Friday, January 22, 2016


 Read the article and post feedback according to the facts given. Do you think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous?


  1. i think they should have the choice so people kids wont get kidnapped and stuff, cause having all that money puts a target on your head.

  2. I do believe that lottery winners should be able to remain anonymous just for safety reasons. No one deserves to be killed over jealousy or robbed.

  3. I think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous. Because it's really dangerous, when you have a lot of money and show off, of course endanger.

  4. I think they should have remained anonymous because now their safety is vital.

  5. Lottery winners should have a choice to be anonymous or not, however, there are some people who put themselves at risk when they post all over social media and/or make a guest appearance on tv. That's is the price some people just have to pay.

  6. I think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous for safety reasons.

  7. yes i think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous because first its not everybody business. second do you not see what just happened to that man? he lost his life because of it

  8. yes of course they should have an option to be anynoymous. if they dont want their business out their then it shouldnt.

  9. Yes I think lottery ticket winners should have the choice to be anonymous. Winning the lottery is a big deal and money can cause friction in society. Having money makes you a target so all lottery winners should be anonymous.

  10. I think he should've. Anybody who pretty much wins need to stay anonymous. There is too many crazy people who will do anything for that amount of money. It's too dangerous to let everyone know that you won.

  11. i believe lottery winner should have the choice because stuff like this happens.

  12. I think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous for safety reasons.

  13. Yes, they should stay anonymous because you should never let people know houw much the have in your bank account.

  14. I do think they should make their identity anonymous because it stops things like this from happening and also private things like money should always be kept private

  15. Lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous because you never know somebody could try to rob or kill them because they know they have all that money.

  16. i feel like lottery winners should have a choice to stay anonymous if they were to win the lottery because people are crazy. I was thinking about this about a week ago when I got a ticket for the $1.5 B powerball.

  17. The lottery winners should be able to remain anonymous just for safety reasons.

  18. yes of course they should have an option to be anynoymous. if they dont want their business out their then it shouldnt.

  19. i think that the the lottery winners should get the choice to remain anonymous because you never know anyone could try to rob you

  20. Yes,I do think they should have the choice to remain anonymous.Some people are just waiting to rob lottery winners.

  21. I do think that we should make all lottery winners anonymous because it will things like this from ever happening in the future..

  22. Yes I believe that the lottery winner should remain anonymous for safety purposes. With this incident happening think there should be more strategic ways to keep winners secured.

  23. I think they should make lottery winners anonymous because it could be dangerous like in this case. There are a lot of dangerous and crazy people out there. It shouldnt be a choice.

  24. Why is the lottery not anonymous as it is? If i win someday, I don't want to be shot and robbed. To curve this problem, if I ever win the jackpot, I am getting a lawyer and an accountant and then funding my own private mercenary army.

  25. Needs to be anonymous for safety reasons.

  26. the winner should be anonymous because people will come after the winner

  27. yes i do believe that and they shouldn't have to pay money for it either

  28. It should always be anonymous be default, and the winner should have to choose to be revealed publicly for obvious safety reasons.

  29. Lottery ticket winners should have the choice on wanting to stay anonymous as they please. Winning such a heavy amount of money and living in a generation were people are only concentrated on making money, its for the best interest of that person to not identify themselves or troubles will arise for them in their new money filled life.

  30. I think that they should be anonymous because winning the lottery is exciting and dangerous. Its dangerous because people these days are crazy, and they want things that other people cant have. Its exciting because everyone loves money and loves to get it and even some loves to spend it!

  31. yes i think they should have the option to remain anonymous. winning as much money as you can from the lottery can get people hurt or even killed over their money we should at least give them an option if they want to be or not.

  32. of course the should remain anonymous because as you can see winners are getting killed before they can even get a chance to use the money. it's no point in saying who won it because no one in my opinion, cares..Just saying. If people know who won it, and see if its a person that they may know, they'll get killed now a days because the people in the generation are psycho and will do anything to claim money.

