Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Indiana Principal

Please review the following link and comment on the story..


  1. i still don't understand how a bus just randomly jumps a curb and hit people and how could the bus kill her if it was parked waiting for kids?

  2. this is very tragic and sad. but i give the principal props for showing her colors and showing how much she really care about her students. and that she's not just there for the money. she is very dedicated and i hope she rests in peace.

  3. the man lived a savage life he died a hero.

  4. In my opinion this story is immensely saddening. The principal is a hero and we need more educators like her in this world. Resp in peace she was truly a blessing to this world.

  5. The bus driver told firefighters that she's not sure why the bus the lurched forward, but that she saw Jordan push several students out of the way

  6. I think that women had a great heart for that. She would always be remember as being a hero for sacrificing her life for saving one of her students life. It's sad she couldn't make it and had to pass away.

  7. The principal is extremely heroic for her actions. It was brave for someone to even risk their life like that. I hope her soul rest in peace.

  8. The Principal was very brave and heroic and in a way its a way of saying she lived her life long enough and didn't mind saving the kids. Thats very heroic to me.

  9. Susan Jordan, the principal at an Indiana elementary school, who died saving the lives of her students.It is very sad, she is a good principal anyways. This is an amazing educator. RIP

  10. That is so sad because it was a normal day. And she was walking the students she got hit by the bus .

  11. It's a very tragic story and heartbreaking she will forever be remembered by her students and staff members. She died a hero and those kids will never forget that.

  12. I think this was a wonderful thing that he did. Because of this many students survived this horrific event. I applaud him for his action but sad that he lost his life.

  13. it was very sad , i dont see how the bus ended up in that situation if only we had more principles liked that. and that bus driver needs to go to prison

  14. This is a depressing situation. But the fact that the principal was willing to give her life to save children is very touching. My condolences go out to the families of the ones lost.

  15. This is honestly very sad, however, I still don't understand how a bus just suddenly jumps a curb. May she RIP.

  16. Dang I feel bad for that guy but still he did the right thing

  17. While she was hailed as heroic after her death for the way she sacrificed herself to save others, Jordan knew in life how much she was truly admired.

  18. The principal is extremely heroic for her actions. She died a hero.

  19. I think this story is very unfortunate and tragic, I think it was brave how she died for the students.

  20. In my opinion this story is saddening. The principal is a hero and we need more educators like her in this world. Resp in peace she was truly a blessing to this world.

  21. Even though this is a sad loss for the school, the principal did a great thing. This really shows that she had genuine love for the kids and what she does. Without thinking she gave her life for those kids; props to her and may she rest in peace.

  22. The principle did a great job saving kids by pushing them away and get get killed by the bus.

  23. This story is very sad and raises a hard question would a educator risk there live just to be able to save the child inside of there school building or school its raises a large question about the bus and how it jumped the curve

  24. he principal is extremely heroic for her actions.This really shows that she had genuine love for the kids and what she does.

  25. In my opinion i think the principal is a very loving person , the fact that she risked her life for her students really means a lot. it shows where she stands with her job and how much it really means to her.

  26. My heart goes out to the family and friends of Susan jordan, she seemed like a nice and caring women who always thought of others before herself, especially the children. Nobody can explain how the bus got on the curb but, it just happened but things happen for a reason, something or someone caused that bus to end up on that curb and it needs to be found.

  27. The world needs more people like this. This principle was a very brave and caring person and that school in Indiana suffered a tragic loss.

  28. This is really sad, and devastating due to the fact that she was trying to help children from being hit by the bus. This was very brave and heroic of her.

  29. How can a bus just randomly jumps a cut and hit people and how could the bus kill her if it was parked waiting for kids to Get on.

  30. its sad because she tried to save kids from getting hit by a bus.

  31. its sad because she tried to save kids from getting hit by a bus.

  32. This was a horrible accident that I wished never had to happen. She sounds like she truly was a wonderful person and a good role model for the children. Rest in peace.

  33. i give the principal props for showing her colors and showing how much she really care about her students. This was very brave and heroic of her.
    The world needs more people like this -jasmyne johnson

  34. it was very sad , i dont see how the bus ended up in that situation if only we had more principles liked that. and that bus driver needs to go to prison

  35. The Principal was very brave and heroic. She just saved multiple kids of our future.All I can say I can say if thank you for your heroic act.

