Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Obama Executive Action

What is  your opinion about President Obama's Executive Action to make stricter laws in reference to purchasing hand guns. One paragraph minimum. Do research on cnn


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In my opinion President Obama's Executive Action to make stricter laws in necessary and inevitable. There have been countless mass shootings and unnecessary murders in the United States and that must stop. The United States has more deaths from shootings than several European nations combined. As long as Americans can keep their second Amendment rights I feel like gun control regulation is tolerable. Guns should not be as easy to access as they are now and there should be intense background checks for persons attempting to own a gun. President Obama is making history attempting to make this nation a safer place and I approve.

  3. In my opinion, Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws, which should have been done a long time ago, but that's still not going to help. People can get guns from anywhere, buying it or not. Which really doesn't make a difference. But I guess you always have to start somewhere, and stricter gun laws is just a start. Hopefully in the near future people will have enough common sense to gun rules.

  4. i think that its safer for other people just to make sure that there not just anyone buying a handgun.this will keep less gun violence and less crimes over getting guns

  5. I think he made a great point. People are so blinded to the problem of gun violence that they've forgotten all of the other rights that have been stripped from lives within the past few years. And seeing him come to tears makes everyone know that Obama really cares for the people of this country, it lets us know that he is really serious about finding a solution to the problem.

  6. i think that obama is doing the right thing and that this will help. either way people are still going to be out of control but i think that what he's doing is fair and is only right. people obviously take advantage of their privileges so he had to tie the knot.

  7. I believe that President Obama is heading in the right direction on trying to expand background checks to purchase firearms. Many people would say that its not making a difference, however, if you were a sibling or someone related to a person who had died from the hands of a criminal with a firearm. It would greatly make a difference. And its just not stopping innocent people, its stopping innocent people from selling guns to those whose intentions are to hurt someone. So in my opinion, instead of having President Obama address a shooting every 2 weeks or so, he is doing the right thing to protect the people.

  8. President Barack Obama grew emotional Tuesday as he made a passionate call for a national "sense of urgency" to limit gun violence. I think that Obama is true and he's making everything well for a big country like America. It's going to be safer than

  9. In my opinion President Obama's Executive Action to make stricter laws in necessary and inevitable. There have been countless mass shootings and unnecessary murders in the United States and that must stop. The United States has more deaths from shootings than several European nations combined. As long as Americans can keep their second Amendment rights I feel like gun control regulation is tolerable. Guns should not be as easy to access as they are now and there should be intense background checks for persons attempting to own a gun.

  10. I totally agree with his decision and reason for the limitation o gun violence.People are only supposed to use their gun for protection but instead now they are using it for the wrong purpose.I know people are goiong to try and stop this but I believe that it is the right thing to do.

  11. In my opinion, Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws.I think he made a great point. People are so blinded to the problem of gun violence that they've forgotten all of the other rights that have been stripped from lives within the past few years.

  12. I think this could work out good. Too many people who shouldn't have a gun, has a gun no in days. Guns should mostly be for protection, not for when someone gets mad and decides to go shooting up people. And if you're getting a gun i think its also a good idea that you get a background check. The fingerprint idea is also smart because there is a lot of people out there who love to steal guns except buying them, and they always end up in the wrong hands.

  13. i think that when President Obama on Tuesday will formally announce plans to expand background checks and make other changes to America's gun rules via executive action‎, going around Congress and fueling allegations of executive overreach. it makes the world safer

  14. I believe that President Obama is heading in the right direction on trying to expand background checks to purchase firearms. Many people would say that its not making a difference, however, if you were a sibling or someone related to a person who had died from the hands of a criminal with a firearm. It would greatly make a difference.

  15. i think the gun laws are good and will cut down the number of shootings. And if you're getting a gun i think its also a good idea that you get a background check.

