Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Freewrite- Tech

Please summarize two current events on the topic of technology. Focus on any new apps or any technology beneficial to high school students.


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  2. China has solar panels which shape or make up into in a panda with the certain positioning . This panda shaped mega panel is located at Shanxi province. Tree planting drones are being developed to help or hope or counter deforestation. These drones "want" to automate tree planting from the air, shooting biodegradable seedpods into the ground or scattering them in the air

  3. In the app Pokemon Go, Mewtwo will be coming soon in the form of raid battles. Also next week we will be getting our Chrome books so we can use them for educational purposes.

  4. Oculus Rift was released, to positive reception, and thousands of VR apps and games followed. We also saw Pokémon Go, an AR game, explode with over 100 million downloads.
    Google Home enables users to speak voice commands to interact with services through the Home's intelligent personal assistant called Google Assistant. A large number of services, both in-house and third-party, are integrated, allowing users to listen to music, look at videos or photos, or receive news updates entirely by voice. Google Home also has integrated support for home automation features, letting users speak commands to the device to control smart home appliances.

  5. Most recently , Chromebooks have been the go-to classroom or school device due to their low cost, various hardware , and simpler operating systems.The small laptops also provide educators with control over students activities and can be programmed with educational apps. These Chromebooks are also beneficial to students because they make it easier for doing assignments such as group collaborations , documents , or research.
    Another recent addition to technology in schools are SMART boards. A SMART board is a white computer-connected device that uses a projector and a specialty pen that allows writing on programs on the board. The board also allows teacher to record written notes to later replay to students making teaching and note taking easier. The board is also beneficial to students because it allows hands-on learning .

  6. Ethical hacker and social engineer Chris Hadnagy has helped get child predators off the streets. He launched a non-profit organization called the Innocent Lives Foundation that works to unmask anonymous child predators online. It uses legal hacking techniques to identify these individuals and shares that information with law enforcement.

    NatureSweet is using artificial intelligence to better control pests and diseases in its greenhouses. The technology, created by the Israeli digital farming company Prospera, has already improved harvests and reduced labor costs.

  7. Apple is getting ready to release a new Apple Watch with cellular connectivity.It will not require tethering to an iPhone for key functions like calls, messaging, and streaming music.The third Apple Watch is expected to be unveiled at the company's September iPhone launch event.

    Samsung is also preparing to release the Galaxy Note 8. They are hoping for a better turn out than that of the Galaxy Note 7.Samsung made a very positive impression with the “all-screen” design it debuted with the S8 and S8+ earlier this year, and leaked images suggest the Note 8 will follow suit by dropping the home button and adopting a very similar look.

  8. In Paris, they are trying out driverless transportations in the near future. In 1983 Paris produced their first models of automatic trains. The United States has the lead in trying to mainstream automatic cars for a while. Google Classroom is really a great app for high school students and high school teachers. The app is more beneficial for the students because its more organized and more convenient. Easier for teachers to grade work and easier for students to turn in their assignments.

  9. A startup has designed a system that uses drones to plant trees by shooting biodegradable seedpods into the ground or scattering them in the air to help stop deforestation.
    A university in the Netherlands made a car from materials derived from sugar beets and flax to make it easier to recycle the car.

  10. Spotify and Microsoft are teaming up to allow Spotify to download on the game system. Spotify users with free or Premium accounts can download the app from the Xbox One store and control music from other devices to avoid interruptions during play.

    Also, Apple has created a way that you can make a call to 911 using your fingerprint. This would allow users to reach out for help when an attacker or assailant is watching, the patent said. The company suggests the technology would look for a sequence of fingerprints or applied pressure to trigger a 911 call.

  11. There is a new app called Sarahah.Its an app designed to let people talk about anonymously.They can say positive and bad things and you will never know who it is.The second newest app is paper.io.Its a game that lets you travel around a perimeter to see if you can take up the most space.

  12. Microsoft and Spotify are joining forces to let Xbox One users stream music while playing games.The streaming app joins Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, Pandora and other apps already available on Xbox One.
    Iphone is thinking about not putting in a id touch in the new iphone but i doubt it. And they talk about all these new things inside the iphone 8 and iphone x

  13. Iphone has created a software to where you can use only your fingerprint to make a 911 call. How it works is they will have to put in a sequence of fingerprints and a call will be made without that person knowing. Also after it calls 911 the phone will start recording what is going on.

    There is a crib that can make your baby sleep through the night. It swaddles has white noises and rocks the baby to sleep. It lets a baby sleep nine consecutive hours. The crib is revolutionary for parents. They get more sleep and are more aware and awake in the morning.

  14. The ipad pro can help students in school. The students who may not be able technology at home can get at school.This is important because with this generation you have to be able to reach the internet because that's where most of the work is.
    Another peace of technology is the desk you can type on. This will benefit not only the students but would also be a form of going green because we wouldn't need to waste paper on small things but type it into our desk. They would be no need for parents to spend a ton of money on school supplies that children don't need.

