Tuesday, February 9, 2016


What is your opinion about abuse and assault in a relationship with one another?


  1. i dont agree with it all. i also feel as if she needs to leave him. if he ever threaten you or put his hands on you , you need to leave. aint no way you can stay with somebody like that, hands down there's some one out there that can treat you way better. thats not a healthy relationship.

  2. people shouldn't abuse eachother its unhealthy

  3. The minute someone puts their hands on you, I would be out the relationship. It's no logic reason why people stay in a abusive relationship.

  4. people shouldn't abuse each other.

  5. i feel that people who are in a abusive or being threatened you need to just leave and say you don't wanna be in the relationship and get a restraining order to make something illegal.

  6. i think this is probably going to be another ray rice story...

  7. Honestly I feel like this is being blown out of proportion and treated differently because it's Johnny Manziel. This female could also be lying just for attention or for money, as soon as someone reaches fame and fortune everyone wants to bring them down.

  8. It something that should never take place. A man should never place his hands on a woman in his life. Its one of the worst things you could ever do to a female.

  9. I don't think people should abuse each other. Sometimes both genders can be abusive. I don't think this should occur.

  10. I don't have much opinion about someone's relationship. But I know, in any relationship which bad or worst we shouldn't abuse or assault anyone else. The violent cannot resolve!

  11. i feel like you shouldn't be in a relationship if you fear the other person. i think you should just leave one day and not keep getting beat on your wasting your time with somebod that beats on you everyday.

  12. I do not agree with what happened and she should definitely leave him. If she stays all he is going to do is keep thinking he can abuse her because she is not doing anything about it.

  13. I hate domestic violence as much as god hates to see us sin. i feel like domestic violence is a sin. Women or men in a relationship need to have better communication other than there fist.

  14. No one has right to abuse anyone and hurt their feelings.

  15. It shouldn't happen at all. point blank.

  16. Nobody male or female should be abusive in any type of relationship. Point blank period you can't always blame the victim.

  17. There is no reason to assault anyone for any reason. She should leave him and he should receive all the consequences he deserves.

  18. Domestic violence is wrong and it should never happen. The victims of abusive relationships should always speak out or to someone they can trust. Nobody should ever have to suffer in silence.

  19. I believe that there is no reason to assault anyone and I believe that anyone who assaults another person should receive any consequences that come their way.

  20. I believe that assaulting another person or violence is never right, so they should recieve what comes their way.

  21. I believe that assaulting another person or violence is never right, so they should recieve what comes their way.

  22. I believe there no reason to assault someone. They deserve to get any consequence that they get. That truly unacceptable

  23. There is no reason for abuse in a relationship.

  24. abuse is awful and should not be tolerated under any circumstances. any type of abuse on another should be punishable by jail. i think it is now and i think it should be continued. there is no need to abuse a person there just isnt at all. its is unacceptable.

  25. Abuse to me is just cruelty & disrespect onto others, which is just wrong. abusing the one you love and have feelings for is just wrong, it's like hitting you'r mother or little sibling. Whatever reason it may be, you should never lay you'r hands on anyone you love and or know. i'm happy that they made a law to never assault our peers. its dumb to me.

  26. I believe that there is no reason to assault anyone and I believe that anyone who assaults another person should receive any consequences that come their way.

  27. it6 sad how he not doing nun in his life

  28. No one deserves to be treated like this, and it's especially sad that these two were in a relationship with each other, and he was treating her this way. I hope that she leaves him (if she hasn't already) and that she finds someone who is better for her and deserves her, because he didn't.

  29. there should be no reason to disrespect anyone

  30. More stupid people being stupid. Just why? Why? What do you possibly hope to gain out of abusing someone? Such idiots are why Earth isn't at peace.

  31. i dont agree with it all. i also feel as if she needs to leave him. A man should never place his hands on a woman in his life alexis bush

  32. I think the consequences should be given out equally for male and females.

  33. I think you shouldn't abuse at all if somebody who assault another person should be serious consequence abuse is awful and should not be tolerated under any circumstances. any type of abuse on another should be punishable by jail. i think it is now and i think it should be continued. there is no need to abuse a person there just isnt at all. its is unacceptable.

