Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Kanye West $53 Million Debt!!!

Kanye West has recently stated that he has a $53 million debt to his name and asks billionaires Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page to donate money to him and believe in his ideas and dreams. If you had the money to donate to Kanye, would you do it? Why or why not?


  1. no, i woyuldnt. if i was rich i wouldnt donate to sonmeone i dont even know, HE got himself in then HE gotta get himself out. i do like 350s though, those are nice

  2. Yes I would donate money to Kanye West. Kanye West is a musical genius and is a gift to the world. Kanye is arguably one of the best rappers ever and has blessed the world with his art over the last fifteen years. Kanye's albums are musically worth billions of dollars and should be compensated for his gifts to the world. 53 million is an understatement to how much Kanye deserves and how much billionaires should donate to him.

  3. i probably would just because the simple fact that i like to help people soo

  4. Kanye is the funniest man he says so much bull he twitted that he thought Cosby was innocent.I find this debt thing funny.

  5. If Kanye west did something to give back to the people besides music like helping out in the flint water crisis then i'll think about giving him money.

  6. No, I wouldn't even though I had that money. Because That is 53 million, and I don't believe him such as anyone else.

  7. Even though I'm a big fan of his, I wouldn't loan him any money. Reason is because I worked hard for my money. So I want just loan it out easily. He can just decrease his clothing amount then he would gain some money.

  8. i wouldnt give that man a penny because he has already been wealthy and had more money than anyone.

  9. i wouldnt because he is already rich

  10. Wow first of all that is a lot of money for just one man to owe.If I had the money I would not help Kanye out his wife is worth 88 million dollar right now.She is always sacrifice for the one that she claims to love.What if his ideas and dreams don't come true???He would just get himself into something else even more bigger.Am just sorry for him because there is not really any reason for him to owe that much money.

  11. No I wouldn't give any money to Kanye. He is surrounded by many of wealthy people that can help him out. West is a very controversial man and has done questionable things in his past. I support him, no doubt, but he won't be touching my money.

  12. Yes I would donate to him just because of his music he is a God to the rap industry and even though he says stupid stuff and can be a butt hole his music is dope and what he's doing is for a cause. He is a great rapper and wants to help people genuinely from his heart. So why not donate? He gifts us with his music why not give back to him in order for him to give back to us! Kanye should get donations just fro his music alone as a Chicago native I respect and Appreciate what he does for my city and the world. We came from the same city and he raps about life His project deserves over 53 million

  13. i would not donate money to kanye west.hes already rich and is getting more money right now from his new album that he dropped.

  14. No I wouldn't give him any money. It's his fault that he's in debt and it's not my problem.

  15. I would not like to donate it but I would loan him that money on 7 percent of interest.

  16. If I had the money to donate to Kanye West I wouldn't because I'm cheap. And besides, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't help someone if they were a millionaire in debt. I also have never heard of him giving back to society or people in need. I don't understand how you go $53 M into debt but I hope he finds a way to pay it off.

  17. If I had the money to donate to Kanye West I wouldn't because I'm cheap. And besides, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't help someone if they were a millionaire in debt. I also have never heard of him giving back to society or people in need. I don't understand how you go $53 M into debt but I hope he finds a way to pay it off.

  18. I wouldn't donate to him. That's way too much money anybody should be asking for. He should already be rich with all the money he gets, and his wife also has a lot of money.

  19. i would just to help him. because i would want someone to help me if i was going through this

  20. i think i wouldn't and i would invest money in something else because he already has the money to do things on his own and other people need the money more than he does that money could of been used for other things.

  21. well yes i would because he is using the money for a ggod cause. and kanye has been a good artist for alot of years and he has worked very hard to get where he is now. and thats not right for him to have to pay for other peoples mistakes.

  22. I wouldn't donate to him. That's way too much money anybody should be asking for

  23. NO! i would not give him nothing

  24. No I wouldn't donate to Kanye. If I had $53 million right now I would use it to fund MY personal hopes and dreams.

  25. if i had the money i would give him a loan but i would not donate it

  26. No I wouldn't donate to him.He should already be rich with all the money he gets, and his wife also has a lot of money too.

  27. yes i would donate to kanye west

  28. No, i wouldn't donate to him thats his problem not mine

  29. No, I wouldn't even though I had that money. Because That is 53 million, and I don't believe him such as anyone else.

  30. No i wouldn't donate to this man. How do you let yourself get that deep in debt with out knowing. Them want us to buy your album and clothes yet you owing all this money.