  16. i believe he made a great choice about stricter laws to get guns so it can be for people to get guns and harm people

  17. changing the gun law dosent change the fact that the guns are still illegally used throughout the the unitedstates the law only made it more of a responsibility to police who already abuse their own power

  18. well i think that president obama is doing the right thing. because there are terrorist doing the wrong things with guns. and to reduce the terrorist actions that occur across the world i think that we should have stricter gun laws. some people may not like the stricter gun laws. but its what has to happen in order for america and the rest of the country to be a safer place.

  19. I think he should put strict laws on gun control and make actions to cut down on illegal gun control.

  20. I believe that Obama's laws are necessary. I say this because there has been several shootings. If the laws are made stricter this may cut down on the killings. These laws should have been put into effect a long time ago.

  21. In my opinion, Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws, which should have been done a long time ago, but that's still not going to help. People can get guns from anywhere, buying it or not. Which really doesn't make a difference. But I guess you always have to start somewhere, and stricter gun laws is just a start. Hopefully in the near future people will have enough common sense to gun rules.

  22. i think that no one should purchase a hand gun unless they take a full 3 course class. people getting out of control with there gun. they need to know what specific senario to use it on.

  23. Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws. he is expand background checks to purchase firearms. People are still going to be out of control either way.

  24. I think it's going to lead to a wonderful impact o n society. Less people will killed everyday.People are getting dumb everyday with guns.

  25. In my opinion, Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws, which should have been done a long time ago, but that's still not going to help. People can get guns from anywhere, buying it or not. Which really doesn't make a difference. But I guess you always have to start somewhere, and stricter gun laws is just a start. Hopefully in the near future people will have enough common sense to gun rules.

  26. Stricter gun laws will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals. What is the point of keeping the people who do obey the laws and restrictions from being able to purchase a firearm.

  27. As long as Americans can keep their second Amendment rights I feel like gun control regulation is tolerable.Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws. People nowadays dont have common sense to use guns properly and get carried away. Im glad obama is making this change.

  28. In my opinion President Obama making stricter laws for purchasing hand guns is very necessary. For the fact that there are many people being put in danger, because they have purchased guns for other reasons besides self defense. If these laws are enforced it can greatly benefit the U.S.

  29. My opinion on this subject matter is that I am happy that he is choosing to make stricter gun laws. The neglect that our country has towards the gun law is ridiculous and it has caused several Americans to die. It is Obamas job to make sure that our country is protected and he does this by creating stricter gun laws.

  30. i think that there should be stricker laws on purchasing hand guns. They are becoming a liability to the world. And soon everyone will be gone due to gun violance. So therefore he should be strick about the gun laws.

  31. I think obama is doing the right thing guns are getting into peoples hand to easily and innocent people are losing the life. People who are mentally challenged are getting guns and when they have a moment its just goes to far so POTUS Obama is doing the right thing.

  32. Being strict about the laws and making guns legal or having people purchase them, isnt something id want as a law or people being able to buy them. it could end up in the wrong hands, some teens may be able to actually get one and use it for the wrong purposes. so no i dont think its a good idea to make guns apart of the law or right.

  33. I honestly think that this is a very great action he's taking. This hopefully will help with the violence but all in all people do have their ways of getting their hands on way or another. I am very glad though that someone finally though is taking some sort of action on the problem with guns.

  34. I think this could work out good. Too many people who shouldn't have a gun, has a gun no in days. Guns should mostly be for protection, not for when someone gets mad and decides to go shooting up people. And if you're getting a gun i think its also a good idea that you get a background check. The fingerprint idea is also smart because there is a lot of people out there who love to steal guns except buying them, and they always end up in the wrong hands.

  35. I agree with this decision. Due to all the tragedies occurring guns are in the wrong hands & there needs to be more background checks to cut down on massacre's.

  36. this was a great decision. this country has always needed stricter gun laws in my opinion. hopefully this will decrease violence but i also hope that people start trying to get them illegally like through the black market or anything.

  37. I was very glad to hear that President Obama made this decision to input stricter gun laws and regulations. This country has gone through hundreds of gun rampages and shootings that it should have never had to go through. So many people have lost their lives to an issue that has been clearly fixable since day one, and now i'm so glad to see that our president is finally taking action to crack down on guns. We needed this.

