Thursday, January 14, 2016

Current Event


write 2 paragraphs about the current event.


  1. Dj Khaled was lost at sea 4 weeks ago and he snapchated the hole thing. he keep saying the key is to keep going and not to ride a jet ski in the dark. he did get home and then he saw his lion statue and yelled "LION"

  2. Dj Khaled was lost at sea 4 weeks ago and he snapchated the hole thing. he keep saying the key is to keep going and not to ride a jet ski in the dark. he did get home and then he saw his lion statue and yelled "LION"

  3. I feel that the killer made no effort to get away with the murder. I say this because he left plenty of evidence at the scene. He also started to use the victim's cellphone. I also don't see what his motive would be behind it.
    I also noticed the article said the victim's boyfriend discovered her dead body. It is said she was killed but it is also sad that she was having sex with another man. The event possibly could have been avoided.

  4. This incident should show that everyone in the world can be trusted. Many people are deceived everyday. Watch who you would trust in the world and dont get to any situations that put your life in danger.

  5. An American woman, Ashley Olsen, has been found dead at her apartment in Florence, Italy.Her death is being treated as a homicide. I don't know exactly now, but anyways the murder should be punished.

  6. Ashley Olsen was an American artist found dead in Italy last week.The suspect is an illegal immigrant named Cheikh Tidiane Diaw. Diaw had DNA evidenve linked from the home of Olsen to himself. That evidence was a cigarette and other sensitive materials.
    Olsen is believed to have strangled the young lady with his bare hands after the two took part in consensual sex. The two have been believed to met at a night club before ongoing to Olsen's apartment Friday night. Italian police are treating this case as a homicide.

  7. A man was arrested for death of Ashley Olsen. The suspect was Cheikh Tidiane Diaw, and he was arrested Wednesday. DNA evidence was found in a condom and on a cigarette at Olsen's house. they found his fingerprints.
    i dont agree with this article. he didnt have to kill her. her death was being treated as a homocide. and they think that she had been strangled with a rope rather than his hands. its so sad for her boyfriend to had found her dead in her bedroom. folks are crazy.

  8. well the powerball happened, el chapo got captured again

  9. I think it's unbelievable. People should just not harm anybody anymore. People just need to solve stuff in court.

  10. The thirty five year old went to Italy because she want to start a new life . The man was not confirm to step in Italy. The man is jail for munder. I feel that the killer made no effort to get away with the murder. He also started to use the victim's cellphone. I also don't see what his motive would be behind it.

  11. this is a very horrible event. i mean this probably means that know people are going to have to be more careful who they talk to. because now adays u dont know if people are harmful or not.

  12. three people won the 1.5 billion dollar powerball and the ten u.s. sailors were released

  13. A man has been arrested in connection with the death of Ashley Olsen.DNA evidence linked to the suspect was found in a condom and on a cigarette at Olsen's house, where Diaw's fingerprints were also found, Creazzo said. Diaw had taken Olsen's phone and put his SIM card in it, and was using the device when he was arrested, the prosecutor said.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This is just so sad.Like some people just don't like their life and would want to destroy other people's life.Some people are just put on Earth to make other people life harder than it is. Reading this just make=s we feel that we are not safe no more.
    I wonder if he even thought about her family and friends before killing her.Just how he has parents a=[is the same way she has parents too.I hope they don't release him anytime soon.May her soul rest in peace.

  16. A man has been arrested in connection with the death of Ashley Olsen, a 35-year-old American artist living in Florence, the city's chief prosecutor told reporters Thursday.
    The suspect, Cheikh Tidiane Diaw, was arrested at his home Wednesday night, chief prosecutor Giuseppe Creazzo announced at a press conference.
    DNA evidence linked to the suspect was found in a condom and on a cigarette at Olsen's house, where Diaw's fingerprints were also found, Creazzo said. Diaw had taken Olsen's phone and put his SIM card in it, and was using the device when he was arrested. I think this is just sad and sadly the world we live in is just getting worse and more inhumane

  17. Honestly i feel that its kinda sad to both followers of her and to her family but they at least found out who killed her sense he did not make the effort to hide his tracks.. but usually the cops find all the people that hide there foot prints..

