Friday, January 15, 2016

Teacher Frustrations

Give your opinion about this article


  1. I believe the gym should be repaired. I definitely think this since it is the school to have a musty odor. The teachers are not in the wrong for being frustrated about the conditions.

  2. The wooden floors are warped from rain damage because roof repairs weren't made.I think that this school should be fixed soon, because they cannot activity in gym period if without fix it

  3. Honestly I feel the entire education system needs to be reformed. There should be absolutely no reason a child in America should be subject to this kind of hazardous learning environment. This is the kind of environment that children in third world countries typically learn in, not one of the world's superpowers the United States. I also honestly feel that this is an example of institutional racism, if this school was full of wealthy white kids in New York City the government would have immediately spent millions to fix it. Inevitably the system is failing these precious young lives.

  4. i understand how they feel because playing in the halls as a gym is not going to work. and musty smell wafts through the air coming from the gym making the school smell bad. i would want to get that fixed ASAP.

  5. This is a dreadful situation where kids are sent to a school where they can barely even learn. From the classrooms to the gym, everything is just a hot mess, and I feel bad. People in public schools, including myself, just take advantage of what they have. I hope that the school can make a come up, maybe they'll be on Ellen soon

  6. i think the whole education system needs to be reformed. it should have no reason that a child should be in this kind of situation in the learning environment

  7. it's a shame that the students' have to deal with this,all they want to do is learn and be successful like any other child in america,they did nothing to deserve this.

  8. man i was looking at the picture and i was shocked. like man thats crazy that is uuuuugggglllliii boooiii. i mean i would not be in there my self, it looks unhealthy. and the teachers that are taking a stand to this are doing the right thing. because education should be provided to each and every student in the world to the best of our ability.

  9. The education system should be completely revised. I read that these students were still being failed despite the mistakes the school made. I also read that the gym has been terribly damaged due to rain because roofs cannot/won't be repaired... This is extremely vital in a young child's life with fast food stores being within five minutes of every direction. Obesity is a huge problem we deal with in this day in age, therefore exercise is a major key to success. I hope they get these problems resolved soon.

  10. I think a lot of people underestimate Detroit because of their negative reputation.

  11. i totally agree with how the teachers feel because they constantly complaining, and having to fail students because they have no enviornment to teach them in, its not fair and the board need to get they self together for the sake of those children, those are other adults children's education they messing around with. what if it was there children?

  12. This is something that should be replaced immediately. I see why the teachers are getting frustrated. The student shouldn't have to deal with this.

  13. Honestly I think the education system has failed us all. Nobody actually really cares about education any more to be honest school isn't about learning any more it's about passing. Students dont have urge to learn any more alot of us just go because we have too. Our school shave taken the fun out of learning and don't fund us for anything really the students pay for it all and not everyone can afford to go to the "Nice" schools so we have to settle with what he have and deal with what comes with it

  14. this is really a shame i mean how just how could a floor look like that, like explain who could possibly do this.

  15. I really do think they should have a better environment to work and play in. The government should do something about it.

  16. i understand how they feel because playing in the halls as a gym is not going to work. and musty smell wafts through the air coming from the gym making the school smell bad. i would want to get that fixed ASAP.

  17. I don't understand how the communities that the schools like this are apart of don't do anything to fix this problem. Some students are treated like they are not a part of the future of this country and its wrong.

  18. I think the condition of this school very atrocious! I feel that anyone getting an education should be comfortable in their work space. I also believe that the school system should work on trying to better these conditions of the buildings and make them more suitable for everyone.

  19. This is unacceptable under no means should students have to play in the hallway because the school cannot fix the gym. The gym needs to be repaired no matter what the cost may be, every student should have the right to a clean safe school, and seeing this is honestly sad. This school needs to gather up the funds and fix the gym ASAP because this is only going to hurt the schools reputation in the long run.

  20. This is pitiful, I mean how could the school board, students, teachers, whoever let this progress it should be obviously fixed.

  21. It's very sad to hear of the condition of this school. The students should have never had to put up with things like this. They deserve much better than what they are getting, and it's nice to see that the teachers and staff are trying their best to fix this issue for the childrens' sake.

  22. I can understand their frustration. The school honestly looks terrible. Repairs need to be made and there needs to be major cleaning done. It's disgusting and horrible to look at for lack of a better word. I mean no offense but that is not a proper learning environment for students and teachers.

  23. Students and Teachers alike should not have to work in such a environment. For the Detroit Public School Officials to allow that to go on for so long indicates that they had no plans to make a change for this school at all! Now that this has caught the eyes of CNN, trust that Detroit will handle all the issues with that school due to the negative publicity it is receiving.

  24. Some one really needs to do something. the teachers feel like they are failing, the students the students are not in the correct environment to lean properly, and the building conditions are not healthy. someone needs to try to raise money for this school and try to fix it. these childrens futures are at stake.

