Friday, August 25, 2017


Please comment on the article below in a few sentences. What do you think about the verdict or the circumstances as a whole?


  1. I think that the amount of jail time was so overboard.People bribe others almost everyday and never get caught for it.Its common for people to give out money.Even though it was wrong,it wasn't such a huge crime at all.

  2. I think the verdict or the circumstances as a whole is that he needs to serve these 5 years in prison. He should have continued to carry his father legacy in the same he did and not in any other way. He wouldn't be in prison if he did the right thing since his father died.

  3. Samsung chief gets 5-year prison term for corruption.I dont really agree with getting sentenced 5 year in prison for what he did because everyone bribs. He should at least he lest time for what he did.

  4. Samsung chief Lee Jae-yong, gets 5-year prison term for corruption.I don't really agree with getting sentenced 5 year in prison for what he did because everyone bribes.

  5. I think that the 5-year sentence is what he deserves. Sure everyone bribes every now and then, but bribing at that kind of corporate level with a company as successful as Samsung just isn't right. His father left a legacy that he should've carried on but he did not. So he deserves so spend the next 5 years in prison.

  6. I think the verdict or the circumstances as a whole is that he needs to serve these 5 years in prison. He should have continued to carry his father legacy in the same he did and not in any other way. He wouldn't be in prison if he did the right thing since his father died..People bribe others almost everyday and never get caught for it.Its common for people to give out money.Even though it was wrong,it wasn't such a huge crime at all.

  7. I don't think that the "crime" he did was worth a 12 year sentence. People bribe everyday and get no consequences. His sentence could have at least been a little shorter. I think they only gave him such a large sentence because of his high position.

  8. The jail time is uncalled for. They could've just fined him for more money.

  9. I feel he did deserve time maybe not that much,but he did deserve it. Tampering and influencing a government decision like that when you don't have any of the qualifications to work in government is just wrong and should not go without punishment . He also just dragged is family companies name through the dirt in the process.

  10. Samsung chief gets 5-year prison term for corruption.I don't really agree with getting sentenced 5 year in prison for what he did because everyone bribes.

  11. I don't think his crime is worth 5 years in jail because people bribe everyday. In my book bribery isn't as bad as they make it seem. I believe that the people that both the briber and the person that accepts it is in the wrong but its not worth 5 years. Maybe a fine but time in jail ? No

  12. That is way too much jail time, they need to reconsider. People always bribe, i think its because he is important that they are doing that to them.

  13. In my opinion to get a firmer hold on the market i can get but do it far and square.

  14. I think way too much jail time for that type of act. Bribing is apart of business and making money. It's not that serious for him to be sentenced 5 years.

  15. I think it's just a little extra then again, he committed counts of perjury, embezzlement , and hiding assets. Lee is a fraud committing perjury.I would've gave him house arrestment or either probation. Lee should've known he would've got caught.

  16. I think that the 5-year sentence is good. Sure a lotta CEO bribes every now and then, but bribing at that kind of corporate level with a company as successful as Samsung just isn't right.So he deserves so spend the next 5 years in prison.

  17. Samsung chief Lee Jae-yong, gets 5-year prison term for corruption.I don't agree with getting sentenced 5 years for what he did because has bribed before. He shouldn't of got that much time.

  18. the verdict or the circumstances as a whole is that he needs to serve these 5 years in prison. He should have continued to carry his father legacy in the same he did and not in any other way. He wouldn't be in prison if he did the right thing since his father died.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. What you do sometimes comes back to you, but not in a drastic variety. It was a bit overboard, and then again I drift off to him deserving what he had coming to him.

  21. I honesty dont care about this because he already knew what he was getting into when he started this crime so he deserves what coming to him.

  22. The verdict is something that could have been avoided. He should have just continued on his father's path and kept making the business a success, but instead he had to be greedy and try to keep extra money for himself.

  23. This is despite having to recall 2.5 million note 7s in 2016 after reports of some of them catching on fire samsung employs more than 300,00 poeple in 70 countries

  24. he went through a type of scandal that caused him to be imprisoned and him to be found guilty by the judges and have him having to lose control over a large portion in his attempt to have more control over samsung

  25. The criminal conviction is a blow for Samsung, the world's largest smartphone maker and South Korea's biggest family-run conglomerate whose businesses are estimated to account for around 15% of the country's entire economy.The public is disappointed that this kind of large-scale crime.

  26. I think that the 5-year sentence is good. Sure a lotta CEO bribes every now and then, but bribing at that kind of corporate level with a company as successful as Samsung just isn't right.So he deserves so spend the next 5 years in prison.

  27. This criminal conviction is a blow for Samsung which accounts for around 15% of the country's economy . I don't think five years is a long time he will be out soon. And hopefully things will go back to the way thinks were. Plus this will teach him not to bad business .

  28. I think it's just a little extra then again, he committed counts of perjury, embezzlement , and hiding assets. Lee is a fraud committing perjury.I would've gave him house arrestment or either probation. Lee should've known he would've got caught.