  18. I think it's quite sad knowing that the suspect pretty much had no reason as to kill the woman. She had a dazzling personality and was always nice to everyone. The fact that his fingerprints were all over the place means he didn't even try to cover up his mess. And the condom and cigarette? Just seems like all he wanted was to bang and kill her. People these days man.

  19. Cheikh Tidiane Diaw is a man who was accused of killing an American artist named Ashley Olsen. This is a very terrible situation just proving that this world isn't getting any better. Ashely was 35 years old, found dead in her apartment after her boyfriend could not contact her. My condolences go out to Ashley's family, and hopefully justice will be served.

  20. Ashley Olsen was an American artist found dead in Italy last week.The suspect is an illegal immigrant named Cheikh Tidiane Diaw. Diaw had DNA evidenve linked from the home of Olsen to himself. That evidence was a cigarette and other sensitive materials.
    Olsen is believed to have strangled the young lady with his bare hands after the two took part in consensual sex. The two have been believed to met at a night club before ongoing to Olsen's apartment Friday night. Italian police are treating this case as a homicide.

  21. I didn't know much about her but this is a crazy world that we live in. I feel sorry for her, her family, and friends of hers. She was obviously raped but when I heard about it on the news earlier this week there was no forced entry. I hate rape, it's one of the most disgusting crimes in my opinion.
    And for the person who did this, I hope they find him and he gets punished accordingly. I also feel sorry for the dog because he wasn't able to be taken for a walk so he had to go in the rooms.

  22. Ashley Olsen was an artist found dead in Italy. The American artist was believed to have been strangled to death after being found in her apartment with no signs of forced entry. DNA evidence found at the scene links a man named Chiekh Diaw to the crime.

  23. Ashley Olsen was an American artist who was found dead in Italy last week.She had a great personality and treated everyone with respect and care. Evidence at her house was a condom and a cigarette, as well as her fingerprints everywhere the man that murdered her did not try and cover his tracks in anyway. The man accused of this crime is an illegal immigrant by the name of Cheikh Tidiane Diaw. Olsen is believed to have been strangled to death after being raped, italian police are treating this case as a homicide. I think this is just despicable, the man had no qualms to kill the lady and deserves the harshest punishment by law, i hope that her family and friends can grieve in peace and in time heal from this upestting tragedy.

  24. Ashley Olsen met a man named Cheikh Tidiane Diaw at a nightclub. They hung out and went to her house. Ashley was found raped and pronounced dead in her home.

  25. 3 people won the power ball so far. Alan Rickman died today at the age of 69, and many people are sad because of his death.

  26. Ashley Olsen was a talented artist who lived in Florence, Italy. She had a charming personality and was described as an extremely friendly and welcoming person by friends and family alike. It is unfortunate to hear of her death, and it is even more devastating to hear of how she died. Hopefully, the man who did this will be tried and punished for decades. It is terrible that this incident will forever remain in the memory of her family.

  27. The suspect was Cheikh Tidiane Diaw, and he was arrested Wednesday. DNA evidence was found in a condom and on a cigarette at Olsen's house. they found his fingerprints. alexis bush

  28. I got super surprised for a second cause i thought they meant Ashley Olsen as in the sister of Marry-Kate Olsen. This is really awful. Im sorry that she got murdered. this woman was apparently very well know around town and was a very likable person. im considered for this woman's friends and family i wonder how they are feeling right now and what they think happened. if it was murder on purpose then he didn't try very hard t hide it he left his DNA everywhere and he didn't even leave the country i wonder what his aliby will be.

  29. Ashley Olsen was a 35 year old woman who loved to travel! Sadly, Ms. Olsen lost her life this past weekend to a man she had consensual sex with. When speaking with other people on how Ashley was as a person, all the claims state that she was far from disrespectful. But one of the most charming one you will ever meet in your life. A suspect was arrested by Wednesday morning, with his evidence being found in a condom and a cigarette left in Olsen's death. As of now no information has been given to the parents of Ashley Olsen and the trial court awaits.

