Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Donald Trump

Why do you believe Donal Trump continues to gain support of Republican Voters? Use for your research.


  1. cause he republican, i mean it only makes sense the republicans would vote for a republican given limited options

  2. I believe Donald Trump will continue to gain support of Republican Voters because he is not a politician, he keeps it real with every statement he makes, and he is a genius businessman. This nation is a business and it needs to be ran by a businessman.

  3. I believe Donald Trump will continue to gain support of Republican Voters because he is not a politician, he keeps it real with every statement he makes, and he is a genius businessman. This nation is a business and it needs to be ran by a businessman.

  4. because he says things that they like and plus he's a republican soo..

  5. Donald Trump continues to gain to gain votes from Republican because one he is a republican and republicans who do anything for some one from their party and win and two the three things he said he would do if he gets i n the white house are pretty good.I am not a fan of Donald Trump but it seems like he at least deserves the same respect as other candidates get.

  6. well i dont know thats what im still trying to figure out. like this man has been kicked out of certain industies and his behavior is unacceptable at least to me. but i guess he says things the way other republican voters like to be said raw and "out there".

  7. I would hope he didn't but how i hear on the news how much power he has right now, i could believe he still continues to gain support. He's probably saying smarter things about the other candidates but i still see him as a racist man toward Hispanics.

  8. He has his opinions. Trump continues to gain more support voters because he still has time such as opportunity to show his opinion about this country.

  9. I'm not entirely sure, you know how republicans are. Weirdos.

  10. I believe Donald Trump continues to gain support of Republican voters is because he isn't afraid to say what he thinks. Donald Trump says whatever comes to his mind, although most of the time they're false and ignorant. He says things like "Bush did 9/11" which then sheds light on that incident and causes people to look deeper into the cause. I'm not saying that everything he says is correct but some things that he says sheds light. I guess he has a better argument than his opponents on the Republican side which is another reason he is winning.

  11. i think that he is winning because i think people think this a game. and there trying to play along with. some people think that he is just running for president because its a plan t o knock all the other candidates out so they can get the one that they want, but i think hes actually going thru with it. he does not deserve to be in office

  12. I don't really have an opinion on that I don't pay attention to that type of stuff.

  13. i dont know why he is gaining votes cause i dont keep up with things like this.

  14. Because to most Republicans he makes sense he's trying to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. He's not in for the people he's in it for the money in the power. As long as he makes promises to benefit them he's going to continue to gain the votes he's gaining.

  15. I'm not even sure what to really say,i think he gets more votes because hes' different, not afraid to speak his mind.

  16. He is gaining votes because of the things he is saying to get attention and promising false things to republicans supporters well I believe he will continue gaining votes.

  17. He is promising things that wont be kept and they are to stupid to believe

  18. I believe Donald Trump will continue to gain support of Republican Voters because he is not a politician, he keeps it real with every statement he makes, and he is a genius businessman. This nation is a business and it needs to be ran by a businessman.

  19. Donald Trump is in the news more than any other republican nominee and the voter that may not take the time to get informed will see that and assume that he should be the candidate for the republican party

  20. I believe that Donald Trump has support for Donald Trump from the republicans, because they see that he can be an important and strong person that is wealthy and a businessman.

  21. He is making empty promises and false statements so he could appease the public.

  22. Certain statements he makes are things people want to hear. Also he is a republican so he will get support from the party he represents. Although I really wish people will pay more attention to his actions and what exactly what he is saying.

  23. well i dont know thats what im still trying to figure out. like this man has been kicked out of certain industies and his behavior is unacceptable at least to me. but i guess he says things the way other republican voters like to be said raw and "out there".

  24. Donald Trump gets so much support because all of his supporters are ignorant, stuck-up, self centered, arrogant, and wealthy just like him sop birds of a feather flock together. And, because of his "extremely wealthy and successful businessman" background, people see this as some reason to latch onto him, when in actuality, him being a "g00d buisness dude!" has nothing to do with his political skills, as they are atrocious. I'm telling you all, he is in no way fit to be president or any sort of position of policital power, at ALL. #DownWithTrump2k16

  25. he tells lies that people believe and they go with what he says

  26. some people support him cause they think that its funny and because they are ignorant along with trump himself.

  27. A lot of people support him because he be making it seem like he can do all things people want but it's just ignorance and he knows he cant do everything people want but people believes him.

  28. a lot of people beleave in what he does and what he can do for the country.

  29. donald Trump has support for Donald Trump from the republicans, because they see that he can be an important and strong person that is wealthy and a businessman.

