Thursday, January 21, 2016

Flint Water

What are some ways we can help, and what is your opinion of this crisis?


  1. I think that people should invest in water at the local grocery store. Many people should try to get the government to help out.

  2. well we can help them protest and we can help raise money so that part of the Michigan community can afford a better water company. and i don't think this is right. this is crazy. they know they did not filter that water properly on purpose. i think the government does the black community dirty.

  3. Water crisis has affected their lives, we have to use the water everyday, I cannot think that i can live if without water. Anyways we got to wait until the president has ways to resolve it.

  4. i think we can raise money to build huge 100% akaline water filter

  5. I'm not entirely sure but people could contact their families to help them invest in water outside of where they live, or just stay with relatives until the whole thing eventually blows over.

  6. the water would be nasty i would hate that i dont even like regular tap water.

  7. just buy bottles of water or if you real savage put a bucket out in the rain and purify it. WOAH its free snd clean

  8. The government should not wait for the clean water but they should take steps to try not waiting for clean water and produce clean water.

  9. This is something that shouldn't have token so long to fix up. It was an extremely dangerous to keep lead in their water. Protests should've been broken out to make them realize that the people care about the water. We could've sent gallons and bottles of water so they can have some clean water.

  10. The water crisis in Flint is a real devastation. I honestly don't know what can be done to fix this situation unless Barack Obama takes charge. My heart goes out to the families in Flint. I never understood how much we take for granted, simple things like water and its so sad.

  11. I think that Flint to a big hit from this incident. Many people are angry, as they should be. Lead poisoning is a serious and sometimes fatal condition. Lead is found in art supplies, contaminated dust, and also gasoline; that alone can tell you that lead is something that should not be ingested into the human body. The only way i think we could help is money; I'm not sure if that will help because Flint needs time to test the waters and adjust them to certain requirements.

  12. That is scary because you don't know what is going to happen to you . But they should tell family members about the problem.

  13. The water situation in Flint is a prime example on how the our government systems don't care about us at all that its all about money. The Citizens of flint have been done a great in justice and it go's to show you how far people would go just to make a easy dollar. Your talking about thousands of peoples lives at risk thousands of people's health at risk Kids Elderly People and Adults all at risk because they wanted to hide the problems from the citizens I think they should've told them as soon as they saw the problem. Instead they swept it right under the mat and when they did that they swept the citizens of flint under the mat too. Makes me wonder what else our government systems are hiding..... In order to help i think collectively we as a nation should help supply flint with fresh clean water until they get their water situation under control

  14. This water crisis in flint is a major issues i don't understand why that they would fake a water test as it is helping the state get better and change but really? why fake something for cheap water when you have people and familes who could be affected by it?

  15. The water situation in Flint is a prime example on how the our government systems don't care about us at all that its all about money. The Citizens of flint have been done a great in justice and it go's to show you how far people would go just to make a easy dollar. Your talking about thousands of peoples lives at risk thousands of people's health at risk Kids Elderly People and Adults all at risk because they wanted to hide the problems from the citizens I think they should've told them as soon as they saw the problem. Instead they swept it right under the mat and when they did that they swept the citizens of flint under the mat too. Makes me wonder what else our government systems are hiding..... In order to help i think collectively we as a nation should help supply flint with fresh clean water until they get their water situation under control

  16. The water crisis in Flint is a real devastation. The government should not wait for the clean water but they should take steps to produce clean water.

  17. the fact that people struggle for water is crazy people should help because you can die from the lack of water.

  18. This water situation is devastating, we could help by raising money to help provide them with water.

  19. the government wonders why the citizens are always causing riots and stuff. because we expect the government to protect us and solve problems not turn down problems and lie a say everything is ok when it isn't.

  20. they need to do something about it. people walk around every day smelling bad, stank breath and all that. people could help them by donating or raising money all types of things like that

  21. The water problem is really nasty. I have sympathy for the victims because I wouldn't want to live like that.

  22. That is scary because you don't know what is going to happen to you . But they should tell family members about the problem

  23. the government is doing absolutely nothing but sitting on there butts and watching it all unfold but what they need to do in the mean time is save the little bit they do have boil the bad water which will make it a bit better.

  24. In my opinion, the crisis in Flint Michigan should try to be fixed. The amount of lead found in this water can easily start to decrease the population. I strongly feel that the government should come up with ways to continue to help the residents of Michigan and supply them with drinking water and assist them with the irrigation systems that run through Michigan.