  34. If youre being abused in a relationship you need to tell someone or report it. There is nothing more important than the safety of someone who is being abused. Abuse is a serious matter that needs to be addressed. It can lead to serious injury or even death. Many people even suffer from mental and physical issues becuase of abuse. Especially for someone who witnessed it or sees signs of abuse you need to tell someone else and get help. Its really a serious problem inthe matter.

  35. you shouldn't abuse people at all god created us equal and different so treat other people with the same respect

  36. Abuse is a serious matter that needs to be addressed. It can lead to serious injury or even death. I hope that she leaves him (if she hasn't and that she finds someone who is better for her and deserves her, because he didn't.

  37. I really do not see why you need to abuse someone. Its hard to see someone close or anyone at all hurt. There are many types of abuse. The worst to me is physical abuse. All abuse can kill you though. If its mental abuse they can commit suicide.

  38. I dont even lilke the sound of abuse. I never been abused before in my life but ive known friends and family members who gotten abused before. i dont support it at all

  39. If youre being abused in a relationship you need to tell someone or report it. There is nothing more important than the safety of someone who is being abused. Abuse is a serious matter that needs to be addressed. It can lead to serious injury or even death. Many people even suffer from mental and physical issues becuase of abuse. Especially for someone who witnessed it or sees signs of abuse you need to tell someone else and get help. Its really a serious problem inthe matter.

  40. Abuse is a serious matter but physical is the worst. He deserves the worst coming to him. Do not stay with someone who hits you if they hit there a sure not scared to kill you .

  41. Men that abuse women are the lowest kind of people that are out there, and there3 should be harsher penalties on that trhan there already are.

  42. Abuse is a vicious and incriminating deed. No one should have to be abused simply for no reason or for a reason at all. This type of crime has been running very rampant in America, and should be dealt with in the most secure way possible. Manziel had no right to touch his former girlfriend, and should be put in prison for this petty offense.

  43. i don't agree with domestic violence AT ALL! people who plead guilty to domestic violence should be sentenced for a LONG period of time. domestic violence mixed with anger could potentially lead to death, which is not cool in any stretch of the imagination.

  44. i think abuse isnt right at all and is very stupid and all the people that abuse should burn in hell

  45. i feel that people who are in a abusive or being threatened you need to just leave and say you don't wanna be in the relationship and get a restraining order to make something illegal. Receive what comes their way.

  46. I think abuse in a relationship is very unhealthy. It can cause for the relationship to be based on fear of the other person, it can cause emotional scaring of the other person. If kids are involved it can make them have trust issues in their future relationships.

  47. To me personally abuse is wrong on both sides whether the man is hitting the woman or the woman is hitting the man.

  48. I don't agree with domestic violence. It is very unnecessary...The minute a men hits a woman....well correction little boy hits a woman its a wrap...the relationship is over point blank period. That also goes for women their should be no reason you put your hands on a man...if talking isn't enough then oh well life goes on.

  49. I don't agree with domestic violence, I don't see how someone could abuse the person they love. I understand it's hard for someone to leave an abusive relationship, but they need to worry about their health before the other person. We really only hear about females getting abused but some men do get abused and I think it's sad how they just sit there. Being in abusive relationship really does ruin a person. It could ruin their outcome in life, their outlook on love, and their trust in people.

  50. i don agree with abuse because it wrong if some tries abuse me they got another thing coming i also think everyone should be treated equally all around the world any form of a bullying is an abuse

  51. i dont agree with abuse because it wrong if some tries abuse me they got another thing coming i also think everyone should be treated equally all around the world any form of a bullying is an abuse

  52. it is very unhealthy to abuse someone

  53. She needs to find a way to leave him because when you date someone you are supposed to feel protection and you can't have that is your afraid and fear for your life she needs to move on he won't change, but i hope he gets the help he needs.

  54. Nobody male or female should be abusive in any type of relationship. Point blank period you can't always blame the victim.

  55. abuse is awful and should not be tolerated under any circumstances. any type of abuse on another should be punishable by jail. i think it is now and i think it should be continued. there is no need to abuse a person there just isnt at all. its is unacceptable.

  56. I really do not see why you need to abuse someone. Its hard to see someone close or anyone at all hurt. There are many types of abuse. The worst to me is physical abuse. All abuse can kill you though. If its mental abuse they can commit suicide.