  30. I dont like trump, is too much of a white person that wants to send blacks back to africa

  31. People are supporting him because they think he is funny and because he is saying to the people

  32. I believe that his support comes from the republicans. They see that he is wealthy and a businessman so they think he can get us out of our economic debt.

  33. Because Donald Trump is a republican and republicans vote for republicans and he says the most craziest things out of his mouth but people find that to be powerful or something

  34. He has his opinions. Trump continues to gain more support voters because he still has time such as opportunity to show his opinion about this country.

  35. Because they agree to the stuff he says and think that he can make America greater and accomplish a lot of stuff.

  36. I think he keeps gaining votes because he is not afraid to speak his mind. He is a very strong runner in this race to be president, he has the overall winning vote of most of everybody. He will continue to gain the votes in the election.

  37. Trump is a man who is gaining supporters simply because he can. The people who are supporting his campaign are most likely doing this because he`s telling them what they want to hear: which is utter nonsense. While some of his policies and ideas are good and may actually benefit the country, he`s a cutthroat businessman: playing the role of a smooth and suave guy is second nature to him. He should not be trusted.

  38. I believe he gets his republican voters because he speaks his mind. republicans like him because they agree with him

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  40. He is getting a lot of votes because people like what he is promising for the country.

  41. Trump is gaining supporters because he is constantly getting bashed for his irrational ideas and is getting plenty of attention from the media

  42. I believe that Donald Trump is gaining votes because he is a republican, he is a business man and he is wealthy. He has stated some promises that work in his favor yet, benefits to those who vote and support him. On the other hand, In my opinion he is disrespectful, arrogant, needs a new hairstyle, and is very ignorant.

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  44. He's going to withdraw at the last minute. He's just trying to prove that he could be president if he wanted.

  45. As much as I hate to admit it, Donald Trump keeps winning because he's honest. He's an honest candidate but that doesn't mean what he's doing is right. In fact much not, he's very much a racist and that can't be a trait of a president.

  46. I believe that his support comes from the republicans.He has stated some promises that work in his favor yet, benefits to those who vote and support him.While some of his policies and ideas are good and may actually benefit the country, he`s a cutthroat businessman.

  47. Hes a Horrible Person, and whatever he says about things Political wise, Is never something that should even come out anyone who's running for president. hes is liar, hes selfish but sometimes i almost think that he just wants to be president to rub all of his fortune in and other things to the misfortune

  48. Hes a Horrible Person, and whatever he says about things Political wise, Is never something that should even come out anyone who's running for president. hes is liar, hes selfish but sometimes i almost think that he just wants to be president to rub all of his fortune in and other things to the misfortune

  49. Trump is a bad human but claims his christian . His winning the vote because people are just as dumb as him . Once he messes us all over then people realize they was dumb .

  50. Yes, because he is a successful business man himself and republicans want to help business produce more jobs for the common man so ultimately he gonna help all entrepreneurs so he gonna get alot of vote from high mid class people and above.

  51. I believe Donald Trump continues to gain support of Republican voters because he's probably bribing them to choose him as our next president or they're just as ignorant as him.

  52. I'm not entirely sure, you know how republicans are.

  53. Donald Trump continues to gain more support voters because he show his opinion about this country.

  54. i honestly don't know, because all these promises he is making that people are believing in aren't going to happen he is going to get in and corrupt.

  55. I'm not sure why people are still voting for Trump. He's clearly a racist and I think is only popular because of the of all the negativity. The media has made him popular.

  56. i feeling like people are voting for trump because they are scared to be honest. They are scared of terrorism and believe that Muslims are truly the problem.

  57. i feeling like people are voting for trump because they are scared to be honest. They are scared of terrorism and believe that Muslims are truly the problem.

  58. Trump is gaining the votes of the Republicans because he's blunt. In my opinion, Trump is just brave enough to say what a lot of Republicans are afraid to, which is sad but helps him gain votes.

  59. Donald Trump continues to gain support from Republican supporters because he is saying the things they cannot say. He is very opinionated and is very bigoted in his ideals.

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  61. I think Donald Trump receives votes based on what he states in the media, which is something most republicans wouldn't even think about saying.

  62. Both Trump and Clinton head into the most important day yet in the 2016 election dominating their respective races. Trump is more popular in the republican votes because I kind of think its racial. Even though Hillary is white as well. Trump seems more racist by far.

  63. I think people see Trump as their voice in the Republican party but he'll only dig this country in the ground so I hope he loses those votes.