  30. I am greatly sorry for the life that was taken. She didn't deserve what she hag gotten. My thoughts on the man, I think that well...he most likely going to be put in jail and put to death one: for being an illegal immigrant two: for killing that woman. Like I've said before people who do wrong should be prepared for the punishment when they get caught.

  31. The police haven't really said anything yet. My son is waiting for the police to share more," Olsen's grandmother, Ann Olsen, told CNN by phone from Florida.

    Olsen's friends told CNN affiliate WJAX in Jacksonville, Florida, that Olsen was "full of life."

    "She never met a person who didn't like her. ... She had the best personality," Staci Kelly told the station, adding that Olsen loved to travel. "She never really stayed in one spot for too long."

  32. Ashley Olsen, a 35 year old women who mostly wanted and did everything in her life, and JUST wanted to be happier then she was wherever she lived before.It was , of course wrong about what happened to her. All people no matter what should have the right to live out all of their days on earth. Not being religious or anything but, what in god's name was this man thinking?! Italy is to me, not a place where someone whose from america , should be killed. He's dumb for even trying to lay his hand on her in the first place....she was popular! He should've known that something like this was never going to be avoided, so why do something like this??? If you're going to be a killer, at least, do it right.

  33. Marry-Kate Olsen. This is really awful. Im sorry that she got murdered. this woman was apparently very well know around town and was a very likable person. im considered for this woman's friends and family i wonder how they are feeling right now and what they think happened. if it was murder on purpose then he didn't try very hard t hide it he left his DNA everywhere and he didn't even leave the country i wonder what his aliby will be.

  34. Ashley Olsen, an American actress, fashion designer, producer, author, and businesswoman, was found dead. Some guy name Cheikh Tidiane Diaw killed her. It dumb that he killed her. Good thing he got arrested. I don't really know how they found him with this DNA test stuff, but it over anywhere. I feel bad for Ashley.

  35. I think that is a horrible situation because nobody should be killed because of someone else's anger & rage. Ashley Olsen seemed like a wonderful person to be around & Creazzo shouldn't have touched her too make her bump her head & she remains unconscious. done by jasmyne johnson

  36. I think that is a horrible situation because nobody should be killed because of someone else's anger & rage. Ashley Olsen seemed like a wonderful person to be around & Creazzo shouldn't have touched her too make her bump her head & she remains unconscious. done by jasmyne johnson

  37. No one deserves to take someones life. Especially this man who dose he think he is .

  38. A horrid situation ensued in which someone lost their life at the expense of someone else`s foolish rage. No one deserves to die a death as sad and painful as this. The lady simply wanted to restart her life, which was taken from her by someone who thought he had the right to take it. The man should be put in prison for life for the crime he committed.

  39. someone was asrrested because he suposively killed her so idk.

  40. someone killed someone someone won the lottery, el chapo cant sell crack no more, and isis is messing up the funcshuae of everything but idk.

  41. A man has been arrested in connection with the death of Ashley Olsen, a 35-year-old American artist living in Florence, the city's chief prosecutor told reporters Thursday. I don't really know how they found him with this DNA test stuff, but it over anywhere. I feel bad for Ashley.

  42. There was a gang rape situation with a 18 year old girl agaianst 4 or 5 gangbangers and of course they were teens. They told investigators that she wanted to have sex with them because she was drunk but i am pretty sure no one would want that from their dusty selves.

  43. The 1.5 Billion Powerball jackpot has been hit, unfortunately not by me so I need to go to school still.
    Also El Chapo got caught by the Mexican Police. I wonder how fast he can flee again.

  44. An American woman, Ashley Olsen, has been found dead at her apartment in Florence, Italy I don't know exactly now, but anyways the murder should be punished.

  45. I think that killing people is very wrong and it should not happen

  46. I really don't understand why was the man in Florence, Italy with out the authorities knowing where he was. Also, why would she leave the nightclub with a stranger she don't know then has sex with him.
    I'm more confused because who kills someone after they have sex. Then I think about it if he really killed her why would he use her sim card and leave a condom behind with his DNA on it. I believe that if he just killed her he would've tried to get rid of every piece of evidence or he just dumb and wanted to get caught. Overall, its just a sad thing knowing that you moved somewhere to be happy but you moved to another country not knowing you would be killed.