  57. Abuse isn't okay, whether it's done by either person in the relationship regardless of gender or sex.

  58. I don't have much opinion about someone's relationship. But I know, in any relationship which bad or worst we shouldn't abuse or assault anyone else.

  59. I don't think anyone abuse or assault.

  60. people should never fight in a relationship in my opinion. but to be honest she knows he a football player and that he will be stress.why would she get him upset about something in the relationship .even then he has no right hitting a woman, if that is true.

  61. I don't believe in abusive relationships at all. If it ever comes to you putting your hands on your partner, then you shouldn't be together.

  62. Honestly I feel like this is being blown out of proportion and treated differently because it's Johnny Manziel. This female could also be lying just for attention or for money, as soon as someone reaches fame and fortune everyone wants to bring them down.

  63. My opinion about abuse and assault in a relationship with one another is unacceptable. When I read the article all I could think about was when my grandfather use to beat on my grandmother. Personally, I could never put my hands on a female unless I'm protecting myself.

  64. I think no one should be abused. Its wrong to be so mean to a person to hurt them.

  65. I do not think that is right for a woman or a man to assault or abuse one another in a relationship. if you have to abuse each other then maybe your not meant for each other.

  66. I don't agree with abuse at all because I don't think it's right to do that to anyone .

  67. i feel that people who are in a abusive or being threatened you need to just leave and say you don't wanna be in the relationship and get a restraining order to make something illegal. or at least tell someone what you going threw

  68. i dont agree with it all. i also feel as if she needs to leave him. if he ever threaten you or put his hands on you , you need to leave. aint no way you can stay with somebody like that, hands down there's some one out there that can treat you way better. thats not a healthy relationship.

  69. It's never that serious where you need to put your hands on someone. You can just walk away. Somebody doesn't wanna be with you or listen to you , let it go.

  70. I think she needs to leave him if hes being this abusive to her. She shouldn't just sit around and suffer. She should call the police and jet out that situation.

  71. It something that should never take place. A man should never place his hands on a woman in his life. Its one of the worst things you could ever do to a female.

  72. I hate domestic violence as much as god hates to see us sin. i feel like domestic violence is a sin. Women or men in a relationship need to have better communication other than there fist.

  73. Domestic violence is not okay and everyone should be aware of this. If any man or woman feel like they are being threaten or becomes brutally beaten by another, there should be immediate attention taking place. No love should be shown through putting your hands on someone, especially if you truly love that person.

  74. i feel like you shouldn't be in a relationship if you fear the other person. i think you should just leave one day and not keep getting beat on your wasting your time with somebody that beats on you everyday.

  75. I've seen my family members get abused, and i think those people need help.

  76. It's never that serious where you need to put your hands on someone. You can just walk away or just sit down and talk it out and if Somebody doesn't wanna be with you u cant force them to be with u

  77. I feel that abuse should never go on in any relationship. If it gets to that point then conversation should just stop. Its never right to express yourself through abusing one.

  78. If youre being abused in a relationship you need to tell someone or report it. There is nothing more important than the safety of someone who is being abused. Abuse is a serious matter that needs to be addressed. It can lead to serious injury or even death. Many people even suffer from mental and physical issues becuase of abuse. Especially for someone who witnessed it or sees signs of abuse you need to tell someone else and get help. Its really a serious problem inthe matter.

  79. I do not agree with what happened and she should definitely leave him. If she stays all he is going to do is keep thinking he can abuse her because she is not doing anything about it.

  80. i have abuse, you shouldn't have to put your hands on someone when you get mad.

  81. It something that should never take place. A man should never place his hands on a woman in his life. Its one of the worst things you could ever do to a female.

  82. I don't think abuse is ok u think that it's bad to fight / verbal abuse each other

  83. this is very much unacceptable.. if he ever thinks that it is okay to put his hands on you then you dont need to be with him, simple as that

  84. i feel like if your being abused in a relationship then you need to leave and make sure that one is on trial for it because that should never happen in a relationship no matter how upset you are with that person. Also if you feel like that your not felling safe in a relationship before it even gets to that point then you should warn someone and get help on trying to get out that relationship.

  85. Domestic violence is wrong and it should never happen. The victims of abusive relationships should always speak out or to someone they can trust. Nobody should ever have to suffer in silence.
