Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sanders Vs. Clinton

If you were a democrat, who would appeal to you more, Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton and why?

Google information about each candidate to make a balanced decision.


  1. if i was a democrat i think that hillary clinton would appeal to me more, she seems more dependent and fair than bernie sanders. hillary clinton seems as if shes more supportive towards all kinds of people, at least thats what it seems on the information that was given online.

  2. If I was a democrat I would appeal more to Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. Honestly I believe that Bernie Sanders is not only for America but he's for the Black community as well. Bernie Sanders isn't as wealthy as Hillary Clinton and doesn't depend on PAC funds neither. Hillary Clinton has several scandals and I believe the only reason she's in the lead is because she's a woman. America shouldn't elect a President based on their race or gender they should elect a President based on their morals. #BernieSanders2016

  3. honestly,i could care less about politics...i don't mean to offend anyone but i really don't care about politics. as long as i'm able to be the successful person i want to be then i'm good

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. well i would go for sanders even though im 14 and dont know anything about politics. i just believe that he would be a better president and hes making weed legal even though i dont smoke there is a large community that does so large in fact that would be enough votes for him to win regardless of my choice.

  6. I don't really pay attention to politics so I don't know.

  7. i would appeal to hilliary clinton because shes been in office before with bill clinton. and i think she knows what shes talking about. when she is running this nation.

  8. Because I am A Democrat Hillary Clinton appeals to me more not because she's proven that women can to survive in politics but because of her political back ground she's truly in it for the people not to make the rich richer or the poor more poor. She has a strong background in politics being that her husband was once the president of the United States but shes been a senator for a very long time so now I believe she's going to be the one who takes the country in the right election.

  9. if i was a democrat, Hillary Clinton who i would appeal more.I am a citizen of another country, i cannot know clearly about the election. But anyways, when i was looking over aspects, i thought that Clinton is going to perform everything is better.

  10. I think Clinton would be a better president. Her husband being a former president would play a huge role in her decisions. Nonetheless, I believe she'd be a great president.

  11. If I were old enough to vote, I would base it off of what they can do for the country not whether they were male or female. I searched up Bernie Sander and saw an article where Joe Biden was praising him, and in my opinion, Bill Clinton didn't do much during his years, so what can Hilary possibly do? But I haven't researched these candidates to have an accurate depiction of them.

  12. I honestly wouldn't mind either one of them. Anybody then Trump is better to be the president. If i had to choose between them two, i would probably say Sanders. Just cause i hear his name more on tv then Clinton.

  13. hillary clinton would appeal to me more because shes been in office before clinton seem as she is more supportive aslo.

  14. if i were a democrat i would go for hillary clinton seems as if shes more supportive towards all kinds of people, at least thats what it seems on the information that was given online.

  15. If I was a Democrat I would go for Hilary Clinton because she seem like a better candidate than Sanders even-though I don't really know anything about Sanders.I am not also into politics but I do care who become the next president of the United States,so I would say Hilary Clinton.

  16. i think that Clinton would be a waaay better president than Donald trump.Her husband that is a former president would probably play a huge role in her decisions.

  17. I would consider Hillary Clinton because she's a female. By the way she carries herself on interviews and campaigns she seems reliable.

  18. I don't know because I don't really know or care about politics.

  19. If i could vote for anyone i would choose Hillary Rodham Clinton
    because she had worked with the president and she would know what to do.

  20. I will say that I'm not entirely sure who I would vote for, since I know very little about politics. I just hope it's someone decent.

  21. i don't know who i would choose to be honest because i do not keep up with the presidential debates/elections so i wouldnt be able to know any of there platforms so i could not choose who i would vote for

  22. Hillary Clinton has to many web of lies already, and the fact that she is Bill Clintons wife, he will probably use her as a figurehead while he makes all the real decisions in the background, Bernie Sanders is the right vote, he has a pure heart and really wants the best for this country, if one had to win, it has to be Bernie Sanders.

  23. Bernie Sanders appeals to me more, and I plan to vote for him in the election. Hilary Clinton tries too hard to appeal to certain groups of people such as blacks and young people, she does not discuss the real issues. Bernie Sanders is addressing the issues dealing with big business and incarceration and I believe he is our best hope.

  24. i would vote for bernie sanders because he is trying to make a change

  25. If I was a Democrat I would go for Hilary Clinton because she seem like a better candidate than Sanders even-though I don't really know anything about Sanders.I am not also into politics but I do care who become the next president of the United States,so I would say Hilary Clinton.

  26. Bernie Sanders seems like he has an actual plan of attack. He has a point in saying that he is running against "someone who is perceived to be the inevitable nominee". I'm not saying i agree but, Sanders talks about increasing taxes and attack on guns. I'm not a democrat but if i was one I think Bernie Sanders would be a good nominee.

  27. Bernie sanders because he is good candidate and have good points.

  28. If i were a democrat i would go with Hillary Clinton not because i want a First Female president but she is making a lot of since plus she has a number of votes.