  25. Students dont have urge to learn any more alot of us just go because we have too. Our school shave taken the fun out of learning and don't fund us for anything really the students pay for it all and not everyone can afford to go to the "Nice" schools so we have to settle with what he have and deal with what comes with it

  26. Whoever works on the top of B.O.E, Needs to fix this. It's hard enough to the children and teens that have families that deal with financial Issues that can't get internet connection installed into their home or no devices to connect to the internet with. the children's Futures could be at risk, because of all the avoidable causes. to improve the environment of the school is saving 1 million futures.

  27. BOE or the government needs to step in and help deal with this situation.

  28. BOE or the government needs to step in and help deal with this situation.

  29. I think that the school should have been closed down ages ago. The condition are unbearable and little kids should not be exposed to those harsh conditions.

  30. Why would someone be so unaware too not shut the school because of its nasty properties so they need to raise money so they can repair the whole school. by: jasmyne johnson

  31. I believe the gym should be repaired. I definitely think this since it is the school to have a musty odor. The teachers are not in the wrong for being frustrated about the conditions.

  32. The teachers have every right to mad. The school should have been shut down because that can make everyone sick.

  33. to be honest i think the whole education system needs to be reformed. it should have no reason that a child should be in this kind of situation in the learning environment

  34. I can understand their frustration. The school honestly looks terrible. Repairs need to be made and there needs to be major cleaning done. It's disgusting and horrible to look at for lack of a better word. I mean no offense but that is not a proper learning environment for students and teachers.

  35. This is the ultimate form of an abusive relationship, orchestrated in the form of a school and the school system it resides in. Debts seem to be so deep that it'll probably be better to let other counties seize their assets and disband the district entirely, honestly.

  36. This is the ultimate form of an abusive relationship, orchestrated in the form of a school and the school system it resides in. Debts seem to be so deep that it'll probably be better to let other counties seize their assets and disband the district entirely, honestly.

  37. they are right to want that fixed. if i was a teacher i would be frustrated. i believe the are all in there right to do this. they do need the repairs.

  38. i think everything in the gym needs to be fixed but idk

  39. i think everything in the gym needs to be fixed but idk

  40. i believe that the teachers should have a better school and the students.

  41. I believe that they need to fix this cause all of them will have to learn in such a dirty environment, thats not nice. But yeah thats none of my business

  42. I feel as if the education system should not allow their children to be in these type of conditions. The school system needs to take the proper steps to have these issues fixed.

  43. I think that school needs to do WAY better. They should just repair everything. Start off smaal by doing fundraisers and things to make the school look better and be better.

  44. I think that school needs to do WAY better. They should just repair everything. Start off smaal by doing fundraisers and things to make the school look better and be better.

  45. This is a primary example of educational abuse not by the people in the school, but by the state that funds and keeps the school alive. No child should ever have to miss their education simply because the school they have isn`t adequate enough for them to go to due to the building being a sitting hazard waiting to go off. The best thing they should do is have the state do something about it so that kids can get their education.

  46. it's a shame that the students' have to deal with this,all they want to do is learn and be successful like any other child in america,they did nothing to deserve this.

  47. My opinion on this article is that I feel bad for all the children loosing their educations because of the city's debt. I think they need to come up with fundraisers. It's selfish how a person think more about money then a child and their education that will have a huge impact on the world in the future. I swear if I was billionaire them kids would have that money with no hesitation.

  48. i totally agree with how the teachers feel because they constantly complaining, and having to fail students because they have no enviornment to teach them in, its not fair and the board need to get they self together for the sake of those children, those are other adults

  49. i totally agree with how the teachers feel because they constantly complaining, and having to fail students because they have no enviornment to teach them in, its not fair and the board need to get they self together for the sake of those children, those are other adults

  50. The teachers have every right to mad. The school should just repair everything in the school and start from scratch

  51. i understand how they feel because playing in the halls as a gym is not going to work. and musty smell wafts through the air coming from the gym making the school smell bad. i would want to get that fixed ASAP.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. it's a shame that the students' have to deal with this,all they want to do is learn and be successful like any other child in america,they did nothing to deserve this.

  54. They need to fix what is wrong with the schools and make it safer for the students and teacher so then they can learn what they need to learn.

  55. I understand how they feel because playing in the halls as a gym is not going to work. and musty smell wafts through the air coming from the gym making the school smell bad. i would want to get that fixed ASAP.

  56. i think they need to fix the school because children are missing school and are not getting there education that they need.

  57. Honestly the entire education system needs to be fixed. There should be no reason a child in America should be forced to this kind of hazardous learning environment. We have to do something because we are going to have to depend on this generation to change the world. If they don't get what they need then we are in a world of trouble.

  58. Honestly the entire education system needs to be fixed. There should be no reason a child in America should be forced to this kind of hazardous learning environment. We have to do something because we are going to have to depend on this generation to change the world. If they don't get what they need then we are in a world of trouble.

  59. i think that school systems should improve in education.