  47. El Chapo got caught again by the mexican police. But if hes gonna be a criminal then he deserves to be in jail. Lets just hope that he doesn't mastermind the police because if he does... its not going to look pretty. Also a woman named Ashley Olsen was found dead in her apartment. The murder is not yet identify but the police should be able to find them.

  48. the election and el chapo getting caught are to current events

  49. It kind of scares me to travel across the world, because of things like this. Ashley was a 35 year old women who lived in Florence. I mean I really can't say I'm scared to travel the world simply, because the same thing could happen here too. The man's DNA was found on a cigarette in Ashley Olsen's house. The Chief of Police says that she was strangled by something other than bare hands and had 2 cracks in her head. These type of things scare me, and I don't like not feeling protected or safe. On Saturday Ashley was found dead in her apartment. This is the number one reason why I don't usually trust people. Things like this could happen to anyone and I just don't like to hear about things like this. The Police established that no one else was in the apartment with her when she died. The suspect is an immigrant named Cheikh Tidiane Diaw, and he was arrested at his home Monday. He put his SIM card in Ashley's phone and was using the phone when the police arrested him.

  50. An American woman, Ashley Olsen, has been found dead at her apartment in Florence, Italy I don't know exactly now, but anyways the murder should be punished.DNA evidence found at the scene links a man named Chiekh Diaw to the crime.

  51. There was 3 winners for the powerball. this was the highest the powerball has ever been. A man has been arrested in connection with the death of Ashley Olsen, a 35-year-old American artist living in Florence, the city's chief prosecutor told reporters Thursday.The suspect, Cheikh Tidiane Diaw, was arrested at his home Wednesday night. finally, a Tennessee high school basketball team were charged with raping one of their teammates, prosecutors say three other children on the team were also sexually assaulted, and on Thursday, three school officials were charged with failing to report child sexual abuse.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Sierra Leone has reported a death from the Ebola virus -- a major setback hours after global experts said the outbreak was over in West Africa.

    The patient got sick at a town bordering Guinea, said Sidi Tunis, a spokesman at an Ebola response center in Sierra Leone.

    Health officials are tracing anyone who may have had contact with the deceased.

    The new case was confirmed Friday, hours after the World Health Organization gave the region an all-clear.

  54. This incident should show that everyone in the world can be trusted. Many people are deceived everyday. Watch who you would trust in the world and dont get to any situations that put your life in danger

  55. Walmart is closing down 269 stores in 2016. Up to 16,000 people are losing their jobs.

  56. i think this is a terrible case. I really dont know how to feel because all my emotions are backed up into this little ball. Now i cant feel any pain at all so i really dont know.

  57. Cardinals beat green bay Friday and now are in the NFC championship last time since 2009. Cards are facing the panthers and will go to the ship.

  58. A homelesss man has been arrested in connection with the death of Ashley Olsen.DNA evidence linked to the suspect was found in a condom and on a cigarette at Olsen's house, where Diaw's fingerprints were also found, Creazzo said. Diaw had taken Olsen's phone and put his SIM card in it, and was using the device when he was arrested, the prosecutor said.

  59. The panthers are going to the NFC championship. Cam Newton all day udigg.

  60. i belvie that the killer should be in jail for what he did to that women.

  61. The suspect, Cheikh Tidiane Diaw, was arrested at his home Wednesday night. All people no matter what there situation should have the right to live out all of their days on earth like the lord intended. We were all born to die but when go when the lord is ready for us and i don't believe anyone should speed up that process for anyone.

  62. A 25-year-old staffer for Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson died Tuesday in a car accident that also injured three campaign volunteers.
    Pamela Anderson has taken the fight against foie gras to the gourmet capital of the world -- France.

  63. twin babies are born with one body to share.
    lady thinks she see an robot while flying in a plane

  64. I think it's crazy. Honestly i feel that its kinda sad to both followers of her and to her family but they at least found out who killed her sense he did not make the effort to hide his tracks. but usually the cops find all the people that hide there foot prints..

