Monday, August 28, 2017

Houston Floods

Do you think the mayor had good reason not to call for an evacuation in Houston?
Comment below


  1. I think the mayor had a good reason to not call for an evacuation.

  2. I think the mayor had a good reason to not call for an evacuation because they knew what was the risks and the dangers were.

  3. No,I don't think the mayor has a good reason to not call for an evacuation in Houston.People should have been alerted immediately and sent to a safe place.People lost their life because of poor communication throughout the community.

  4. I think the mayor was right to not call for an evacuation because if he did the people would more then likely be traped in their car.

  5. I think the mayor had a good reason not to call for an evacuation in Houston, because it saved more lives. What if he didn't call it?? The whole Houston would have been trying to evacuate at the same time causing the interstate to be chaotic, to much traffic and everyone would have got stuck in there cars, and their cars would have flooded.

  6. I think the mayor had a good reason for not calling evacuation because it would have been more of a risk trying to move the people when you never know when its going to flood or if a hurricane is going to hit.

  7. No because he could've gotten at least most Houston people evacuated instead of leaving them stuck with nowhere to go.

  8. I believe the people of Houston should have been evacuated immediately knowing the extremely high risk of flooding.

  9. I think he made a good decision because it was going to be harder to evacuate during a flood.

  10. I believe it was for a good reason, just I wouldn't have them stranded. I would try to find some way to get them to safety whether through helicopters or some other transportation. But he was trying to protect from the storm, because had he let them do what they needed to do, there's no telling how many times worse the situation would have gotten.

  11. No because people could have been killed. Even if the flood didn't happen he would have had all his people safe. That also makes him seem like a bad mayor putting his people in danger like that.

  12. I think it was a good and not good reason to not call for evacuation. It was a good reason because if he would've called for them to evacuate, it would have been very chaotic. It wasn't a good reason because they had a little amount of time before the flood hit and since they knew to be prepared, they could have at least went somewhere more safe.

  13. I believe it was a good idea because he said "You literally cannot put 6.5 million people on the road," Turner said in a press conference. "If you think the situation right now is bad, you give an order to evacuate, you are creating a nightmare." And that is so true cause that would be more risky than staying in.

  14. i think it was a good reason because instead of everybody trying to leave at one time causing a lot of combustion and not knowing when the hurricane would hit. its better and more safe for everyone to stay put

  15. In my opinion, the mayor had a good reason not to evacuate people because he knew the risks and the dangers.

  16. I honestly feel like he could of handled that a lot better.Letting people just sit and wait for the worst was just as bad as letting people leave all at once.

  17. I think that he should of issued an evacuation for the city of Houston, because the people of Houston would have been safer in another place.

  18. I feel the mayor made a good choice by evacuating the city of Houston because the hurricane could have injured many residents . He was truly thinking of the well being of the residents.

  19. he had a good reason to not call

  20. The mayor had a good reason , he knew that it would be chaotic. It's very dangerous as a whole , it'd become more dangerous if everybody was to leave at once. You can't have 6 plus million people road at once.

  21. No because he could've gotten at least most Houston people evacuated instead of leaving them stuck with nowhere to go.

  22. I think he should get a evacuation for houston, because it would be a lot protected.

  23. i believe the mayor had a good reason.

  24. I think it is not a good idea. Hurricane Harvey is very dangerous and can severely harm the community. So id suggest that he would.

  25. I think he could've made a better decision because he didn't really help them.They were sitting at home with their house flooded.

  26. I think it is not a good idea. Hurricane Harvey is very dangerous and can severely harm the community. So id suggest that he would.

  27. In my opinion the mayor most likely didn't call for evacuation due to safety purposes. However, I do feel that it would be in people's best interest to leave the state as soon as possible.

  28. Yes, he assumed that where Houston was located and where the disaster occurred it most likely wouldn't have affected them.

  29. I think the mayor made the right decision of not calling an evacuation. It would have been too risky. If something went wrong, many more people may have been harmed.

  30. I think the mayor should have had Houston evacuation because of all of the damaged happening to the city. People have gone missing, died, and drowned because they had no way to get out of the city.

  31. Yes he made the right decision because he thinking about the people. The evacuation would've been doing a whole lot then what they already have going on.

  32. I feel like the mayor didn't have a good reason for not evacuating Houston because if he actually tried to evacuate people wouldn't of died

  33. I think it was a good idea because he didn't know the direction the storm was coming.

  34. The situation of what to do and how to guide the citizens of Texas could have been handle much better than how it was. The evacuation should have been operated much differently. I feel as if the evacuation was much needed. Better safe than sorry, but they are thinking of the mindset of how much chaos, and money evacuating would be if nothing ever occurred.

  35. I do not think the mayor had a good reason to not evacuate the city from the flooding. They were right in the hurricane.

  36. I don't think the mayor had a good reason not to announce an evacuation because at the end of the day these are peoples lives in danger and he put all of them in jeporedy.

  37. no i do not think that because it was a flood that is nothing to play with and people houses could have flooded over.

  38. the mayor was doing the right thing the whole Houston would have been trying to evacuate if the mayor announce and evacuate

  39. He didn't have good reason to not call for an evacuation because all of the meteorologists kept proceeding to warn of how horrific the hurricane would be. He has to known face the consequences of his actions.

  40. He had a good reason not to call it because people would've been on the interstate trying to leave and it would've flooded.

  41. I do not think he had a good reason not to call a evacuation. i felt like he wasn't taking his job serious at the time.

  42. No I think it is unacceptable that the mayor did not evacuate the city of Houston. Now there are thousands of people that are trapped because Houston is flooded. Hurricane Harvey has set records bringing in over 50 inches of rain. Although the mayor couldn't have known the storm would be this bad, Houston should've been evacuated even if it would would have caused panic because people are surely panicking now.

  43. I dont think his decisions where correct being the state is now in ruins and it seems like atlantis and the states been submerged and it should be a much more serious idea to evacuate.

  44. I don't agree with the mayor not evacuate Houston . So many lives have been lost because they were in Houston when it happened. But if he had evacuated Houston before the hurricane hit those lives could have been saved . I just wish the mayor had done something before the hurricane hit.

  45. The flood that happen in Houston Taxes, trapped a women on top of a roof with no food or water. A photo of a dog carrying food in a bag after the hurricane goes viral.

  46. I think it was a good and not good reason to not call for evacuation. It was a good reason because if he would've called for them to evacuate, it would have been very chaotic. It wasn't a good reason because they had a little amount of time before the flood hit and since they knew to be prepared, they could have at least went somewhere more safe.

  47. I think that it was a bad idea he should have warned them so that the peoople who ad no chance could leave

  48. I feel the mayor made a good choice by evacuating the city of Houston because the hurricane could have injured many residents . He was truly thinking of the well being of the residents.