  31. No i wouldn't because chances are he is making more money than i am and he has never given me money before so no.

  32. uh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  33. no because its my money and i need it now

  34. No. He doesn't give me an impression to plus he doesn't give me a good enough reason.

  35. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  36. nah he's not getting a cent from me. what did kanye do to deserve any of my money? absolutely nothin.

  37. I wouldn't donate because I believe it's really his bad decisions that put him in debt. I don't know if the album contributed to the debt, but if it did not officially releasing it and making people download illegally isn't going to help the situation.

  38. no i would rather donate to charity why would i give my money to one person when when i could give it to more people to to help those who are actually in need. idk im just one of those "greater good" kind of people.

  39. HECKIE NO! Because he has no respect for anything or anyone. its hard to even take him serious sometimes because in his so called "Music" He talks about a person in his new album he humiliate's a person who works so hard for HER Money, and he has the nerve to sit and talk when he has DEBT TO HIS BANK ACCOUNT!!. It's crazy, your krazy Kanye(Thats how he would spell crazy :|)

  40. There's actually a GoFundMe already set up for this cause: https://www.gofundme.com/kanyesmedicis

    Anywho, I wouldn't give him money. He hasn't made a big difference in our society, so it'd be going to a lost cause. I'd rather donate the money to a charity or a relief project.

  41. i would give him the money if i had hit to help him out.

  42. No I wouldn't give any money to Kanye. He is surrounded by many of wealthy people that can help him out.

  43. Nah I wouldn't. We've had enough Kanye.

  44. I would not give him any money, because he got himself in trouble, and has to look himself how to get out of it.

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  46. no I wouldn't because he should've done what he did to get in debt

  47. This man is one of many entertainers who has foolishly lead themselves into literal debt. One should not support someone who not only has made little to no significant change in this nation, but also is willing to do things that can lead them into this form of a dilemma. This is his problem, and his problem alone.

  48. No, because he is to arrogant, conceited , and since he thinks he is the baddest thing that come in the industry then he needed get himself out of this situation. He always bragging about how much money he makes yet, you are in debt...*rolls eyes* boy bye go take plenty of seats and take them fast...ask Kim for the money. This will teach him how to be more humble.

  49. I would donate to him but it wouldn't be that much considering he's in a debt of $53 million dollars.

  50. If I had the money to donate. I will not give him the money.To be honest who will give him the money if you had $53m. You must really be a fan girl even then. Plus there are many people in the world today that need some money like that.

  51. No I wouldn't give any money to Kanye. He is surrounded by many of wealthy people that can help him out.

  52. If I had the money I would not donate it. I say this because he has already had millions so he should be responsible. This is only his fault.

  53. If I had the money to donate to Kanye I most likely wouldn't. My reason would be because of the type of person he portrays himself to be. I don't believe that he would appreciate the kindness of receiving that amount of money.

  54. Excuse my potty mouth but Hell No, who in their right mind would give donate money to Kanye, after everything he has done up to this point. For on calling himself yeezuz and that he is bigger then god himself, i guess this is gods way of saying, "Ha you thought", he got himself into debt and he can get himself out, i would rather give money to the richest man in the world then Kanye, just sayin.

  55. No because I don't know him like that and he probably would do it for me.

  56. i would probably donate 2 cents i really don't listen to kanye

  57. i think he not broke because of his clothing line making money. He is probably just trying to get more money.

  58. No because i do not like him. He is rude and disrespectful to a lot of people. He has a lot to say about people so this is probably just karma.

  59. f I had the money to donate to him I wouldn't.Mostly because of how he acts. I don't believe that he would appreciate the money.

  60. i wouldnt give that man a penny because he has already been wealthy and had more money than anyone. but then my grandma always tell me you bless somebody else you will also be blessed for something you never thought about being bless for so i would of gave him some

  61. I wouldn't because he probably did something really dumb so he better ask Kim.

  62. I wouldn't because he probably did something really dumb so he better ask Kim.

  63. he needs to stop selling his shoes for 2000 and start trying to sell some actually thing

  64. If I had the money to donate to Kanye,I would not because if he didn't care about keeping or expanding his own money, he wouldn't break his neck to try to return the favor if I needed him.

  65. Really? Was it us who put you in debt? Is it us that has to pay you back? No I didn't think so. There's no way you're going to be a president in debt. You better find something political to do in the mean time that pays.

  66. If i was rich why not kanye has great ideas and always seems to succeed in stuff .

  67. I mean they could help him but i would not donate him any money and here's why, you know that you bought things that you cant afford and not pay it off and you continue to do it over and over again. Why would i donate you more money so you can do the same thing that like giving a drug addict money. You know what they are gonna do with it spend it on unseful things

  68. I think that his backers should support him, however it is not everyone's responsibility to fund his projects. We did not put him in debt, so its not our job to get him out of it.

