Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Oscars Boycott 1-20-16

What is your opinion in reference to African American actors boycotting the Oscars? Research this on google and give your opinion in one paragraph or more.


  1. In my opinion African American actors boycotting the Oscars is essential and long overdue. For years African Americans have not been nominated for leading Oscar awards. It's blatant that African Americans have spectacular acting skills and have released some excellent films but have not received any recognition. In my opinion the Academy Awards is another form of institutional racism and is mockery of other professions that African Americans lead in such as sports and music.

  2. they should have a Oscars boycott .Their are a lot of good African american actors. The Oscars shouldn't be about white people it should be about all the actors in the world.

  3. They should boycott the Oscars because we have alot of great actors different race colors shapes and sizes so many should be nominated.

  4. well african americans boycotting the oscars is fine with me i mean me watching the oscars is not gonna put any money in my pocket. but as far as the actors i mean if you get awarded for the oscars then you should go for it because it is an honor to be on the oscars.

  5. The Oscars boycott is very needed today in time. As a black community we need to start coming together and taking a stance. There were way too many amazing African-American films and actors to not be nominated. From the movies Straight Outta Compton who had the highest sells, to Creed. I support the boycott and I won't be watching it either, it's always boring anyways.

  6. I agree with the actors. The nominees should be more diverse. It could possibly be a coincidence one year. But two years indicate an obvious pattern. There should be change to this situation.

  7. in my opinion this issue has needed to be addressed a long time ago. Us African Americans have come a long way and instances like this shows that racism still exists and is very well alive. I'm glad to see people such as Jada Pickett and Spike Lee take action and fight against this obstacle that our race must overcome. There are many great minority actors and the Oscars have failed to acknowledge them for too long.

  8. They should boycott the Oscars, because America has a lot of good actors. Probably it doesn't fair

  9. I agree. It should be more diversed. There any many different of races in the world are great actors. It shouldn't be all white.

  10. spike lee won an Oscar so he cant even be talking it not about race it is about acting and there are more actors that that really deserve the award than just people complaining about there is not enough Africans Americans wining

  11. I think that everyone has their opinion. I think that Hollywood mainly focuses on white people success wise. It's just I feel as if more white people are appreciated.

  12. I don't think it's fair for them to treat us of ht e minority race. With my self being two of the most unnoticed and unrecognized races I feel very strongly about this and not that im against white actors and actresses but where is my representation why don't I see young black and Latina women and men being recognized for their hard work. Its even harder for us to get into to the industry and now we dont even get recognized for what wwe do. It isn't fair and I stand for the Boycott

  13. i do not think that its fair for those people to treat us of minority race.its hard for us to get into the industry and don't recognize what we do.

  14. I think that more African Americans should win oscars. Not because i am African american. But because they deserve it. Straight out of Compton broke the box office and they got no credit for it

  15. well oscrs get awarded to those who make good movies, i dont really pay attetion to all that but good movies get good rewards

  16. i agree they should boycott. because what about the other african american actors. it dont have to be just about white people or white actors. they act like black actors dont exist.

  17. They should boycott the Oscars because we have alot of great actors different race colors shapes and sizes so many should be nominated.

  18. They should boycott the Oscars because we have alot of great actors different race colors shapes and sizes so many should be nominated.

  19. if you believe in something strong enough you should do what you have to do. They have been going for a while and saying nothing but now i guess they want to speak up and i respect there discussion to do what they feel is right in there eyes.

  20. There was a decent amount of good releases last year and it sucks if there was a lack of diversity among the nominees but, to be completely honest, I don't even watch the Oscars.

  21. The boycott is smart if they really believe in it. They can do these boycotts if they want if they sense a problem they should speak on it. These great actors wouldn't boycott for no reason.

  22. They should have a Oscars boycott .Their are a lot of good African american actors.Y ou shouldnt just win an oscar cause of skin color.

  23. I really dont know much when it comes to the oscars but if people of different races are not getting what they deserve then yes they should boycott

  24. Oscars is the same thing as the BET Awards..... So you dont see people not of African american race boycott the BET Awards, so why does it matter if we dont get a Oscar nomination. You realize Flint Michigan has no water?

  25. Not just Black nominees, but also Asian, Native American, and other POC nominees should be getting much more credit and publicity for their roles in movies. This is not the first time The Oscars have failed to nominate a single person of color, and it is always frustrating to see that they justify their choice with "It's not about race, it's about their acting abilities/skills!" That's the lamest excuse for this kind of occurrence.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. i agree they should boycott. because what about the other african american actors. it dont have to be just about white people or white actors. they act like black actors dont exist

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I agree with what they're doing. Obviously they want to ignore the outstanding talents of African American actors. They should start noticing and stop acting like we don't have talent.

