Monday, January 25, 2016

Freewrite 1/25/16

Write about two current events. Summarize in one paragraph.


  1. it snow last saturday and it was cold, i went to my friends house and threw snow balls, he had the chick fil a platter cause its his birthday also im going to another friends house this weekend

  2. Millions were making their way back to work Monday after a weekend snowstorm that socked the Northeast. Public schools in Washington and Philadelphia and some New Jersey and New York City schools will also be closed Monday.The storm is blamed for at least 16 deaths across six states and Washington.

  3. future just drop his new mix tape purple reign i listened to it and i thought it was good and Dj esco can really make fly beats but when you put future on it it makes magic.

  4. 1. mcdonalds are going back up thankd to the all day breakfast, they have increased 3% since monday. people are loving the all day breakfast.
    2. two of the navy's ships broke down. which cost around 360 million a piece. it had to be towed 40 miles to a naval base in Virginia.


  5. Two current events are:The Long Island Rail Road, which officials said sustained significant damage during the storm, had six of its 12 branches at least partially running by 7 a.m. Monday. The others remained closed.

    Limited flights were set to resume Monday at airports in Washington, where officials said crews were working to dig out runways.

  6. Over the weekend there was a deadly blizzard in North Eastern United States. Major cities such as New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. received from 20-30 inches of snow. This year's snow storm broke United States record and proves the effects of climate change to be true.
    Another current event is that a Minnesota police officer was accused of threatening Black Lives Matter protest. This is another example of White supremacy in America.

  7. This past weekend the Chicago Bulls played the Cleveland Cavaliers. This was a big game as well as the January 18th Cleveland v. Golden State game(which ended in the Cavs being victim to a public homicide.) The Chicago Bulls had beaten them previously this season which only mean that the Cavs would come hungry for a win. Also, the day before Cleveland announced that they fired their head coach. The Chicago Bulls ended up beating the Cavaliers, destroying all hope for the Cavaliers and their fans.
    Also this past weekend, there was a huge winter 'storm' that went across the entire east coast. This snow storm left many east coast states covered in snow. it also snowed in Georgia, I wish it snowed closer in my area though. Many schools were closing early to prepare for the storm.

  8. well one current event is the blizzard in newyork. the blizzard let down 28 to 29 inches of snow in new york. and you got the super bowl 50. you know im funna be watching that game. carolina panthers vs denver broncos. the denver broncos funna take them l's.

  9. over the weekend It snowed almost 30 inch in Washington dc and make flight were canceled due to weather.
    Many people didn't go to work and schools were closed.

  10. Two current events are;a British explorer died while crossing Antarctic short 30 miles of his goal and ISSIS released the Paris attackers video.

  11. Louis Tomlinson from One Direction and his girlfriend have a baby . He was a father on Friday of his baby son.
    Because of the winter storm a lot of people died.

  12. Icy roads, snow-covered runways and blocked train tracks threaten to snarl morning travel Monday in many East Coast cities, days after a massive blizzard clobbered the region.
    The bottom line: Just because the snow's stopped falling doesn't mean it's back to business as usual. it means houses and business need to be fixed due to the snow destroy some of the stores and houses and public transportation area's also a mother and her one year old child passed away aftr staying in there car backed with snow trying to stay warm. the tail pipe was covered so the mother and her child passed away...


  13. Over the weekend there was a deadly blizzard in North Eastern United States. Major cities such as New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. received from 20-30 inches of snow. This year's snow storm broke United States record and proves the effects of climate change to be true. The Long Island Rail Road, which officials said sustained significant damage during the storm, had six of its 12 branches at least partially running by 7 a.m. Monday. The others remained closed.

  14. A man in Henry shot a police officer. It was a shoot-out. Couldn't believe this epic event happened in our local neighborhood.

  15. Henry Worsley, a British explorer, died trying to be the first person to cross the Antarctic. He was a 55-year-old former British Army officer and died after being airlifted to a hospital in Punta Arenas from exhaustion and dehydration. My condolences go out to his family.

