Monday, December 14, 2015

Freewrite 12/14

Freewrite about two current events. Minimum of one paragraph.


  1. Inmates who have served time at the Clinton Correctional Facility here tell of being taken aside by a sergeant soon after they arrive and given a warning: Cross the guards, and bad things can happen.

    And they do. Inmates describe being ambushed by guards and beaten, taunted with racial slurs, and kept out of sight, in solitary confinement, until the injuries inflicted on them have healed enough to avoid arousing suspicion.

  2. One current event is the movie industry. The Star Wars series is making a big comeback this weekend. The upcoming film The Force Awakens is projected to make a billion dollars in its first week. If it does it will break every movie record possible.
    Another current event is Donald Trump. Donald trump is infamous for his comments during the Presidential Campaign Trail.

  3. Donald Trump's political hurricane is no accident. The billionaire's brash television virtuosity and mastery of social media has connected with an angry swath of Republican voters in a way no other candidate has managed

    A Russian warship has fired warning shots at a Turkish boat as the two vessels threatened to collide.Relations between Russia and Turkey have been tense since a Russian jet operating in Syria was shot down by the Turkish military on November 24, killing one pilot.

  4. Donald Trump's political hurricane is no accident. The billionaire's brash television virtuosity and mastery of social media has connected with an angry swath of Republican voters in a way no other candidate has managed

    A Russian warship has fired warning shots at a Turkish boat as the two vessels threatened to collide.Relations between Russia and Turkey have been tense since a Russian jet operating in Syria was shot down by the Turkish military on November 24, killing one pilot.

  5. Two currents events are: a teacher in Paris was stabbed by a masked man who yelled ISIS.It said said the unarmed attacker had on a balaclava, and used a sharp item found in class to slash the teacher.A gunman was shot at Walmart in Pennsylvania.He was shot in the upper chest area.He was pronounced dead at a local hospital.

  6. Hover boards have been extremely popular within the last few months. They have got many customers and some companies have created replica boards. With these cheaper models/replicas being made they have been exploding unexpectedly. It has made many customers a little hesitant to purchase or even to ride their boards. Someone from a reputable company said that the companies using replica boards use cheap batteries which is the source of the explosions.

  7. A masked man yelled support for ISIS as he stabbed a French kindergarten teacher in the throat Monday morning
    A man wielding two handguns was shot and killed at a Walmart in Pennsylvania

  8. Paris teacher stabbed by masked man who yelled about ISIS, prosecutor says

  9. US is going into war with ISIS, which hasn't been that recent, and Russia fires at a Turkish boat in order to avoid "collision". Another Russian soldier died during a rescue mission that retrieved the surviving crew member.

  10. Hover boards seem to be the new craze of 2015. Everyone seems to be following the hype and buying them. Little do they know, these boards are not as cool as you might think. There have been many new cases where these hover boards have been catching fire which burn houses and injure people. So watch out for your board.
    Ed Sheeran has to take some time off the road now. After his tour he will be going into a surgery because his eardrum has a hole in it. He said "I have to have an operation in January on my ear because I stupidly jumped off a yacht really high up and smashed it". Good luck to Ed Sheeran and I hope his operation is a success.

  11. the US is going to have war with isis,this has been a while ago.a teacher in paris was stabbed by a masked man who yelled isis.a russian warship has fired warning shots at a turkish boat.

  12. The ringleader of the Paris attacks last month appears to have directed the three terrorists inside the Bataclan theater by phone from a few blocks away, according to a French terrorism expert. And, a witness has told French investigators that they saw Abdelhamid Abaaoud standing in a doorway yelling into his phone for about an hour.

    That night, the witness had several times gone to a car parked nearby, and Abaaoud had been there every time. They described the man as very agitated. When the witness later walked past him, they were able to see his face. Abaaoud's head was shaved and he was wearing layers of loose clothing, but when photographs were later published in the media the witness immediately recognized him and alerted the authorities.A man wielding two handguns was shot and killed at a Walmart in Pennsylvania, authorities said.
    The man walked into the store in Stroudsburg late Saturday night and started pointing a gun at people, Pennsylvania State Police said.Cops killed man at Walmart, then interrogated girlfriend.

