Thursday, February 4, 2016

2/4 CTE

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  1. Any hard hitting player that played more than five years before around 2008 probably has CTE. Up until even this year there were so many guys who kept playing after getting bobbled real hard. I Can not believe he has a degenerative disease of the brain and is associated with repeated head traumas like concussions.

  2. In my opinion the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players. There have been countless incidents and reports about players receiving serious diagnosis after their career in the NFL. On the other side athletes know what they're getting themselves into when they declare for the NFL draft. The NFL only cares about its player and NFL prospects should notice that.

  3. I think that the NFL has to do a better job at protecting their players. I would say for them to not play as rough as they do, but c'mon, its football. Anyways, players really should take in consideration of their health rather than fame. Who want's to die from CTE at a //I think// young age?

  4. Reports of CTE among players who have died, head trauma is still making worrisome headlines in the NFL. I can't believe it, I've never been a player in any team sports, so now I know it's really hard.I think that he's right.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. i feel that the NFL should take care/protect most of the players that play from things like this as CTE hurts players that have been hit hard and have played for more than 5 years..

  8. In my opinion the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players.he has a degenerative disease of the brain and is associated with repeated head traumas like concussions.

  9. I think that every career has the pro's and cons. For example, football payers have a million dollar opportunity for a slight chance of getting hurt.

  10. in my opinion the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players. There have been countless incidents and reports about players receiving serious diagnosis after their career in the NFL.

  11. NFL. On the other side athletes know what they're getting themselves into when they declare for the NFL draft.I think that every career has the pro's and cons. For example, football payers have a million dollar opportunity for a slight chance of getting hurt.

  12. In my opinion we have many ways that we could combat CTE, its just a matter of the NFL reaching out. I believe we can make, if not already, make a way to get past this. CTE has been here all along we just never knew, but now we do which means its up to us to stop/hault it. Many NFL Players are suffering from this disease and many people are letting it go unnoticed.

  13. NFL needs to protect their players more better. There are too many getting injured and catching CTE. Player shouldn't be catching diseases for doing something the love. Players are even dying from it.

  14. from my perspective (as a football player) it's some things the NFL can and can't control like the hard hits,all they can do is fine the player and suspend them a few games but since the players make so much money "who cares if i lose a couple thousand dollars i'm still in a 50 million dollar contract"

  15. I think that players should have better proctective gear on them. cause there is alot of accidents going on with players and they get terribly injured

  16. In my opinion the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players.There have been countless incidents and reports about players receiving serious diagnosis after their career in the NFL.

  17. NFL need to work on protection for their players and buy better protection so they don't get injured.

  18. In my opinion the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players.

  19. The Nfl has to do better at protecting their players period, that should be their top priority. Now i understand there are things that they cannot protect them from such as disease or certain illnesses but, physical injury should be a major protector here. They spend all this money on protective gear for what? players are still getting brutally injured, and some of those injuries are not only life threatening but are injuries that some players have to live with for the rest of their lives.

  20. The NFL has enough time and money to put in the resources need to find a solution to help keep their players safe and more protected. End of story.

  21. The players need more protection on then what they currently have on or it needs to be thicker.

  22. oh man thats awful. this must be terrifying. i only hope for the best for him and his family. i hope that there will be something that could him or that could slow down this process.

  23. the players need more protections now the nfl have to do better with their players because that what I want to be when I grow up a football player

  24. This just proves that football is a tough sport. I'm not sure what measures should be taken to combat CTE, but the NFL needs to work on protection for their players and buy better protection so they don't get injured.

  25. With CTE now being lingering around many of the retired players of the NFL, we must be able to combat back with this severe health problem. Meaning better cushioning inside of the helmet, which would further better all players in the NFL, without having to retire at an early age due to this condition.

  26. Ok, so what needs to happen, not for this Sunday's Super Bowl but overall, check the helmets. Make sure they are secure and also for players to be careful about these tackles. Helmets fly off, helmet to helmet, multiple injuries and so forth happen. Concussions are not uncommon in football. Players have died from them. It's a real threat and people have to take consideration is that. Players check yourselves before life changes happen. Need to be considerate when you go to tackle somebody and etc. They need to watch their tempers as well. Of course though the coaches need to watch their players. When something doesn't look right they need to call it. That's how most injuries get worst after all. The coach doesn't say anything or their not keeping a close eye on the players. But overall players just need to be careful.

  27. In my opinion we have many ways that we could combat CTE, its just a matter of the NFL reaching out. I believe we can make, if not already, make a way to get past this. CTE has been here all along we just never knew, but now we do which means its up to us to stop/hault it. Many NFL Players are suffering from this disease and many people are letting it go unnoticed.

