Monday, August 7, 2017

Cheerleader Article

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  1. I think that if she can graduate with a 4.0 and she was on drugs, anyone can.

  2. This girl really just ruined her life. She had a 4.0 GPA and she just wants to do something that will destroy her. She would have gone to some really good college and probably have a successful life, but she had to ruin it. For what?

  3. I think it was a very dumb idea.She should have never turned to drugs because it could cost her so much.She was only 15 doing this and I think that is absolutely absurd.Drugs could cost you much and in this case,it costed her the future that she had that was so bright.

  4. I don't know what possessed her 15 year old self to use heroin anyway but because she did she had to deal with the consequences. She potentially could've let it completely ruin her life but she turned it around for herself and started down the road of recovery. Kudos to her for taking control of her life and making an effort to change her fatal habit.

  5. I think this Girl was dumb for doing drugs. The reason I say that is she knew the effects for doing heroin also landing in jail should have click for her she needs to stop. Finally you shouldn't fall in to peer pressure.

  6. Rachel kind of messed up her whole future career because she could have went to a division 1 college. She had a 4.0 GPA and was athlete but she was on drugs and missed school. She got kicked off the team she wanted to be on. But the good thing is she trying to get her life back together.

  7. Even though the girl ruined her life she graduated with a 4.0. She could have gone to a good college and have a successful career but she was on drugs.

  8. This is a great story of how addiction can take over your whole life. It is good to show teens and young adults the ultimate struggle of being on drugs. This girl's story is a great one of getting back on your feet.

  9. I believe it was very stupid to be honest like what happen in your life that was so bad that you had to take drugs. Plus what would make a person want to hurt they family by take drugs.

  10. My opinion on this article is that heroin can have a huge impact on someone's life and if not fixed ASAP can lead to situations that can be a lot worse. She almost ruined her post high-school career, but luckily she was able to conquer her addiction. I wouldn't even use it to begin with so that way I don't have to go through any addiction.

  11. I don't feel that her life is over. She can always come back from that situation and better herself. She has to find some new people to hang around and lift her up into a positive surrounding. Its no one fault but her fault, if she was going through a rough time she should have went to her parents or closes friends for help.

  12. I believe that her doing drugs was a stupid idea but I give her props for trying to get better and also managing a 4.0 .I give her props because how often do you hear that somebody that was on drugs graduates with a 4.0.Not often.I also thinks she deserves props for actually trying to turn her life around.Even though she's done heroin and almost messed her life up its not right to bash her because you never know.

  13. I believe this girl made a very poor decision early in her life. She was on a bright career path until she started taking heroine. If she had not taken heroin she would be a a great college with her very high GPA showing that she was an intelligent women.

  14. In my opinion this story is groundbreaking. I find it amazing how Rachel managed to still graduate with a 4.0 GPA battling a heroin addiction. The story is upsetting though as well, because Rachel could have done so much more if she wouldn't have turned to drugs. She didn't get to fulfill her dreams because she was facing an addiction and that's one of the hardest things you can ever do. Overall I think it's an absolute beautiful story that shows teenagers what can happen to you if you start to abuse substances.

  15. I feel like she had a second chance in life and she didn't take advantage of it. Now she has been giving an additional chance she need to be more responsible now. Because she had a good life at first but, her action messed that all up.

  16. I feel as though she should have kept going down the right path and not let drugs get in the way of her future.Heroin can have a huge negative influence on your life but luckily she was able to conquer her addiction.This was a prime example of how drugs can negatively impact your future.

  17. I think that's absolutely mind boggling that a person hooked on heroin and graduating with a 4.0 is amazing, even though the drugs part was horrible this shows no matter what you can make high grades no matter what.

  18. i feel like instead of letting heroin ruin her life, she still went to school. Even though she had the addiction it affected her life, but not her grades. That shows that no matter what you go through you can still do things right.

  19. I feel like Rachel didn't let using get in between her academics too much because she graduated with a 4.0. Not many people stay in school when addicted to drugs, but she had another chance to get back on the right path and she took advantage of it.

  20. This girl really just ruined her life. She had a 4.0 GPA and she just wants to do something that will destroy her

  21. I think this girl made a very poor decision early in her life.

  22. I can not belive that she was able to graduate with a 4.0 even tho she was on heroin.It is hard enough to pass without drugs.She is very smart.I`m glad she overcame he addiction.

  23. Her story should be inspiring to anyone who want to graduate with high grades.

  24. This decision could've been what ended her life or ruined it forever and even having such a high GPA and yet still being on heroin this could've ended so much worse then it went, and at least it seems she's made a better decision in the end

  25. It really proves that some of the smallest things can make a big impact on your life in the long run. It can happen to the best of us, and in her case even the smartest of us.

  26. I understand her ,Although i dont do heroin but she was probably very stressed out and tired . I know a lot of corporate business man that do drugs because there stressed out .

  27. its a bummer that she was an addict freshman year, but its pretty cool that she managed to graduate period and with a 4.0. kudos to her

  28. I think that she very smart because she graduated with a 4.0 even though she started using drugs in the beginning of high school. She overcame her mistakes continued with school instead of letting the drugs ruin her life.