    Stroud Area Regional Police were called to the scene. Officers arrived and told the man to drop his gun, but he refused and pointed his weapon at police, authorities said. Officers shot the man in the upper chest area. He was pronounced dead at a local hospital.No officers or anyone else at the Walmart was injured, state police said.

  13. A masked man claiming to support ISIS stabbed a french kindergarten teacher in the throat. The weapon was a sharp object found in the classroom.
    A Russian battleship has fired warning shots on a Turkish boat as the two ships nearly collided.

  14. A man wielding two handguns was shot and killed at a Walmart in Pennsylvania, authorities said. The man walked into the store in Stroudsburg late Saturday night and started pointing a gun at people, Stroud Area Regional Police were called to the scene. Officers arrived and told the man to drop his gun, but he refused and pointed his weapon at police, authorities said.

  15. Rose Siggins, the actress who played Legless Suzi in "America Horror Story: Freak Show" has died ... TMZ has learned.
    A rep for Rose told TMZ she went in for a kidney stone surgery on Monday and never came out of the hospital alive. We're told Rose contracted an infection, which spread through her body and ultimately became fatal. She died Saturday morning in a Denver hospital. Rose was born with a rare genetic disorder called sacral agenesis and we're told she suffered from kidney and pancreas issues her whole life.

    Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's new bundle of joy will be their last ... doctors have warned her another pregnancy would be like playing with fire. Kim's been open about her pregnancy struggles, suffering from placenta accreta -- a potentially life threatening condition -- during both. We're told docs have told her it's nearly a guarantee she'd get accreta again, putting her and her baby's lives at risk. A source close to the family tells us Kim is also scared of another extremely painful birth, like the one with Saint ... and that's helped her make the decision easier. However, we're told the couple is completely cool with capping off their brood at two kids. Our source says they're plenty busy with North and Saint and a new addition would be just too much.

  16. The NBA team Golden State warriors undefeated streak was snapped by the Milwaukee Bucks'. which made them 24-1. They lost in a great game by Jabari Parker with 19 points & Greg Monroe with 28 points.
    The hover boards are becoming really popular especially since it is around Christmas. The problem is they are blowing up & bursting into flames. Some places are prevented for having them . Some people are sending them back to retailers because they don't want to take any chances.

  17. A masked man yelled support for ISIS as he stabbed a French kindergarten teacher in the throat Monday morning, authorities said.The teacher, who is hospitalized with nonlife-threatening injuries, was in class in the Paris suburb of Aubervilliers when the man attacked, French newspaper Le Parisien reported.

    A man wielding two handguns was shot and killed at a Walmart in Pennsylvania, authorities said.
    The man walked into the store in Stroudsburg late Saturday night and started pointing a gun at people, Pennsylvania State Police said.

  18. 4 days till a billion people scream out in excitement... 4 days till the Star Wars Force Awakens Premiere... 4 days....

    1. Also looking at CNN and other posts, the world is getting dumber and dumber

  19. first event the panthers in football are 14-0 so they are going too the play offs & the get too skip the first ine has a automatic win . the second event this lady kept sleeping with a snake & the snake wasnt eating & she took it too the vet to see whats wrong & the doctor said it was preparing too eat her -jasmyne

  20. first event the panthers in football are 14-0 so they are going too the play offs & the get too skip the first ine has a automatic win . the second event this lady kept sleeping with a snake & the snake wasnt eating & she took it too the vet to see whats wrong & the doctor said it was preparing too eat her -jasmyne

  21. Los Angeles County officials are investigating the shooting of a man killed by deputies who fired 33 rounds. Actress Rose Siggins, who played Legless Suzi on "American Horror Story: Freak Show," died over the weekend in Denver, her manager said.

