Monday, February 1, 2016

Michael Jackson 2/1

What is your opinion of this article?


  1. My opinion is that i dont see anything wrong with the article. if he dont want a white child acting as him because he see's hisself as a black american then okay. whats wrong with it?

  2. I don't see what the controversy is for. He simply stated that he is a black american. That means it wouldn't make sense for another race to portray him.

  3. I think that Michael Jackson shouldn't be mad. He says he is so called proud to be and Black American, so to me if you are so proud to be who you are, why would you have several surgeries and procedures done to make yourself look white.? He is black on the inside, he was born black but he changed his skin, so I don't see nothing wrong with a white man portraying him because that is his current skin color.

    1. he had Vitiligo, so what surgeries and procedures did he have to make "himself look white". Go google what vitiligo is then come back and change your opinion.

  4. well back in the day there were "issues" between white and black people but at the end of the day hes just an actor so i dont see nothing wrong

  5. between white and black people but at the end of the day hes just an actor so i dont see nothing wrong I think that Michael Jackson shouldn't be mad. He says he is so called proud to be and Black American, so to me if you are so proud to be who you are,

  6. In my opinion I think that Michael Jackson felt that his race or ethnicity was being disrespected.There is nothing wrong with a white actor playing him in a commercial as a child.

  7. Also , yes he did have the skin issue to where he had to change his skin color but that is who he is now, so it would make since for someone to look similar to him in the first place.

  8. My opinion is that you should respect the dead superstar wishes no matter what. However, this is a half hour comedy and it won't be the first time a white actor has portrayed Michael Jackson. This is a half hour comedy not a biopic, it's meant to be funny it's not meant to be as influential as Straight Outta Compton or Malcom X.

  9. In my opinion i see nothing wrong with this. MJ would not like to be portrayed in a movie by a white person because he is black. Although he had many problems that later affected his skin complexion we all know he was/is black. This is kind of messed up in my opinion; no one would want an african american to play the role of Bill Gates because he is white. I feel we shouldn't even be having this discussion and the directors of this movie/production should feel bad for even considering this..

  10. i dont see anything wrong with the article. a 1993 video has surfaced of the late singer saying he didn't want a white actor to portray him on screen.

  11. procedures done to make yourself look white.? He is black on the inside, he was born black but he changed his skin.well back in the day there were "issues" between white and black people but at the end of the day hes just an actor so i dont see nothing wrong

  12. In my opinion I think that Michael Jackson felt that his race or ethnicity was being to me if you are so proud to be who you are, why would you have several surgeries and procedures done to make yourself look white.?However, this is a half hour comedy and it won't be the first time a white actor has portrayed Michael Jackson.

  13. i feel that the people who are producing the movie should respect Michael Jackson feeling on it.. it shouldn't matter if he is passed away or alive you need to at least respect his words that he said back than

  14. I think if Michael Jackson wants a black actor, or someone other than white you know, then people should respect that. There's no need to start a fuss over something that can easily be fixed.

  15. I don't see what the controversy is for. He simply stated that he is a black american. Well I think that Michael Jackson was over reacting about a white person acting for him.

  16. I think a black actor should be his character. Michael Jackson is black. He isn't white, nor his character should be.

  17. I think that the color skin doesn't matter. But for a long time ago, it was a problem. So i know why Jackson got mad. Anyways there is not wrong with the white actor portraying him.

  18. a long time ago it was a problem with blacks and whites together so i can see why he said that but its most likely more to the story

  19. well i think the color that skin that is playing micahel jackson doesnt matter because i mean micheal jackson was once white and he was once black. so its kind of confusing which race should be playing him. micheal you kind of gotta blame it on yourself.

  20. He simply stated that he is a black american. Well I think that Michael Jackson was over reacting about a white person acting for him.

  21. I think that they should have respected his wishes by not casting an actor that is white. But it's just an actor and they casted a white person because Michael's skin complexion changed so I don't really see anything wrong with it.

  22. I don't see anything wrong with it. But i could see why Michael would get mad at it from the past, but now I don't see why there would be a problem.

  23. I don't see anything wrong with him not wanting a white person to play him. He is just stating that he is a proud African American.

  24. It's not that big deal he identifies him self as an African American because biologically that's what he is he had a skin disease that changed the complexion of his skin naturally he is black not white and he stated that he wants what he is to be portrayed in a film about him. despite his many surgeries and his skin change Michael never identified him self as a white man so why portray him as one. out of respect for Michael a musical Icon I think they should have respect his wishes because if he was alive I don't think they would've done this.

  25. I don't see anything wrong with this. its not a big deal.

  26. In my opinion I don't see anything wrong with this

  27. I will most likely not even watch this movie so, it doesn't even really matter to me who they cast as the actor to play him.

  28. My opinion on this article is that I beleive, because he doesnt look like orresemble him this could mean that the connection between the two will be hard to grasp.