  30. In my opinion African American actors boycotting the Oscars is essential and long overdue. For years African Americans have not been nominated for leading Oscar awards. Its even harder for us to get into to the industry and now we dont even get recognized for what wwe do. It isn't fair and I stand for the Boycott

  31. African American actors boycotting the Oscars is a very good idea in my opinion. African Americans actors are ever rarely nominated for the Oscars so them boycotting should persuade them that that talent has no color (Alexis Bush helped with this)

  32. Color should'nt even be an issue anymore. if were all treated equally then blacks, whites and or any type of race should be nominated, not just whites. so boycotting the oscar's is a great idea in my opinion, im glad they came up with that. African american actors probably do as much as any other actors. Ignoring the talents of many other Americans that love to act would be bad too but just staying on topic, it's been too long to forget about the History of African americans and acting.

  33. What they're doing delves into our society's issue of racism today, but I believe that it would be even more racist to include actors of color forcibly compared to letting voters select white actors. However, the boycotting of the Oscars brings this issue to light. Hopefully, it'll change the majority of voters' minds and bring new ones to come.

  34. this is crazy that they want to do this to the African american atores that are doing good in moves and other forms of acting.

  35. African Americans are rarely recogonized for their talents and if they are , there is always something negative said. The boycott is a great idea. We need credit where it's due. A talent should not be over looked because of what color you are.

  36. in my opinion this issue has needed to be addressed a long time ago. Us African Americans have come a long way and instances like this shows that racism still exists and is very well alive.African Americans are rarely recogonized for their talents and if they are , there is always something negative said.

  37. i think the boycott has posotives and negatives to it so its really a personal oponion theres alot of african american actors out there like jamie fox that are great

  38. I believe its true that African Americans barely win any oscars, altough there are plenty of excellent Black Actors, for example Samuel L jackson and many others. I think its alright what they did or want to do because this might change it so that the price is truly given away by who did the best acting.

  39. The should have a Oscar's boycot, because its been years since a African American actor has gotten a Oscar and there are far, far, far to many great African American actors out there that deserve a Oscar.

  40. I really dont know much when it comes to the oscars but if people of different races are not getting what they deserve then yes they should boycotti think the boycott has posotives and negatives to it so its really a personal oponion theres alot of african american actors out there like jamie fox that are great

  41. This is a subject that was originally not recognized until today, when it was revealed that famous actor, Chris Rock, an African American, was chosen to host the Academy Awards. However, criticism from this move has some people suggesting that the film industry may still harbor some racist feelings towards non-white actors. In an honest opinion, while some may feel a boycott may be more extreme than necessary, it is well-founded, as racism in the film industry should`ve died years ago, as times have changed. Hopefully the people in charge of the awards will decide to change right along with them.

  42. This kind of issue was never a problem till now. I don't want to sound rude but this is kinda of childish in my opinion. Do your own thing but no one will play along if u act races and like a baby, again I'm not trying to be mean.

  43. My opinion in reference to African American actors boycotting the Oscars is I'm happy that we're standing up for once about something, we may not think its important but it is. On other hand, I feel a little upset because why did it take so long for this or Dr.MLK 30th Anniversary to come around for someone to make a change. Overall, it seems like America is going back to the way it use to be in the 60s which is discrimination towards blacks but in disguise.

  44. my only option is to reference the African american boycotting the Oscars. i felt upset because why it made a seemed like Africa is going back to what it use to be in the 70s

  45. I saw this story on news one now. I think its good that african americans are boycotting the oscars because they treat them so unfair. They feel like just because there is BET that they shouldnt be awarded.

  46. I saw this story on news one now. I think its good that african americans are boycotting the oscars because they treat them so unfair. They feel like just because there is BET that they shouldnt be awarded.

  47. i think its a good idea because we have done many things to earn a oscar

  48. The boycott is smart if they really believe in it. They can do these boycotts if they want if they sense a problem they should speak on it. These great actors wouldn't boycott for no reason.

  49. The boycott is smart if they really believe in it. They can do these boycotts if they want if they sense a problem they should speak on it. These great actors wouldn't boycott for no reason.

  50. I believe they are doing the right thing. There are a lot of African Americans who are great actors that deserves an award.