  22. hover boards are getting bought everyday and every second it has all information about it on the manual besides how it can blow up this product is very nice i rode one before its very nice and easy but not worth no more than $400+ if it will blow up and dont fit every size to benefit everybody it has a weight limit meaning everybody cant ride

  23. 3 hours ago a man wielding two handguns was shot and killed at a Walmart in Pennsylvania, authorities said. 4 hours ago a new navy ship broke down.

  24. There is an abundance of severe weather across the United States. Places like Texas and Kansas have been hit the hardest with things like tornadoes, huge wind gusts, and extremely cold temperatures. Additionally, senator Ted Cruz is now in 2nd place, only one spot behind Donald Trump, which is a huge change from his previous position in 3rd-4th place.

  25. The ringleader of the Paris attacks last month appears to have directed the three terrorists inside the Bataclan theater by phone from a few blocks away, according to a French terrorism expert.
    The Navy's newest ship, the littoral combat ship Milwaukee, broke down on Friday and had to to be towed to a base in Virginia, the Navy Times reports.

  26. there was a man at a Walmart in Pennsylvania that had walked in with two handguns and he was shot and killed. this happened on a Saturday in Strasbourg, Pennsylvania. the man was pointing the two handguns at customers so the authorities were called. the police asked him to drop his weapon but he did not and then proceeded to point the gun at the police officers who then shot and killed him and then interrogated his girlfriend. A high tech missile exploded in space over Israel December 12th. Israel says it conducted a successful test of its newly created arrow three missile. this missile is to destroy objects in space.

  27. In northern Argentina there was a bus crash that killed at least 41 police officers for reasons still unknown. They are still investigating the situation I guess. I didn't see any detailed information about this incident.

    There was a mass shooting in San Bernardino which resulted in 14 deaths. The report was that a couple that came from Siberia had been planning this for awhile but they just now had reacted. They are searching for some evidence that they believe the couple may have his in the river or whatever. Sorry this doesn't seem accurate but I don't really know any recent news and when I go to find it it's not know what just go on the news later and you'll see probably.

  28. The NBA team Golden State warriors undefeated streak was snapped by the Milwaukee Bucks'. which made them 24-1. They lost in a great game by Jabari Parker with 19 points & Greg Monroe with 28 points.

  29. "hot rod" died of cancer on Saturday. Stephen curry lost to the Milwaukee bucks 108- 95 it was there first time being held under 100 points.

  30. I feel like all my doubts and worries about these exams are gonna come to a tragic end, and me ending doing a decent job on them instead of a GREAT job. i studied, but maybe not enough studying. i feel like i looked over the study guides a thousand times, but still dont understand any of it. i get all of it but maybe when it comes to testing, i forget about everything. i dont have good memory to me, but it'll be okay. i think ill do great if i just put my mind to it and focus.

  31. Hover boards have been extremely popular within the last few months. They have got many customers and some companies have created replica boards. With these cheaper models/replicas being made they have been exploding unexpectedly. It has made many customers a little hesitant to purchase or even to ride their boards. Someone from a reputable company said that the companies using replica boards use cheap batteries which is the source of the explosions.

  32. there was a meare that was shot last night and died this morning and then the presadint held a new confrwens talking about isis.

  33. The ringleader of the Paris attacks last month appears to have directed the three terrorists inside the Bataclan theater by phone from a few blocks away, according to a French terrorism expert. And, a witness has told French investigators that they saw Abdelhamid Abaaoud standing in a doorway yelling into his phone for about an hour.

    That night, the witness had several times gone to a car parked nearby, and Abaaoud had been there every time. They described the man as very agitated. When the witness later walked past him, they were able to see his face. Abaaoud's head was shaved and he was wearing layers of loose clothing, but when photographs were later published in the media the witness immediately recognized him and alerted the authorities.

  34. Professor and mother of two found dead in makeshit grave one week after she went missing while out jogging with her dog during family vacation.
    Hoverboards are pulled from amazon due to fear some models with cheap batteries can explode.

