Wednesday, January 13, 2016


What would you do if you won? Do you think it is a waste of money?


  1. put it in the bank gaining like 10,000,000 interest a month never working a day in my life

  2. i would buy a life time supply of kfc and it is not a waste of money

  3. if i was to win i would build my parents a new house and buy them new cars. yes to be honest i do think it is a waste of money.

  4. if i was to win powerball id pay for my mom to open up her own school and pay off my college tuition and then save the rest for my house and car

  5. I would quit my job right after winning. I would by my whole family new houses and cars. Then, I would put the rest into the bank and start to going to different malls.

  6. i would spend it on buying stocks ans investing the money to be able to get more money out of it...

  7. if i was to win powerball id pay for my mom to open up her own school and pay off my college tuition and then save the rest for my house and car

  8. I do not think it is a waste of money. Because it like distraction, and everyone knows when they want to buy it. If i won i would buy something for every body, shopping, and give the rest money to my parents. i am still young to keep that much money.

  9. if i was to win powerball id pay for my mom to open up her own school and pay off my college tuition and then save the rest for my house and car

  10. if i was to win i would donate half the money to Cancer Treatment Centers of America and buy a big house and 4 cars and give the rest to my family

  11. I would most likely put the majority of the money in my savings account and use the rest to buy a better house, several plane tickets to go on vacation, and adopt about 3 more dogs. Yes please.

  12. if i won the power ball i would buy my mom and dad new house new car give money to the homeless pay for college and ect

  13. I would quit my job asap! Then I would take my family on a family surprise vacation. Then I would pay off my parent's bills.

  14. If I was to win the Powerball I would finish high school. I would do something to keep my income coming in. I do think it's a waste of money but if I have the opportunity to get the money I'd take it for sure.

  15. I agree with t hayes. but i would put it in investments and buy my own island.

  16. I agree with t hayes. but i would put it in investments and buy my own island.

  17. what would i do if i had won the lottery well. of course i gotta ball out a little bit. but then i would invest my money in something important. like giving back to the community maybe giving back to homeless people. but the thing about the lotto is that i think its a waste of money because half the time no one actully wins the money. and the people who do sometimes just spend within a few months. they go buzurk.

  18. i think i would have the majority of my money in my savings account. i could use the rest to buy a big house, and six cars and a plane ticket to go on a vacation.

  19. I honestly don't know what I would do if I won the 1.3 billion dollars. Having so much money, in my opinion, could be scary. It'll bring out different sides of people in my life, and could ruin friendships/relationships I have with others. But with the money, I would save it up and invest it into things I believe in. Nothing in my life would really change. I wouldn't go out buying cars and flashy clothes cause at the end of the day its all materialistic, and I'm not trying to get jugged out of anything. I would expect my money to last for my college tuition and probably pay for my father's retirement.

    1. I do believe that it is a waste of money, because you have homeless people in this world who struggle for even one meal and the government doesn't care for them, but then you see on the news that 1.3 billion dollars will be given away just like that to a luck person who has certain numbers on a piece of paper.

  20. i would invest in a company and take care of my friends and family and i wont waste my money.

  21. No I do not think it is a waste of money if I won I would make sure I took care of my family and pay my way through college.

  22. If I qon 1.3 billion dollars I would save it for college and spend it traveling different places.

  23. In my opinion its not a waste of money. My money would get split up in a lot of ways. i would have to spend about a third for myself, another third to my mom and my family, and split the other third for some saving for the future and the other part would go to charity.

  24. honestly,i don't think that it's a waste of money. i would put me,my brother,and cousins through college and get my mom a house and car.

  25. i would help my family and invest my money in to something that will make me more money.

  26. I would get a lawyer and an accountant first. The next thing i would do would be buy a few acres of land, build a house, buy a better car, invest some of the money, and then live out the rest of my days in solitude. I do not plan to ever have kids and honestly if I won that much money I would not mind living alone.

  27. The first thing I would do is put half of it away in a savings or something so I can go crazy with the rest and won't have to worry about going broke. I would get a big house somewhere out of Georgia so that my whole family could live in it.

  28. If i won i would buy something for every body, shopping, and give the rest money to my parents. i am still young to keep that much money.

  29. I would get the things I wanted(which isn't much being the fact that I'm not picky and don't ask for a lot)and help out all the people in my family. I would also have enough money to move into another house and get one for my sister, my brother, and etc. I'll spare the details but if I win it will make my life and my family's lives a lot easier.

