Thursday, August 3, 2017


What is your opinion about this article?  One paragraph minimum


  1. I think that if that certain player is gonna make such a great impact on the team and it isn't positive,then you shouldn't get signed.Hes just gonna cause more controversy and that's not what a team needs.They don't even need him him of course they'll most likely sign him for the attention that he bring,negative or positive.

  2. I think that the ravens should give a chance and stop doubting him. He's still a good quarter back and a phenomenal player. They are under estimating his and his abilities. I think the ravens should give him a chance. He could be the back up quarter back. He would be a great addition to the team. He will also bring the ravens more popularity.

  3. My opinion about Kapernick in the article is i agree that he should fight for what he believe in but when career on the line i would just try to redirect my approach in how do it. I believe they should sign him see what he got left.

  4. I believe its unfair that a player using the First amendment shouldn't be seen as a problem in the locker room. The crazier thing is that people focus on Kapernick's knee and not the true message that he's trying to convey, and as of a result he's punished for by not being signed to a team.

  5. In my opinion, Kapernick should and shouldn't be signed. He should be signed because i believe he should be given a chance to demonstrate what he could do for the team at least. He shouldn't be signed because he might bring bad attention to the team and it'll most likely upset some fans.

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  7. I think that there was nothing wrong with what Colin Kapernick did in his protest. He simply expressed himself as, he has the right to because of the amendment. He did it in a peaceful way and didn't hurt anyone. He made white people uncomfortable with themselves in letting them embrace what is really going on this country concerning people of color. In the national anthem it states "For the home of the brave and the land of the free.",but how can this be true when the very people that made the country what it is can't walk down the street without being killed or stopped by the police. Colin Kapernick stood up for what was right and true but because he is a person of color and to the white people he "stepped out of line" he can't find employment.

  8. You must prepared to take risks in order to learn or benefit from them so they should try this alternative of signing Colin Kaepernick. Move past the small minority of fans and make the decision on whether this will help the team or fail the team.

  9. My opinion about this article is that I think that Kapernick should get a chance to play again in the NFL because he has talent and I believe the NFL should give him a chance to prove himself. But on the other hand, Kapernick has to know that the actions that he does can help or hurt the team physically and mentally.

  10. I feel as though Kaepernick did a brave thing by kneeling during the anthem and it was what he (and many others) believed was right. Most of us are taught to always stand up for what we believe in but when Kaepernick does just that and jeopardizes the image of this team he's playing on or the potential money they could make it's an issue. I think he should be signed and the Ravens should be proud to have him as a team member because regardless he's still a good athlete.

  11. In my opinion I agree that people should fight for what they believe in but not when your career is on the line.

  12. I feel like there are really two sides and i can take both. Kaepernick has the right to freedom of speech and freedom to do what he feels is right. I could understand if what he did was just outright stupid and had nothing to do with black people and our future. It is not like he is the only one that feels like this, others feel that way to but they might be to scared to say anything. So you should be looking at how he plays and not what he said. His runs and his stats seem like they would be a good addition to the team.
    Now on the other side you have to take your players and fans wants into consideration because those players are the people who have to play with him. If they dont like him they wont be able to work with him. The fans are the ones that cheer for the team and some of them wont be cheering much anymore if he is on the team. So in this case you have to decide if his skills and bettering the team are more important than how your team feels.

  13. I think that Colin Kapernick should be allowed on the team regardless of what he thinks about politics.Off the field he's allowed to have an opinion about politics,but on the field he's a football player and he knows that. The coach shouldn't be worried about the negative attention he would be getting by putting him on the team,but the positive energy that comes from it. The Ravens would be sending out message that they care about the people that live in their country, and they believe that something should be done about. In conclusion, the Ravens coach shouldn't be upset about negative attention because there's more positive.

  14. I think that the Ravens did a really dumb thing. They shouldn't have to ask for the opinion of the fans and sponsors to make a good decision. If they think that Colin Kaepernick will help their football team, then sign him. I don't think that the fans would really care either way because he's not going to start unless Joe Flacco is hurt anyways. The Ravens are only talking about signing him because Joe Flacco is hurt for a week and they need someone to take snaps at training camp. He's not playing a game until Joe Flacco gets hurt somehow and that probably wouldn't even happen because the Ravens signed someone before him, and that guy was undrafted.

  15. What I think about this article is that if he is a valuable player for your team and lead your team to success then recruit him. But if he isn't going to help the team and just bring bad publicity then don't recruit him. One thing i can no matter what is he brought this upon himself and he should deal with it himself.

