Monday, February 8, 2016

2/8/16 Sportsmanship

Read the following article and give your opinion in one paragraph or more


  1. honestly i could careless on what people think of cam,people don't like it because it's different ,something the haven't seen before so i would tell cam to keep dabbin' and keep representing Atlanta as well as you do.

  2. i don't think its bad sportsmanship, i didn't even watch sports ball last night so i wouldnt really know, but if he danced to celebrate let him celebrate

  3. the Carolina Panthers suck they got wrecked so i don't care that had bad sportsmanship he fumbled the ball way to much.

  4. who cares what they say, they dont like him because he dabbed lololol , its not that deep. if he wanna dab then let him. i dont see the big deal.

  5. I think that he is just stating how he feels. If he feels he cant be compared then that is just being cocky and people do that. There is nothing wrong with stating your opinion especially if others agree. He knows he is a good athlete so there shouldn't be an issue. Most athletes feel that way they just don't speak up. But he did and this is an issue? To me it is not.

  6. Honestly I feel like Cam Newton has great sportsmanship. Cam works very hard and is the absolute best at what he does. If any player scores a touchdown they should be able to celebrate without suffering from any consequences. After the Superbowl last night Cam immediately congratulated his opponent. If Cameron Newton was white this article wouldn't even be mentioned.

  7. I feel like too many bad comments are being thrown at Cam. He is doing what he is allowed to do. Any other comments about his actions should be ignored. They shouldn't be targeted in the media.

  8. I think Cam Newton is a great player. People like him. Cam Newton works hard even if he loses. He's a great player athletically and mentally.

  9. I think it really don't matter about a little celebration. A dab isn't really anything to cry about and claim is unsportsmanlike. But i could see why it is if they were really dancing and pretty much bragging. But if its something small i don't see why it would be a problem.

  10. i think that he is a good player but he was just way too nervous and had way too much pressure on him that day.he works hard even if he looses.

  11. I think it really doesn't matter it isn't anything to cry about and claim is unsportsmanlike conduct. But i could see why it is if they were really dancing and pretty much bragging. But if its something small i don't see why what would be a problem with it.

  12. I didn't watch the super bowl last night because I don't really care about that. But my dad and anyone else who I knew, they like the game. I don't think that they care about something different like a dab. They care about the game.

  13. I don't think there is anything wrong with Cam Newton celebrating the way he does.It's just some people are being hateful or don't like him fro the great player he is.Newton dance or the way he celebrates is just his way of showing how he is happy about his touchdown.People are just being haters for o reason.#teamcamnew

  14. Cameron Newton has great sportsmanship in my opinion. Cam works very hard to be the best he can be and is amazing at what he does. If any of the players scores a touchdown, they should be able to celebrate without suffering any consequences. After the Superbowl last night Cam immediately congratulated his opponents and no one told him to do that he did it because he wanted to. If Cam Newton was Caucasian this article wouldn't be a problem.

  15. There is nothing wrong with him celebrating because everyone in the nfl does it . Nobody says anything about Odell Beckham Jr's celebration. People are just hating on Cam because he is winning.

  16. Cam Newton is a cry baby all he wants to do is have all the spotlight and fame he did the exact same thing when the falcons beat them in regular season he is bad at sportsmanship he is not good because he cant handle losing

  17. This doesn't really matter to me. I haven't payed any attention to the NFL this year

  18. that game lastnight was far most horrible. Cam newton didnt show out like he was suppose to im very disappointed

  19. I dont think that what he is doing is bad sportsmanship, the man is just celebrating a win. So what your telling me is that if you were the one that scored the winning touchdown in the game you wouldnt celebrate, you would just walk away like nothing happened cause thats a lie. People are just being butthurt losers that they cant beat the man so they make up the fact that he is selfish, but if he didnt score anything everyone would shut up. Moral of the story is stop being a sore loser, you win some, you lose some, period if people cant accept that then they can go, you cant take the heat then get out the kitchen bottom line.

  20. It was a was a sign of disrespect to Cam Newton because you should put another teams jersey in his way of giving love to his fans its just a wrong thing to do.

  21. its not bad sportsmanship the NFL is for entertainment. and if he wants to dabb let him

  22. Alot people dont take into thought that he also almost died year ago in car accident. I think for him he also celebrating life cause you never know when your last day coming. So what he celebrates it not that serious if it was how bout yall stop him so he cant score

  23. From what I seen the majority of football players do something to celebrate a touchdown so why cant Cam do the same.

  24. Newton's antics have far more to do with him being self absorbed than mean spirited. His purpose isn't to show anyone up or embarrass them, he's just doing what he wants to do. I doubt he spends much time thinking about anyone else on the field other than himself.

  25. I really don't see the big deal with this. If players want to celebrate their wins, let them. The author of this article just sounds really butthurt for whatever reason.

  26. cam didnt do his best lastnight. he couldve did way better too make it this far . -jasmyne johnson

  27. it really dont even think it matters he was just dancing. i dont understand why people think dancing is bad sportsmanship. i really dont understand all they were doing was celebrating.