  30. If I won the lottery, I would first put away a portion for college and savings, then I would pay off all of my parents' debts and bills. Then, I would donate to a bunch of charities, organizations, and people in need. Then, I would find my family a nice place to live and buy a brand new house for us, along with a new van for my dad. I'd invest the money in something to get me MORE money, and that's pretty much it.

  31. I would leave the country save some of it and spend the rest.

  32. if i won the lottery i would put myself through college and if i had enough left over pay off a house and a car. if i still had some left over i'd save it. and id probably put some money towards cruelty free make up and other animal charities. i don't think its a waste of money.

  33. If I won the lottery i would give some to my mom and put the rest in the bank. After it collected a little interest i would go shopping with it and buy a new house

  34. if i won the powerball i would spend 10 percent of it

  35. i'll spend 100,000 , give some too my parents and save the rest

  36. alot of thing it too much to type

  37. I would save the money up, because you never know what the future may hold. I think the Powerball is only a waste of money, if the person who wins, goes out and blows it all. A smart person would save up the money and use it when they really need it. I would use some of the money, but not on stupid things and I would save the rest. I would probably quit my job and just live life.

  38. I would take care of my family and invest my money into some property. it is a waste of money because it s very rare that you are going to be the person who wins

  39. I do not think it is a waste of money. Because it like distraction, and everyone knows when they want to buy it. If i won i would buy something for every body, shopping, and give the rest money to my parents. i am still young to keep that much money.

  40. If I won, I'd use it to pay for college for both me and my sister. Any leftover money would be given to my parents to ensure that they live good lives after they retire/move away to give me and my sibling independence.
    I do not think it's a waste of money. More money being pumped into the lottery will result in a larger prize pool, which in turn presents itself with a more demand for lottery tickets and less demand for other products, meaning a slight deflation.

  41. tbh id prob blow 4-100mil in one day i know first thing ill do is put away 600million in the bank and into stocks and gold and stuff and start making money and then spend the rest on getting my life and my familys life taken care of

  42. first i win it i would never work a day in my life i would just chill out for the rest of my life.

  43. i would invest. i'd use it to pay for college for both me and my sister.i would also buy gold.

  44. if i won powerball, i'd save money and give some charity. i wouldnt quit my job because i want to able afford with so many things like pay bills and do entertainment with my own famiy and friends. More things to do with the money

  45. I would buy my mom a house and her dream car.

  46. If I won the powerball I would start my own big business and invest my money and make it more, so that the money will not run out. Also I would give some of the money to charity.

  47. If one were to win a grand prize, a wise option would be to invest that money into the bank so that it can grow in interest overtime. That person could then use that money to pay for college fully, and once they have obtained the degree of the field of their choice, they can use that money to jump start their career.

  48. I would save up and buy my family stuff

  49. I would save up and buy my family stuff

  50. If I won the powerball I would open up a long lasting money making business/corporation.Then I would give my mother a million dollars or more.Also, I would buy my father a yacht and two foreign cars. After, I would give my grandmothers money so they could travel the world.I would take my little sister on a shopping spree and open her up a savings account for college. Lastly, my friends that was riding with me since day one will get like 10,000. Overall, No I don't think it is a waste of money.

  51. P.S. I would also open up a homeless shelter and child healthcare centers.

  52. If I was to win the power ball I wouldn't know what to do.

  53. If i won i would I would buy all the things I need and want and save the rest in the bank

  54. If I won the power ball I definitely don't think it will be a waste of money. I would use it to give back to my community, and I would also use it to give to my family. Lastly, I would pay for college if needed.

  55. If I won the power ball I definitely don't think it will be a waste of money. I would use it to give back to my community, and I would also use it to give to my family. Lastly, I would pay for college if needed.

  56. If i won the power ball, i'd do soo many things with it, like buy art supplies, and a bunch of things i could get for my family. (family comes first though) and i'd save enough to pay for my college funds and make sure everything else is well. if i had any little left, i'd pay for my (guy)friend a nice outfit and a new phone to give to him. :)

  57. If i won the power ball, i'd do soo many things with it, like buy art supplies, and a bunch of things i could get for my family. (family comes first though) and i'd save enough to pay for my college funds and make sure everything else is well. if i had any little left, i'd pay for my (guy)friend a nice outfit and a new phone to give to him. :)

  58. If I won the power-ball you would not see me ever again, because i would have moved states with me paying off college to receive the highest degree. Also with the money i would go out and buy a golden-doodle puppy, with hiring the best trainer in the world. Than lastly with that money which of course is not a waste i would pay off my parents house and buy a lake-house in Puerto Rico to spend a week once every year.