  16. Well i mean me personally,i think that they got a few good players. That is going to make a big impact on the team. People such as Colin Kaepernick, Is going to make a impact no matter what team he is on. But i'm sure that the Ravens isn't going to let a good player like him pass by.And i like what he stands for and here is a piece of and article to show you what i mean. "Kaepernick, then with the San Francisco 49ers, became a lightning rod last season when he refused to stand during the national anthem, saying he didn't want to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."

  17. In my opinion, Kapernick should be signed because him believing that you shouldn't stand for the National Anthem shouldn't effect the team. As stated in the aritcle, he's a good player and good person. I would understand if he didn't give any reason or explanation as a football player on why he doesn't stand but at least he did and it made sense.

  18. My opinion is that Colin Kaepernick should not have had to been cut in the first place, because all he did was stand up for what he believed in. I think The Ravens should sign him and give him a chance because after all he is a really good football player.

  19. I think the Baltimore Ravens should give him a chance & dont let that get in the way , But Kapernick shouldnt give up he should keep chasing what he wants and the Ravens needs to give him a shot to see what he can do.

  20. I believe that the Baltimore Ravens should give Kapernick a chance. Even though he may have done some thing that may have made some people upset he decided to use his rights as an person.That could have some effect on their decision but he did what he thought was right.

  21. I think the Ravens should give Kaepernick a chance despite of the non-violent protesting he is doing. He has a purpose in what he is doing so i think the Ravens shoild look past that because overall Colin Kaepernick is a great football player.

  22. In my opinion, the ravens are indeed making a tough decision. By adding kaepernick, they risk loosing some fans, but they also might gain a lot more who follow and believe in civil rights, and equality. Even the current ravens players feel like they should do what will keep the fan base together. I personally think they should recruit him, he's done nothing wrong ◠‿◠

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  24. I don't really keep up on sports events but I think that the Raves should still give him a chance because that not like a job thing it his career that this is endangering.

  25. The Baltimore Raves should give Kapernick the chance & don't let that stand or bother him in his way. He shouldn't have gave up because giving up doesn't help at all but you will never find out your dream and the true power you have inside. to reach that goal. Raven should give him that try and see how good of a football player he really is. They should recruit him and even some of raven's current players feel the same way to get the fans attention.

  26. Personally, I believe that the Ravens are making the issue bigger than it has to be . Kapernick is known for his skills but just so happens to believe differently than others. I don't think that he should be short-handed because he is standing(kneeling) behind his rights because that's what the bill of rights was created for. Many people use their rights to their advantage so why is it so wrong that a NFL player is doing the same. In conclusion, the Ravens should focus on the big picture which is football and maybe they can compromise in the future to distinguish the controversy.

  27. Even though it'd probably be a good thing for Kapernick to be drafted to the Ravens, it'd kinda feel like a stab in the back because he's leaving the team that he lost a super bowl with and joining the team that beat his original team in that super bowl. He's also a very good player so the Ravens might actually get pretty far into the season with him as their QB.

  28. I think that the player would be a great addition to the team. He is a pretty good player and is remarked as a national hero because of last year's events. Having him on the team would bring more benefits.

  29. Being an individual of color and standing up for what he personally stood by is wrong in the eyes of those who fired him. Those who will have issues with what he did, view his acts as wrong acts. There is no law stating that he must have stood for the Amerikkkan flag (purposeful spelling). My true feelings on this article are the same as another individual who feels as if Kapernick didn't do anything wrong. He is bashed, threatened, and misplaced for speaking his mind in a tolerant manner? This article is informing more about this world from just one situation, that has been happening for years and years and years. He deserves his spot back, and opinions on whether that would be wrong for the team need to be kept unspoken. Freedom of speech caused him a lot without any violent acts, or unnecessary profound language, but it doesn't matter to "them".

  30. I just feel like the ravers are just trying to do what's best for the brand and fans. I don't think they are trying to get anyone upset or nothing. This is a decision to really think on.They shouldn't let other people influence them if they feel it is right.

  31. i believe that the ravens should give him a chance he is a good quarterback.He don't suck. we just taking taking a stand because of all the killing with the police and stuff. He didn't loose talent he still a good quarterback . So they shouldn't doubt him because if he want to play good he is going to play good but he was standing up for what he think is right and nothing is wrong with that so the ravens are going to get a good quarterback period but. they shouldn't doubt him because he really is a dog.

  32. In my opinion, I feel that the article is just trying to make a big deal over something that is small. Every citizen is entitled to stand during the pledge or sit on one knee. He deserves to play on a team where he will be excepted.

  33. In my opinion i think it doesn't matter what he do. he is still a good player. the team needs him. in fact other people follow what he do. so he is making change.

  34. I feel that the Ravens should sign Colin Kaepernick because he was standing for something that he truly believes in. The protest are non-violent and the protest didn't hurt anybody. The Ravens should give Colin a chance because what he does on the field between the 1 hour on the game clock should not determine what he does outside of that.