  28. I think that if the players wanna dance then they should be able to dance. Nobody should be able to dictate whether dancing should be allowed.

  29. First off, what exactly do you have against Cam newton? Last time I checked he was just doing is job and enjoying it. Second, every freaking football player has their own celebration. In some ways they mock others. Either way I don't like what this article has to say about him. He's on my family's team plus he's from Clayton county(where I grew up) so I support him.
    The only player from the panthers I probably still have a problem with is Norman for his little "incident" with Beckham.

  30. I think that what he is doing is bad sportsmanship, the man is just celebrating a win. So what your telling me is that if you were the one that scored the winning touchdown in the game you wouldnt celebrate, you would just walk away like nothing happened cause thats a was mad the whole mad the whole game

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  32. I think that it is not bad sportsmanship. He is just celebrating a good play. Its funny how they didn't say anything to Aaron Rodgers when he was doing his championship belt move, so don't bother Cam Newton with his "dab."

  33. I feel like too many bad comments are being thrown at Cam. Cam works very hard and is the absolute best at what he does & he went to the same middle school i went to . ALEXIS BUSH

  34. I feel like too many bad comments are being thrown at Cam. Cam works very hard and is the absolute best at what he does & he went to the same middle school i went to . ALEXIS BUSH

  35. I don't really know who Cam Newton is or any of his sportmanship. So already, I don't care what this is support to be about. If people think this is good or bad, it that then.

  36. At the end of the day Cam still played a good game to me. So I could really care less about what people say or think.

  37. Cam Newton is a human let the man be if he wants to celebrate a touchdown not everyone goes to the Superbowl so in my book Cam can do or show any type of sportsman ship he wants.

  38. I feel like too many bad comments are being thrown at Cam. He is doing what he is allowed to do. Any other comments about his actions should be ignored. They shouldn't be targeted in the media.

  39. i mean he lost the super bowl id throw a fit too lol its his choice. i honeslty think the brancos pulled a patriots in that game..but idk

  40. I dont think that is shows bad sportsmanship. He is showing the he is excited about a win.

  41. think it really doesn't matter it is a human let the man be if he wants to celebrate a touchdown then let him not everyone goes to the Superbowl. isn't anything to cry about and claim is unsportsmanlike conduct.

  42. I don't really think its a porblem if he does dances after a good play. Let the man celebrate and do his thing, its not that he is disrespecting anyone, he is just celebrating. Nothing wrong with that.

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  44. One would not think to talk about things they don`t realize nor understand. Cam Newton is one of many players in the game who just loves to do what he does, and if he feels the need to dance to every single touchdown that is made on his team, who cares. He`s a grown man and is entitled to dance at the end of a touchdown. There are no known rules in the game that restricts brief victories in the game.

  45. I really don't think Cam is showing bad sportsmanship, I think that he was just celebrating just like everyone else. Everyone that disagrees oh well it is what it is.

  46. I feel like too many bad comments are being thrown at Cam. He is doing what he is allowed to do. Any other comments about his actions should be ignored. They shouldn't be targeted in the media.One would not think to talk about things they don`t realize nor understand.

  47. cam newton should've handled himself better than how he did.

  48. I Mean this is his time to express how he feels. Why every body got to be mean to someone to get attention. then these people going to do something like him and they going to get upset about it because someone said something about them.

  49. Honestly I didn't watch the super bowl but i don't really care about it cause it not that big deal just let him cam do what he wants it not hurting snybody

  50. Honestly I don't see anything wrong with a little celebration. Cam is a great player im not a big football fan but Cam has fun with what he does he's goofy and funny and he keeps the crowd going! Nothing wrong with a little show case I do it all the time.

  51. Honestly I don't see anything wrong with a little celebration. Cam is a great player im not a big football fan but Cam has fun with what he does he's goofy and funny and he keeps the crowd going! Nothing wrong with a little show case I do it all the time.

  52. There was nothing wrong with what Cam did. He is showing his personality and his emotions, and there is no issue with that. Sometimes the media just feels a need to bring Black people down for doing something any other race would do.

  53. I don't think anyone should come for Cam Newton. Primarily because he is good at what he does, humble, and he is making billions or dollars. :) Therefore, I believe that anyone who has to comment on his sportsmanship is a hater and should find a careerthat they enjoy and can invest in.

  54. i dont think cam is a bad example because he still getting paid

  55. i dont think cam is a bad example because he still getting paid

  56. In my opinion I don't think Cam is a bad person, we never truly know a person. The media can say whatever they want, release whatever they want and make someone look bad. No matter what we don't know if he's truly a bad person we have our own opinions on him. To me I think he may be a good guy in the public without someone being around. I think Cam may do great things for people outside of the media. The media is so stupid and say what they want about people.

  57. I dont believe Cam Newton was behaving in bad sportsmanship, i mean just imagine yourself in his shoes. Its never a proud thing to do to go congratulate the other team on a win you didn't receive.