  33. Yes i think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous because first its not everybody business. To curve this problem, if I ever win the jackpot, I am getting a lawyer and an accountant and then funding my own private mercenary army.I think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous. Because it's really dangerous, when you have a lot of money and show off, of course endanger.

  34. yes i think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous because first its not everybody business. -jasmyne johnson

  35. yes i think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous because first its not everybody business. -jasmyne johnson

  36. I believe that winners should remain anonymous for safety reasons like this one.

  37. Yes, yes this should remain anonymous. Crazy people are gonna come for you. It best not to tell everyone you won a lottery ticket. We have this for safety reason.

  38. I believe the winners should have the right to be anonymous. The reason is people will try to rob or even kill you for your money.

  39. i think they should stay anonymous because if someone trying to come for you because you won the lottery. they should stay anonymous thats what i personally think

  40. i think that they need to stay anemones to there winnings so stuff like this does not happen to people.

  41. Yeah they should be able to because then things like this happen.People will do anything for money theirs no bounties when it comes to money

  42. I do think they should make their identity anonymous because it stops things like this from happening and also private things like money should always be kept private

  43. You should have the choice, it's a basic necessity for holding lotteries and other public events if they holders put security and safety into consideration.

  44. If you do something like that, you have to be very lowkey.

  45. Yes I think lottery ticket winners should have the choice to be anonymous. Winning the lottery is a big deal and money can cause friction in society.If you do something like that, you have to be very lowkey.

  46. I think that theere should be an option that if you win that its just gonna be private and anonymous and won't be put on the media, so that stuff like this does not happen... but idk

  47. I think that the people who win the lottery should have a choice to be unknown or not. They shouldn't have to risk their name being out in the open, that can cause people to want to rob or harm them or their families.

  48. Yes i think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous because first its not everybody business. Winning such a heavy amount of money and living in a generation were people are only concentrated on making money, its for the best interest of that person to not identify themselves.

  49. i think they should be kept annonomous for there safety but idk

  50. In all honesty, when people win something big, someone else is going to want a piece (if not what they entirely have) of what that individual has. Therefore, a person who wins something like the lottery should be kept anonymous, as it keeps them protected from any outside force that would otherwise take advantage of the blessing they just received. The entire situation in that article could`ve been completely avoided if the person had simply just remained anonymous all together.

  51. yes i think they should have the option to remain anonymous. winning as much money as you can from the lottery can get people hurt or even killed over their money we should at least give them an option if they want to be or not.

  52. yes i think it should be there there choice weather they stay anonymous or not , because the choice of them doing so can also determine there safety and well beings.

  53. Yes i think that lottery winners should remain anonymous with paying the government. If people are being killed the should remain unknown. this way people are safe.

  54. This is really sad. Someones life was taken just because of money. He didn't deserve to die over some money. I also that they should stay anonymous because things like this need to stop happening.

  55. I do think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous. In my opinion, there's alot of people out there who will do anything for some money. It's sad because the victim sounded like a good person , and his life was taken away because of a blessing that came his way. If a person don't want to go public with their win you should let them. In other words, you're putting their life in danger.

  56. I think that it is very sad that he just had a victory of winning the lottery and then some hater came and killed him, he didnt deserve that. r.i.p.

  57. I assume they killed him for winning the lottery, but why? Idiots being idiots. You aren't getting the money so what's the point? Why? This just gets so dumb.

    1. And yes, it is their choice if winners don't want to be known.

  58. IN my opinion I think that the lottery winners should have choice to remain anonymous for safety reasons.

  59. For the winners safety and the winners family there should be an option to remain anonymous. It is not safe otherwise.

  60. I think that they should be anonymous because winning the lottery is exciting and dangerous. Its dangerous because people these days are crazy, and they want things that other people cant have. Its exciting because everyone loves money and loves to get it and even some loves to spend it!

  61. I feel like lottery winners should have a choice to stay anonymous if they were to win the lottery because people are crazy. Winning such a heavy amount of money and living in a generation were people are only concentrated on making money, its for the best interest of that person to not identify themselves.