  35. I believe the Ravens shouldn't worry about Colin , he's simply just standing up for what he believes. He's also encouraged kids and other sports affiliated people to speak out. Also ,the fans who feel like what Colin's doing should get a life.Colin's a good player trying to do right by his people , his race.

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  37. i think that if that certain player is gonna make such a great impact on the team and it isn't positive,then you shouldn't get signed.

  38. I think that they should sign him. They said that he was a good player and if hes good then sign him. But i also think that hes done nothing wrong for them to be caught up in this difficult decision.

  39. the ravens should give him a chance he is a good quarterback all the coach is worrying about is the negative attention he would get because Colin Kaepernick is a good quarter back.the ravens are making a bad decision

  40. In my opinion, I think the Ravens should give Kaepernick a chance. Kaepernick had the rights to do what he did. If he's a good player then pick him up; ignore all the controversy. That's not important in football. What matters is the skill and dedication the players have.

  41. My opinion on the article is that they should give Kaepernick a chance because how he plays should not be based on what he believes. Even though some fans may dislike what he is doing,he still entitled to have his own opinion. He is not doing anything that is hurting people he is just standing up for what he believes is right. They should take the "risk" because the only thing they should worry about is if he would play good on their team.

  42. In my opinion, Kaepernick shouldn't have suffered consequences for legally doing something that he believed in the first place. So for the Ravens to be struggling to sign him a player is wrong. He's a good player, and has every right to still play pro football

  43. I think that the ravens are taking a chance in signing Kaepernick, because he caused a lot of controversy throughout the NFL lats season. Plus a lot of people did not like what he did, but if the Ravens sign him he will be a good backup quarterback for the team. But if he starts to do what he did last season the Ravens will be the most talked about team in the NFL and not for how their playing football but about their backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

  44. I feel like they are making a hard decision , although you have to do what you got to do to win . The footballs players are stars and dont really cares about the fans . I think they should recruit him . My opinion is get the best players to win.

  45. I think that if signing this player is going to cause so much commotion between the fans and the team, then maybe they shouldn't do anything at all if they want what is best for the team.

  46. I think that the ravens made a good decision and should give him a chance Kaepernick a shot. He may have done things that fans don't like but he is still a good person. He can still play football and that should be the most important thing. Other famous athletes have gone through situations like this like Kobe Bryant. But still people remember him for being good. Kaepernick did things outside the football field like Kobe did but that doesn't mean people should boo him. So I think the Ravens were right when they gave him a chance to play

  47. In my opinion they did the right thing if it were me out there i would have have done the same thing and wouldn't care if it made other people mad because it isn't right that BLACK people are being shot in there car for reaching some where but when its a white person their guns aren't even seen when was the last time you watched the news and they had a video of a white person in their car getting shot exactly so i am going to dedicate my life to getting black people the justice that we deserve.

  48. My opinion about the article is that the Ravens should have gave them a chance to protest because people know what's going on with people that are COLORED but nobody do anything about it, nobody want to impact other people. So with Kaepernick kneeling down during the national anthem, made a huge impact to people at home to do what was right all along. As Americans, we should mot be judged by our skin color, our beliefs, and etc. Black people and white people should be equal and respect one another.

  49. i believe colin kaepernick is a very brave person first of all he took a stand for what he believed in. it upset many people but it also started a conversation about these racial injustices. the ravens are trying to do whats right by them. personally the ravens don't make any sense when they say this ray lewis a great player had a trial for a murder case he may or my not have been involved in. he played almost a decade for the team even after these allegations. but a man who just wants to see people come together has to sit on a waiting list because the team is scared of what the fans think.

  50. In my opinion, I think that Kaepernick has the right to express opinion . Plus I know the reason behind why he did what he did so I'm not mad at him. I also think the team should do what's best for the team and if that's Kaepernick then so be it . I also think they should pray on it and then they will get the answer they seek. But I don't think this is a big issue but it is to the team and the fans so they should pray on it .

  51. I believe it would not be a bad move if the Baltimore Ravens
    signed Colin Kaepernick. Because he isn't sitting during the national anthem for no reason he has a purpose for doing this. If the ravens feel like its a bad move then so be it if they get negative views then let it be

  52. Everybody would be mad because the things that he did for the team was history. I dont really watch football but I know the player.

  53. In an answer that lasted more than four minutes, Bisciotti said he and team president Dick Cass, General Manager Ozzie New some and head coach John Harbaugh had discussed signing the free agent. The 57-year-old said he had also talked with former player Ray Lewis and consulted some current players over the possibility of adding Kaepernick
