Monday, August 19, 2019

8/19 CNN 10

Click the Link above and summarize two of the news highlights, give your opinion. Do not just tell me what it is about.


  1. 14,000 homes in New Jersey's tap water contains led. The city has two water pipes and led leaks into the water pipes. In Flint the water still contains lead. People has to run there water for five minutes for the lead to go down the drain. The lead has been in their water for more than five years.

  2. People in New Jersey are being offered water because what is coming out of their taps might be contaminated with lead. If my tap water was contaminated with lead I would question whether I could shower or not. There was eleven deaths this spring on mountain Nepal. They blame the deaths from the mountain being over crowded. I myself, would never go mountain climbing wit more than five people.

  3. Water had seemed to be contaminated by lead recently, in New Jersey and Flint Michigan, as people struggle to get water everyday. Mount Everest had seemed to gained attention, only for people to be killed when trying to climb it. I hope that in the future, the government would fix these water problems for their civilians because they feel unsafe and unclean, knowing that their water is contaminated. For the people whom have tried to climb Mount Everest, I hope they would be more wary when choosing to climb such a mountain, and be wise when wanting to climb the mountain in the first place.

  4. In New Jersey people are being offered bottle watered because of dangerous amounts of lead in the water which can cause cancer and irreversible brain damage for children and pregnant women. 11 people have died this past spring on mount Everest so government officials and other climbing officials need other people and or tourists need training for climbing mount Everest

  5. Over 10,00 homes in New Jersey contains led. When they try to take showers the water is brown. Flint water still contains led , which has been there for over 5 years. People line up early in the morning just to get 4 cases of water.

  6. government needs to take care of this lead problem or its gonna get worse for them

  7. Most homes in New Jersey have led in there water and they are waiting to get packs of bottles water that takes forever. In my opinion new need to fix the situation now people a lot of people get hurt. The oldest lady jumped out a plane with her family. That was really funny for someone so old and jump out a plane

  8. Still in flint their still struggling with their water. the city has 2 water treatment plants. The water that leaves those plants are lead-free and the pipes that transport it, is to. Newark says the lead can get into the water when it goes through the service pipes that connect water mines to homes.
    Nepal for allowing anyone who paid 11,000 to get a climbing

  9. It's really sad that people still don't have clean water which is a basic necessity. The crisis in Flint started years ago, the city should've had a fix for it by now.
    I don't see why people would want to even attempt to climb Mount Everest if they know they're inexperienced. Companies should be more careful with their policies especially when peoples lives are at stake.

  10. What the lady did by giving the people in Flint fresh water was really nice and generous. She helped a lot of people out. Also the lady that was 103 really took a risk in jumping out of a plane. She risked her life to do something before death. Also all of the support she had was amazing.

  11. The water quality in Flint Michigan is dirty and it hasn't changed over the course of a couple of years. People have to buy clean water from the grocery store in order to drink and shower in. Nupala is one of the poorest countries in the world. It costs about $35,00 to climb Mt.Everest. In my opinion I feel like thats a reasonable amount because your going to need a lot of things to help keep you safe and alive while your climbing up the amount for many days.

  12. The city of New jersey has a water issue. Most water located in the city has 5 times amount of lead than allowed by the government. Most residents have to go to there cars, and grab bottles of water each day to do basic needs.

    A company is currently being blamed for the death of 10 people while climbing mount Everest, due to allowing inexperienced climbers to climb. There is a current debate going on either on legal climbing. There was also a 103 woman who jumped off a plane.

  13. Thousands of homes in New Jersey do not have clean water. When turning on their water, it is usually brown. I wish we could locate the cause of the dirty water and fix it.

    Hundreds of people have died trying to reach Mount Everest. Inexperienced climbers do not have the right materials and Nepal's government officials are being blamed. Personally, I think someone should check with inexperienced climbers to see if they have the right equipment.

  14. First, there is a lead problem in Newark, New Jersey, the tape water within the city is contaminated and unusable. This causes for lines of people, miles Lon, to wait for fresh water. This situation has been addressed with a lack of effort from the city. Second, the lady who was 103 years old is incredible, most people her age can’t get out of their house, let alone jump out of a plane.

  15. There is a big problem in New jersey. A lot of homes contain Led. When they try to take showers the water is brown

  16. I think it is very heart breaking to go wake up at 4 am just to get 4 cases of water to supply to your family. With the mans shower it's very sad to see how he has to bathe in dirty water every day, you never know what is in the water like it may have diseases or parasites.I think that having a Everest permit and training before climbing up the mountain is a good idea. With this idea people won't get stuck, lost, or hurt when climbing the mountain can't blame the company that runs the mountain.

