Friday, February 26, 2016

Can't attend school because of race

Comment on the video below. What do you think about this happening in 2016 in America?


  1. Honestly I feel like America has made little progression. Not just with school education, police brutatility and hangings of African Americans are happening in 2016. Racism will never it but it is everyone's moral job to limit institutional racism as much as possible.

  2. i think that america made a little more progress. its not just the school thats with the education, the police brutality and the hangings of the african americans in 2016.

  3. I think that's ashamed. Were in 2016 and people still can't accept changes. But this is a change people honestly can't control.

  4. They can't do that to children. They have no sin. They have access to racist the different skin color but don't do that to a child like that. Anybody can't choose their race. It's surprising me because that happened in school.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I feel like that is very unfair towards the child and towards the parents many people would actually category this as racism but i would also category this as disrespect cause we are all born with something that makes us unique and that school district doesn't know how much that kid will make a different.. and that district needs to get out of its was...

  7. To very honest Americans today have made some progression but its not because they want to its because they have to. It's alot of race issues and not even just race it goes deeper that. If we are a free and equal country then why don't we reflect that?

  8. i thin kits crazy ithought that we already fought for the right to go to school where ever we wanted. i think that the school thats not letting this boy get education because of his race should lose its accredidation.

  9. It doesn't make any sense that we (Americans) say "land of the free" in our national anthem when our country isn't really free at all.

  10. Its crazy how things like this is still occurring in 2016. This goes to show you that the people in charge are the ones who are racist. If they really cared they would've corrected these paper decades ago when segregation was ruled against the law. This is really unsettling to see, just imagining if my brothers or sister was in the situation this little guy is is just a little angering to see that this still exists. I know that racism will never die but we as a people can all work together to minimize it as much as possible.

  11. i think that i tis verry wrong because they do not have the right to do that it is our legel right.

  12. I believe that it doesn't mean about your skin color and can't get in the school and learn with others.

  13. They have access to racist the different skin color but don't do that to a child like that. Anybody can't choose their race. It's surprising me because that happened in school.

  14. This is crazy that incidents like this are happening. I think that it is very heartbreaking to hear that someone cannot receive a education because of their skin color.

  15. Education shouldn't see any color, but honestly why would you want to go to a school like that knowing you might not ever get accepted. The little boy shouldn't delay his education shed light on the situation and go to another school i hope he receives what he is looking for.

  16. I think its so stupid that something so small as color is still appearing today.

  17. I feel like that is very unfair towards the child and towards the parents many people would actually category this as racism but i would also category this as disrespect cause we are all born with something that makes us unique and that school district doesn't know how much that kid will make a different.. and that district needs to get out of its was

  18. This is absolutely atrocious. This little kid is only about 7 or 8 years old, is clearly a gifted genius with a lot of smarts and talent, and when trying to apply for an honors academy, they reject him because he's African American?? um, what YEAR is it?? 2016 or 1943???? This is wrong on every level.

  19. What hey need to do is obviously change that law that is decades old. It's clear is was made a long time ago trying to desegregate schools but this is the 21 century, we should be past this

  20. i think this this is awful! even though the criteria of being accepted was made a very long time ago over some ancient court case but this is ridiculous you think they would have thought 'hey since this is a more current time where we are not supposed to act like this anymore and be blatantly racist, maybe we should take this out?????' why is this acceptable? im glad this woman is speaking out about it because times have changed i dont understand why they are sticking to that horrible and racist rule.

  21. i think that i tis verry wrong because they do not have the right to do that it is our legel right.

  22. It's Something no one wants to hear. It's honestly outrageous to believe something like this still exists when for at least a few decades ago it was announced that African Americans or any race could live among diversity and be equal. This shouldn't even be a topic anymore, or a problem. its stupid to me.

  23. i think that i this is very wrong because they do not have the right to do that it is our legal right.

  24. America need to step up and if they got something to say that isn't nice they need to keep it to themself

  25. This is just wrong, and really its just a problem here in the US. If you go to europe, especiallty to switzerland where I am from, nobody would even think about something like that, thats how stupid it is. We don't live in 1815 anymore. America needs to work on that.

  26. America need to step up and if they got something to say that isn't nice they need to keep it to themself. It doesn't make any sense that we (Americans) say "land of the free" in our national anthem when our country isn't really free at all.

  27. America need to step up and if they got something to say that isn't nice they need to keep it to themself. It doesn't make any sense that we (Americans) say "land of the free" in our national anthem when our country isn't really free at all.