  28. Any hard hitting player that played more than five years before around 2008 probably has CTE. In my opinion the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players.This just proves that football is a tough sport. but idk

  29. I believe that the NFL should take care of of these players, and that there should be better head protection to prevent that, because it really is a shame that athletes get hurt... but idk

  30. While there is plenty of excitement surrounding the NFL with Sunday’s Super Bowl rapidly approaching, the issue of concussions and the resulting health problems for retired players still lingers over the game.In my opinion we have many ways that we could combat CTE, its just a matter of the NFL reaching out.Ok, so what needs to happen, not for this Sunday's Super Bowl but overall, check the helmets.

  31. It is a terrible shame that the football players have to go through something like this, as this disease is a dangerous condition that slowly deprives these men not only of their very lives, but also their very sanity and well-being. Its even more disappointing that they had to wait so long to finally tell us about this disease, as this was known for a while but never revealed until now. Now it is our time to stand-up for these players, as their not just dots on a clipboard: they are humans who are fathers, brothers, uncles, and friends to those who people deeply care about. One way a solution can be made is to develop a type of gear that can fully protect the head from blunt-force trauma.

  32. well really i love the nfl and things like this disease may come with it.

  33. I think that he may be in denial. Most football players have CTE because of the constant head traumas. They tackle and fall alot. So it is common to get concussions even with a helmet on. He may be afraid and don't want to believe it. Others may have noticed that he had the symptoms and that is how this came about. Then again he most likely don't want people to know.

  34. The NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players. They sit and collect money but what about those actually in pain. Every Sunday they are there playing getting tackled and there falling a lot so it is very common for this to be happening, but that doesn't make it okay.

  35. the nfl needs to start back tackling the right way so players wont get hurt.

  36. All they do is put pressure on the players, collect money, and yell and push them around like they have no saying in doing things right and in order. some player is always getting hurt no matter what sport, soccer, football, basketball, etc. they need to sit and actually plan out the possibilities of the players getting hurt aswell as the play.

  37. Helmets fly off, helmet to helmet, multiple injuries and so forth happen. Concussions are not uncommon in football.All they do is put pressure on the players, collect money, and yell and push them around like they have no saying in doing things right and in order.

  38. Helmets fly off, helmet to helmet, multiple injuries and so forth happen. Concussions are not uncommon in football.All they do is put pressure on the players, collect money, and yell and push them around like they have no saying in doing things right and in order.

  39. Helmets fly off, helmet to helmet, multiple injuries and so forth happen. Concussions are not uncommon in football.All they do is put pressure on the players, collect money, and yell and push them around like they have no saying in doing things right and in order.

  40. I wouldn't be surprised if he did have CTE. He is a hard hitting player. This is probably normal or the usual for players like him. Hopefully he recovers fully if he has the disease.

  41. I think that the NFL should really look into their equipment and really come up with a way for players to not get such a major injury because these guys are out their busting their tails to get where they want to be.

  42. This has been a problem for a while with older players. Mostly on the defensive side because they where hard hitting players. on;y thing we can do now is teach the right way to tackle to the youth to stop it from the future genration

  43. There should be certain laws or equipment used on the fields.We are losing great professionals due to all the failure in NFL.NFL need to work on protection for their players and buy better protection so they don't get injured.

  44. In my opinion we have many ways that we could combat CTE, its just a matter of the NFL reaching out. I believe we can make, if not already, make a way to get past this. CTE has been here all along we just never knew, but now we do which means its up to us to stop/hault it. Many NFL Players are suffering from this disease and many people are letting it go unnoticed.

  45. Helmets fly off, helmet to helmet, multiple injuries and so forth happen. Concussions are not uncommon in football. the NFL needs to do better protecting their talented players

  46. In my opinion I believe that NFL Players should take CTE like Ronnie Lott. The should not be scared of it and fit it. like they7 have it.

  47. in my opinion the NFL needs to do better with protecting their players and assuring that they stay in good health. Heavy blows that football players take is apart of the game true indeed but as a coach and manager I wouldn't want one of my best players let alone any of my players to have to retire due to strong injuries that can ultimately be life damaging if its bad enough.

  48. in my opinion the NFL needs to do better with protecting their players and assuring that they stay in good health. Heavy blows that football players take is apart of the game true indeed but as a coach and manager I wouldn't want one of my best players let alone any of my players to have to retire due to strong injuries that can ultimately be life damaging if its bad enough.

  49. The NFL should definitely do something about this so players aren't experiencing these issues any more. In my opinion, I feel like the NFL cares more about their profit than helping injured players.