  15. Google Classroom is the new "got to have it" app this 2017-18 school year. This app is so beneficial for students because you are able to connect with their teachers, teachers can post assignments and notes, and you are able to put your commentary and have a class discussion.

    The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) app has earned the title of The Best App for Teaching and Learning 2017. The app is innovative. It makes you think and help you process what you read.

  16. Microsoft and Spotify are joining forces to let Xbox One users stream music while playing games.The streaming app joins Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, Pandora and other apps already available on Xbox One
    Most recently , Chromebooks have been the go-to classroom or school device due to their low cost, various hardware , and simpler operating systems.The small laptops also provide educators with control over students activities and can be programmed with educational apps. These Chromebooks are also beneficial to students because they make it easier for doing assignments such as group collaborations , documents , or research.

  17. Spotify is letting Xbox stream there music while playing. Also we are getting our own personal Chromebooks.

  18. Ps4 and spotify joined together so players can listen while playing there game.

    Iphone is going to get a fingerprint that calls 911 for you.

  19. The itranslate app coverse available on iOS. This app has been said to have tons of potential in helping people communicate. It still messes up with some translations, but this app can help so many children in school. From my personal experience it can be hard to help a student who can't really speak English, so apps that have potential like this will really come in handy in the future.

    The new NASA app eyes on the eclipse will come in handy during special solar events such as the on occurring on August 21. This app can help students view an eclipse without the school having to provide the special glasses used to view eclipses. This app can also help students experience other space adventures from the comfort of their phones.

  20. So today im just gonna type becasue why not type. Im not 100% what this is gonna be about but hey im just happy to be typing and i mean i especially cant wait till friday it be great got a lot of plans this weekend

  21. Spotify letting there services be more convenient on consoles. Allowing PS4 and Xbox to stream music better.
    Apple has created a new software that allows you to call 911 easier. It uses your fingerprint and would be very beneficial.

  22. Spotify is letting PS4 and Xbox stream there music while playing. Also we are getting our own personal Chrome books which is going to help a lot of students in school

  23. Trees are being planted by drones in the forest to prevent deforestation.

    Hackers were seen breaking hacking into voting machines.

  24. 1.Henry county has decided to stop BYOT and are going to provide each student with computers
    2. ps4 and spottifyhave joined together

  25. The president of a manufacturing association has become the fourth executive to walk away from President Trump after he took two days to denounce white supremacy.

    The racists had been on parade for parts of two days, but it was only around 20 minutes before reports -- and graphic video -- of the attack that killed a protester in Charlottesville, Virginia, went public on Saturday that President Donald Trump logged on.

  26. potify and Microsoft are teaming up to allow Spotify to download on the game system. Spotify users with free or Premium accounts can download the app from the Xbox One store.

  27. Iphone is making a fingerprint that calls 911 for you it works by simply placing your fingerprint and it starts the call to explain what's going on and so you can address the situation

    technology in school is important ipad pro's would be good as kids who cannot access that at home have school to do so and i think it would help with the learning and classwork the teachers assign

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  29. There is a new app called Sarahah.Its an app designed to let people talk about anonymously.They can say positive and bad things and you will never know who it is.The second newest app is paper.io.Its a game that lets you travel around a perimeter to see if you can take up the most space.

    Iphone is going to get a fingerprint that calls 911 for you

  30. There's new technology that'll be teaching autistic kids how to drive.It looks like a video gaming system.
    Also, Iphone is releasing that allows you to call 911 by using your fingerprint. It'll be available with newer iphones and their update.

  31. Ethical hacker and social engineer Chris Hadnagy has helped get child predators off the streets. He launched a non-profit organization called the Innocent Lives Foundation that works to unmask anonymous child predators online. It uses legal hacking techniques to identify these individuals and shares that information with law enforcement.

    NatureSweet is using artificial intelligence to better control pests and diseases in its greenhouses. The technology, created by the Israeli digital farming company Prospera, has already improved harvests and reduced labor costs.

  32. Starting Tuesday morning, Facebook is rolling out some updates to conversations on its news feed. Comments under posts will now look more like an iPhone text message exchange, each bon mot enshrined in a light gray speech bubble. "We think the speech bubble makes these feel more like a back and forth between two people," said Paddy Underwood, a Facebook product manager. Making a few design tweaks to your apps design isn't a big deal. Unless you're Facebook and your minor changes will be seen by a quarter of the world's population. The speech bubble is one of a handful of changes coming to the Facebook mobile apps and website. A British startup has designed a system that uses drones to plant trees by shooting biodegradable seedpods into the ground or scattering them in the air.

  33. Facebook is building a new data center in Ohio. It will cost around $750 million dollars. This facility will employ 100 permanent workers when it's completed in 2019.

    Amazon has released a new service that is taking on the convenience store. The new service is called Amazon Instant Pickup. Instant Pickup lets customers order from a limited list of basic supplies and devices from the app, then pick them up from a nearby pickup location "within two minutes."