  28. One should point out that this entire issue may in fact be in violation of the Constitution, as this issue should not have existed in the first. Also, whatever court issued this should be put away this instant, as the court is also violating the rights of this student and his family. No one should ever have to go through this in their lives.

  29. I feel like this is wrong. First because so many people in our history have worked hard to keep segregation out of schools and for this to happen it feels degrading to our culture.

  30. This is outrageous the young boy seems very smart. America should step up and say NO because that is against the law. That's basically segregating this smart child. All he is trying to do is learn why can't he do that ?

  31. To very honest Americans today have made some progression but its not because they want to its because they have to. It's alot of race issues and not even just race it goes deeper that. If we are a free and equal country then why don't we reflect that?I feel like this is wrong. First because so many people in our history have worked hard to keep segregation out of schools and for this to happen it feels degrading to our culture.

  32. Honestly I feel like America has made little progression. This is outrageous the young boy seems very smart. America need to step up and if they got something to say that isn't nice they need to keep it to themself.

  33. One word Disrespectful. I feel that if We say "Land of the free" Then their should be no discrimination we should ALL be free and allowed to do everything in america without race, or gender being a problem.When we say we are proud "Americans" It shouldn't be excelled to anyone... We should all be just that... Proud... yet we are not cause of problems like this that don't get taken seriously were trying to move forward yet we keep getting push back because of people being ignorant and living in the past... Race existed strongly in the past and still is current in the present and if we don't think smart and move with caution then surely our future will be the same and if not then worst.

  34. America is still having these segragational problems ? America barely evolved since the 18 century

  35. I think that it is starting to be the 1960s all over again just in 3D. I feel like we're moving backwards as a nation overall as time progresses.

  36. honestly i that school wanna be like that then stay home, id hope on the chance to not go to school trust me, give that kid six years in the edu. system

  37. This is honestly ridiculous. They judge a kid by their race. That kid could be our future president and that school wont even know it cause they want to be racist.

  38. One should point out that this entire issue may in fact be in violation of the Constitution, as this issue should not have existed in the first.If we are a free and equal country then why don't we reflect that?I feel like this is wrong.yet we are not cause of problems like this that don't get taken seriously were trying to move forward yet we keep getting push back because of people being ignorant and living in the past.

  39. This is getting crazy people are really getting dumber and dumber by the years

  40. This is getting crazy people are really getting dumber and dumber by the years

  41. This is getting crazy people are really getting dumber and dumber by the years

  42. This is getting crazy people are really getting dumber and dumber by the years

  43. Racism will never it but it is everyone's moral job to limit institutional racism as much as possible. alexis bush

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Racism wont ever end because people as a society dont want it too, racism is alive yes but maybe hopefully it will change. Because alot of us suffer to to racism.

  46. In 2016, I'm not surprised that this has happened. So many shamed upon things have happened that it just makes it another day in America. Racism will never end and that's just the truth

  47. Although it has been decades since segregation in the south, this does not surprise me. America is built on a system that oppresses my people. The black community has done many things in order to combat these issues, however it seems as if we are getting nowhere unfortunately.

  48. Racism and segregation still exist. It's something that has been around for a long time. This issue will take awhile to resolve or may never cease. I just know that it is something that should not be tolerated. Everyone is capable of greatness. They're race or whatever shouldn't matter.

  49. racist people will always exist. people who are being raced will always be raced if we people dont act to stop racism

  50. I think its unfair because why are they treating people wrong over the skin color. It shouldn't matter about the skin color because its just appearance.

  51. This is just wrong, and really its just a problem here in the US. If you go to europe, especiallty to switzerland where I am from, nobody would even think about something like that, thats how stupid it is. We don't live in 1815 anymore. America needs to work on that.

  52. It's stupid. Blacks,mexicans and asians are going no where. Other races have proven themselves and for them to continue to discriminate still is nothing new. It's wrong and stupid.

  53. It's dumb all races deserve to be educated and anyone who thinks otherwise is a dumbo.

  54. It really is dumb that a child who isn't another color than brown cant attend a school of his choice. Race has nothing to do with being educated because its a possibility that he could become president of united states one day.

  55. its stupid. all races deserve to be educated and anyone who thinks otherwise is a dumb. other races have proven themselves and for them to continue to discriminate still is nothing new.

  56. its stupid. all races deserve to be educated and anyone who thinks otherwise is a dumb. other races have proven themselves and for them to continue to discriminate still is nothing new.

  57. Education shouldnt have anything to do with race, we are all here for a reason to get what we need graduate and continue our career.

