Monday, January 11, 2016

Class Resolutions

What things will you do differently in this class second semester verses first?

This is a personal reflection, so please think about what areas are in need of growth.

Examples of this can be organization, respect, goal setting etc.

After you are done with your blog Go to this link and watch the video.


  1. I will pay attention more. Also, I will understand the work more.

  2. I thought about something i would do differently in my Technology class. My goals are going to gain more knowledge and grades for this class. I want to complete such as submit every project. I'll try to do it well.

  3. This semester in class I will talk less and focus more. I will promptly and efficiently complete all of my assignments. I will organize my priorities in audio-video more and also respect the instructor and fellow classmates.

  4. Things i will do differently is pay attention more and remove all distractions.

  5. This semester I will do assignments on time and efficiently. I will take classes more serious and take advantage of opportunities. With this being my last year in highschool I need to go out good and that's what I'll do.

  6. most likely the same thing because i passed last semester and i don't want to mess up my winning streak. i mean i feel like i would screw something up trying something new.

  7. i would probably do the same thing because i past last semester so do the same and i will pass this semester probably with the same grade but passing is passing.

  8. things i will do is pay more attention and let all distractions go

  9. One major thing I would do differently is speak up when I have a problem. Last semester I didn't understand some things but I didn't bother to ask any questions. Also when I had to be grouped in projects I ended up with most of the work on my shoulders and I'll try to change that this semester.

  10. Learn how to do the thing i need to know to pass this class. Ill try to focus more if i get taught the materials i need.

  11. Learn how to do the thing i need to know to pass this class. Ill try to focus more if i get taught the materials i need.

  12. well the things I can do in this class is be a better student by doing my work. and respecting my teachers. and that when I do my work that I do to the best of my ability. that I also study harder at the things im struggling in.

  13. One of the main things for me will always be procrastination and organization. I struggled a lot with remembering what I had to do for homework and getting organized as to where I left my papers for classes. Hopefully I get my stuff straight.

  14. i feel that i will do the same things i did in last semester except not understanding the final exam for the editing

  15. i will pay attention more and understand and turn in work more

  16. This semester I will work harder to not procrastinate on any projects I work on. I will make an effort to complete them will my full ability. I will also work learn more about the programs we use.

  17. One major thing i want to learn more things and pass this class with an A and work with other people.

  18. One major thing i want to learn more things and pass this class with an A and work with other people.

  19. I will do harder on all of my projects. I do better on group projects and not try to make everything about myself like I did the last time. This is a new year so I expect better and more of myself.

  20. I am gonna try harder in this class. I will listen better when mis sanders is giving instructions. I am also gonna make sure i do the blogs when one is posted.

  21. I am gonna try harder in this class. I will listen better when mis sanders is giving instructions. I am also gonna make sure i do the blogs when one is posted.

  22. one thing that im gonna do is that i will always be organized. sometimes i loose my homework and classwork because im not organized. hopefully this year i will change

  23. I wasn't here last semester, But I'll make sure I stay focused more.

  24. I will probably just do the same thing because I'm lazy. I guess I'll try to pay attention in class.

  25. being that im a senior im going to need to start acting like one meaning not getting so caught up in the fact that I am a senior and letting it get to my head its time for me to start focusing on my college applications and getting accepted and saving money also thinking about what it is exactly I want to do with my life. Becoming more responsible more efficient in my work more organized. Im not a kid any more what takes place after May 27th 2016 is on me

  26. This semester I will do assignments on time and efficiently and pay attention more.

  27. This semester i'm still focusing on the same goal that i had since i was a freshman in High School, to walk across that stage May 27th throw tilley the bird and get on with my life in Florida, after that ill let the chips fall where they may.

  28. I need to keep my grades above 85's so hopefully when i graduate I will have above 3.1 as my GPA and will be able to take advantage of the hope scholarship.

  29. I'm probably going to continue the way I was last semester, because I believe that I am a pretty good student anyways. I'll probably talk less so my assignments can be turned in earlier.

  30. This semester I have to stop being so lazy and get my work in more on time. I'm going to try harder & pay more attention to detail.