  25. This is not fair to the people of Flint, Michigan. It is an injustice to the people when their government officials know there is a problem but refuse to do anything about it. I honestly can not say this surprises me, the government gets away with these kinds of things all the time.

  26. It is crazy that the government isn't doing anything to fix this problem . People are getting sick and from this bad/harmful water. This problem is just a little problem to the government when people are getting sick & dying.

  27. This is so saddening i feel for the people in Flint they cant even take showers now, smelling like burnt zucchini. The Government needs to step up and give these folks clean water so that they can at least have drinking water. Or the people of flint gonna be some Og's and riot, or move to where clean water is its gonna be like katrina all over again. At the end of the day we all should donate water to them but i got to focus on this senior project, sending good vibes though.

  28. Government should establish houses with built in water filters.

  29. they need to do something about it. people walk around every day smelling bad, stank breath and all that. people could help them by donating or raising money all types of things like that

  30. I think that people should invest in water at the local grocery store. Many people should try to get the government to help out.

  31. the government needs to give us clean water

  32. I think that Flint to a big hit from this incident. Many people are angry, as they should be. Lead poisoning is a serious and sometimes fatal condition. Lead is found in art supplies, contaminated dust, and also gasoline; that alone can tell you that lead is something that should not be ingested into the human body. The only way i think we could help is money; I'm not sure if that will help because Flint needs time to test the waters and adjust them to certain requirements.

  33. I think this is terrible a lot of people can and most likely get lead poisoning! maybe we can give some money to help them replace their pipes and help them clean the water.

  34. To Me it's crazy because, switching instead if waiting was a very bad idea. the water wasnt even ready, so it seem. they knew that switching was going to be the worst decision. to me they didnt think about the homes that were going to be infected if they did this. it's disgusting and intolerable and someone shoud just do something about it, like they've done about everything else.

  35. The water crisis in Flint is a real devastation. I honestly don't know what can be done to fix this situation unless Barack Obama takes charge. My heart goes out to the families in Flint. I never understood how much we take for granted, simple things like water and its so sad.

  36. this water crisis is not right and they should of came clean about the lead in the water so then the people would know.

  37. the government needs to step in and help. the lead could end up killing a lot of people.

  38. We can find away for get them a better water system.

  39. well back when i was a boy we would ride fourwheelers and jeeps down the flint river for miles and miles back at that time the river was beautiful and natural but now its in terriable shape..but idk

  40. This is something that shouldn't have token so long to fix up. It was an extremely dangerous to keep lead in their water.The water crisis in Flint is a real devastation. I honestly don't know what can be done to fix this situation unless Barack Obama takes charge.

  41. This water crisis in flint is a major issues i don't understand why that they would fake a water test as it is helping the state get better and change but really? why fake something for cheap water when you have people and familes who could be affected by it? The US government really should do something against this.

  42. the water would be nasty i would hate that i dont even like regular tap water.

  43. Water crisis has affected their lives, we have to use the water everyday, I cannot think that i can live if without water. water is the key of ife

  44. Water crisis has affected their lives, we have to use the water everyday, I cannot think that i can live if without water. I will keep Michigan in my prayers

  45. This is a terrible, interstate crisis that could have happened to any state. However, the worst part of this is the fact that it was left in the hands of men and women who clearly did not know what they were doing. This is a sickening and cruel act against Americans, and this crisis should be ended now. There are several ways a crisis like this should end, such as doing what the video stated, which was provide the people with fresh, clean water, or even finding a solution to the contagion in Michigan`s water supply. However, the best way this incident can be solved is with government intervention.

  46. Some ways we can help are by being grateful for the good water we do have, and by donating money so they could have fresh water to drink. My opinion of this crisis is that I feel bad that the residents of Michigan has to go through this, without water how is a person suppose to live. You need water to do everything. For example, wash clothes, wash your body, brush your teeth, and cook food etc.

  47. I think that Flint needs to get their life and clean their water or else. If they don't clean their water those people are going to have some problems

  48. This is a terrible peoples live are in danger. the government should do something.they dont want to help and innocent family's are getting sick from these high levels in lead.

  49. I think that Flint, Michigan should try and clean the tainted water supply and if that fails the should try to get water else where. In my opinion this is a huge problem because this is extremely dangerous for people in Michigan.

  50. The water crisis is such a devastating event to read about, to know that a town in Michigan does not have clean water supply due to lead is an unfortunate event. Some ways we can help with this situation is by donating an "x: amount of cases of bottle water per every unit a case of bottle water is sold.