  35. North Carolina police say a teenager was killed after being pulled into a wood chipper on his first day of work.
    A bus carrying Argentine frontier police plunged off a bridge in rural northern Argentina on Monday, killing 43 people on board.

  36. The first of six trials related to the death of Freddie Gray, who died while in police custody, could be in jurors' hands soon.Baltimore police Officer William Porter is charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault, misconduct in office and reckless endangerment.

  37. 1st is the new star wars movie and second is isis is still growing

  38. Two currents events are: a teacher in Paris was stabbed by a masked man who yelled ISIS.It said said the unarmed attacker had on a balaclava, and used a sharp item found in class to slash the teacher.A gunman was shot at Walmart in Pennsylvania.He was shot in the upper chest area.He was pronounced dead at a local hospital.

  39. Donald Trump's political hurricane is no accident. The billionaire's brash television virtuosity and mastery of social media has connected with an angry swath of Republican voters in a way no other candidate has managed

  40. the rape trial that is going on and the Henry county high shooting

  41. Hover boards have been extremely popular within the last few months. They have got many customers and some companies have created replica boards. With these cheaper models/replicas being made they have been exploding unexpectedly. It has made many customers a little hesitant to purchase or even to ride their boards. Someone from a reputable company said that the companies using replica boards use cheap batteries which is the source of the explosions.
    Another current event is: the new star wars movie, that fans waited on for decades, is bnow finally coming out, on Thursday the 17th December

  42. An enormous plesiosaur was discovered some days ago by paleontologist, Fernando Novas, and was seen today at the Bernadino Rivadavia Natural Science Museum. They state that the beast could`ve roamed in what is Patagonia, and is one of many great finds in history that still occur today.

    Another article today also talks about how the marine reptiles could`ve gone extinct. In the infamous event that ended a great race of powerful animals, the dinosaurs, they were also exterminated alongside various other terrestrial and non-terrestrial species: such as the plesiosaurs. Scientists were puzzled at how the aquatic species of that time ended up dying to alongside their land-based cousins, which lead them to deduce that during the time of the asteroid impact, debris got into the atmosphere and poisoned the water cycle, resulting in acid rain that fell back to the oceans and killed the plesiosaurs who weren`t adapted to acidic moisture.

  43. term exams and hoover boards being a danger are to people are two current events.end of term exams are coming this week.hoover boards are now becoming a danger to people becoming on fire will they are riding.

  44. Less than two weeks after 14 people were fatally shot in San Bernardino, a California congressman is hosting a hearing Monday aimed at finding ways to reduce gun violence.Also, President Obama promised in an exclusive interview with Yahoo News that he “very much” hopes to visit Cuba during his last year in office, but only if he can meet with pro-democracy dissidents there.

  45. For the thirteenth week in a row, the Carolina Panthers remain undefeated at 13-0. Right now, they seem unstoppable! Cam's leadership encourages the offense. Luke Kuechly energizes the defense. Who will beat them?

    The Golden State Warriors lost there first game of season a few nights ago. It was devastating because i am a golden state fan. They played a 2OT game the night before so of course they would have tired. Some people are playing steph curry and i cant believe it. They are still the top team in the nba.

    Kyrie Irving will play Christmas Night against The Warriors.

  46. Hover boards seem to be the new craze of 2015. Everyone seems to be following the hype and buying them. Little do they know, these boards are not as cool as you might think. There have been many new cases where these hover boards have been catching fire which burn houses and injure people. So watch out for your board.
    Ed Sheeran has to take some time off the road now. After his tour he will be going into a surgery because his eardrum has a hole in it. He said "I have to have an operation in January on my ear because I stupidly jumped off a yacht really high up and smashed it". Good luck to Ed Sheeran and I hope his operation is a success.

  47. the u.s is going to war with isis for their crimes against humanity and the elections are coming soon.

  48. The us is going to war with isis due to their extremest crimes against the war. Isis has stolen U.S weaponry and is teaching children how to fire a gun, even be suicide bombers. When Isis declared that they would blow up the white house the U.s saw that as a formal threat and plans to take action against ISIS. in other news the new hoverboards are starting to get banned everywhere due to them spontaneously bursting into flames at times.