  58. i think cam newton had good sports man ship with other players and teamates

  59. I think it really don't matter about a little celebration. A dab isn't really anything to cry about and claim is unsportsmanlike. But i could see why it is if they were really dancing and pretty much bragging. But if its something small i don't see why it would be a problem.

  60. think that he is a good player but he was just way too nervous and had way too much pressure on him that day.he works hard even if he looses.

  61. In my opinion I don't think he had bad sportsmanship after the game . Even I don't watch sports or tv that much.

  62. Cam Newton is a very good player. He did not show any bad sportsmanship in my opinion. He was just being himself

  63. “I’m an African-American quarterback that may scare a lot of people because they haven’t seen nothing they can compare me to.” when I read this statement, I think he means that people have never seen an athlete quit like him and for him to be African American is just rare and 'scary' to some people in this day in age. As far as dabbing, he has the right to celebrate, no one comes up to Odel Beckham Jr or Aaron Rodgers in their touchdown celebrations. This further proves Cam's point as to people being so 'scared' or intrigued in someone. Everything that he does must be showcased because he hasn't been seen before.

  64. In my opinion, I feel like people are just hating on Cam Newton not because of his race or nothing but only because he invented a dance that became popular over a short period of time. Also, I feel like the article is irrelevant because the reporter is only writing down what former NFL or NBA players don't like but Newton's life still goes on and he still doing him making money.

  65. From what I seen the majority of football players do something to celebrate a touchdown so why cant Cam do the same.

  66. I do not see the problem. if that is how cam newton wants to celebrate a touchdown then let him we have a freedom of speech for a reason.

  67. I think cam can show any sportsmanship all he wants to because a lot of people wouldnt wanna loose either.

  68. i really dont watch football but I think Cam Newton is a great player. People like him. Cam Newton works hard even if he loses. He's a great player athletically and mentally.

  69. honestly i could careless on what people think of cam, people don't like it because it's different ,something the haven't seen before so i would tell cam to keep dabbing and keep representing Atlanta as well as you do.

  70. I don't think it's bad sportsmanship. If you were to lose, you'd be upset too. People are only talking about it because they just don't like Cam , because plenty of other players do the same thing.

  71. i think he is great no one wants to lose and other people have done the same thing

  72. i think he is great no one wants to lose and other people have done the same thing

  73. Honestly I feel like Cam Newton has great sportsmanship. Cam works very hard and is the absolute best at what he does. If any player scores a touchdown they should be able to celebrate without suffering from any consequences. After the Superbowl last night Cam immediately congratulated his opponent. If Cameron Newton was white this article wouldn't even be mentioned.

  74. I think that he is just stating how he feels. If he feels he cant be compared then that is just being cocky and people do that. There is nothing wrong with stating your opinion especially if others agree. He knows he is a good athlete so there shouldn't be an issue. Most athletes feel that way they just don't speak up. But he did and this is an issue? To me it is not.

  75. I respect Cam Newton sportsmanship and what he brings to the table. Therefore, he should be applaud for his achievements. People are just mad because one of his race and mad they do not want African Americans to succeed in life. However, everyone should be respected and nothing more to that.

  76. I think that he is just stating how he feels. If he feels he cant be compared then that is just being cocky and people do that. There is nothing wrong with stating your opinion especially if others agree. He knows he is a good athlete so there shouldn't be an issue. Most athletes feel that way they just don't speak up. But he did and this is an issue? To me it is not.

  77. No one said nothing about Aaron Rodgers when he did his championship belt celebration. So why do it to Cam with his dab.

  78. i dont see what the big deal about him dancing and dapping in the endzone when he score a TD if he want to dance just let him dance

  79. I personally think when you are great at what you do there is always someone going to find something bad about you and how you do it. Cam is showing his excitement from from making that touchdown, just as someone would have excitement when they win the lottery.

  80. In my opinion I don't think Cam is a bad person, we never truly know a person. The media can say whatever they want, release whatever they want and make someone look bad. No matter what we don't know if he's truly a bad person we have our own opinions on him. To me I think he may be a good guy in the public without someone being around. I think Cam may do great things for people outside of the media. The media is so stupid and say what they want about people.

  81. Cam Newton is a cry baby all he wants to do is have all the spotlight and fame he did the exact same thing when the falcons beat them in regular season he is bad at sportsmanship he is not good because he cant handle losing

  82. It's not really bad sportsmanship he was just upset that he lost the superbowl ( who wouldn't be upset that he/she lost the superbowl).

  83. i think he was just upset that team put a lot of work in.. I would b upset if I lost the Super Bowl because you work so hard just to lose at the end.

  84. honestly i feel they think he is an embarrassment to the team and want him to stop it. for me i don't care what he does as long as he's on my team and we win he can dab nay-nay whatever but if he's doing it out of foolishness then i feel he should be told something about it point blank period.

  85. I think it really don't matter about a little celebration. A dab isn't really anything to cry about and claim is unsportsmanlike. But i could see why it is if they were really dancing and pretty much bragging. But if its something small i don't see why it would be a problem.