  29. I would appeal more to Sanders because he is more open with is campaign. Hillary Clinton hides things from the media & the government. Bernie sanders makes it where these issues are good for everyone. He is classy & isn't messy like Donald trump.

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  31. If I were old enough to vote, I would base it off of what they can do for the country not whether they were male or female. I searched up Bernie Sander and saw an article where Joe Biden was praising him, and in my opinion, Bill Clinton didn't do much during his years, so what can Hilary possibly do? But I haven't researched these candidates to have an accurate depiction of them.

  32. i would appeal to sanders becauswe he is a more open to the media and the goverment and isnt scared to tell us the truth instead of hiding the truth.

  33. I believe I would appeal more to Bernie Sanders. I say this because of his mindset on how the U.S. should be ran. He is a democrat and I agree with many of his viewpoints.

  34. I would definitely appeal to Bernie Sanders more. He is an extremely smart and well-rounded, and he has a lot of views that I share and agree with.

  35. Sanders. Honestly I believe that Bernie Sanders is not only for America but he's for the Black community as well. Bernie Sanders isn't as wealthy as Hillary Clinton and doesn't depend on PAC funds neither. Hillary Clinton has several scandals and I believe the only reason she's in the lead is because she's a woman. America shouldn't elect a President based on their race or gender they should elect a President based on their morals. #BernieSanders2016

  36. hillary clintion because i like her she could be good for the black commuitny

  37. Because I am A Democrat Hillary Clinton appeals to me more because for a change I would like to see a women become president and see how it is. She carries herself on interviews and campaigns she seems reliable.Also shes been in office before with Bill Clinton and i believe that she knows what she is talking about.

  38. Even though Ms. Clinton has a better understanding about being a president due to her husband, she has many scandals that pop up when you google her name. Bernie Sanders would be a ideal form of a president as of right now due to his support for the BLACKLIVESMATTER movement, but how he believes funds are not a necessity to win the election. So with my views based on these democrats Sanders would have my vote.

  39. She has a strong background in politics being that her husband was once the president of the United alexis bush

  40. She has a strong background in politics being that her husband was once the president of the United alexis bush

  41. i'll choose clinton because she is more involved with the community and she was already in the white house making money.

  42. I guess Bernie Sanders would be more appealing. He has served as Senate in Vermont and has experience long-serving in this position. He serve best in my opinion.

  43. Bernie sanders appeals more to me because i am a Liberal and open minded.

  44. i cant vote but if i had to clinton

  45. Personally I would go for Bernie Sanders because i believe Hilary Clinton is in some scandalous situations.

  46. Im not old enough to vote, but if I could I would choose clinton. I dont really know were bernie stands at in the voting percentage, but he doesn't have my vote.

  47. If I was a democrat, I would go for Hillary Clinton. Because she seems like she know what she's doing and she's the husband of Bill Clinton, who was the 42nd president.

  48. I would go for sanders because I have heard a lot of bad things about Clinton. she has been caught lying and doing scans so yeah

  49. If I was democrat I would appeal more to Sanders because hes had some office experience and his support of the black lives matter movement, as suppose to Clinton who has the experience through her husband but has scandals.

  50. If I were old enough to vote, I would base it off of what they can do for the country not whether they were male or female. I searched up Bernie Sander and saw an article where Joe Biden was praising him, and in my opinion, Bill Clinton didn't do much during his years, so what can Hilary possibly do? But I haven't researched these candidates to have an accurate depiction of them.

  51. I can't vote but if I could I would pick the person that would do something good for me or make a difference in my life.

  52. I cant but if i could i would vote for sanders .I trust Bernie Sanders. I do not trust Hillary Clinton or the GOP.

  53. well i would go for sanders even though im 15 and dont know anything about politics. i just believe that he would be a better president and hes making weed legal even though i dont smoke there is a large community that does so large in fact that would be enough votes for him to win regardless of my choice.

  54. neither i dont like any of them all they care about is stupid stuff and not stuff that is important that needs to be dealt with

  55. i do not like either they are both lies.

  56. Hillary Clinton because she will be a historical figure being the first female to become president and she sames to be a good person.

  57. i would appeal to hilliary clinton because shes been in office before with bill clinton. and i think she knows what shes talking about. when she is running this nation. I hope Hilliary Clinton wins

  58. I don't follow the Election process. I wouldn't vote for either cause i choose to stay independent.

  59. I'm not really interesting in politcal thing but as long its fair rights

  60. Bernie Sanders is an very aged man trying to run for office at a very late point in time. He also is a person whose full backstory is completely anonymous, a person one would not want to elect. However, Hillary Clinton appears to be very resourceful, independent, and strong as she won`t let anyone run her over, even when she`s being accused of a crime she may or may not have committed. In short, Clinton is a more ideal candidate than the likes of Sanders.