  17. The water in new jersey needs to be fixed cause that water was brown and it made them itch when they used it so that water was real dangerous and then they had to by bottled water to bathe with so they spending money doing that.

    And then that 103 year old that did skydiving was crazy cause she real real old and she doing that. Its crazy how she didn't have a heart attack.

  18. The water in New Jersey homes have lots of led. So do the ones in Flint they have to run the water just for the led to run down. There was also a old lady that did skydiving taking risk.

  19. Homes in New jersey have been having led in their water and its to the point where their water is brown when they take showers. I think this is just sad that people have to beg to get clean water for their family. Another problem was people dying in mount Everest earlier this year. There were 11 deaths in spring and company's are paying 11,000 dollars to people who want a permit. This is just sad because people are being unsafe when climbing up the mountain, They either don't have the right equipment or they just don't know what there doing.

  20. The lead crisis is being ignored, and many people, our own citizens have accustomed to having to do the most just for clean water. On the other hand, cars were lined up to as long as 2 miles just to get 4 packages of clean water.

  21. Homes in Flint, Michigan still have taps contaminated with lead. Over 14,000 homes are still suffering from this. People wake up as early as 4 in the morning to get bottled water. 11 people this past spring have died on Mount Everest. The government and climbers are trying to find a way to make climbing safer.

  22. Water in New Jersey contains lead and the government are taking procedures, Flint Michigan is still having problems with their water
    if feel as if the government should've dealt with it when they realized there were minor amounts of flint in the water.

  23. Over the years water in Flint, Michigan have not changed it remains dirty. If the technology for phones and other military stuff then there should not be a reason Flint still has dirty water. The price to climb Mt. Everest is about $35k that amount is really decent, it is the tallest mountain in the world.

  24. The water in Michigan and New Jersey has been contaminated with lead. The water can cause brain damage and cancer. They have been offered clean bottles of water. Eleven people have died this spring and now the government needs more tourist and climbing trainers.

  25. In New Jersey, many homes have been getting led in their water and the I say its bad, it's bad because the water is turning brown. People even shower in that. They say it doesn't bother them in a physical level but they go through that everyday which to me is crazy. Not a lot of people go through this and me thinking that it's happening here where I am but it is what it is.

  26. This lady who was 103 years went sky diving. I thought it was so cool because YOLO for real. In New Jersey they are having a water problem. There is lead in the water. The people are suffering and are having to use bottles of water to bath and drink water and do everything else they need with water. I think it is pretty sad and I wouldn't want to be going through that.

  27. I think it's crazy that the water in New Jersey and Michigan is still being affected by lead. It's been going on for years and it is almost like a forgotten problem. I think is is a good idea to increase the requirements for climbing permits, it is a dangerous activity that although it is expensive, its too easy to get.

  28. Schools are looking towards more clean water and as a student I think it is a great idea. A panel made to discuss the depths of the MT Everest wont be a bad idea.

  29. It is sad how the water in flint is still not clean and people have to spend extra money to use clean water. Nepal is one of the poorest country in the world. a 103 year old lady went sky diving.

  30. new Jersey and Flint Michigan and in and continue to be in a lead water crisis. New Jersey right now has the highest amount of lead in their water, while Flint is still having its water crisis. Many people have to wait 5 mins or more just to drink water and have to go to get water as early as 4 am.

  31. People in New Jersey are being offered water because what is coming out of their taps might be contaminated with lead. If my tap water was contaminated with lead I would question whether I could shower or not. There was eleven deaths this spring on mountain Nepal. They blame the deaths from the mountain being over crowded. I myself, would never go mountain climbing wit more than five people.

  32. Thirteen Michigan water systems failed to meet federal standards for lead in drinking water in the last half of 2018, and seven of those systems had lead levels at least twice as high as the state will allow starting in 2025.

    Data requested by MLive-The Flint Journal from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality shows water systems above that action limit in the most recent Lead and Copper Rule testing are located throughout the state and are both large and small -- one serving less than 100 homes and others providing water to cities as large as Hamtramck and Benton Harbor.

  33. Schools are looking towards more clean water and as a student I think it is a great idea. A panel made to discuss the depths of the MT Everest wont be a bad idea.

  34. In New Jersey they have been getting lead in their water. That’s very dangerous because it’s not healthy to use or drink dirty/ contaminated water

    There was a 103 year old woman who went skydiving. Its surprising she did because she’s really old. If I was that old I would probably do that too to enjoy my last moments

  35. DEVIN WISE——this is about led in people’s tap water and how it’s affecting there there body’s and family

  36. There was a world record for oldest skydiver. Flint, Michigan is very very dirty. Also, the lady that went skydiving was 103 years old. The water in Flint, Michigan has always been bad.