    One Direction member, Louis Tomlinson, introduces his very first son into the world. “I’m pleased to say my baby son was born yesterday. He is healthy and pretty amazing, I’m very happy!!”, he took to Twitter to say. Congratulations to him and his new family

  16. There was three inmates who cut through steel bars, made their way through plumbing tunnels and rappelled off a roof to break out of a maximum-security jail in California. Authorities are offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to the capture of the escaped prisoners.
    Record low temperatures have wreaked havoc in several Asia countries, with 85 people reported dead in Taiwan and tens of thousands stranded at airports because of the unprecedented cold snap.Its capital Seoul was hit Sunday by the coldest winter in 15 years, with the lowest temperature recorded at minus 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

  17. A manhunt is underway for three inmates who cut through steel bars, made their way through plumbing tunnels and rappelled off a roof to break out of a maximum-security jail in California.

    Donald Trump, he would have you know, is no racist.

    Not only that, "I am the least racist person you have ever met," as he told CNN's Don Lemon, which is a pretty high compliment to himself. Nevertheless, it seems that hardly a week goes by in this campaign without Trump doing or saying something to make observers say, "Oh yeah, that's pretty racist."

    Paul Waldman
    Paul Waldman
    Some of them are planned, like his accusation that Mexican immigrants are rapists and drug dealers, or his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States. Others appear impulsive, like his retweeting missives from neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

  18. Record low temperatures have wreaked havoc in several Asia countries, with 85 people reported dead in Taiwan and tens of thousands stranded at airports because of the unprecedented cold snap.

  19. Flint water has become so bad that people are dying. Meek Mill donated 50,000 bottles of water to them. Several other celebrities and men of the government donated money as well. Things are getting better for now. The other issue now that certain brands of bottled water has E-Coli.

    Donald Trump is running for president. In my opinion I would never vote for him. People are ignoring the fact that he says tons of rude things and doesn't really care for our country. i feel he is just in it for the money.

  20. The Denver Broncos beat the New England Patriots 20-18 as the broncos made a game winning interception when the patriots went for 2 and the broncos are headed to the superbowl and cam newton and the panthers blew out the cardinals 49-15 as the broncos will beat the panthers in the super bowl

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Flint water has become so bad that people are dying. Meek Mill donated 50,000 bottles of water to them. Several other celebrities and men of the government donated money as well. Things are getting better for now. The other issue now that certain brands of bottled water has E-Coli.
    The cold weather isnt affecting the Us it seems, in asia thousands of people were trapped in Airports due to the chilling weather and snowstorms, Seoul was hit with its coldest winter to date in years being in the negatives

  23. ISIS has released a gruesome new propaganda video that purports to show final messages from the Paris attackers. The terror group has claimed responsibility for the November attack, which left 130 people dead. The roughly 18-minute tape starts with a montage of various news outlets reporting on the Paris attacks. It is highly produced and edited.The tape then shows the faces and names of nine people ISIS claims carried out the attacks in Paris.

  24. A mother and a one year old son died up north do to carbon monoxide posing, because the snow covered their exhaust pipe.

    A town in West Virginia had 42" of snow. people were snowed in and there was no driving.Cars are covered in snow.

  25. 1.Police search for three inmates who cut through steel bars, made their way through plumbing tunnels and rappelled off a roof to break out of a maximum-security jail in California.

    2.Three sperm whales washed up on a beach in eastern England over the weekend, just a week after a dozen animals of the same species washed ashore on German and Dutch beaches.The mammals, about 15 meters (48 feet) long, are believed to be part of the same pod as a young whale that died on Friday a few miles away.

  26. The Patriots fall to the Broncos in a 20-18 . It was a close game the whole game but the broncos pulled away with great defense & Peyton Manning's experience. The Patriots being the favorite of the game it was very surprising to see them struggle in the 4th quarter .

    Spike Lee is still boycotting the Oscars. Even though all the awards he has received he doesn't care.

  27. Stacy Dash telling in a interview that there shouldnt be things like BET and tv shows for african americans. She was dissed by News One Now's Roland Martin saying "before you make yourself look stupid look at your past." As he was saying that he was showing previous black magazines and movies on BET that she was in.

  28. A manhunt is underway for three inmates who cut through steel bars, made their way through plumbing tunnels and rappelled off a roof to break out of a maximum-security jail in California.
    The group, which includes a man charged with murder, fled the prison on foot Friday, Orange County Sheriff's Lt. Jeff Hallock told reporters.