  38. Make them even stricter is my only comment. Yes Obama you are doing the right thing, and i would rather you stay in office then to have Trump move in. You are right to make them strict, but in my opinion they should be stricter. Either way good play Obama.

  39. President Obama is heading in the right direction on trying to expand background checks to purchase firearms. There have been countless mass shootings and unnecessary murders in the United States and that must stop. The neglect that our country has towards the gun law is ridiculous and it has caused hundreds of Americans to die.

  40. i think he made the right move

  41. .In my opinion, Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws, which should have been done a long time ago, but that's still not going to help.As long as Americans can keep their second Amendment rights I feel like gun control regulation is tolerable.Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws.The fingerprint idea is also smart because there is a lot of people out there who love to steal guns except buying them, and they always end up in the wrong hands.

  42. president obama shouldnt make stticter laws because the blacks

  43. I believe that Obama's laws are necessary. I say this because there has been several shootings. If the laws are made stricter this may cut down on the killings. These laws should have been put into effect a long time ago.

  44. we need stricter gun laws for the people that don't need to have guns.

  45. i think that this is great. teen now-a-days think that it is cool to have them shoot them and flash then off at people. And adults just use them for the wrong reasons. It is very easy to purchase a gun through the black market, not everybody has a gun license. I feel that a gun is necessary but for the right reason, which is protection. it should not be out in the open too see though.

  46. I think he made the right choice. A lot of people has died because of other people having guns. Hopefully it will be lets deaths now.

  47. Obama is making the right choice in this country. We've had an overwhelming amount of shootings in the past few years, which have only been increasing in number from year-to-year. With stricter gun laws, there's more safety to citizens in limiting who can obtain guns. This is a small price to pay for a better country and better community.

  48. Its good that the laws are stricter . Guns should be not allowed in the US .I agree with Obama. His going to be the reason that we all change

  49. i think that when President Obama on Tuesday will formally announce plans to expand background checks and make other changes to America's gun rules via executive action‎, going around Congress and fueling allegations of executive overreach. it makes the world safer

  50. i think that obama is doing the right thing and that this will help. either way people are still going to be out of control but i think that what he's doing is fair and is only right. people obviously take advantage of their privileges so he had to tie the knot.

  51. I believe that this country definetlyy needs stricter gun laws. I do bvelieve that everybody who is mentally stable can get guns, but there should be atleast some test and a mental check. also I think you need to get a license for guns and not just be able to buy them anwhere they sell them.

  52. The choice in making greater restrictions on guns and other devices that can be used as a weapon is a promising idea. Throughout the 21st century, violence has run rampant and unchecked for many years, so this policy will keep a whole lot of people safe, as it will help limit the actions certain people (namely those of a mentally disoriented or disillusioned state) may take to attack someone else with a gun.

  53. believe that President Obama is heading in the right direction on trying to expand background checks to purchase firearms.I feel like gun control regulation is tolerable.Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws.The fingerprint idea is also smart because there is a lot of people out there who love to steal guns except buying them, and they always end up in the wrong hands.

  54. Obama try to making restrictions decision for guns and situation. Everything got violence and he try to stop it.

  55. i 100% think that the law on guns is a good idea. the reason why is because most cases people by gun to kill some one who hurt them emotionally.

  56. i think that obama is doing the right thing and that this will help. either way people are still going to be out of control but i think that what he's doing is fair and is only right. people obviously take advantage of their privileges so he had to tie the knot. this. this will benefit America tremendously

  57. My opinion about President Obama's Executive Action to make stricter laws in reference to purchasing hand guns is that i think it is very necessary. There has been a countless amount of shooting lately and i feel like doing this will help reduce shootings. Obviously people who buy guns are not very equipped to use them because of the countless and a the situations are stupid. So Obama doing this in my opinion will help.

  58. I think that Obama is doing the right thing because most of my family and people where I'm from died from gun violence. I believe this law would stop killings. On the other hand, I don't agree with it because I feel like even when this becomes a law , people are still going to find a way to purchase weapons illegally. Also, sometimes guns can be used for protection.