  29. i think that man doesnt look nothing like him kinds disrespectful for doing this wothout his family consent

  30. ithink a african american should play him, if thats what he wants let it be . he is a proud african american and just respect that.

  31. It is Michael Jackson's movie and they should live out his vision if he says he doesn't want a Caucasian actor to play him don't put a Caucasian actor even if he is dead it doesn't matter we could at least give him that let him have a "say" in his own movie. If they start his movie from the beginning of his life a Caucasian actor can't play him because he wasn't always light colored. I believe they should get a black actor that actually resembles him and then either get someone of a lighter complexion or powder the black actors face.

  32. I don't think there is anything wrong with casting a white actor. But he did say himself that he didn't was a white person playing as him.

  33. I really dont see a problem with this.

  34. Obviously he wouldn't want this. This is a pretty racist move by movie makers.

  35. this is just a common case of white washing. i dont understand why they couldnt have just found a black actor to play as him it wouldnt be hard. im sure there are many black actors that would be honored to play him but of course they had to choose a white guy.

  36. I can agree a little because he was black. If a person don't want a white actor to him or her you have to respect that

  37. If Michael Jackson stated that he DID NOT want a white actor playing him in a movie, than why ignore what this man has asked for? So with that being said, if Michael sates that he is a PROUD AFRICAN AMERICAN than why on earth would you cast a white actor. Where is the logic? Where? Where is it?

  38. My opinion is that you should respect the dead superstar wishes no matter what. However, this is a half hour comedy and it won't be the first time a white actor has portrayed Michael Jackson. but he black and I can respect that

  39. His skin condition is no excuse to portray Michael Jackson, a black person, as white in a movie ABOUT him. It is rude and erases his identity as a black person. To me, (a black person) it seems lazy when movie directors cast inaccurate actors for their roles.

  40. I don't need to read this article to know where this is going. No he wouldn't want a white actor to act as him! Michael was black! I know if I was a famous black person who died I would want to be remembered for what I did and my color. This just proves that people like to erase the TRUE information of a person and their background. Specifically something simple as race. I could go on all day about other things that were betrayed to be white but actual aren't but that's not what we're here for. Just no, that's not what he would've wanted.

  41. I don't see what the controversy is for. He simply stated that he is a black american. That means it wouldn't make sense for another race to portray him.

  42. He's a black American. Although he looks white, his wishes should be honored.

  43. Just let his dream come to life .Respect his decision if he wants a black man to portray him then let a black man portray him. Fulfill his dream

  44. My opinion is that i dont see anything wrong with the article. if he dont want a white child acting as him because he see's hisself as a black american then okay. whats wrong with it? alot of people have they own opinon you cant change what other people think

  45. He's a black American. Although he looks white, his wishes should be honored.

  46. I believe that i9f he said he wants a black actor to portray him then there should be a black actor portraying him, because he was black. His illnes made his skin change, so I think it wouldn't matter if there is a black or a white actor playing him, but as he said he wants a black man to portray him there should be a black man portraying him.

  47. Micheal Jackson has been dead for years. One would think that a dead person would not care about whose portraying them. While it`s respected that (when he was alive) wished for that individual who would want to portray him to be a black person, it really doesn`t change anything, as we are all human. The color of one`s skin should not define who they are, but rather what they leave behind to be what truly defines them.

  48. I feel that MJ is one of the best performers and his legacy still lives on but right now his opinion don't really matter because he has passed away years ago. Also, if you didn't want a white actor to play you after death, why did you act that way when you were alive?

  49. He simply stated that he is a black american.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. if he wanted to be portrayed as a black man then let him,its his life not yours

  52. At the end of the day, skin color is only a pigmentation. There shouldn't be a whole debacle over who plays Michael. Internally he may be a black american, but the way others see him, he's white. If there is a black american who plays Michael, it would be unnatural, so what do you expect?

  53. To Me, Everyone is "One of a Kind" , and Him Saying he wouldn't want a person that looks nothing like him to play as him, should be a respected wish. you can be someone who you are not. it's crazy to think that this man would want to even want to be him, hes not anything like Michael. hes unique and way better.

  54. To Me, Everyone is "One of a Kind" , and Him Saying he wouldn't want a person that looks nothing like him to play as him, should be a respected wish. you can be someone who you are not. it's crazy to think that this man would want to even want to be him, hes not anything like Michael. hes unique and way better.

  55. well i think the color that skin that is playing micahel jackson doesnt matter because i mean micheal jackson was once white and he was once black. so its kind of confusing which race should be playing him. micheal you kind of gotta blame it on yourself.

  56. get the story right and keep it that way dont change

  57. People assume that Micheal did not want to be black because of his sudden skin change. People fail to realize he had a skin disease and he was trying to change before the disease took over his entire body.