  29. It snowed this weekend and I went to my friends house and we made smores and watched Netflix all day untill my mom came home then we went downtown and we ate at Applebee's and had a great time.

  30. manhunt is underway for three inmates who cut through steel bars, made their way through plumbing tunnels and rappelled off a roof to break out of a maximum-security jail in California.

    The group, which includes a man charged with murder, fled the prison on foot Friday, Orange County Sheriff's Lt. Jeff Hallock told reporters.

  31. Star Wars 8 has been pushed back from May to December, so Disney ends up competing with itself in Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, Avatar 2, and Star Wars 8. I don't understand Disney sometimes.

  32. This weekend, the eat coast got slammed with record breaking snowfall and entire cities were left ravaged without power. This morning, GMA reported that there is more severe weather on the way tonight. Also, Donald Trump is still a moldy bread slice. What else is new?

  33. It snowed this weekend and I went to my friends house and we made smores and watched Netflix all day untill my mom came home then we went downtown and we ate at Applebee's and had a great time

  34. Major Blizzard hit the US over the weekend. Millions experience travel issues.

    The Panthers & Broncos advance to the Super Bowl. The Panthers defeated the Cardinals 49-15. As the Broncos beat the Patriots 20-18.

  35. Saturday, was probably the best day of my life because i finally received Internet Access(WiFi) and Now i can Play the ps4 online and everything. its horrible to deal without WiFi because you have nothing to do. I Haven't Had WiFi Since i Moved Into My new House and let me tell you...It feels nice :)

  36. a large winter storm
    hit 75 million

  37. British explorer Henry Worsley has died attempting to be the first person to cross the Antarctic unaided, in an epic charity mission inspired by Ernest Shackleton.
    Severe turbulence aboard an American Airlines flight carrying 203 people to Italy left seven people hospitalized, the airline said.

  38. A bunch of fake carrots were found by U.S. border officials. these fake carrots were stuffed with marijuana. the carrots were found in Pharr, Texas with 2493 pounds of weed in them. apparently the carrots came i form mexico. Planned parenthood is giving out free water filters to the residents of flint and are giving water to anyone who needs it!

  39. they had canceled the tournament Saturday due to that weak snow. we can have one the championship and be having a party. My barbershop got best in henry county.

  40. Today the san antonio spurs goes against the golden state warriors the best teams in the NBA the was a terrible snow storm

  41. Three sperm whales washed up on a beach in east England over the weekend, just a week after a dozen animals of the same type washed ashore on German and Dutch beaches.The mammals, about 15 meters (48 feet) long, are believed to be part of the same pod as a young whale that died on Friday a few miles away.

  42. ISIS has released a gruesome new propaganda video that purports to show final messages from the Paris attackers.
    The terror group has claimed responsibility for the November attack, which left 130 people dead.
    13 dead were all Costa Rican, the foreign ministry said, citing the Nicaraguan foreign ministry. alexis bush

  43. The country has been hit with a blizzard this weekend, which cancelled thousands of flights in fear of issues while in the air.
    There were fake carrots that had weed in them on the US border while they were going into the country. It was actually a really clever (and hilarious) idea.

  44. this past weekend the bronco bet new eingland and carolina bet arazona.

  45. An increasing number of babies are being born with a serious birth defect, gastroschisis,.The condition causes the intestines, and sometimes organs such as the liver and stomach, to poke through a newborn's abdomen near the belly button.

    A manhunt is underway in California for three inmates, including one who is accused of murder and another accused of torture,

  46. Millions were making their way back to work Monday after a weekend snowstorm that socked the Northeast. Here's what you need to know:

    • Airlines canceled more than 1,800 flights Monday. Another 3,225 were delayed, according to flight-tracking service

    • Washington's mayor told residents it will be days before snow removal is over.

    • At least 27 people were reported dead as a result of the storm.

    • U.S. government offices in the Washington area remained closed Monday after the weekend storm, as did state governments offices in Maryland and Virginia.

    • Public schools in Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia as well as some New Jersey and New York City schools remained closed.

  47. British explorer Henry Worsley has died attempting to be the first person to cross the Antarctic unaided, in an epic charity mission inspired by Ernest Shackleton.

