Friday, August 18, 2017

Tree Planting Drone

What do you think of this article? Is this a good idea, please use the link below


  1. It would be a good idea if you actually want or need trees.

  2. I think this is a good and smart idea. I think that with the drone it makes planting trees way more faster and therefore there is a greater amount of trees which benefits us humans.

  3. I think that its a good idea.I still think that humans should be productive and still plant trees.They will most likely grow better and still be healthy.Will the drones even water the trees and keep them alive?There will be a bunch of questions that the creators can't answer.

  4. Why do you need this if you can plant trees by hand.

  5. I believe that this is a smart idea because it saves time and money and its very beneficial toward humans and nature. Also its very convenient that the drone scans where there are supposed to be trees and just drops seeds rather than a human doing it and taking months to plant a certain amount of trees. Overall this is a great idea and its very beneficial.

  6. Tree-planting drones hope to fight deforestation. I beleive it is a good idea for these to happen but it also isn't

  7. I believe that this is a smart idea because it saves time and money and its very beneficial toward humans and nature. Also its very convenient that the drone scans where there are supposed to be trees and just drops seeds rather than a human doing it and taking months to plant a certain amount of trees. Overall this is a great idea and its very beneficial.

  8. It's a good idea because it allows trees to grow faster than manually planting trees and it will drastically improve the deforestation problem.

  9. I don't think it's a good idea because people should be able to plant trees. The drones shouldn't be planting the trees because they won't be able to grow the proper way. Are the drones even able to water them?


  10. I think it is a very good idea because there will be more trees and this benefits the human beings.

  11. I think it is a good idea because it will help the problem of deforestation. It will make it easier on humans so no manual labor has to be done.

  12. I think this is a very good idea because not only do they care about nature they considering the animals that live there too.

  13. I don't think it will be a good idea, because what if the drone has a malfunction and catches on fire and burns down the trees or something like that. I think they should continue to plant trees by hand and tractors, they shouldn't be so lazy.

  14. I think this is a really good idea because it does help deforestation. It also helps those people who plant trees they don't have to do much work. But there is a down side those who do plant trees might go out of a job.

  15. I think it is a good idea because now the growth of trees will increase. Trees are always beneficial for the environment.

  16. I feel that this is a good idea. I feel that's it's a good idea because it's a faster more efficient way of planting trees. Also I like that the goal of this invention is to help the planet and deforestation.

  17. It's a good idea because it goes way faster than people can.

  18. I think that preventing deforestation is a great, so this is a solution for it and I support it. The drones are helping regrow the environment ad heal the earth.

  19. I think it's a good idea because they are cutting done all the trees for construction and we need more trees.

  20. I mean, it could be something they have there that could benefit people within the future, but I don't agree with this cause. It takes away the "old school way" and drones are man-made and won't last forever. Preventing deforestation is all good and everything but anything man-made will be and could possibly be destroyed. As I would usually is "a'ight'.

  21. I feel like this idea can be good and bad. The good side is it's time saving and productive. On the other hand, it could handicap workers who have that responsibility now .

  22. I think it's a good idea because there are less trees everyday. The drone trying to plant trees everyday will help out the environment.

  23. I think it's a good idea. Stopping deforestation is saving animals habitat and our oxygen.

  24. I believe that this is a smart idea because it saves time and money and its very beneficial toward humans and nature its very convenient that the drone scans where there are supposed to be trees and just drops seeds rather than a human doing it and taking months to plant a certain amount of tree

  25. I think this is a good idea because deforestation is a problem that is facing us in our daily lives. So in order to prevent this, we should come up with more modern ways to plant trees and this is a perfect plan just for that.

  26. I think it's a good idea because it stops deforestation and it's saving the animals in are world and it gives us our oxygen which is good so i most certainly agree we this and i think it's a good idea. It can bring lots of benefits from this

  27. It could possibly be a good idea when it comes to restoring trees but it could also
    malfunction .

  28. The idea has potential to be very efficient, but what happens to the drone when it dies? What happens to the people who lose their jobs to the drones? Overall I think the idea can be good in the future.

  29. yes i think it is very good idea because it is stopping deforestation ans saving animals all the way around the world

  30. i think that is a god idea because it will be faster to plant the seed then a human doing it by hand

  31. In my opinion I do think that tree planting drones are a good idea, because with the drone you are able to cover more land and the drone can get the job done in a couple of hours.

  32. I think it is a okay idea . Don't get me wrong it's good that we are trying to grow 1 billion trees a year but we are losing more trees than we are making. Maybe if we grew 5 or 10 billion trees than it would be a better idea. I just think the idea could be better than what it is.

  33. its a good idea because it can live people and animals and i want one too.

  34. I believe this is a good idea because it allows trees to be replaced at the same rate they are destroyed. Many companies are cutting down trees to make supplies and other goods and this device allows the resource to be replaced without worrying about environmental issues

  35. I believe that this is a good thing because it helps us plants tree seeds faster and quicker.

  36. its a good idea because it will make it easier to do another person job when they need it and also make money

  37. I think that this is a good idea for the environment because it will help the environment in countless ways. The only bad thing that could come from this is if people were to try and steal the drones.

  38. I think it will be a good idea because it will reduce emissions exhausted by cars while transporting trees

  39. i think this article is good because the drones are very nice. yes i do think its a good idea because it will help the environment.

  40. The prototype system was designed by british start up biocarbon engineering first the surveying drones fly over the planting area to scan the terrain the planting drones fly autonomobly seed pods or they can scatter them mimicking natural regrowth

  41. It is a good idea to maintain stability and such in earths atmosphere for our survival.

  42. A British startup has designed a system that uses drones to plant trees by shooting biodegradable seedpods into the ground or scattering them in the air.
