Friday, August 4, 2017

Politics Freewrite

Post about two current events related to politics. Summarize in one paragraph minimum.


  1. Democratic party may be open to backing anti-abortion candidates who can help them win back Congress. Jill Filipovic says this is an option that should not even be on the table, is an insult to women and a losing strategy. In a phone conversation with Enrique Peña Nieto earlier this year, President DonaldTrump told the Mexican president that, "I won New Hampshire because New Hampshire is a drug-infested den." Someone at CNN named Chris Cillizza came up with a Trumpian slogan for the USA playing off the worst stereotypes or assumptions made about them.

  2. As investigation intensifies, Trump crows to crowd

    Basically, President Trump in this article is at a West Virginia rally, and he is saying that any story about the Russians having any part in him winning this past election is a total fabrication. He says to the people at the rally, " We didn't win because of Russia, we won because of you", which was followed by the audience cheering and applauding.

    Wray to FBI agents: Our work can't be driven 'by anything other than the facts'

    New FBI director Christopher Wray tells reporters that other than the facts, there is no other bedrock to base anything upon. Wray takes over for former FBI director, who was fired by President Trump in May.

  3. Do you support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?Many people are agreeing and disagreeing with Obamacare simply because he isn't president anymore or they were against him while he was in office.On the other hand,many people agree with what he did for us and they see that it impacted us in many amazing ways.In my own personal opinion he was an amazing president and we should keep Obamacare in place for the people that can't afford regular healthcare.The other problem that were still dealing with the building of the wall that Trump has insisted on building so immigrants can't come over to our country to stay here or visit.There are alot of people that are against it and then there are others that think that its a great idea.Personally,I don't see the point of it.That's just extra money that has to be spent for no reason and no one should really have to be banned from a country just for bring foreign.That's basically discriminating others for no reason.

  4. One year into the FBI's Russia investigation, Mueller is on the Trump money trail. Trump says that there is nothing that going to connects him but other investigator believed that him and other in his team was working with russia.

  5. One of the articles talk about a rally that took place in West Virginia tackling the Russian hacking of the election. In the rally Donald trump talks about how the people elected him and the Russians didn't do anything. The next article talks about how congress made are relationship with Russia at a all time low.

  6. President Donald Trump made a phone call to Mexican President Pena Nieto and begs him to pay for the wall he wants to put up around Mexico. Trump claims that he knew they would never pay for it and that "it was all political".Another current event dealing with the Trumps was when his daughter, Ivanka Trump attended a women's panel in Berlin on Tuesday and the crowd booed and hissed at her when she attempted to display her father as a women's advocate.

  7. Yesterday (8/3/17) the POTUS (Trump) held a rally explaining why he wasn't apart of poll tapping with the Russians even though there is a plethora of evidence he did. What makes it worse if that he was the first on to make these allegations during his campaign, but now Mr. Trump is saying this never happened. Furthermore the FBI have been investigating Trump by monitoring some of his meetings with Russian officials and following a money trail most likely leading to him.

  8. President Donald Trump, in a conversation with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, labeled New Hampshire "a drug-infested den." trump is saying he won the new hampshire vote because of it was a drug infested den. Now people in new hampshire are hurt by that .

  9. Russia is attempting to lure US-backed rebels based at the At Tanf garrison in southern Syria.It's the latest gambit in a months long tug of war between the US and Assad and his Russian and Iranian backers in the Syrian desert.

    Donald Trump proposed a legislation to restrain the level of legal immigration to the United States. He was going to institute a skills based immigration system, but this will not benefit the American economy.

  10. President Donald Trump made fake phone calls to the Mexico president and to a boy scouts , he's not taking blame for it and the white house press secretary backed him up good at her speech about it.but trump claims that the head of boyscouts called him to tell him how amazing his speech was after the Wall Street Journal Reporters suggested the reception.

  11. 1)Trump administration officials are preparing to challenge admissions policies they seem to be discriminatory against white students. Analysts and commentators have gathered up old poll numbers to try to figure out how it will play politically.
    2)A transcript published by The Washington Post shows that President Donald Trump knew very little about the specifics of a refugee deal with Australia.The arrangement called for the U.S. to vet and resettle as many as 1,250 asylum seekers.Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull walked the president through the specifics of the agreement.

  12. Trump just wont stop talking about Russia He referred to the totally made up Russia story.He called it a total fabrication. He insisted Democrats are behind the whole thing because they are looking for an excuse for the greatest loss in the history of American politics." He argued that "what the prosecutors should be looking at are Hillary Clinton's 33,000 deleted emails." He made the totally specious argument that no Russians were in the crowd to suggest he couldn't have won the election because of Russia. He mocked Democrats' electoral results telling them try winning at the voter booth.