  48. Over the weekend there was a deadly blizzard in North Eastern United States. Major cities such as New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. received from 20-30 inches of snow. This year's snow storm broke United States record and proves the effects of climate change to be true.
    ISIS has released a gruesome new propaganda video that purports to show final messages from the Paris attackers.
    The terror group has claimed responsibility for the November attack, which left 130 people dead.

  49. Over the weekend , Georgia got like a inch of snow. Which in my opinion was not as serious as people were making it.

  50. Carolina panthers and the Denver broncos are going to super bowl 50.

  51. In Flint Michigan, a mother name Jennifer Mason was running a bath for her toddler son, Oliver, when her eyes began to sting. The tub smelled like an over-chlorinated swimming pool. It was just a couple of days after the city of Flint switched from importing its water from Detroit to using the nearby Flint River for its water source to save money in April of 2014.
    Also, Hillary Clinton has been wrapping herself in President Barack Obama's Cabinet. With Obama's endorsement out of reach for now, Clinton's presidential campaign has racked up support from his top officials. It's part of the effort to win over loyalists in the Obama coalition as secretary of state in his first term.

  52. There were four women that rowed across the Pacific Ocean just to go on a journey. They are crazy.

  53. New studies on a famously known killer plant, the venus fly trap, show that the arthropod-eating plant actually calculates it`s prey. Whereas previous speculations of the plant`s attack pattern was originally thought to have been random, it was later revealed by botanists that the creature is capable of knowing when to catch its prey based on how it`s prey (usually a bug) reacts to it.

    The terrible snowstorm that hit Georgia also managed to sweep the zoo, which came with some unexpected results. The zoo`s resident animals, such as a giant panda and an American bison, actually appeared to be enjoying being caught in a snowstorm, as they were playing and frolicking all day in the snow. This is surprising as most of the animals there are native to more tropical, warmer climates, which is what makes this very interesting.

  54. Carolina panthers are going to win the championship!!!! lets get it!!

  55. Two current events are the election and el chapo living prison and getting caught.

  56. it will warn others of their menopausal moments because as the fan spins a red message will appear across the blades saying ‘Hot Flush Alert’. it will warn others of their menopausal moments because as the fan spins a red message will appear across the blades saying ‘Hot Flush Alert’.

  57. it will warn others of their menopausal moments because as the fan spins a red message will appear across the blades saying ‘Hot Flush Alert’. it will warn others of their menopausal moments because as the fan spins a red message will appear across the blades saying ‘Hot Flush Alert’.

  58. Cam Newton and them Carolina Boys headed to the 50th Superbowl against the Denver Broncos and of course we all know, Cam about to have that ring on his finer for the first time in his career as a starting NFL Quarterback. Also the senior superlatives has been announced with me getting most talkative and thats dummy dead.

  59. Ok, so there is still issues with the water in Michigan. Some people are dying from it. This case needs to be resolved in the matter.
    I'm not sure of any other cases...

  60. steph curry is the best player in the NBA point guard wise. He drops buckets and can shoot from any range. He works hard and he is very dedicated.

  61. steph curry is the best player in the NBA point guard wise. He drops buckets and can shoot from any range. He works hard and he is very dedicated.

  62. isis and donald trump are weird but idk

  63. isis and donald trump are weird but idk

  64. Carolina going to the Superbowl. First time in Cam Newton career.

  65. two navy's ships broke down. which cost around 360 million a piece. It had to be towed 40 miles to a naval base in Virginia.

    Police search for three inmates who cut through steel bars, made their way through plumbing tunnels and rappelled off a roof to break out of a maximum-security jail in California.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Carolina is going to the Superbowl which is a first for Cam Newton.
    People are falling off of hoverboards hurting themselves and the off brand ones that continue to set on fire are being held and not allowed to be sold.

  68. Nicholas Turner, a junior defensive end on the Northwest Missouri State football team, was found dead in his dorm room Sunday, the school announced.

    Fox's live TV musical overcame technical glitches, a rare Los Angeles rainstorm and the death of a key cast member's father to score rave reviews on social media and elsewhere.

  69. its getting hot now. basketball team back on they grind now. keep calm.

  70. Over the weekend there was a deadly blizzard in North Eastern United States. Major cities such as New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. received from 20-30 inches of snow. This year's snow storm broke United States record and proves the effects of climate change to be true.
    Another current event is that a Minnesota police officer was accused of threatening Black Lives Matter protest. This isn't right for him to do, because he doesn't know what it's like to live life in fear.