  51. The Citizens of flint have been done a great in justice and it go's to show you how far people would go just to make a easy dollar. The water crisis in Flint is a real devastation. It really needs to be fixed.

  52. Its sad but all we can do is help everybody out by providing clean water.The water crisis in Flint is a real devastation. Its a scary problem

  53. The government should not wait for the clean water but they should take steps to try not waiting for clean water and produce clean water.

  54. I think that people should invest in water at the local grocery store. We shouldn't wait until the government to do something. We should do something.

  55. This is more disgusting than the school issue. This is pretty puting a city population at a death risk! And they tried to cover it up which makes it worse. Disgusting. Either we can help trying to clean the water or we can send more bottled water to them.

  56. well we can help them protest and we can help raise money so that part of the Michigan community can afford a better water company. and i don't think this is right. this is crazy. they know they did not filter that water properly on purpose. i think the government does the black community dirty.

  57. well we can help them protest and we can help raise money so that part of the Michigan community can afford a better water company. and i don't think this is right. this is crazy. they know they did not filter that water properly on purpose. i think the government does the black community dirty.

  58. I am from the Michigan, North Ohio area so my family is heavily affected by the water issue. My brother has had to drive hours to get bottled water for our family up there. It is an issue that definitely needs to be handled.

  59. I am from the Michigan, North Ohio area so my family is heavily affected by the water issue. My brother has had to drive hours to get bottled water for our family up there. It is an issue that definitely needs to be handled.

  60. This is something that shouldn't have taken so long to fix up. It was an extremely dangerous to keep lead in their water. In my opinion this is a huge problem because this is extremely dangerous for people in Michigan.

  61. We can donate water to them and help families get clean ands healthy water. They shouldn't have taken that risk. It was dumb in my opinion.

  62. Well we can help them protest and we can help raise money so that part of the Michigan community can afford a better water company. and i don't think this is right. this is crazy. they know they did not filter that water properly on purpose. i think the government does the black community dirty

  63. Government should take step to produce clean water.

  64. I think the government should take many steps and procedures to clean their water. This disgusts me myself simply, because they don't get to drink water, or brush their teeth and that's not very healthy. I think their water is a health risk for them, because there's no telling what could be in their water. Maybe we could send bottle of waters over there but that might be a lot of money and time consuming I just don't think it's fair that they have to suffer like this. This is just down right disgusting and a health risk. The government should really see how they could help, because seeing them suffer like that makes me want to help them out.

  65. I think that Flint to a big hit from this incident. Many people are angry, as they should be. Lead poisoning is a serious and sometimes fatal condition. Lead is found in art supplies, contaminated dust, and also gasoline; that alone can tell you that lead is something that should not be ingested into the human body. The only way i think we could help is money; I'm not sure if that will help because Flint needs time to test the waters and adjust them to certain requirements.

  66. We could help by donating water or money for a better water company that's clean.

  67. mia reddick.

    Flint water's crisis is something serious and there are plentiful ways to assist those people in need. No person , especially during the cold seasons should suffer for the need of water. Water is essential for our bodies and we definitely need it. Schools can host water bins filled with collective water bottles to take to Flint, Michigan. As well, local communities can collect water bottles in exchange of baked goods made by them to help with Flint crisis. These are great ways in respect of those in need.

  68. have each family donate 4 cases of water

  69. we could raise money to help and i think the gov should help the family

  70. we could raise money to help and i think the gov should help the family

  71. Flint water's crisis is something serious and there are plentiful ways to assist those people in need. No person , especially during the cold seasons should suffer for the need of water. Water is essential for our bodies and we definitely need it. Schools can host water bins filled with collective water bottles to take to Flint, Michigan. As well, local communities can collect water bottles in exchange of baked goods made by them to help with Flint crisis. These are great ways in respect of those in need.

  72. well we can help them protest and we can help raise money so that part of the Michigan community can afford a better water company. and i don't think this is right. this is crazy. they know they did not filter that water properly on purpose. i think the government does the black community dirty.

  73. The water crisis in Flint is a real devastation. I honestly don't know what can be done to fix this situation unless Barack Obama takes charge.

  74. In order to help we should watch what we put in our drains or raise money to help.

  75. I think this is terrible a lot of people can and most likely get lead poisoning! maybe we can give some money to help them replace their pipes and help them clean the water.

  76. donate water bottles and move to states with clearer water

  77. We can help by collecting and donating water to flint Michigan. By doing this, it will cause them to not have to rely on their resources

  78. We should all help The people in Flint for their water.

  79. some ways we can help is by donating or getting people to buy water to give to them.