  58. I believe history constantly repeats itself. This is just one example of all the discrimination that has been occurring. This situation has happened plenty of times in the past just like the police brutality that has been taking place.

  59. honestly i think is dumb We in 2016 and people still can't accept changes. But this is a change people cant honestly control.

  60. honestly i think is dumb We in 2016 and people still can't accept changes. But this is a change people cant honestly control.

  61. i think its wrong you should be able to go to what school you want to and color should not matter no i dont see this happen in 2016

  62. i think its wrong you should be able to go to what school you want to and color should not matter no i dont see this happen in 2016

  63. Education shouldn't see any color, but honestly why would you want to go to a school like that knowing you might not ever get accepted. The little boy shouldn't delay his education shed light on the situation and go to another school i hope he receives what he is looking for.

  64. You shouldn't be able to go to school just because your skin isnt the right color.

  65. I feel like that is very unfair towards the child and towards the parents many people would actually category this as racism but i would also category this as disrespect cause we are all born with something that makes us unique and that school district doesn't know how much that kid will make a different.. and that district needs to get out of its was...

  66. I think that is completely crazy that you could not attend school because of your skin color is like stepping back 50 years when the country was segregated .

  67. I see that racism is a problem that will forever be in effect. No matter how hard people try to fix and find ways to end events relating to it. It will forever repeat itself. According to this article, no child , no matter what race they are, should never be rejected of their intelligence. Because you never know , that child may be your next Bill Gates , or Will Smith or Barack Obama. Therefore , don't ever judge a person by the way you see them on the outside.

  68. The fact people couldn't attend certain schools because of race is terrible critical. Every race should be allowed to come together in a school and learn in a big environment.

  69. it sad how this is still happen in 2016 at some point the we got to accept the changes that had happen

  70. I think the US made a little progress with everything, because you can walk down the street and dont have to really worry about the KKK coming to kill you or take you as an African American.

  71. Its crazy how things like this is still occurring in 2016. This goes to show you that the people in charge are the ones who are racist. If they really cared they would've corrected these paper decades ago when segregation was ruled against the law. This is really unsettling to see, just imagining if my brothers or sister was in the situation this little guy is is just a little angering to see that this still exists. I know that racism will never die but we as a people can all work together to minimize it as much as possible.

  72. They can't do that to children. They have no sin. They have access to racist the different skin color but don't do that to a child like that. Anybody can't choose their race. It's surprising me because that happened in school.

  73. One should point out that this entire issue may in fact be in violation of the Constitution, as this issue should not have existed in the first.If we are a free and equal country then why don't we reflect that?I feel like this is wrong.yet we are not cause of problems like this that don't get taken seriously were trying to move forward yet we keep getting push back because of people being ignorant and living in the past.

  74. Its very sad that kids cannot go to school because of their skin color. No one should be judged off of their skin color. Education is for everyone no matter what your skin color is

  75. Education shouldn't see any color, but honestly why would you want to go to a school like that knowing you might not ever get accepted. The little boy shouldn't delay his education shed light on the situation and go to another school i hope he receives what he is looking for.

  76. It doesn't make any sense that we (Americans) say "land of the free" in our national anthem when our country isn't really free at all

  77. Its crazy how things like this is still occurring in 2016. This goes to show you that the people in charge are the ones who are racist. If they really cared they would've corrected these paper decades ago when segregation was ruled against the law. This is really unsettling to see, just imagining if my brothers or sister was in the situation this little guy is is just a little angering to see that this still exists. I know that racism will never die but we as a people can all work together to minimize it as much as possible.

  78. Stupid stupid stupid stupid, 'state regulations created DECADES AGO'? Wow, they're just purposely trying to keep him out, racist government. At least they fixed the issue.

  79. This is realty stupid. So many people in our history have worked hard to keep segregation out of schools & this is making it seem like all these peoples work was for nothing.

  80. things like this makes me upset because segregation is still around, just because he's black he cant go to school? its so annoying that people are still racist and discrimination still exists. its not fair

  81. i feel like this should not be happening this far in ours lives like it goes to show you that there are still people out there that are going to judge by the skin color or your background when none of that really matters what matters is your heart and what you came there to do i don't feel like racial discrimination should still be going on in 2016.

  82. Even though laws say that schools are intergrated doesnt mean all people have adjustedto this fact of African American and whites goign to school together

  83. This is just wrong, and really its just a problem here in the US. If you go to europe, especiallty to switzerland where I am from, nobody would even think about something like that, thats how stupid it is.
