Monday, August 14, 2017


What is your opinion of what has happened in Charlottesville? Do you think the president has addressed the issue properly?


  1. I think that it's unfair that some people had to die because of the stupid KKK organization.They are after people for no reason and I think they should get arrested.That's murder and I am not for it,at all.Our past leaders would not allow this madness to happen.I don't think that the president addressed it correctly because it could intentionally happen again since those people aren't been penalized and put in jail.

  2. I think that this event is just another pointless social issue that doesn't need to be as talked about as it is right now. OK, some people got into an argument and there was violence. That happens everyday somewhere in the world. I don't understand why the president has to address every violent act that happens in the country. It was probably over in a couple minutes anyways.

  3. It's horrible that at this point in time that the United States has individuals that want to bring hatred and violence towards the people. And President Trump has not even done anything or at the least said a word about the violence, so it can show what kind of person and 'leader' he is.

  4. My opinion on whats happening in Charlottesville is tragic and sad. It seems as if racial riots only happen in mostly caucasian states, where its like a few African American. They only do that because they out number them. But say for example Caucasian people pull something like that in South Atlanta.... yeah the outcome will not be great. The sad thing is they police knew about it and waited until the last moment to do something because they were to busy participating in the festivites. When African American have safe peaceful protest after an innocent young black man life is taken, the state would automatically declare a state of emergency, have military and SWAT on deck way before the verdict. Trump, who isnt consider a president to me, didnt do anything to handel the issue, im surprise he wasnt there participating with them.

  5. I feel that the rallies weren't completely unexpected because of who our president is. He has made it okay for racists to be out and about in this country since the day he got elected. Of course he didn't address it in a more profound way because he is a racist himself. Trump has shown continuously that he doesn't know what he is doing and is bringing this country closer to war.

  6. I think it is not fair that people are getting killed by white supremacist organizations. Since there is no reason for them to be killing people, those certain groups should get consequences and be locked up. Since Trump hasn't addressed the violence, that demonstrates the type of person he is.

  7. Donald Trump did not address this situation to the best of his ability. Just a week ago Donald Trump told the police officers to " be rough with criminals". But now I question that because aren't riots a crime in which they are disturbing the peace. Which makes them criminals. Yet, the police officers were peaceful to the activist who were may add were "KKK members" and " White supremacists". So, when this is brought up to Trump's attention he blames " All sides".So no I do not agree with Donald Trump because he has biased decisions as a president.

  8. I feel as if the entirety of the riot blew completely out of proportion and that the casualties results in such. Apparently Trump supports violence such as the KKK. Makes me question if he doesnt want them, the group, to hate him. Presumably because the KKK seemingly like him.

  9. I feel as though the president didn't do anything to stop the "white supremacist" in Charlottesville. Not saying there was anything he could do when it happened but after that he seemed like he didn't care about what happened. Our president is racist and might as well have been doing the dirt with them. Even if you don't care this is your country the one you wanted to be president for. Trump needs to start acting like this is his country.

  10. I think that the president should have called out both sides for their actions and leave the police to do the arresting. After that the topic should just be forgot about it's not like this has happen before.

  11. It isn't fair that innocent people are getting killed by the KKK and white supremacists. These organizations should have consequences for killing these people. Seeing that Trump didn't have any type of comment or addressed this shows his character.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think that it's stupid for innocent people to die.

  14. I believe that this event was very tragic and unfair to the people that not only lived in Charlottesville but unfair to the people who were hurt and/or killed because of this violent act. Also I think this act is unfair because non of the people that were involved in the violent "Unite the Right" were arrested. But if those people were to be black they'd probably be killed , hurt , or arrested in a heartbeat.I feel like the president addressed the issue very poorly and could have done better. I just think he doesn't wanna be known as the racist and cold-hearted person he is and own up to the fact that he agrees with the "white supremacists, KKK , neo-Nazis and all extremist" groups .

  15. I feel as though the president didn't do anything to stop the "white supremacist" in Charlottesville. Not saying there was anything he could do when it happened but after that he seemed like he didn't care about what happened. Our president is racist and might as well have been doing the dirt with them. Even if you don't care this is your country the one you wanted to be president for. Trump needs to start acting like this is his country.

  16. My opinion on the tragic events that took place in Charlottesville this weekend, is that the whole situation was gruesome. All extremist groups that participated in these violent rallies should be condemned properly and by name. The President did not handle the situation accurately because the groups who were the cause of a woman getting killed were not punished by the President.