  50. The NFL should definitely do something about this so players aren't experiencing these issues any more. In my opinion, I feel like the NFL cares more about their profit than helping injured players.

  51. In my opinion, I think football is a very entertaining sport to watch , but it also can be extremely dangerous to the athlete that's playing it. I think electronics companies should create better and high tech helmets with more cushion. This would be more helpful than companies creating more and more phones so people can spend more and more money just so they can break. Football should be stopped until there is a solution to the problems.

  52. In my opinion the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players. There have been countless incidents and reports about players receiving serious diagnosis after their career in the NFL. On the other side athletes know what they're getting themselves into when they declare for the NFL draft. I think it's a very entertaining sport to watch, but I really do think they should try to keep their players safer.

  53. Reports of CTE among players who have died, head trauma is still making worrisome headlines in the NFL. I can't believe it, I've never been a player in any team sports, so now I know it's really hard.I think that he's right.

  54. I think that players should have better proctective gear on them. cause there is alot of accidents going on with players and they get terribly injured

  55. I think that the NFL has to do a better job at protecting their players. I would say for them to not play as rough as they do, but c'mon, its football. Anyways, players really should take in consideration of their health rather than fame.

  56. In my opinion the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players. There have been countless incidents and reports about players receiving serious diagnosis after their career in the NFL. On the other side athletes know what they're getting themselves into when they declare for the NFL draft

  57. the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players.he has a degenerative disease of the brain and is associated with repeated head traumas like concussions.

  58. I think the NFL was wrong for not telling the players. They should create a better helmet to protect these players from getting CTE but at the same time if an athlete gets it its there fault because they know about it now.

  59. The NFL doesn't plan for player to get hurt they can just suspended the person for a couple of the games but the NFL can do better .

  60. i feel that the NFL should take care/protect most of the players that play from things like this as CTE hurts players that have been hit hard and have played for more than 5 years..

  61. I think the Nfl should take this seriously and protect their players better then what they are doing right now.

  62. i think they are tring to protect the players they have changed a lot of rules but i think they need more

  63. The NFL need to be more productive in protecting their players and i think they should change a lot of their rules.

  64. Any hard hitting player that played more than five years before around 2008 probably has CTE. Up until even this year there were so many guys who kept playing after getting bobbled real hard. I Can not believe he has a degenerative disease of the brain and is associated with repeated head traumas like concussions.

  65. In my opinion the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players. There have been countless incidents and reports about players receiving serious diagnosis after their career in the NFL. On the other side athletes know what they're getting themselves into when they declare for the NFL draft. The NFL only cares about its player and NFL prospects should notice that.

  66. Mia Reddick.

    CTE is a traumatic disease amongst football players.There should be precautions amongst the players in order to prevent a case of CTE.CTE occurrence should not be played with and should be taking seriously. However, every football player knows the things that will occur while playing football. So, they should keep in their mind to be cautious.

  67. NFL needs to protect their players more better. There are too many players getting injured and developing CTE. Player shouldn't be catching diseases for doing something they love.

  68. n my opinion the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players. There have been countless incidents and reports about players receiving serious diagnosis after their career in the NFL. On the other side athletes know what they're getting themselves into when they declare for the NFL draft. The NFL only cares about its player and NFL prospects should notice that.

  69. Football is a tough sport. You have to realize as well that no one really knew about concussions.

  70. the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players.although football is a physical sport they got to find a way to help protect there players who risk their life every game

  71. In my opinion of the NFL I feel that they have to do a better job of protecting their players.This man has a degenerative disease of the brain. He also has repeated head concussions.

  72. All they do is put pressure on the players, collect money, and yell and push them around like they have no saying in doing things right and in order. some player is always getting hurt no matter what sport, soccer, football, basketball, etc. they need to sit and actually plan out the possibilities of the players getting hurt aswell as the play.

  73. i feel that the NFL should take care/protect most of the players that play from things like this as CTE hurts players that have been hit hard and have played for more than 5 years..

  74. Reports of CTE among players who have died, head trauma is still making worrisome headlines in the NFL.CTE has been here all along we just never knew, but now we do which means its up to us to stop/hault it. Many NFL Players are suffering from this disease and many people are letting it go unnoticed. the NFL has to do a better job of protecting their players.

  75. Football is a sport where you have a high chance of getting injured when you play you have to know what comes with it ...

  76. in a manner i don't think everyone whose had it or have it would respond or go about it the same way as he did.

  77. On the other side athletes know what they're getting themselves into when they declare for the NFL draft.I think that every career has the pro's and cons. For example, football payers have a million dollar opportunity for a slight chance of getting hurt.