  13. General John Nicholson, a highly respected four-star Army general with 35 years experience may be in the White House's political crosshairs and become the first high-ranking military officer President Donald Trump decides to fire
    CNN has spoken to more than half a dozen currently serving military and civilian defense officials who say the fate of Nicholson as the commander of some 13,000 US and international forces in Afghanistan is being discussed in administration circles.
    Officials emphasize that no decision has been made to replace Nicholso.

  14. Colin, Murkowski is going against the presidents decision about healthcare. There were even people who called her to tell her to go with the presidents decision. The president called her personally and said you let me and your country down. Also Trump has a slogan for all 50 states. For example Georgia: Without Atlanta, It Would Be Another Alabama.

  15. More than 1,000 arrested in sex trafficking operation. A pastor, a state trooper and a convicted sex offender were among 1,000 people arrested in a monthlong period trying to sell or buy sex across the country.

  16. The President recently signed a bill imposing sanctions on Russia over interfering in last year's election, it also limits the President's power to tamper with Congress's decisions. Then at the White House, the now former head of communications, Anthony Scaramucci was fired by Trumps's new chief of staff John Kelly.

  17. Trump tells Mexico to pay for the wall that being built to block out Mexicans.He also told the Mexican President to be quiet about it.Trump even has beef with the Austalian President.Trump refuses to take in refugees.

  18. Trump to Discuss Hurricane Season With Emergency Officials. The president was traveling to the Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters Friday to discuss preparations in the U.S. for possible hurricanes during the summer and early fall.

    White House Anger Over Leaks Grows, Crackdown Promised. White House anger about leaks is growing, and the Trump administration is stepping up efforts to crack down on it.

  19. That essentially matches the 1,084,000 jobs created during President Barack Obama's last six months in office. Both round to 1.1 million, and the 10,000 difference is well within the margin of error of the Labor Department estimate.Trump's vacation, as The Washington Post's Philip Bump notes, is twice as long as the vacation President Barack Obama took to Martha's Vineyard in his first year in office -- and will mean Trump has spent 53 "leisure" days through August 2017 as compared to 15 for Obama through August 2009.

  20. Wray to FBI agents: Our work can't be driven 'by anything other than the facts' New FBI director Christopher Wray tells reporters that other than the facts, there is no other bedrock to base anything upon. Wray takes over for former FBI director, who was fired by President Trump in May.

    Trump to Discuss Hurricane Season With Emergency Officials. The president was traveling to the Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters Friday to discuss preparations in the U.S. for possible hurricanes during the summer and early fall.

  21. On December 4th, 2014, Texas’ state
    contracting Quality Assurance Team opened
    an investigation into a contract with Austinbased
    software developer 21CT. The Health and
    Human Services Commission and the Office of
    the Inspector General spent $19.9 million on
    their contract with 21CT before operational
    defects caused by state staff members drew
    the attention of state auditors. Secured via a
    non-competitive bid process, the 21CT contract
    led to both the resignation of state employees,
    and the realization that the Texas contracting
    process is convoluted, disorganized, and easily
    manipulated.[1] Change orders for the T2
    contract had raised the expected cost of the
    system development project with Accenture
    from $68.9 million to $98.2 million and delayed
    the project from total completion in 2017 to
    one phase completion by 2018.

  22. President Donald Trump said Friday that states can count on his administration to dispense U.S. emergency funds efficiently. "We do it quickly. We do it effectively," Trump said at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, where he and members of his Cabinet received a briefing on the summer's hurricane season, which began June 1. "We are very strong with respect to FEMA. FEMA is something I've been very much involved in already." Trump cited the administration's response to a bridge collapse near downtown Atlanta that forced the closure of a portion of Interstate 85. The president spoke a few hours before embarking on his own summer vacation at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. During his stop at FEMA headquarters, Trump got a tour of the command center, the hub where the agency coordinates its response during emergencies. Video maps line the walls to help officials monitor storms, weather conditions and more.

    A spokeswoman for the umbrella company that controls Trump's various businesses said Friday that the Secret Service moved out of Trump Tower to somewhere "more cost effective and logistically practical." The Secret Service won't say where its Trump Tower command post has relocated. A spokeswoman says the move hasn't affected security. A Government Services Administration spokeswoman says officials are searching for a permanent space. She wouldn't comment on lease negotiations. The Trump Organization's Amanda Miller described the location change as a mutual decision. She didn't respond when asked about terms of the government's lease or what prompted the location change.

  23. Former Mexican president criticizes Trumps wall once again. Saying Mexico shouldn't pay for it.
    Trump takes 17 day vacation off work. People say this is too long of a break for him because it is twice as long as Obamas first vacation when he was only in the first year of his presidency.