  36. Its crazy how people never get around to saying how much they appreciate someone. I know of some administrators that wouldn't do that. My prayers are with the family of Susan Jordan and the elementary school.

  37. its very sad that she died after she saved them children and walking them to there bus and she got hit that sad.This was a horrible accident that I wished never had to happen. She sounds like she truly was a wonderful person and a good role model for the children. Rest in peace.

  38. I don't understand how the bus just randomly jumped on the curb after being in line with other ones. Was their something wrong with the bus or the driver

  39. its really unfortunate that that woman died and that two of the kids got hit. im glad that she saved that kids though i think thats very honorable im sure she will be dearly missed.

  40. This is so sad, so sad finally a news story that's not about an idiot but still one that's so sad. This is so depressing that the principle sacrificed her life in order to save her students. Very heroic and beautiful. You will not be forgotten for your selfless actions Susan Jordan.

  41. Mrs. Susan Jordan gave her life on Tuesday of this week by going out as a hero. There is so much that could be said to Mrs. Jordan, but overall she will always be known as a hero for the heroic deed she committed yesterday, let her forever rest in peace.

  42. They didn't say anything about the bus being parked and then the bus moves to the curb ends up jumping without anyone noticing, sorry but this story needs to be looked into some more.

  43. this is really sad that this happen and all but I don't understand how a bus just jumps a curb and hit people and how did the bus kill this lady if it was parked waiting the kids alexis bush

  44. A principal name Susan Jordan sacrificed her life to save a few children from being hit by a bus. Very sad, but very heroic. Her life may have ended, but what she did was amazing and honorable.

  45. Um...I don't understand how a bus just jumps a curve like that. Plus how can you hit someone if it's parked? I'm glad, though, that the children are safe and truly am sorry for the loss of the principle. If she wasn't with the kids who knows what would have happened. Again though, the story really isn't making sense...they might need to look back into it and fix some things. This ain't putting things together.

  46. Principal Jordan was an educator that served her community in the ultimate act. She's the person that most people achieve to become and she deserves to be praised and remembered.

  47. this story is said to here about i don't understand how this can happen to somebody like that it's just so said and may she RIP.

  48. this is a very sad story but idk

  49. This is a bittersweet story, as while the innocent few lived, the heroic one died tragically, and at the cost of those who clearly didn`t know how to drive. While it is agreed that the incident was a freak accident, it was still ridiculous that the bus was so far up on the curve in the first place. This predicament also shows that educators truly do care about the safety of those they`ve been put in charge over, and because of this. It is a crying shame that she passed so soon in her life. May she rest in peace and be remembered for her service to the students and to her brave final act.

  50. its sad because she tried to save kids from getting hit by a bus. R.I.P to the bus driver

  51. In my opinion this story is immensely saddening. The principal is a hero and we need more educators like her in this world. Resp in peace she was truly a blessing to this world.its sad because she tried to save kids from getting hit by a bus. R.I.P to the bus driver

  52. It was very sad , i don't see how the bus ended up in that situation if only we had more principles like that.

  53. the story is heart breaking because a principal who cared that much for her students. Jumped in front of bus to save the kids.

  54. This story is very sad and touching in a sens that she saved a child's life in the process of her getting killed. I hope the the child she save was not a brat that she wasted her life on saving not saying the child should die or anything but you know what i mean.

  55. I feel like that's the best thing a person can do. It's so sad because she sounded like a good person. I think I would've did the same thing only because they were much younger than me I got to live a little bit of my life but I want them to live to see all of theirs. Rest In Paradise Susan Jordan !

  56. The principal did the right thing because he saved some kids life soo he put his life in jeopardy.

  57. this was a heroic story but the kids should have been paying attention so know one had to lose there life. I don't understand how the bus lost control like that but i hope the kids are appreciative of the situation

  58. This is so sad but i honor this lady and give her my up most respect. Because most people would never risk there life for someone they dont know. But me i will help even if i never seen you before in my life. This ladies family needs to be well tooken care of. Rest In Peace Susan Jordan.