  71. a current even that i have is the panthers and the broncos are gonna face off for the Superbowl 50 it will be a great game and i hope the broncos beat the panthers so that Peyton manning get him a Superbowl ring.

  72. This past weekend the Chicago Bulls played the Cleveland Cavaliers. This was a big game as well as the January 18th Cleveland v. Golden State game(which ended in the Cavs being victim to a public homicide.) The Chicago Bulls had beaten them previously this season which only mean that the Cavs would come hungry for a win. Also, the day before Cleveland announced that they fired their head coach. The Chicago Bulls ended up beating the Cavaliers, destroying all hope for the Cavaliers and their fans.
    Also this past weekend, there was a huge winter 'storm' that went across the entire east coast. This snow storm left many east coast states covered in snow. it also snowed in Georgia, I wish it snowed closer in my area though. Many schools were closing early to prepare for the storm.

  73. Two girls get killed from acting like someone else

  74. mia reddick.
    Three pregnant women in Florida were tested positive for Zika. Zika is a rare syndrome where the immune system attacks nerves. It is associate with the birth defect microcephaly. Microcephaly is a neurological disorder that results in babies born with abnormally small heads.
    The CDC is asking ob0gyns to review fetal ultrasounds and do maternal testing for any pregnant women who has traveled to one or more than 30 countries where Zika is active. The agency advises health care providers offer testing for the virus to pregnant women who have traveled to those areas within 2 to 12 weeks after returning home. However, providers should screen pregnant women with symptoms of the virus while they are experiencing illness.

  75. Over the weekend there was a deadly blizzard in North Eastern United States. Major cities such as New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. received from 20-30 inches of snow. This year's snow storm broke United States record and proves the effects of climate change to be true.
    Another current event is that a Minnesota police officer was accused of threatening Black Lives Matter protest. This is another example of White supremacy in America.

  76. Millions were making their way back to work Monday after a weekend snowstorm that socked the Northeast. Public schools in Washington and Philadelphia and some New Jersey and New York City schools will also be closed Monday.The storm is blamed for at least 16 deaths across six states and Washington.

  77. One current event is Donald Trump is running for a republican seat on the presidency. Another current event is the time has just recently changed. So set your clocks back!

  78. The Denver Broncos beat the New England Patriots 20-18 as the broncos made a game winning interception when the patriots went for 2 and the broncos are headed to the superbowl and cam newton and the panthers blew out the cardinals 49-15 as the broncos will beat the panthers in the super bowl.

    Donald Trump is running for president. In my opinion I would never vote for him. People are ignoring the fact that he says tons of rude things and doesn't really care for our country. i feel he is just in it for the money.

  79. there was a deadly blizzard in North Eastern United States. In cities such as New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. received from 20-30 inches of snow.

    There was a river dale police officer shot and killed in an home invasion. He was just observing and ran to the back becaus ehe saw someone go to the back, and didnt have a vest on and got shot.

  80. Martin Luther King Jr. lost his life trying to better the lives of African-American people. He was one of the greatest American Civil Rights leaders of the 1960s. He was born in 1929 in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. His father was a minister at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. At fifteen Martin Luther King Jr. was enrolled at Moorehouse College. He graduated from there in 1948, and, like his father wanted to become a minister.
    Martin Luther King Jr. married Corretta Scott in 1953 while doing graduate work at Boston Graduate School. They had four kids and they were together until his death. In 1955, he completed his work at Boston Graduate School and got his PHD. By this time Martin Luther King Jr. was a well-known Civil Rights Activist who was attempting to get rid of discrimination and to overthrow the unfair segregation laws in the South.

  81. well its getting hotter outside. also, my first loves birthday is tmmr, its been 5 years since weve first met

  82. well its getting hotter outside. also, my first loves birthday is tmmr, its been 5 years since weve first met

  83. a drag racing driver named ronnie davis died from an injury in a crash. according to cnn, after finishing his final qualifying run of the PDRA Spring Nationals at Rockingham Dragway.

    Bryan Adams has canceled a concert scheduled for April 14 in Mississippi to protest a new state law that critics describe as discriminatory.