  62. Yes I think lottery ticket winners should have the choice to be anonymous. Winning the lottery is a big deal and money can cause friction in society. Having money makes you a target so all lottery winners should be anonymous.

  63. Yes I think lottery ticket winners should have the choice to be anonymous. Winning the lottery is a big deal and money can cause friction in society. Having money makes you a target so all lottery winners should be anonymous.

  64. Yes I believe they should be able to remain anonymous. I say this because this would assure safety to each winner. Making it public would possibly result in the harm of the prize winner.

  65. Yes I believe they should be able to remain anonymous. I say this because this would assure safety to each winner. Making it public would possibly result in the harm of the prize winner.

  66. Yes they should. For this reason exactly. Always wanna be careful when doing the lottery especially if you win. People will do whatever to get that money. I'm sorry to hear that his life was taking because of that.

  67. I think that they should be anonymous because winning the lottery is exciting and dangerous. Its dangerous because people these days are crazy, and they want things that other people cant have. Its exciting because everyone loves money and loves to get it and even some loves to spend it!

  68. I think they should have the choice so people kids wont get kidnapped and stuff, cause having all that money puts a target on your head

  69. They should be anonymous because its dangerous. People are just waiting to steal and kill them for the money, so if the people could be anonymous and just continue to live life with out losing there life or what they spent there hard earned money on that would be perfect and the anonymous thing should be free.

  70. I believe that they should stay anonymous because it puts there life at risk. People could try to kill them knowing they got money now, so its a big risk.

  71. They should be anonymous because money can get you killed.

  72. he did not keep a low profile. theres certain stuff you should watch what you say around people or what you do. you just have watch your surroundings

  73. he did not keep a low profile. theres certain stuff you should watch what you say around people or what you do. you just have watch your surroundings

  74. i think they should have the choice so people kids wont get kidnapped and stuff, cause having all that money puts a target on your head.

  75. I think they should have the choice because it could get dangerous for them if they reveal themselves. Some people might try to rob them and kill them for their money. If they had kids they could protect them instead of having to worry about if they'll be okay. Some people will do crazy things for that money and I really think people should have the choice to keep it to themselves. People who never have or didn't win the lottery wouldn't know what it's like to be worried about their kids and about being safe.

  76. i feel like lottery winners should have a choice to stay anonymous if they were to win the lottery because people are crazy. I was thinking about this about a week ago when I got a ticket for the $1.5 B powerball.

  77. yes because a bunch of broke people is going to start blowing your DM's up

  78. I feel like it's up to them if they wanna show but what ever happens just happens but I wouldn't because it could save me from getting killed or robbed etc.

  79. mia reddick.

    Lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous. It will prevent hazardous situations like robbery or killing. No one should know who the person's identity is and it should be kept private. As well,less fortunate people will be greedy and be asking for their money.

  80. i think they should be allow to for there safey

  81. i think they should be allow to for there safey

  82. I think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous for safety reasons

  83. Why is the lottery not anonymous as it is? If i win someday, I don't want to be shot and robbed. To curve this problem, if I ever win the jackpot, I am getting a lawyer and an accountant and then funding my own private mercenary army.

  84. I think they should, because many people tend to get a little dangerous once they become aware of people that have money. If you remain anonymous, you are causing less stress and danger to yourself and others close to you.

  85. Lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous. It will prevent hazardous situations like robbery or killing.

  86. I think that lottery winners should have the choice to remain anonymous. Because it's really dangerous, when you have a lot of money and show off, of course endanger.

  87. Lottery ticket winners should have the choice on wanting to stay anonymous as they please. Winning such a heavy amount of money and living in a generation were people are only concentrated on making money, its for the best interest of that person to not identify themselves or troubles will arise for them in their new money filled life.

  88. i believe that lottery ticket winners should be allowed to remain anonymous because people can get robbed after they recieve their winnings.

  89. They should definitely be unknown because that's how people get kill and/or sleep.

  90. they should just keep it to where people dont know who it is because they can be kilt or a victim of robbery

  91. Yes they have the right to remain anonymous because people may feel they dont want everybody in there business.

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