  24. One year into the FBI's Russia investigation, Mueller is on the Trump money trail. Trump says that there is nothing that going to connects him but other investigator believed that him and other in his team was working with russia.

    rally that took place in West Virginia tackling the Russian hacking of the election. In the rally Donald trump talks about how the people elected him and the Russians didn't do anything.

  25. Mexico's former president Vicente Fox was asked about President Trumps idea of building a wall from reporters and said some unkind words towards the reports who asked the question. But in other news President Trump will make a decision this week on Obamacare payments.

  26. Currently Trump is talking about the mexican border wall that he wants to do to keep mexicans out of the country and he wants to block them out. He wants the presidents to be quiet. He is not in good terms with russia and there sort in a argument,Also there is 1,084,000 jobs created back when obama was in the house and it is huge difference to Trump as he wants to go on a 17 day trip to golf so he will be departing the white house for his little break

  27. a conflict that happen was with trump building the wall and not lettin the Mexicans come to the u.s to me i dont think its right but he is the president.

  28. American consumers have spent over 15 billion dollars on fees for checks or overdrafting. Also Trump is going on a 17 day vacation out of the White House to go golfing in his golf club in New Jersey.

  29. One of the many political arguments that people are talking about is healthcare. People are mad because they are frustrated on how people are still arguing about healthcare. Some people are angry on the fact that the want to repel Obamacare. Some people will go to the congressman to show on how they feel about what they are doing to their children who are sick.

  30. America has added more than a million jobs since President Trump took office.Many economists say the United States is at or near "full employment." July was the 82nd consecutive month of job growth. But wage growth is sluggish. Wages grew only 2.5% in July compared with a year earlier.

    Donald Trump is going on a 17-day vacation. Trumps vacation is twice as long as the vacation President Barack Obama took to Martha's Vineyard in his first year in office.

  31. The FBI's Russia investigation, Mueller is on the Trump money trail. Trump says that there is nothing that going to connects him but other investigator believed that him and other in his team was working with russia.

  32. This is the 2 time that the trump white house has jumped to gun comment on report . This not the first but the second time . Many people think that he is not taking this situatioin serioulsy .

    In rhode island they made a community college free. They notice that tuition is alot of money for many students. With that being said its makes the area population go up.


    Right as of now, as it has been for a while, the legalization of marijuana has always been at a debate for legalization. It has his effects that produce positive effects, but being the fact that it has its own effects on distorting the reality of a persons' perception causes an out-rule to be ILLEGAL. Different individuals subsiding by the government are always at a disagreement, debate, dispute, and/or confrontation about this manner. Unfortunately this is a political issue whether you want to face it o not. There is more to Donald Trump and his festivities and there is more distinctive things going on around the political world. The political world is one thing getting used to. Do you agree with the ways of marijuana or are you against it despite its curable tactics?


    Really? Really? I may be a teenager, but this man has no idea what he is doing. Actually, he does and needs to be held accountable for his actions and the things he says. Not everything that has been placed needs to be reversed. Apparently because he is a president, he places actions he must have always wanted to be true; today. Crazy. Different opinion cloud my mind when he wants to cut ties to legal immigration. The work, struggle, and time different individual immigrants go through have paid off. Cutting ties with that would be a tremendous mistake.

  34. Donald Trump is going on a 17-day vacation. Trumps vacation is twice as long as the vacation President Barack Obama took to Martha's Vineyard in his first year in office.

    One year into the FBI's Russia investigation, Mueller is on the Trump money trail. Trump says that there is nothing that going to connects him but other investigator believed that him and other in his team was working with russia.

  35. The Olympic Committee announced that it had a deal saying
    that they will award the Olympics in 2028 to Los Angeles, which means that the 2024 Olympics will happen in Paris,even though LA was trying to have i there that year. the summer Olympics of 1984 in la was easily one of the best, even though it was boycotted. that being said, France has some competition.

    Turkey’s most trying times had become a mere failed attempt to overthrow the government.490 people are accused of plotting from an air base outside 'Ankara'. most of them will be charged with life in a high max prison. Seven accused are o be tried in court in 'absentia', including Fethullah Gulen, a priest in America who will be charged with being the mastermind behind the revolt.