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  32. i will stop waiting to the last minute to do my work

  33. Im going to try to make my videos a little better and i stay a little more focused. I did pretty good last semester in this class but i wanna do better.

  34. This semester i will study more and get things done on time.

  35. This semester i will study more and get things done on time.

  36. This semester I will be more organized and procrastinate less. My goal is also to change anything in my behavior that hindered me from accomplishing what I wanted to accomplish in the past. Lastly, I will make better decisions.

  37. i am actually doing pretty well and don't need to improve on anything.

  38. I will try to stay more focused this year and actually look into blogging more that last year

  39. I need to actually remember to do these blogs.

  40. This semester I will pay attention, focus, and do my work more. Last semester i realized that class counts just like my other class so i really need to bring my grade up so i can have a good GPA after this year.

  41. This semester I really need to focus on getting my homework done. I need to get into the habit of setting reminders on when my work needs to get done and when it is due so I won't fall behind in my classes

  42. obviously i would need to listen more, get caught up with the teacher. Also, making sure i reach my goals as in trying to get everything done in order. focusing on the work or task at hand and getting along with peers more, meeting the standards or exceeding them. im going to remember to do the blogs at all time.

  43. This semester I want to start doing more around the school for experience and record. I also want to start being more confident in myself and my work.

  44. This semester I will be more focused on class instruction. Take more notes and follow up on missing assignments. Overall just getting better grades than what I had at first.

  45. I will do more voices, be funnier then I was last year, and maybe not miss much school but i get sick easily.

  46. i wiil pay attention more to pass the class with a passing grade and i will do the blog more often

  47. This semester I plan on turning in all assignments.

  48. First I will stop playing in class and start paying attention in class to pull my grade up and do all my projects

  49. this semester i want to work harder stop slacking

  50. This semester i will do my blogs on the day they are posted instead of procrastinating with them. Also i will not leave the classroom everyday to use the bathroom :)

  51. This semester for me will be a lot better for me. This semester I will work harder towards my academics. Last semester I lacked in projects this year I have decided to not do projects with friends that play but with people and friends that have the same goals as me or at lease say that they made it out and is doing good for themselves.

  52. this semester i will work harder and pay more attention , i will also do all my blogs and all the projects thats assigned to me so that i will have a good grade ALEXIS BUSH

  53. I am actually passing this class with a high A. Maybe I'll work a little bit harder, but that's about it. Yeah

  54. I'm gonna try to at least bring my grade up and ask what I need to do this semester. I also want to learn how editing work.

  55. I don't plan on doing anything different in this class this semester. i work pretty hard in here and i always try my best to get all my work done and turned in on time and that's what i'll continue to do.

  56. i going to be the same person no need for me to changed or do anything different

  57. I will make sure all my work is done.

  58. I will make sure all my work is done.

  59. I will pay attention more and focus on my grades

  60. I will ask more questions when i need to so i can understend.

  61. I need to just not be lazy take school seriously just as how i do football or anything else. I need all my credits this year just like any other year but this time around time is running out. I need to start doing homework so i can have a little cushion just in case i bomb a quiz or something, and just put my best foot forward in everything that i do for now on.

  62. This semester i will try to put more effort into the videos i make .

  63. I will put more effort in my projects.

  64. I need to take the time out to review over the concept we learned in class. I also need to apply more effort to anything I do.

  65. Mia Reddick.
    I will be more engage in conversations being discuss during class pertaining to the concept, stay focus,and be more creative and critical towards my projects.

  66. I will pay attention more in class and respect my teachers. turn my work in on time and attempt to do my class work.

  67. I will be a better participant in class dicussions and ask as many questions as needed

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. This semester I will do assignments on time and efficiently. I will take classes more serious and take advantage of opportunities. I will be more focused on class instruction

  70. This semester I will do assignments on time and efficiently. I will take classes more serious and take advantage of opportunities. I will be more focused on class instruction

  71. As a student, I will select the right people to be members of my group when I do group projects, and I will study the material I am presented in the class so that I can improve my knowledge about the course I`m in. During this time, I will improve my time management so that my group meets the deadline, and also improve upon my voice, and make even better videos than the previous ones I did.