  49. The Golden State Warriors lost their first basketball game. Meanwhile the Carolina Panthers remain undefeated.

  50. A student in Massachusetts was accused of murdering his math teacher in 2013. The Jurors on Tuesday also found him guilty of aggravated rape, armed robbery. He wasn't found guilty on a second count of aggravated rape. He was charged as an adult and faces life in prison, with a possibility of parole between 15 and 25 years. A soldier's Muslim support goes viral. A British Soldier went to Facebook to explain his frustration that that people expected him to be Islamophobic, because he lost a leg while serving in Iraq. The British soldier went viral on December 10, 2015.

  51. the US is going to have war with isis,this has been a while ago.a teacher in paris was stabbed by a masked man who yelled isis.a russian warship has fired warning shots at a turkish boat.

  52. Mia Reddick.

    According to the CDC, overdose on prescription drugs and heroine is the leading cause of death. It is an unintentional death of Americans, rising 14 percent from 2013 to 2014. This is ridiculous and people should be more considerate of how they are harming their selves. An overdose on drugs is nothing no one should play with, because it can and will lead to death.

  53. A masked man claiming to support ISIS stabbed a french kindergarten teacher in the throat. The weapon was a sharp object found in the classroom.

    A little girls parents went out of town while they left her with a baby sitter. Every night the little girl would be screaming for atleast 30 minutes or more. So the babysitter called the parents amd explained then they said no they dont have a clown im there house. The little girl told the babysitter she was scared of the clown every night & that it was going to get her but she told her to ignore it and look the other way. The babysitter took a picture of the clown then something dashed by. come to find out it was a man dressed up ass a clown raping the little girl every night.

  54. A masked man that was suspected to be from Isis stabbed and killed a kindergarten teacher from France. She was stabbed in the throat which was the injury that killed her. The weapons that killed her was a sharp object in the classroom.

    Hover boards are blowing up on airplanes. The Delta airline planes have been experiencing this aircraft bombs and they are no longer allowed on the air plane.

  55. One current event is the movie industry. The Star Wars series is making a big comeback this weekend. The african american male played as a star leading role and did excellent! you know there are always hater but hey, the show must go on.

    In later news north korea has announced they have made a hydrogen bomb. Its very crucial because they could end america as we know it!

  56. they thinking about having a new law about riding the hovabored. you have to go a certain speed limit and 16 year old and under you have to where a helmet.

  57. they thinking about having a new law about riding the hovabored. you have to go a certain speed limit and 16 year old and under you have to where a helmet.

  58. A doctor faces up to two years in prison for beating a patient who later died, Russian investigators said Saturday.

    The man was beaten December 29 at Belgorod's City Hospital No. 2 in southwestern Russia near the border with Ukraine. Officials opened a criminal case the next day, following an autopsy of the patient's body, which revealed the presence of traumatic brain injury, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Belgorod region said in a statement.

    Self-balancing motorized boards have many names: hoverboards, Swagways, self-balancing scooters and, among the Star Trek crowd, personal transporters. But whatever they are called, they now have parents, lawmakers and others struggling to figure out how safe they are and how to regulate them because in most places the rules have not caught up with the new technology.

  59. This doctor put the wrong medicine in a young kid and now she suffers being in court n apologizing to the kids parents.

  60. According to the last book in the Bible, 666 is the number, or name, of the wild beast with seven heads and ten horns that comes out of the sea.This beast is a symbol of the worldwide political system, which rules over “every tribe and people and tongue and nation.The name 666 identifies the political system as a gross failure in God’s sight.

    The libretto was by Ottavio Rinuccini, who reused some of the material in the first opera Dafne in 1597. The art form known as opera originated in Italy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, though it drew upon older traditions of medieval and Renaissance courtly entertainment.

  61. The Star Wars series is making a big comeback this weekend. The African american male played as a star leading role and did excellent! many fans went to see the movie with their younger star wars generation.