  17. I feel very disappointed that people are so cruel and so determined to change people's minds that someone had to die. The way groups like the KKK and neo-Nazi acted such as pepper spraying, fighting, and finally running over people with a car was unacceptable.I'm actually scared to see how this will cause the people to act in Atlanta. I also feel as if president trump could have been a lot clearer in is response to the Charlottesville riots. His response made me question where he stands, especially since on social media he is pretty quick and clear with how he feels about a certain situation. I don't agree with what Trump says a lot of the time,but now I have no clue how he feels about the domestic terrorist here in the U.S which is scary.

  18. I feel as though the president didn't do anything to stop the "white supremacist" in Charlottesville.It isn't fair that innocent people are getting killed by the KKK and white supremacists. These organizations should have consequences for killing these people. Seeing that Trump didn't have any type of comment or addressed this shows his character.

  19. I believe its unfair that whites start riots and have "peaceful" protest that don't end up peaceful at all. I think the president didn't address this issue properly.

  20. The University supports the First Amendment rights to free speech and peaceable assembly. Acts of violence, however, are not protected by the First Amendment," the statement read. "Violence and bigotry are not political positions. We strongly condemn intimidating and abhorrent behavior intended to strike fear and sow division in our community."

    The statement added, "As a public institution, we value diversity, inclusion and mutual respect. We value an environment in which learning happens. The views of many of the groups who converged on Charlottesville are in direct contradiction with this. There were racist, anti-immigrant, homophobic and misogynistic chants. Such rhetoric is not intended to bring us together; it is intended to drive us apart."

  21. I think this is crazy and is very unfair like why would people treat other people that. The president really didnt do anything to change the situation he just try to protect his self. i bleive we should protest aginist this madness we work to hard to get here

  22. Its crazy at what the world will do for just being able to speak a voice. Its stupid, Like why would people protest/ rally for such stupid reasons. Theres no reason for us to hate each other and why would no one speak on the mater being a event in the us that is a major thing


  23. I believe its unfair that whites start riots and have "peaceful" protest that don't end up peaceful at all. I think the president didn't address this issue properly.

  24. I believe all these people are crazy and need help. all these racist groups say they are protesting peacefully but it is a lie , also this is all caused because of trump

  25. i feel like that is very uncalled for and tragic. The president should do something more productive to prevent things such as this from happening again.

  26. I feel like the President should've taken far more initiative over this situation than he did. Racism is a thing that should not exist anywhere in the US or anywhere at all. It is unconstitutional and against every concept of human morality.

  27. I don't agree with what is happening in Charlottesville, Virginia. I think that its stupid because nothing is being done about anything. People are protesting over stupid stuff. Also there were 5 people hurt over the weekend and 1 died from a car going through a crowd of protesters.

  28. It is wrong. It is not going to be addressed according to how we desire it to be dressed. White individuals feel like they were the ones who went through all the struggles, oppression, and difficulty. They are bored with their lives and have nothing else better to do. They feel left out and feel obligated to speak their minds now that Trump is in office. Poor white people, they really don't understand how foolish, arrogant, and very terrible they look with their unreasonable , nonexistent beliefs. Go ride a roller-coaster or something instead of using your white supremacy powers on earth. It is getting old. Suck it up. Get over us African Americans being the REAL foundation instead of your false founding fathers. It is not that hard to accept.

  29. I think that the violence at Charlottesville could've been avoided if the proper actions were to take place. Also the person who drove the car into the crowd could've not done that. I feel like Trump treated the situation good enough.

  30. I feel like supremacy and discrimination organizations should be banned and against the law . This event was devastating and unnecessary . I feel innocent lives were lost and that the whole situation was pure ignorance and stupidity . People still believe that segregation and isolation when that's not the case. Without the diversity and unity of all races , the world would lack and wouldn't be as advanced as it is today .
    I feel like the issue should be properly addressed and action should be taken.

  31. I think it's not fair that people treat each other like that we should have peaceful protest. Trump isn't really helping at all he's just making issues worst instead of actually helping and there no reason for this to be an issue

  32. Trump does not care at all. It was in his body language and facial expression. If he did care he would have been on the first flight to Charlottesville to try and end this act of racial violence.

  33. I think it is not fair that people are getting killed by white supremacist.they should get consequences. Since Trump hasn't addressed the violence, that shows who he really is

  34. I think that the violence at Charlottesville could've been avoided if the proper actions were to take place. Also the person who drove the car into the crowd could've not done that. I feel like Trump treated the situation good enough.