  72. i will pay attention more and make sure i will get all my work done

  73. I will not do anything different, because I passed all my classes, I am fine with my grades and don't wish to change them.

  74. I've been doing well so far so I think I'll keep doing the same unless I notice something that needs improvement.

  75. I will not do anything different i am passing all my classes and i am happy with how i am doing.

  76. I have been kind of slacking on my blogs in this class, but thats really the only thing i need to improve on. I get my projects done and i do a pretty good job on them.

  77. I know I've been working so hard for the 1st semester and i will always continue work hard for the 2nd semester.

  78. I will definitely work a lot harder and set bigger goals because last tear i wasn't doing my best. i also want to start being more active in school like clubs and what not because its a new year, who dis.

  79. I have been doing excellent in this class and I will continue to do well and get good grades in this class.

  80. I will make sure all my work is done.

  81. the things that i will do differently in second semester verses first is that i will come to tutoring more so that i can understand the things that i need for the class also i will use what I've learned to better my grade this semester.

  82. I have been doing excellent in this class and I will continue to do well and get good grades in this class.

  83. I think Ms. Sanders is a good teacher and i really like this class

  84. i will pay attention more and make sure i will get all my work done!

  85. Things I will do differently in this class second semester verses first is pay more attention to word and terms of filming, revising, and editing. Also, I need to become more independent and a leader when participating in group work.

  86. this new semester i will try not to skip my daily blogs and have a more productive mindset about my work

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  88. i will improve my work by completing more assignments and when i film i will stop being a procrastinator. i will be a good person inthe class

  89. One major thing I would do differently is speak up when I have a problem. Last semester I didn't understand some things but I didn't bother to ask any questions. Also when I had to be grouped in projects I ended up with most of the work on my shoulders and I'll try to change that this semester.

  90. One major thing I would do differently is speak up when I have a problem. Last semester I didn't understand some things but I didn't bother to ask any questions. Also when I had to be grouped in projects I ended up with most of the work on my shoulders and I'll try to change that this semester.

  91. i will complete all my work on time and turn all of it in. i will make sure i do my daily blog.

  92. This semester I will do assignments on time alexis bush

  93. This semester I will do assignments on time alexis bush

  94. This semester I will do assignments on time alexis bush

  95. I plan on getting better grades and participating more.

  96. This semester I plan on getting better grades, doing the assignments to my full ability, trying my hardest, and understanding every thing that is given to me.

  97. i think his semester should have activity like film games and more time on film assignments. this will be more interesting.

  98. The major one thing that I would do differently is have good grades this semester. stay doing all my work turn them in on time and stay on top of them to continue my basketball season.

  99. My goal is to pay attention more and to stay focus.

  100. I will work efficiently, and make better decisions. I will definitely complete all of my blogs. I will also stay focused.

  101. I would do the same thing as last semester because I didn't do anything out of character.

  102. The things I can do in this class is be a better student by doing my work. and respecting my teachers. and that when I do my work that I do to the best of my ability. that I also study harder at the things im struggling in.

  103. This semester I will do assignments on time and efficiently. I will take classes more serious and take advantage of opportunities. With this being my last year in highschool I need to go out good and that's what I'll do.

  104. One major thing I would do differently is speak up when I have a problem. Last semester I didn't understand some things but I didn't bother to ask any questions. Also when I had to be grouped in projects I ended up with most of the work on my shoulders and I'll try to change that this semester.

  105. this semester i will work harder and pay more attention , i will also do all my blogs and all the projects thats assigned to me so that i will have a good grade

  106. well the things I can do in this class is be a better student by doing my work. and respecting my teachers. and that when I do my work that I do to the best of my ability. that I also study harder at the things im struggling in.

  107. One major thing I would do differently is speak up when I have a problem. Last semester I didn't understand some things but I didn't bother to ask any questions. Also when I had to be grouped in projects I ended up with most of the work on my shoulders and I'll try to change that this semester.

  108. im just gonna actually do my blogs

  109. I would pay attention more and thoughroughly complete my projects on time. Also do my blogs.

  110. pay attention , do more work, take things more seriously

  111. pay attention , do more work, take things more seriously

  112. This semster i would like to stay more organized and focused on my classes. so i can give my mom them A's she asked for