  65. Yeah yeah yeah, drugs and dumb crap. Seriously, it's like the world doesn't care about itself. This is just really stupid.

  66. A man has been arrested in connection with the death of Ashley Olsen.DNA evidence linked to the suspect was found in a condom and on a cigarette at Olsen's house, where Diaw's fingerprints were also found, Creazzo said. Diaw had taken Olsen's phone and put his SIM card in it, and was using the device when he was arrested, the prosecutor said.

  67. I didn't know much about her but this is a crazy world that we live in. I feel sorry for her, her family, and friends of hers. She was obviously raped but when I heard about it on the news earlier this week there was no forced entry. I hate rape, it's one of the most disgusting crimes in my opinion.
    And for the person who did this, I hope they find him and he gets punished accordingly. I also feel sorry for the dog because he wasn't able to be taken for a walk so he had to go in the rooms.

  68. Nobody should take anyone's life because he is important

  69. Mia Reddick.

    The prosecutor was wrong for this incident and how everything came into effect. However, it is common sense to not just go out into the world and just do any and everything. Because there are crazy people in this world and you never know what they are capable of doing. It is a sorrowful moment of how everything came into effect and the way the victim life ended.
    The suspect needs to be more cautious of his well-being and do not do child-like things of that nature. It will result in a way it will harm others and leave them in bad situations. yes the man was homeless and it may seem as if he did not know what he was doing. However, anybody of mankind has no excuse and should know their right from wrong.

  70. A man has been arrested in connection with the death of Ashley Olsen, a 35-year-old American artist living in Florence, the city's chief prosecutor told reporters Thursday.

  71. Dj Khaled was lost at sea 4 weeks ago and he snapchated the hole thing. he keep saying the key is to keep going and not to ride a jet ski in the dark. he did get home and then he saw his lion statue and yelled "LION"

  72. Ashley Olsen met a man named Cheikh Tidiane Diaw at a nightclub. They hung out and went to her house. Ashley was found raped and pronounced dead in her home

    Donald Trump rally is interrupted when a man tries to run on stage.

  73. Ashley Olsen hung out and took a man home to her house that she met at a night club. She then was found raped and dead. The same man she met at the night club was arrested for the connection of her murder. His DNA was found in a condom and on a cigarette at Ashley's house.

  74. Dj Khaled was lost at sea 4 weeks ago and he snapchated the hole thing. he keep saying the key is to keep going and not to ride a jet ski in the dark. he did get home and then he saw his lion statue and yelled "LION"

  75. at first hiding was a good idea, and ontop of that he was an illegal import and may have been on the run before all of this. Its obviously not a bright idea to try and have consensual sex, then leave, AND NOT Having a clue about him leaving evidence of his DNA everywhere..but i honestly believe his intention was not to persuade the investigators that he DIDN'T try to kill her, otherwise Why would she have the marks on her neck? you can get a bruise from trying to revive a person, and fighting before the killing, ug c'mon man!

  76. A man was arrested for death of Ashley Olsen. The suspect was Cheikh Tidiane Diaw, and he was arrested Wednesday. DNA evidence was found in a condom and on a cigarette at Olsen's house. they found his fingerprints.
    i dont agree with this article. he didnt have to kill her. her death was being treated as a homocide. and they think that she had been strangled with a rope rather than his hands. its so sad for her boyfriend to had found her dead in her bedroom. folks are crazy.

  77. I feel that the killer made no effort to get away with the murder. I say this because he left plenty of evidence at the scene. He also started to use the victim's cellphone. I also don't see what his motive would be behind it.
    I also noticed the article said the victim's boyfriend discovered her dead body. It is said she was killed but it is also sad that she was having sex with another man. The event possibly could have been avoided.

  78. this is a very sad situation, he killed her for no reason and she shouldnt have been with him in the first place.. mind you she dont even know this man and he left evidence like if you gone murder someone , murder them the right way. not saying that this is a good thing but still , he's stupid.

  79. Ashley Olsen met a man named Cheikh Tidiane Diaw at a nightclub. They hung out and went to her house. Ashley was found raped and pronounced dead in her home