  61. I choose Hillary Clinton because she is the better democratic out of the selection

  62. Hilary Clinton would appeal to me more.

  63. as a non US citizen i don't really know who does what and how good the candidates are. I just know that Bill Clinton, Hilary's Husband was a former US president and that he did pretty good in Office. So I think i'd go with Clinton because i don't know who Bernie Sanders is, and also I don't really care who will become the next US President, because I am a swiss citizen and no US Citizen.

  64. I would go for Hilary Clinton because she seems like a better candidate than Sanders even-though I don't really know anything about Sanders.she will be a historical figure being the first female to become president.

  65. If I were a democrat, I think Hillary Clinton would appeal to me more. I believe this because she is more for the people. For example, I see that she cares about children health care which I feel strongly about.

  66. I choose Hilary because she is the only female running for president and her ideas sound good for the future.

  67. Hiliary Clinton would appeal to me more. She has more experience in things such as foreign policy. Also her gender interests me since she could possibly be the first female president. I believe this will push her to be extremely responsible.

  68. none. i cannot choose because i dont understand politics.

  69. I'm not really into politics so I don't know the standing of Bernie and Hilary. But from the videos I've been seeing I would vote for Bernie. He seems to understand the problems we're facing and is going to provide solutions

  70. If I were a Democrat I think I would go for Hilary Clinton. She seems more dependent. She seems like she knows what she's doing and that she would make this country a better place. I'm not really into Politics, but if I had to choose I think I would choose her. Clinton seems to know her way around, she has very good points, and she seems more dependent.

  71. I'm not really into politics so I really don't know

  72. I would choose Hillary because she seems like a people person and cares what others want.

  73. I would appeal more to Sanders because he is more open with is campaign. Hillary Clinton hides things from the media & the government.

  74. Sanders and its not because in a sexist or anything I just simply think the united states is ready for a female POTUS.

  75. Sanders and its not because in a sexist or anything I just simply think the united states is ready for a female POTUS.

  76. Sanders will be a better POTUS, because he is more open about his campaign. however, Hillary seems more dependent

  77. I would say sanders not to be on the wrong or offend but it wouldn't be right to have a woman at the POTUS even though she make a strong statement why she should. I think its suppose to be a man position because more people would listen to a man that a woman.

  78. i would be clonton beceas they can run the country right.

  79. Umm, I don't really care for politics and stuff like that. If they run it bad they disgrace themselves. If they run it good then good for them. It's as simple as that.

  80. Iwould appeal to hilliary clinton because shes been in office before with bill clinton. and i think she knows what shes talking about. when she is running this nation.

  81. I think Clinton would be a better president. Her husband being a former president would play a huge role in her decisions. Nonetheless, I believe she'd be a great president.

  82. Mia Reddick.

    I am not so much into politics.Therefore, I really do not know who side i will choose to be on. However, i do agree with whoever brings exceptional work to the table and willing to create a better economy. Instead of our economy to continue to go through crisis , find a candidate who is willing to achieve that goal and make an action plan of great success.

  83. bernie sanders because he was there when martin luther king did his speech and he is not rasist like the rest

  84. well i would go for sanders even though im 14 and dont know anything about politics. i just believe that he would be a better president and hes making weed legal even though i dont smoke there is a large community that does so large in fact that would be enough votes for him to win regardless of my choice.

  85. Bernie sanders appeals more to me because i am a Liberal and open minded and believe public universities should be free

  86. well i would go for sanders even though im 14 and dont know anything about politics. i just believe that he would be a better president and hes making weed legal even though i dont smoke there is a large community that does so large in fact that would be enough votes for him to win regardless of my choice.

  87. It seems that every week, more information comes to light about Clinton’s grave legal woes. Her worries are in two broad categories: One is her well-documented failure to safeguard state secrets and the other is her probable use of her position as secretary of state to advance financially her husband’s charitable foundation.

  88. If I was a democrat I would appeal more to Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. Honestly I believe that Bernie Sanders is not only for America but he's for the Black community as well. Bernie Sanders isn't as wealthy as Hillary Clinton and doesn't depend on PAC funds neither. Hillary Clinton has several scandals

  89. If I was a democrat I would appeal more to Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. Honestly I believe that Bernie Sanders is not only for America but he's for the Black community as well. Bernie Sanders isn't as wealthy as Hillary Clinton and doesn't depend on PAC funds neither. Hillary Clinton has several scandals and I believe the only reason she's in the lead is because she's a woman. America shouldn't elect a President based on their race or gender they should elect a President based on their morals. #BernieSanders2016

  90. i don't know who i would choose to be honest because i do not keep up with the presidential debates/elections so i wouldnt be able to know any of there platforms so i could not choose who i would vote for

  91. I don't know much about politics, but I believe that Hilary Clinton would be a better candidate, because she had previous experience in running in a race. Plus she has been a first lady before.

  92. i cant really say because im not big on politics but i do know that bernie sanders statements and information be more valid and clear

  93. i cant really say because im not big on politics but i do know that bernie sanders statements and information be more valid and clear