  51. It should be more diversed. There any many different of races in the world are great actors. it shouldn't be all white.

  52. I personally agree with the actors. I believe its true that African Americans barely win any Oscars, although there are plenty of excellent Black Actors, for example Samuel L Jackson and many others.This kind of issue was never a problem till now.

  53. They shouldn't boycott just because just because you're favorite actor didn't win.

  54. This is sad because Micheal B Jordan had done outstanding work in acting. It's like you can never stop racism. No matter how talented you are the color of your skin will determine the amount of success you get.

  55. They should boycott the Oscars because we have alot of great actors different race colors shapes and sizes so many should be nominated.

  56. Yes? I thought black people do get Oscars... James Earl Jones has an Oscar for just voice alone. I don't really understand this.

  57. In my opinion this issue has needed to be addressed a long time ago.It should be more diversed. There any many different of races in the world are great actors. It shouldn't be all white.

  58. i feel as if you should boycott even though some black people do get Oscars not a lot do.

  59. The Oscars boycott is very needed today in time. As a black community we need to start coming together and taking a stance. There were way too many amazing African-American films and actors to not be nominated. From the movies Straight Outta Compton who had the highest sells, to Creed. I support the boycott and I won't be watching it either, it's always boring anyways.

  60. in my opinion this issued has needed to be taking care for real.

  61. in my opinion this issued has needed to be taking care for real.

  62. I do not think that its fair for those people to treat us of minority race

  63. They should boycott the Oscars because we have alot of great actors different race colors shapes and sizes so many should be nominated. then They should have a Oscars boycott .Their are a lot of good African american actors.You shouldnt just win an oscar cause of skin color

  64. In my opinion African American actors boycotting the Oscars is long overdue. For years African Americans have not been nominated for leading Oscar awards. It's not right that African Americans have great acting skills and have released some amazing films but have not received any recognition. In my opinion the Academy Awards is another form of racism and is mockery of other professions that African Americans lead in such as sports and music.

  65. in my opinion this issue has needed to be addressed a long time ago. Us African Americans have come a long way and instances like this shows that racism still exists and is very well alive. I'm glad to see people such as Jada Pickett and Spike Lee take action and fight against this obstacle that our race must overcome. There are many great minority actors and the Oscars have failed to acknowledge them for too long.

  66. mia reddick.

    The Academy Awards is another way to intimidate African Americans for their success. It is like racism is doomed to repeat itself and will never change its likelihood. There are successful African American actors as much as there is as Caucasian actors. With that being said, everyone no matter race or color , should receive their recognition. Therefore, I do the boycotting is necessary and for a good cause.

  67. This should have been a problem a while go because African Americans cam a long way and no matter what u are u should earn your recognition

  68. well african americans boycotting the oscars is fine with me i mean me watching the oscars is not gonna put any money in my pocket. but as far as the actors i mean if you get awarded for the oscars then you should go for it because it is an honor to be on the oscars.

  69. in my opinion this issue has needed to be addressed a long time ago. Us African Americans have come a long way and instances like this shows that racism still exists and is very well alive. I'm glad to see people such as Jada Pickett and Spike Lee take action and fight against this obstacle that our race must overcome. There are many great minority actors and the Oscars have failed to acknowledge them for too long.

  70. I saw this story on news one now. I think its good that african americans are boycotting the oscars because they treat them so unfair.

  71. I believe its true that African Americans barely win any Oscars, this issued needed to be addressed. This is unfair. AN Oscar shouldn't matter about yo race.

  72. In my opinion African American actors boycotting the Oscars is essential and long overdue. For years African Americans have not been nominated for leading Oscar awards. It's blatant that African Americans have spectacular acting skills and have released some excellent films but have not received any recognition. In my opinion the Academy Awards is another form of institutional racism and is mockery of other professions that African Americans lead in such as sports and music.

  73. at first it was okay to boycott the oscars because they did not elect any african americans, but once chris rock hosted it, i was perfectly fine with it

  74. I think that it is good, because African Americans are always faced with the battle of prejudices.

  75. i think that it is a good idea. people still are not listening to us or nominating african americans so why not boycott? thats the only how we'll get our point across

  76. My opinion on African Americans boycotting the oscars. Some actors and actress may have felt that they deserve to be nomintated for different catorgories. While Oscars felt otherwise, african americans shouldnt boycott because its a night to celebrate all nominees even if you are not nominated. This shows that african americans want attention just because of no nominees. When think about some years we have had all African american nominees and whites didnt boycott. so why should we.