  36. Russia and the regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad are attempting to entice US backed rebels based at the At Tanf garrison in southern Syria to switch sides, US officials tell CNN, in an apparent bid to oust the coalition from a strategic piece of real estate that is seen as crucial to Syria and Iran's long-term interests in the region. It's just the latest gambit in a months long tug of war between the US and Assad and his Russian and Iranian backers in the Syrian desert. One official said the recruitment campaign, which appears to have had very limited, if any, success to date, is aimed at mid-level commanders of the groups being trained and equipped by the US-led coalition at the At Tanf base which sits in near the tri-border area of Syria, Jordan and Iraq.
    So far, the coalition says there has only been "less than a handful" of defections from the US-backed Maghawir al-Thawra group, one of the larger units based at At Tanf. US Army Col. Ryan Dillon, a coalition spokesman, told CNN that one of the defectors was actively attempting to recruit his former comrades and convince them to join the regime but added that those efforts were having no measurable success to date. As US-backed forces tighten their grip on ISIS's Syrian capital Raqqa, and Iraqis celebrate the liberation of Mosul, the man tasked by both the Obama and Trump administrations to coordinate the anti-ISIS effort sees reason for optimism.

  37. Trump and former Mexican president, Venice Fox arent the besets of friends right now. Trump wants the country to pay for the wall being built up against them. The second article i read compares trump and Obama's count in the amount of jobs they created and lost through there first six months as president. The article states that Obama created 1084000 while trump created 1074000, a 10000 dollar difference

  38. Senate moves on from Obamacare debate with bipartisan drug bills: The Senate unanimously approved bills Thursday that would let dying patients try medicines that haven’t full regulatory approval and inform doctors if a patient is a recovering drug addict, so they can prescribe safe treatment. Debate over Obamacare that stalled out last week when Republicans couldn’t muster enough troops to pass their bill through the Senate.Will be pay fees totaling $8 billion to $9 billion over five years more than a quarter of the agency’s funding.Also direct companies developing cancer drugs for adults to look at whether their medicines could also help children, since there is little market incentive for drug makers to focus on the comparatively small cohort of younger patients.

    Georgia mayor removed from office, says he will appeal:A judge has removed a Georgia mayor from office, declaring he had exceeded term limits he fought to put in place.The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports Wood, in a statement, said he plans to appeal so he can finish his term, which ends in December.Michael Litten, who unsuccessfully ran for mayor against Wood, filed the lawsuit.Wood pushed for term limits but argued they were only valid going forward. Litten said the term limits should apply retroactively.

  39. Trump is taking a 17 day vacation. As a result, he is getting criticisms for stating that he wouldn't take any days off if he was elected president. He promised this and gave many people a let down. Trump has talked down on Obama's vacations in the past, contradicting his own actions in present time. However, hypocrisy is very common in politics today, so this is no surprise.

    Trump, in a conversation with the Mexican President Enrique Nieto, labeled New Hampshire as a "drug infected den". Throughout 2015 and 2016, Trump seized on the opiold epidemic while campaigning in New Hampshire. He promised the people of the state that he would boost local clinics, help those who are already hooked on opiolds and stop the flow of drugs coming into the state.

  40. Doc rivers former NBA champion and coach of the year is now losing his job as the Los Angeles clippers president of basketball operations the clippers have under achieved and now are looking to go in a different direction doc will still coach the team and have input but he won't be running the day to day in the clippers front office

  41. Trump kicked off a 17 day vacation at his New Jersey golf club today. He initially paid $350,000 just for the memberships. He will return on August 21,2017. In other news, the Pentagon asked the White house for lethal weapons. They need them to fight off the Russians because the Russians have upgraded their weapons.

  42. The U.S justified a new set of sanctions on Russia. This prevents any Russians to commit acts of corruption or commit or impose in any U.S politics. Senator John McCain's vote for keeping Obamacare helped turn down the repeal bill. John McCain who had just recovered from late stage brain cancer came into the senate and voted for the keeping of Obamacare and help deny the repeal bill with the help of others

  43. Thr Trump-Russia investigation is still on going. It's been said that Trump's son in -law ,Jared Kushner may've been talkinmg to the Russians all along .The investigation has been going on for a year now .Trump continues to say ''i havent paid the russains'' but in 2008 he sold his house to a Russian oligarch . The investigators believe that Trump may've been kahoots with the oligarch. -JAYLA leonard

  44. President Trump is going on vacation for 17 days to a gulf club in New Jersey. Trump has taken more days off than Obama did during his first year. Before Trump became president he said " that he would never take a vacation because there was too much work to do " he must changed his mind since he is going on vacation. North Korea has made bombs that can reach us here in America. There are citizens who are worried about what North Korea is going to do with those bombs they have made .

  45. Trump decides to go on a 17 day vaction after posting a critizing commet about former president barack Obama explain how he spent the whole day playing golf instead of handling the things that the U.S id facing and then says how he's worse than carter. I think that trump can put a sock in it shouldnt be hipacritical when he's the one spending 17 days playing golf him self.

  46. Donald Trump is going on a 17 day vacation twice as long as president Barack Obama while big problem like zika and drugs are get worst.

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