  69. No I wouldn't give any money to Kanye. He is surrounded by many of wealthy people that can help him out. Because he has no respect for anything or anyone. its hard to even take him serious sometimes because in his so called "Music" He talks about a person in his new album he humiliate's a person who works so hard for HER Money, and he has the nerve to sit and talk when he has dept to his bank account.

  70. No I wouldn't give any money to Kanye. He is surrounded by many of wealthy people that can help him out. Because he has no respect for anything or anyone. its hard to even take him serious sometimes because in his so called "Music" He talks about a person in his new album he humiliate's a person who works so hard for HER Money, and he has the nerve to sit and talk when he has dept to his bank account.


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  73. No because I don't think he'd do the same for me.

  74. I wouldn't donate because I believe it's really his bad decisions that put him in debt. I don't know if the album contributed to the debt, but if it did not officially releasing it and making people download illegally isn't going to help the situation.

  75. I would not give him any money, because he got himself in trouble, and has to look himself how to get out of it.

  76. I would not give him any money, because he got himself in trouble, and has to look himself how to get out of it.

  77. no because he is rich and he should live at his means and not go overboard

  78. no because he is rich and he should live at his means and not go overboard

  79. Yes I would donate money to Kanye West. Kanye West is a musical genius and is a gift to the world. Kanye is arguably one of the best rappers ever and has blessed the world with his art over the last fifteen years. Kanye's albums are musically worth billions of dollars and should be compensated for his gifts to the world. 53 million is an understatement to how much Kanye deserves and how much billionaires should donate to him.

  80. Yes I would donate money to Kanye West. Kanye West is a musical genius and is a gift to the world. Kanye is arguably one of the best rappers ever and has blessed the world with his art over the last fifteen years. Kanye's albums are musically worth billions of dollars and should be compensated for his gifts to the world. 53 million is an understatement to how much Kanye deserves and how much billionaires should donate to him.

  81. I wouldn't give hi, any money because hes a grown man and if he got himself in that situation he should be able to get his self out.

  82. If I had the money to donate to Kanye West I wouldn't because I'm cheap. And besides, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't help someone if they were a millionaire in debt. I also have never heard of him giving back to society or people in need. I don't understand how you go $53 M into debt but I hope he finds a way to pay it off.

  83. No I would not give any money to celebrities like Kanye. First and foremost if you claim you have all this money by the celebrity you are there should absolutely be no reason why you are in debt. Some how and some way that is his fault for not using his money wisely. Just because you are a celebrity doesn't mean you have to spend all your money like that-blowing it out of portion.

  84. Even though I'm a big fan of his, I wouldn't loan him any money. Reason is because I worked hard for my money. So I want just loan it out easily. He can just decrease his clothing amount then he would gain some money.

  85. i wouldnt beacuse he got a wife who makes millions and shoes that cost you your whole lifesaving so why should if if he doing nonething for me

  86. I think that's why his clothes are so high. He claims to have money why cant you pay it.

  87. Yes I would donate to him just because of his music he is a God to the rap industry and even though he says stupid stuff and can be a butt hole his music is dope and what he's doing is for a cause. He is a great rapper and wants to help people genuinely from his heart. So why not donate? He gifts us with his music why not give back to him in order for him to give back to us! Kanye should get donations just fro his music alone as a Chicago native I respect and Appreciate what he does for my city and the world. We came from the same city and he raps about life His project deserves over 53 million

  88. I would not donate to him because Kanye has plenty of money, and he should've did what was taught in economics.

  89. i wouldnt give that man a penny because he has already been wealthy and had more money than anyone. but then my grandma always tell me you bless somebody else you will also be blessed for something you never thought about being bless for so i would of gave him some

  90. kanye west obviously spent money foolishly so he needs to figure his life out.

  91. This man is one of many entertainers who has foolishly lead themselves into literal debt.

  92. I would donate to Kanye at all because the chances of me getting anything in return is slim.

  93. i honestly would not give the money to him because there are way more people out her who is in need of food, shelter, and clothes and are way more relevant and important than somebody who is supposedly rich. there's way more peole who need it than him. and nobody hears there cry, so truth be said no i would not donate 53 million dollars to kanye

  94. if i had the money i would not give it to Kanye west because out of all the things that he's doing you mean to tell me you take care of your business like my daddy told me business comes before anything and i fell like he didn't do what he needed to do and he did what he wanted to at the end of the day

  95. I would donate if i had the money but i think he will be able to recover from this situation he is in.