  59. believe that President Obama is heading in the right direction on trying to expand background checks to purchase firearms.I feel like gun control regulation is tolerable.Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws.The fingerprint idea is also smart because there is a lot of people out there who love to steal guns except buying them, and they always end up in the wrong hand

  60. believe that President Obama is heading in the right direction on trying to expand background checks to purchase firearms.I feel like gun control regulation is tolerable.Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws.The fingerprint idea is also smart because there is a lot of people out there who love to steal guns except buying them, and they always end up in the wrong hand

  61. I agree with President Obama with the stricter laws because a lot of people have been killed in the year of 2015 due to gun related violence so it is only right to start making changes with the protection and weapon laws.

  62. I think Obama is heading in the right direction but he passed this in his feelings. He was crying in a press conference saying that he is putting restrictions on guns. Background checks are very needed in the United states because of all the mass shootings .




  66. In my opinion I think obama made a great point. People forget about the problem of gun violence that they've forgotten all of the other rights that have been taken from lives within the in that past couple of years, seeing him come to tears makes everyone know that Obama really cares for all the people of this country, it lets us citizens see that he is serious about finding a solution to this gun problem.

  67. I think this could work out good. Too many people who shouldn't have a gun, has a gun no in days. Guns should mostly be for protection, not for when someone gets mad and decides to go shooting up people. And if you're getting a gun i think its also a good idea that you get a background check. The fingerprint idea is also smart because there is a lot of people out there who love to steal guns except buying them, and they always end up in the wrong hands

  68. I believe President Obama is making a great decision by setting forth this new action. We have to many people getting gunned down per year, if this can help prevent more loss from a firearm I agree 100%.

  69. I think President Obama is making the right choice. Guns violence has tripled in the past couple years. Alot of mass shootings have gone on for too long. Our country needs to be safe. The law will be very benefical.

  70. resident Barack Obama grew emotional Tuesday as he made a passionate call for a national "sense of urgency" to limit gun violence.

  71. obama is doing the right thing and that this will help. either way people are still going to be out of control but i think that what he's doing is fair and is only right.

  72. obama is doing the right thing and that this will help. either way people are still going to be out of control but i think that what he's doing is fair and is only right.

  73. I think it is an excellent idea with all of the crimes going on in America is very sad. I personally think only the people of the law such as military, and police officers. Obama is making a very good decision.

  74. I believe that Obama is making the right decision he's using his power correctly and by making the laws stricter he's doing whats best for our country while he's still in office

  75. I believe that Obama is making the right decision he's using his power correctly and by making the laws stricter he's doing whats best for our country while he's still in office

  76. Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws so many deaths could have been prevented last year if u had

  77. I believe that Obama is doing the write thing, because we need stricter gun control. There is an ever growing problem in our society, where it seems as if gun violence is normal.

  78. I believe that Obama is doing the write thing, because we need stricter gun control. There is an ever growing problem in our society, where it seems as if gun violence is normal.

  79. Obama is making the right choice. Its good that the laws are stricter. We need gun control.

  80. I think President Obama is doing the right thing because in today's society we need striker gun control laws so that people who intend to use them to harm others can't get a gun

  81. id like to see you try and take my guns;)

  82. id like to see you try and take my guns;)

  83. in my opinion, i think that its safer for other people just to make sure that there not just anyone buying a handgun.this will keep less gun violence and less crimes over getting guns

  84. In my opinion President Obama's Executive Action to make stricter laws in necessary and inevitable. There have been countless mass shootings and unnecessary murders in the United States and that must stop. alexis bush

  85. In my opinion President Obama's Executive Action to make stricter laws in necessary and inevitable. There have been countless mass shootings and unnecessary murders in the United States and that must stop. alexis bush

  86. I guess that new and stricter laws are necessary. But I don't think that Obama will be able to change these.

  87. I guess that new and stricter laws are necessary. But I don't think that Obama will be able to change these.

  88. I believe that Obama is in the right place and in the right direction because he did a lot for everyone and he should get credit for it.