  35. I feel innocent lives were lost and that the whole situation was pure ignorance and stupidity .

  36. I believe this is a shame that no one wanted went ahead and tried to talk these people out of what they did it's one thing to protest good things but there protesting and promoting hate we as a people need to be better

  37. I think that is is stupid that people have to be killed for the KKK to get what they want . And trump should do more to help so this doesn't happen again

  38. in my opinion i dont think it was addressed correctly. I think trump doesnt care about the situation. i feel like more should've been addressed about the situation.

  39. In my opinion, the event the occurred in Charolletsville was completely unnecessary and wrong. People where killed and hurt from what started out to be a "peaceful" riot. And what made the event worst was that the police where defending the people who where causing the most harm, the white supremacist. When Trump was asked about how he felt on the matter, he ignored the reporter and continued to walk away. But that the President America voted for

  40. Suprisingly , racism is still a thing and the KKK still exists. Trump being president only made open racism more acceptable. Since , Trump has been president more transgenders and blacks have died. You would think as a president he'd address the situation better .He didn't even address the KKK and other terrorism groups instead he blamed everybody. He is a horrible, ignornant president. Trump is an ego centric man who only cares about the states who voted for him.

  41. I think it's horrible and cruel to see people die to such a dumb idea such as racism, especially in in today's world. The president should have addressed the situation better in my opinion. At least anything but silent. This event was very tragic and there should be heavy consequences towards the people behind it.

  42. I feel what happened in Charlottesville was a terrible thing and should never happen ever.I feel that the president addressed the issue the best he could but he could of done more to reassure the people of Charlottesville.

  43. My opinion on what has happened in Charlottesville is honestly just tragic. It makes me absolutely sad and genuinely disappointed that the United States is still facing issues like such. I am also just absolutely disgusted that people can be just so cruel. It honestly just saddens me that people are still willing to go to these kind of extremes to prove a point. On top of that their points that they are trying to make are just racist. Not only is it racist but it's also terrorism. I cant't even even fathom the fact that something like this really happened in 2017, even after all that the United States has gone through,just to return back to square is just a huge disappointment. However, I cannot say that I am not surprised that something like this did occur because unfortunately we still have racist on this planet. Unfortunately, these people still do not have enough common sense to realize that we are just human beings trying to make something out of ourselves. I also do not think that Trump has made any type of effort or in that sense I don't even think that he has properly addressed the situation, but hey we can always rely on Trump to disappoint us!

  44. its no fair because whites shouldn't do blacks like that because they jealous and trump just not a good president since he do not want to react

  45. I feel like the people should be punished but this all could of been avoided. This should have need be allowed to happen.

  46. that was a horrible disaster, i think he somehow did and didnt

  47. I have always thought that the KKK have been a stupid and aroggant group of people including trump how do I not know that he is not with the KKK since his stupid ass decided not to act with more strict methods such as,I dont know having everyone put in jail.

  48. My opinion on this is speechless because now that trump Cheetos looking self got the presidential seat lotta of these ignorant racist people done grown some balls to do crap like this in public. And how dare Trump say both sides are wrong, He is just as stupid as then doesn't he understand that minorities already go through crap now these white trash coming out here and publicly showing hate it really despicable

  49. I think that the events that occurred in Charlottesville was disgusting . The fact that someone hated a group of people so much that they drove their car into people. And the fact that so many people are hurt and some even died is so sad . Things like this shouldn't be happening in 2017 . I don't think Trump addressed the issue properly in his speech. He made it seem like everyone was in the wrong . Which isn't true the people who showed and were mad that a flag was being taken down were wrong. Because they started a fight and one of them got in their car and killed and hurt people they are problem. Plus in his speech he was talking about everything but the issue at hand. People are being killed and are hated because of the color of their skin which is wrong. In my opinion that flag should have been taken down a long time go. Everything that flag represent is ugly and personally I get offended every time I see . The fact that those people who protected about the flag being taken down are racist . I also wanted to say that since Trump has been in office people think it's okay to racist and to show it. They even act on their racism and more and more lost are begin lost . Things need to change and soon before things get out of hand.

  50. I wasn't right and it is a racist situation I don't care what anyone says. If a African-American officer was to do that to a caucasian y'all would do the say the same thing and try to send him to jail. Where were the other police and it happened right by the police station. I don't believe that y'all didn't see none of this.

  51. A series of White House aides on Sunday looked to explain President Donald Trump's statement the day before that failed to condemn white supremacists or the "alt-right" for violence that left three people dead in Charlottesville, Virginia.