  34. the uber industry has taken a step back as there are more competitors Uber's rivals in Asia, Europe and South America are banding together and raising billions to dominate their respective countries. Uber, meanwhile, is wrestling with endless PR crises at home and pulling out of select markets abroad.

  35. Iphone is releasing this thing where you use your finger print to call 911.

    The Mars rover Curiosity has turned 5 years old today. This rover has searched miles of the planet Mars drilling holes and collecting data for the scientist back at NASA.

  36. Mercedes-Benz F 015 Luxury in Motion was introduced this past week . The self driving car has sparked the world and is the new innovative vehicle. The steering wheel slides into the dashboard to create more of a "lounge" space. The seating configuration allows four people to face each other if they want to talk. And when the on board conversation dries up, a bewildering collection of screens -- one on the rear wall, and one on each of the doors -- offers plenty of opportunity to interact with various media.

    This past week Protesters tore down the Confederate statue in North Carolina. One protester proceeded in wrapping the statue with a rope in order the statue to be pulled down. Immediately following , other protesters then stomped and spit on the statue as a "celebration" session.

  37. UPS is training drivers with virtual reality, Germany's Aldi takes on Amazon in food delivery fight.

  38. Physicists have discovered a catalyst that can split water into hydrogen and oxygen, composed of easily available, low-cost materials and operating far more efficiently than previous catalysts. That would solve one of the primary hurdles remaining in using water to produce hydrogen, one of the most promising sources of clean energy.

  39. Apple teamed up with Cochlear Limited to create the world's first iPhone compatible cochlear implants. This is good because it can help HS students with hearing disabilities. Narritiv is increasing the amount of pay the publishers on their platform receive. This is good for aspiring writers in schools to try and make decent money at an early age.

  40. Apple discontinues making the ipod shuffle and ipod nano. according to the article, apple was paying more money to produce the product then income.
    Steve Jobs life is now a opera. It will be called "The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs

  41. UPS is starting to train its drivers with virtual reality.Before UPS employees can go on the road and start driving the trucks they have to first prove that they can be safe and smart when they are out delivering packages.Tree-planting drones hope to fight deforestation. A British startup has designed a system that uses drones to plant trees by shooting biodegradable seedpods into the ground or scattering them in the air.

  42. *Apple has teamed up with Chochlear Limited to create the implants for hearing impaired . These implants allow you to listen to music,movies,calls.etc and you even changed the volume on an app.
    * Hackers break into the voting machines to see where we can do better. Since there was a lot of talk about Russia breaking into the voting systems and changing votes . And getting their hands on personal information hackers were put to the test to see if it is possible .

  43. The first video I have watched was about, these drone prototypes that were designed by the British Startup BioCarbon engineers. They were built in order to plant trees. The first thing that these drones do is fly over the planting area to scan the terrain. Next, the planting drones then fly autonomously over the area and plant the biodegradable seedpods. They can either shoot the seedpods into the ground at the speed of 1 per 6 seconds, or they can scatter them.

    The next video I watched was about a group of hackers who were invited to def con so that they could hack into voting machines. The whole purpose of this convention was so that homeland security system could expand their knowledge on ways to prevent people from hacking the system.

  44. Litterati: Can a digital landfill rid the world of litter? A resounding yes comes from the community of Litterati, an app that asks users to identify, photograph and geotag individual pieces of trash before disposing of them.
    It's a simple enough idea: crowdsourcing data that could help stop litter from being created in the first place.
    So far, Litterati has cataloged over 750,000 pieces of litter from 114 countries, with hundreds being added every day.
    "It's a small sample, but it's already proving effective," says Jeff Kirschner, who started it all with a photo of a cigarette butt.

    Uber suspended in Philippines after showdown with regulators:
    On Monday, Philippine authorities ordered the ride-hailing company to stop operations for a month. The company initially obeyed the order and suspended its service early Tuesday.
    Hours later, it was back online after Uber filed an appeal with the Philippines Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board.
    But the return was short lived: the agency rejected the appeal late Tuesday. Uber said it was disappointed but it complied with the order and stopped offering rides again.


    IMovie is a very popular app upon the app store for Apple users. Although I personally don't agree with the pricing of the app, eventually paying for it, is WORTH THE $4.99!The Apple app, has been the main source for a lot of small youtuber and big youtubers yo use see now! IT develops your videos, if you know how to use it right, you can make great looking content! IMovie has been around for a while and has help your favorite youtubers today get to where they are NOW!


    A very new source of technology that is gaining a lot more recognition for its new sources.

  46. Iphone releases new app so that you can use your finger to call 911.
    Hackers hack a voting machine.

  47. Fitbit gave Apple a two-and-a-half-year head start on smartwatches. The leader in wearable devices is hoping the Fitbit Ionic will drum up interest in its brand and a tech category that's lost some appeal.