  58. People assume that Micheal did not want to be black because of his sudden skin change. People fail to realize he had a skin disease and he was trying to change before the disease took over his entire body.

  59. In my opinion I think they should've respected what he wanted. Everyone thinks that Michael Jackson wanted to be white so badly, but we don't really know what he wanted. He said in the video "He was proud to be a Black American." So in all honesty I think they should've gave the role to a black male instead of a white male because it was his wish. They really should've respected what he wanted instead of doing what they thought would be best.

  60. people just thought michael jackson wanted to be white but nobody new what he wanted.

  61. My opinion on this article is if Michael wanted the movie to be true to him he should have done it his self. If that is the case he should have picked the actor his self or have someone he knows to pick someone.

  62. My opinion on the article is that if he does not want a white actor to act for his upcoming movie then its his choice and it has been spoken.

  63. In my opinion i see nothing wrong with this. MJ would not like to be portrayed in a movie by a white person because he is black. Although he had many problems that later affected his skin complexion we all know he was/is black. This is kind of messed up in my opinion; no one would want an african american to play the role of Bill Gates because he is white. I feel we shouldn't even be having this discussion and the directors of this movie/production should feel bad for even considering this..

  64. i dont see anything wrong with the article. if he dont want a white child acting as him because he see's hisself as a black american then okay

  65. I don't see what the controversy is for. He simply stated that he is a black american. That means it wouldn't make sense for another race to portray him.

  66. I don't see what the controversy is for. He simply stated that he is a black american.

  67. I see nothing at wrong at all. he is proud for being an African american and doesn't want anybody playing him as white its simple as that.

  68. Don't see anything wrong with the article if he doesn't want anyone thinking or taking him as white n wants to be represented as he is African American then that's him not a big problem.

  69. I think that Michael Jackson shouldn't be mad. He says he is so called proud to be and Black American, so to me if you are so proud to be who you are, why would you have several surgeries and procedures done to make yourself look white.? He is black on the inside, he was born black but he changed his skin, so I don't see nothing wrong with a white man portraying him because that is his current skin color.

  70. i dont see anything wrong with it we like and want what we want

  71. i dont see anything wrong with it we like and want what we want

  72. between white and black people but at the end of the day hes just an actor so i dont see nothing wrong I think that Michael Jackson shouldn't be mad. He says he is so called proud to be and Black American, so to me if you are so proud to be who you are,

  73. between white and black people but at the end of the day hes just an actor so i dont see nothing wrong I think that Michael Jackson shouldn't be mad. He says he is so called proud to be and Black American, so to me if you are so proud to be who you are,

  74. Mia Reddick .

    Although Michael Jackson is decease and who should play his role, should not be the matter of discussion, respect is still given. However the skin color of a person shouldn't matter and definitely should not be up to a discussion. In addition , we all should respect his death and move on with the situation.

  75. If Michael Jackson stated that he DID NOT want a white actor playing him in a movie, than why ignore what this man has asked for? So with that being said, if Michael sates that he is a PROUD AFRICAN AMERICAN than why on earth would you cast a white actor. Where is the logic? Where? Where is it?


  76. I think if he doesn't want a white kid to be him they shouldn't let that happen. He died and he just don't want a white kid being him.

  77. if mj said he dont want a white person to play him jus dont do it show him respect and plus why would u have a white person to cast as him if he was full black he just had a couples changes

  78. I feel that Michael Jackson had a good enough reason to say that he didn't want a white person to betray him. This comment was a little on the racist side, but his reasoning backs him up.

  79. It's not that big deal he identifies him self as an African American because biologically that's what he is he had a skin disease that changed the complexion of his skin naturally he is black not white and he stated that he wants what he is to be portrayed in a film about him. despite his many surgeries and his skin change Michael never identified him self as a white man so why portray him as one. out of respect for Michael a musical Icon I think they should have respect his wishes because if he was alive I don't think they would've done this.

  80. well back in the day there were "issues" between white and black people but at the end of the day hes just an actor so i dont see nothing wrong

  81. i dont see anything wrong, because if youre black why would you want to be portrayed as a cacasion

  82. Micheal Jackson was black so there should be black person portraying him.

  83. Micheal Jackson was a black person he shouldn't b called a cacasion. He should b portrayed as a black person

  84. i don't see anything wrong with him not wanting a white child playing as if as if he was young again because to be honest he's black before his skin color was white. But yet again i kind of feel like he was being racial in sense because he made it a big deal of a young white child playing as him.

  85. In my opinion i see nothing wrong with this. MJ would not like to be portrayed in a movie by a white person because he is black. Although he had many problems that later affected his skin complexion we all know he was/is black. This is kind of messed up in my opinion; no one would want an african american to play the role of Bill Gates because he is white. I feel we shouldn't even be having this discussion and the directors of this movie/production should feel bad for even considering this.