  59. If I won the power-ball you would not see me ever again, because i would have moved states with me paying off college to receive the highest degree. Also with the money i would go out and buy a golden-doodle puppy, with hiring the best trainer in the world. Than lastly with that money which of course is not a waste i would pay off my parents house and buy a lake-house in Puerto Rico to spend a week once every year.

  60. If I won the powerball i will switch up on everybody and move to mexico and invest in stocks and get more richer.

  61. if i won the powerball I would move to Cali and buy a house next to chris brown and no its not a waste of money at all.

  62. i would spend it on investments and buy me a mansion.

  63. I will split the money in half put one half in to savings. Use the other half to give to offering , people in need ,give to family and use the rest for myself.

  64. if i won the powerball money I would invest and keep 40 milion and give 10 thousond each to some homeless families

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. haha maaaan if i would of won. yall wouldnt hear from me again. there so much i can do with it i dont even know where to start. i would just give it to my mom let her do whatever with it. i know i would put some up for me.

  67. I'd pay off my college fee,give some to other familes and help people out.

  68. If i won the power ball i would stat anonymous i would not let anybody know . Next I would spend some cash like 10,000 on stuff and the rest maybe buy a car a house decorations and furniture and the rest ill save it maybe make or buy my own business or company and become a investor and get into stocks.

  69. I would pay off my college and achieve my goals. then I would live lavish

  70. My family, my squad, and me will eat. Its that's simple.

  71. if i won i would spend it on they things i need in life and give some to my family.

  72. I would give to church take care of my family invest, save and buy a few toys for myself. I don't think this money is a waste of time because it can change a lot of peoples lives

  73. If i won i would help my family first and then worry about me and the people who actually need it.

  74. If i won i would help my family first and then worry about me and the people who actually need it.

  75. if I win I'm going invest all my money into business

  76. i would buy everything i want and then would invest the rest into a company

  77. If i hit the the powerball i would delete all of my social media networks. Then i would put some to charity then some to my mom and dad.

  78. It is a waste of money, you're almost assured to lose. But if I did win, I would probably save it for a bigger opportunity.

  79. If I was too win the power ball I would get a house built for my parents and I would buy them new cars

  80. If I was to win the Powerball I would finish high school. I would do something to keep my income coming in. I do think it's a waste of money but if I have the opportunity to get the money I'd take it for sure.

  81. Mia Reddick.

    The power ball is not a waste of money , just a way to be lucky and granted a wish of a lot of money.However, if i did win it , i will continue my high school and college process. Therefore, I can move on and continue to be successful in life.

  82. if i won i would get what i need then i would help as many people as i could

  83. if i won i would get what i need then i would help as many people as i could

  84. i would drop out of school and move to paris . but if you dont win it is a waste of money cause u buying the ticket and not winning could be more money in your pocket

  85. i would buy as many strippers as possible

  86. I will buy a big house a Mercedes G class I would pay for college I would buy clothes and shoes I would pay for college Or not even go. Finally I will give some money to charity

  87. If I won the lottery I would invest my money, save, and have a limit to spend. I would spend my money on necessities and wants.

  88. If one were to win a grand prize, a wise option would be to invest that money into the bank so that it can grow in interest overtime. That person could then use that money to pay for college fully, and once they have obtained the degree of the field of their choice, they can use that money to jump start their career.

  89. I do not think it is a waste of money. Because it like distraction, and everyone knows when they want to buy it. If i won i would buy something for every body, shopping, and give the rest money to my parents. i am still young to keep that much money.

  90. If I was to win the Powerball I would finish high school. I would do something to keep my income coming in. I do think it's a waste of money but if I have the opportunity to get the money I'd take it for sure.

  91. if i was to win i would buy my mom a house, move to dubai, pay off her bills.

  92. if i was to win i would buy my mom a house, move to dubai, pay off her bills.

  93. If i won a powerball first i would put some aside for college and then start my own clothing line.