  59. Susan is a hero we should honor her because a lot of people would not risk their life. She deserves to be praised.

  60. It amazing that the priciple saved the kids, but it messed up that she died after that.

  61. I'm confused on how a bus just "magically" jumps a curb... Just doesn't make sense...but Principal Susan Jordan was a respectful women and a hero. She had the courage to risk her life to protect others. R.I.P Principal Susan Jordan.

  62. I think that this is a really sad story. This is also a very heroic story as well. Those students will never for get this incident for as long as they live.

  63. Dang I feel bad for that guy but still he did the right thing.

  64. this is very tragic and sad, but somehow heroic.I give the principal props for showing her colors and showing how much she really care about her students, she really is a great woman. and that she's not just there for the money. she is very dedicated and i hope she rests in peace.

  65. I think that Michael Jackson shouldn't be mad. He says he is so called proud to be and Black American, so to me if you are so proud to be who you are, why would you have several surgeries and procedures done to make yourself look white.? He is black on the inside, he was born black but he changed his skin, so I don't see nothing wrong with a white man portraying him because that is his current skin color.

  66. it was a bad story but the male slick did the correct thing could've been worse

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. This story is really sad. The principal is very brave.

  69. This is a depressing situation. But the fact that the principal was willing to give her life to save children is very touching.

  70. It is unfortunate how things like this can occur. I have many questions like why the bus jumped the curb. Also I believe the principal was brave.

  71. It is unfortunate how things like this can occur. I have many questions like why the bus jumped the curb. Also I believe the principal was brave.

  72. The Principal really is a hero for risking her life to save the kids life. There aren't many people who would do that and I applaud her for doing that. I think it's unfortunate how things ended but she was very brave. We really need more educators like this in the school system, because it's nice to see that people are still good and don't worry about themselves. It's sad how things like this could just happen anytime of any day and it's kinda scary but like I keep saying I really do applaud her. The principal was very brave and very caring to save the children lives instead of trying to save her own. I just want to know how the bus managed to jump the curb?

  73. It is a really sad moment for the kids and school who lost a very important person that really meant something. The women who risked her life for the love of the kids is a hero

  74. Even though this is a sad loss for the school, the principal did a great thing. This really shows that she had genuine love for the kids and what she does. Without thinking she gave her life for those kids; props to her and may she rest in peace.

  75. The Principal was very brave and heroic and in a way its a way of saying she lived her life long enough and didn't mind saving the kids.

  76. This is very weird and doesn't not makes sense because a bus can't just do that out of nowhere.

  77. we need a principal like that at dutchtown not to say we don't got a good one here

  78. Mia Reddick .

    The lady left as a heroic person and shows her courtesy for the children she love and care for. A lot of times you don't expect brave people to do such things. With that being said, I give her a lot of props and respect. It is sad how it all ended , but she left with a legend and was a blessing for saving those particular kids lives.

  79. she was a great person that loved children

  80. she was a great person that loved children

  81. i still don't understand how a bus just randomly jumps a curb and hit people and how could the bus kill her if it was parked waiting for kids?

  82. Even though this is a sad loss for the school, the principal did a great thing. This really shows that she had genuine love for the kids and what she does. Without thinking she gave her life for those kids; props to her and may she rest in peace.

  83. It's unreal. i wouldn't think a bus could magically jump a curb while it's parked. i mean its unbelievable to hear it killed a person and hit two kids and the beautiful thing about it is that a PRINCIPAL, decided she was good for something in that moment and saved the children which is truly just remarkable.

  84. I think it is very sad that a heroic principle was killed in trying to save those children. Bus drivers need to be more aware of the people and its surroundings.

  85. I think that women had a great heart for that. She would always be remember as being a hero for sacrificing her life for saving one of her students life. It's sad she couldn't make it and had to pass away.

  86. This story is very sad and raises a hard question would a educator risk there live just to be able to save the child inside of there school building or school its raises a large question about the bus and how it jumped the curve

  87. It amazing that the priciple saved the kids, but it messed up that she died after that. i wouldn't think a bus could magically jump a curb while it's parked

  88. It was an amazing story of the heroic principal its just ashame she had to die.

  89. it was great story of the principal save the kids but it's crazy that he had to die & couldn't see how people feel about what he did.

  90. i consider this to be a very sad story but at the same time i consider this to be an example of how teachers care for their students so much that they would do this. i also believe that this should be an example to why we should appreciate our teachers on a daily basis because when they are gone they are gone