  89. In my opinion I support Obama's Executive Action, because he's protecting people's lives. He's trying to make everyone's community better. I really agree with him, because he's trying to make communities and people safer. Obama is trying his hardest to make things better for everyone, because people are dying and they have nothing to do with it. Therefor Obama is taking action, because no one else will and he's trying make everyone safer in their own communities.

  90. In my opinion I support Obama's Executive Action, because he's protecting people's lives. He's trying to make everyone's community better. I really agree with him, because he's trying to make communities and people safer. Obama is trying his hardest to make things better for everyone, because people are dying and they have nothing to do with it. Therefor Obama is taking action, because no one else will and he's trying make everyone safer in their own communities.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. I think he made a great point. People are so blinded to the problem of gun violence that they've forgotten all of the other rights that have been stripped from lives within the past few years. And seeing him come to tears makes everyone know that Obama really cares for the people of this country.

  93. I think he made a great point. People are so blinded to the problem of gun violence that they've forgotten all of the other rights that have been stripped from lives within the past few years. And seeing him come to tears makes everyone know that Obama really cares for the people of this country, it lets us know that he is really serious about finding a solution to the problem.

  94. Mia Reddick.

    Obama's action is a great idea and a way to prevent more problems in the world.He is making it safe and effective for local communities. Every time you turn on the TV you hear about crime going on, just seem as if it is getting worse.However, all that can be fixed simply by making stricter and more reasonable laws.

  95. A presidential executive order "is a directive issued to federal agencies, department heads, or other federal employees by the President of the United States under his statutory or constitutional powers," according to Robert Langley, writing at "In many ways, presidential executive orders are similar to written orders, or instructions issued by the president of a corporation to its department heads or directors."

    By contrast, a presidential executive action is kind of a catch-all term, writes NBC, which quoted an unnamed administration official in 2011 as saying: "It just means something the executive branch does. The use of any of a number of tools in the executive branch's toolbox."

  96. In my opinion, Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws, which should have been done a long time ago, but that's still not going to help.Obama is trying his hardest to make things better for everyone, because people are dying and they have nothing to do with it. Therefor Obama is taking action, because no one else will and he's trying make everyone safer in their own communities.His action is a great idea and a way to prevent more problems in the world.He is making it safe and effective for local communities

  97. i think that obama is doing the right thing and that this will help. either way people are still going to be out of control but i think that what he's doing is fair and is only right. people obviously take advantage of their privileges so he had to tie the knot.

  98. My opinion on Obama's action is that it will be very beneficial to us and is fair. The gun laws needs to be more strict cause not just anybody should have a gun.

  99. In my opinion, Obama is doing the right thing making stricter gun laws, which should have been done a long time ago, but that's still not going to help. People can get guns from anywhere, buying it or not. Which really doesn't make a difference. But I guess you always have to start somewhere, and stricter gun laws is just a start. Hopefully in the near future people will have enough common sense to gun rules.

  100. i feel as though barack obama is making the right choice with createing stricter laws. because if you give a crazy person a gun, they just might go trigger happy. mr. president creating stricter laws is abating lost lives. i am grateful that president obama is thinking about the lives of others

  101. i feel as though barack obama is making the right choice with createing stricter laws. because if you give a crazy person a gun, they just might go trigger happy. mr. president creating stricter laws is abating lost lives. i am grateful that president obama is thinking about the lives of others

  102. I believe that Obama's laws are necessary. I say this because there has been several shootings. If the laws are made stricter this may cut down on the killings. These laws should have been put into effect a long time ago.

  103. I believe that this is a very necessary thing that he should do, because people are crazy these days. Also a lot of deaths could be avoided due to careless people who own a gun.

  104. i believe that Obama laws are necessary. its been several shootings so it should work

  105. I think it was a great idea. so that guns dont end up in the wrong hands but there is always an illegal way to get things.