  60. I totally agree with how the teachers feel because they constantly complaining, and having to fail students because they have no environment to teach them in. This is a primary example of educational abuse not by the people in the school, but by the state that funds and keeps the school alive. No child should ever have to miss their education simply because the school they have is not adequate enough for them to go to due to the building being a sitting hazard waiting to go off.

  61. No matter if a school is full of bad students or whatever the case may students nor teachers should have to work in such an environment. They should get some type of help.

  62. No matter if a school is full of bad students or whatever the case may students nor teachers should have to work in such an environment. They should get some type of help.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. teachers have every right to feel how they feel. They shouldn't be at school at all with that type of environment.

  65. Teachers have the right to be upset i would be too. they are getting treated poorly and something need to be done.

  66. The education system should be completely revised. His is a primary example of educational abuse not by the people in the school. Honestly the entire education system needs to be fixed.

  67. This is disgusting, you'd be too worried if the roof will fall on your head than learning. It's a terrible learning environment that should be fixed ASAP.

  68. man i was looking at the picture and i was shocked. like man thats crazy that is uuuuugggglllliii boooiii. i mean i would not be in there my self, it looks unhealthy. and the teachers that are taking a stand to this are doing the right thing. because education should be provided to each and every student in the world to the best of our ability.

  69. It is a very tragic school from the looks of the bathroom. If i were a teacher at that school i would complain as well or try to get out of working at that school.

  70. I understand how they feel because playing in the halls as a gym is not going to work. and musty smell wafts through the air coming from the gym making the school smell bad

  71. I feel like the education system should be reformed, because kids are facing health risks at school in that type of bathroom. I don't think the teachers are in the wrong for demanding that the school gets fixed up, because they're looking out for themselves and the children. A school isn't going to be shiny from front to end or head to toe simply because there's many of people walking through it everyday, but they could at least attempt to maintain the school and make it look a little better and smell better. Their floors were damaged because of rain, someone could simply fall through the floor and break something. I wouldn't go to school, because I wouldn't feel safe in there, and the halls aren't supposed to have a musty smell. That's nasty and I really think the teachers weren't overreacting or anything of that sort, because I simply agree with them.

  72. The education system should be completely revised. I read that these students were still being failed despite the mistakes the school made. I also read that the gym has been terribly damaged due to rain because roofs cannot/won't be repaired... This is extremely vital in a young child's life with fast food stores being within five minutes of every direction. Obesity is a huge problem we deal with in this day in age, therefore exercise is a major key to success. I hope they get these problems resolved soon.

  73. I think the education and schools should be reformed because everything Need to be updated and make it feel safe.

  74. Mia Reddick.

    No child or anybody to be generally speaking , should be apart of an environment that is not safe or clean. It leads to frustration and distractions to their learning. Odor-like smells for an example , will cause headaches and make that person feel like they smell like it too. With that being said, the teacher commentary on the situation should be into full effect and have a solution to her problem. If the situation is not being fixed it will result into more serious problems.

  75. This is the kind of environment that children in third world countries typically learn in, not one of the world's superpowers the United States. I also honestly feel that this is an example of institutional racism, if this school was full of wealthy white kids in New York City the government would have immediately spent millions to fix it.

  76. This is the kind of environment that children in third world countries typically learn in, not one of the world's superpowers the United States. I also honestly feel that this is an example of institutional racism, if this school was full of wealthy white kids in New York City the government would have immediately spent millions to fix it.

  77. This is the kind of environment that children in third world countries typically learn in, not one of the world's superpowers the United States. I also honestly feel that this is an example of institutional racism, if this school was full of wealthy white kids in New York City the government would have immediately spent

  78. This is a dreadful situation where kids are sent to a school where they can barely even learn. From the classrooms to the gym, everything is just a hot mess, and I feel bad. People in public schools, including myself, just take advantage of what they have. I hope that the school can make a come up, maybe they'll be on Ellen soon

  79. i think the whole education system needs to be reformed. it should have no reason that a child should be in this kind of situation.

  80. I think no child should be in a hazardous condition. They should rebuild this whole school, start from scratch. This is disgusting and sick. There education should be considered and fully thought about.

  81. i totally agree with how the teachers feel because they constantly complaining, and having to fail students because they have no enviornment to teach them in, its not fair and the board need to get they self together for the sake of those children, those are other adults children's education they messing around with. what if it was there children?

  82. he teachers have every right to mad. The school should have been shut down because that can make everyone sick.

  83. Students and Teachers alike should not have to work in such a environment. For the Detroit Public School Officials to allow that to go on for so long indicates that they had no plans to make a change for this school at all! Now that this has caught the eyes of CNN, trust that Detroit will handle all the issues with that school due to the negative publicity it is receiving.

  84. I think that repairs should be mad to the gym, because students cannot focus in an environment that toxic.

  85. they should not be letting kids learn in this type of enviornment , somebody definitely need to hear there cry and do something about it. repair it, how hard is that

  86. Detriot public school need to fix this elementary school. Not only because its dangerous but because it harmful to not only the student but the teachers. Every child should have a safe learning environment.