  64. because he pays them to support them. that is why he gets support him

  65. I think Trump would corrupt this country but I don't any of them would be good.

  66. I believe he is getting republicans trust because in his speeches he is making great ideas to better protect our country

  67. Both Trump and Clinton head into the most important day yet in the 2016 election dominating their respective races. Trump is more popular in the republican votes because I kind of think its racial. Even though Hillary is white as well. Trump seems more racist by far.
    I believe he is getting republicans trust because in his speeches he is making great ideas to better protect our country

  68. Both Trump and Clinton head into the most important day yet in the 2016 election dominating their respective races. Trump is more popular in the republican votes because I kind of think its racial. Even though Hillary is white as well. Trump seems more racist by far.
    I believe he is getting republicans trust because in his speeches he is making great ideas to better protect our country

  69. I have always believed Republicans are corrupt and Trump fills this description. They support his changes so they will continue to support him. They also believe he has a high change of winning the election overall.

  70. i think he keeps getting the votes because he he saids he will protect the country

  71. i think he keeps getting the votes because he he saids he will protect the country

  72. I believe Donald Trump continues to gain support of Republican voters is because he isn't afraid to say what he thinks. Donald Trump says whatever comes to his mind, although most of the time they're false and ignorant. He says things like "Bush did 9/11" which then sheds light on that incident and causes people to look deeper into the cause. I'm not saying that everything he says is correct but some things that he says sheds light. I guess he has a better argument than his opponents on the Republican side which is another reason he is winning.

  73. I believe Donald Trump continues to gain support of Republican voters is because he isn't afraid to say what he thinks. Donald Trump says whatever comes to his mind, although most of the time they're false and ignorant. He says things like "Bush did 9/11" which then sheds light on that incident and causes people to look deeper into the cause. I'm not saying that everything he says is correct but some things that he says sheds light. I guess he has a better argument than his opponents on the Republican side which is another reason he is winning.

  74. Donald Trump continues to gain to gain votes from Republican because one he is a republican and republicans who do anything for some one from their party and win and two the three things he said he would do if he gets i n the white house are pretty good.I am not a fan of Donald Trump but it seems like he at least deserves the same respect as other candidates get.

  75. Because he's a republican so why wouldn't they help out their kind? Or he has the same beliefs as a republican.

  76. Donald Trump continues to gain to gain votes from Republican because one he is a republican and republicans who do anything for some one from their party and win and two the three things he said he would do if he gets i n the white house are pretty good.I am not a fan of Donald Trump but it seems like he at least deserves the same respect as other candidates get.

  77. Of course , he will continue to gain his voters because the republicans are on his side for a reason. They support his campaign and what he brings to the table and they are apart of his Republican Party. Either way it goes , maybe they respect what he brings to the table and how he is not afraid to speak his mind.

  78. I believe Donald Trump is gaining so much support because some people are just to ignorant to see how stupid it would be to elect him as president. he has no political experience and has the same views as hitler as far as blaming our economic and social problems on one race of people.

  79. Donald Trump continues to gain to gain votes from Republican because one he is a republican and republicans who do anything for some one from their party and win and two the three things he said he would do if he gets i n the white house are pretty good.I am not a fan of Donald Trump but it seems like he at least deserves the same respect as other candidates get.

  80. Donald Trump will continue to gain support of Republican Voters because he is not a politician, he keeps it real with every statement he makes,and people are beliving everything he said he going to do

  81. I think he is winning these votes because rebulicans are many racist or white.

  82. I believe Donald Trump continues to gain support of Republican voters is because he isn't afraid to say what he thinks. Donald Trump says whatever comes to his mind, although most of the time they're false and ignorant. He says things like "Bush did 9/11" which then sheds light on that incident and causes people to look deeper into the cause. I'm not saying that everything he says is correct but some things that he says sheds light. I guess he has a better argument than his opponents on the Republican side which is another reason he is winning.

  83. Because to most Republicans he makes sense he's trying to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. He's not in for the people he's in it for the money in the power. As long as he makes promises to benefit them he's going to continue to gain the votes he's gaining.

  84. I feel that donald trump reasoning of president is ignorant, and people are just ignorant for voting for him.

  85. He has his opinions. Trump continues to gain more support voters because he still has time such as opportunity to show his opinion about this country.

  86. Donald Trumps is a horrible human being. If it doesn't make him money he doesn't want to here about it. He talks about all he is going to do to make America great again but no explaining how. He isn't the leader the United States needs.

  87. donald trump in my opinion is not a politician, and he speaks what comes to his mind he dont care about what people thinks or who's listening. he's just horrible, and ignorant.

  88. personal i don't care what trump says i just know i don't want him to become president because I DON'T WANT TO GO TO AFRICA. simple as that.

  89. As we have seen in the past couple months he has been gaining and now with ted cruz out the picture he will be the next republican leader.