  29. Its impressive that she graduated with 4.0 GPA. And it is great that she is recovering.

  30. I think that she just made a poor decision at a very young age. And i think its cool that she graduated with such a good GPA

  31. rachel messed up her life by using drugs. she was doing good but she let the drugs take control of her, but its good that she managed to graduate.

  32. i feel like this video is sad because she wanted to do something in her career. and it was wrong

  33. I honestly think that the girl made a life changing mistake by trying such a strong drug. She had everything going for herself and one little decision made a big change. She had goals and aspirations that she threw away . I hope her recovery is successful and that she prevents future relapses.

  34. The girl had her life set up and she just threw it down the drain. She couldn't have went to a top college but the drug got her and now none of that matter because she is stuck drugs but she is smart like she has a 4.0'gpa she made the wrong decision

  35. She messed up doing drugs. Her life was good,she was on top of everything. Then she discovered drugs and ruined any chance of reaching her potential she once had. She really should've done that.

  36. I feel like she messed everything up for her because she had a 4.0 and she could of become anything wanted but she messed that up

  37. I think that it was her fault in the first place to get hooked on heroin her freshman year cause if she didnt try it in the first place then she wouldnt be in her current situation. she might of been stressed out but that is still no excused to overdose there are other ways to get rid of stress.

  38. my opinion on that video is, herion can have a big effect on peoples life. It can take away things and possible mess up your life. She ending up with a 4.0 gpa. so i guess for her situation it helped her graudte.

  39. I think that she has always been a good girl, but she just made a bad choice that impacted her life greatly. But Im shocked to see that she was able to graduate form highschool with a 4.0 and learn from her mistake. If she would have known how heroine would have effected her life i feel like she would have been a great A's and B collage student

  40. I think this story makes a point on how drugs may or may not have an effect on ones education. A student can focus and pass with a high GPA even when on an influencing drug. However, what she did was still wrong. She could've had many more opportunities to have a better future.

  41. She was a smart girl. I mean she graduated with 4.0 GPA but she something so dumb at cause her life. Like it's not that she dumb ,she just do some dumb stuff.

  42. When she had many opportunities going for herself, a lot of them slowly began to fade away because of her decision to do drugs. It is sad, but it is reality.

  43. I think Rachel went down wrong path during the time she was on heroin. I also think it's cool that even though she was fighting the addiction she still graduate with a 4.0 . I think she can have a great future if she stops doing heroin .

  44. Rachel messed up her life when she started using heroin. She had a good future ahead of her with her being a cheerleader but, her dreams went to waste as soon as she started using heroin. She could of went to college on a scholarship instead all of that went down the drain.

  45. Rachel just had went down the wrong path. She at least had her grades good because usually when on drugs your grades start to slip.Its good that she kept them up. I believe people make mistakes and can overcome it with a different outcome.

  46. I think that her parents did not teach her more about drugs. If she didnt take drugs and still had a 4.0 gpa she would be ask to go to so many colleges. Her parents need to do better. Drugs can ruin your life. If she keep taking it her life will be ruined.

  47. I think that she was a really smart girl to try to stop her addiction and the fact that she is trying to stop her addiction and that she feels bad when she takes heroin .

  48. Rachel is crazy to destroy her life like that she had good grades and she was a star cheerleader.I feel like she was influenced by a friend or a celebrity. Rachel is dumb because she lives for current self and not her future self.

  49. she had it, but after that ruins her life.

  50. Rachel made a wrong choice doing drugs she went down the wrong path. She had good grades in school which was a good thing , she had a good future just waiting for her to be a cheerleader and she had a 4.0 gpa and she could of went to a great college , her parents should have taught her more about drugs and have been better parents

  51. She was just starting high school and she wanted to fit in at school so she started to do drugs to make herself seem cooler. But the thing that shocked me the most was that she finished high school with a 4.0 GPA. She is now living a better life.

  52. This girl had a heroine addiction and she was still able to graduate with a 4.0 and have time to do cheerleading she overcame a life changing condition

  53. My opinion on this video, is that it's amazing that people can really throw their future away by making one mistake. I know that people are human and everyone makes mistakes but no one should ever get addict to drugs. Like, think about it in order to get addict to something that means you have to do it enough times to like it. Meaning that she did heroin so much to the point where he got addicted, and to me thats unacceptable. I'm suprised she even graduated with a 4.0 GPA . All for nothing in the end, because she went to jail and now she cant go to college.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Rachel Chaffin had a addicted to herion she quit when she was 15
    but she had so much bad habits she didnt really realize that she was just followin people that did heroin she was just tryin to be cool like everybody else she know that she made bad choices that time

  56. Well, heroin is a drug and she should have knew what it was,does and the consequences of taking the drug. Self awareness is a virtue in which all of us should consider and deem as a life saver.

  57. If she didn't take drugs and still had a 4.0 GPA she would be ask to go colleges. Drugs can ruin your life