  37. Schools are looking towards more clean water and as a student I think it is a great idea. A panel made to discuss the depths of the MT Everest wont be a bad idea.

  38. One news highlight was about the tap water in Flint and how bad it is. I personally think that the government don't care about those people. Another was about this of lady and how she jumped out of a plane. I fell like she is to old to be doing that stuff.

  39. One of the events was about water in Michigan and New Jersey. The water got led in it. The water is getting people sick and the water can also cause cancer. In my opinion this is kind of sad to me. More and more people are getting hurting nowadays. The second event was about a 103 year old lady going skydiving. In my opinion this is really impressing.

  40. Problems involving lead and tap water are growing in New Jersey. This is very dangerous because it's not safe to use or drink contaminated water. Experts aim to add new rules concerning Chomolunga.

  41. This lady who was 103 years old went skydiving and it was really brave of her. Also, in New Jersey and Michigan the water has lead in it and it is unsafe for people. I feel that people need to work hard to get rid of this contaminated to protect the people who are drinking it. I feel bad for the people who drunk the waters and get sick.

  42. There was a water crisis that has still been going on in not only Flint Michigan but New Jersey as well. People should not steer clear of problems like this because of the drastic effects it has on life. Also more than enough people have died climbing Mt. Everest, this has caused the government to require training to even attempt to climb this mountain.

  43. They talked about how the water crisis in Flint, Michigan is still going. Honestly, I though that the water crisis ended a long time ago, but that's crazy. Also, they showed how a 103 year old woman went skydiving and broke the world record for the old person to do it. That's just awesome cause most people that are that old would never do that.

  44. 14000 people in New Jersey are now being offered bottled water because what`s coming out of their taps have been contaminated with lead .Exposure over time has been linked to dangerous problems that may seriously affect pregnant mothers.I find it very interesting that the woman who was 103 years went sky diving because she is at such a surprising age to be doing those activities.

  45. In New Jersey some houses as been contaminated with lead and it is a very heavy metal so some house can not use there water for anything.Because people who has drink the water now has heart and kidney problem and some have hight blood pressure and irreversible brain damage to a lot of the children and it really dangers for pregnant woman's.I think it is crazy and awesome for a old lay who is 103 to go sky diving.

  46. In New Jersey they are giving 14,000 people bottled water because there might have been lead in their water. This is terrible and sad because lead is very dangerous and it can cause a lot of health damage.
    The 2019 climbing season was the deadliest one in four years there were 11 deaths on the mountain, in addition to bad weather. I think this is sad that there were that many deaths.

  47. After watching the videos on Jersey and Michigan's lead crisis it is very concerning. I've lived in Jersey most of my life until about two years ago and though I did not live in Newark the surrounding town's around it were also affected by a lead problem causing the water at my school not to be able to be in use. So to see that years later the problem has gotten apparently much worse is saddening. As well as to see state's like Michigan where their issue is obviously much worse it is horrible to see people in situations like that. Also, the second report about many dying on Mt.Everest is terrible. I know that they are considering new rules to put in place but to me it should have been common sense to already have rules like that in place to have prevented things like this happening before it happened. And now they may not even be able to put those rules in place because it is up to the companies.

  48. After watching those videos i feel like jersery and michigan's lead crisis very concerned. It is teribble and sad because it's very dangerous & it can cause a lot of health damage ALOT. I also find it very great and interesting that a woman 103 went sky diving... it's just crazy because she so active and out there to be her age.

  49. Jersey and Michigan lead crisis is very sad and concerning, there is lead contaminating all of there water supply which drinking this infected water can cause brain, hear, kidney, and brain damage which so upsetting.

  50. Problems involving lead and tap water are growing in New Jersey. This is very dangerous because it's not safe to use or drink contaminated water. Experts aim to add new rules concerning Chomolunga.

  51. 14,000 homes in New Jersey's tap water contains led. The city has two water pipes and led leaks into the water pipes. In Flint the water still contains lead. People has to run there water for five minutes for the lead to go down the drain. The lead has been in their water for more than five years.

  52. In New Jersey the citizens in their houses contain led in their water. Also, in flint their water still contains led.

  53. government needs to take care of this lead problem or its gonna get worse for them

  54. his lady who was 103 years old went skydiving and it was really brave of her to do that even tho she is is really old. The problem with water should be fix by now it just that usa is lazy to fix real problem

  55. Many people's houses were ruined by the led in the water. Also i think the lady going sky diving is so cool especially at the age she is at.

    1. Many people's houses were ruined by the led in the water. Also i think the lady going sky diving is so cool especially at the age she is at

  56. Many people's houses were ruined by the led in the water. Also i think the lady going sky diving is so cool especially at the age she is at

  57. In New Jersey they're giving out 14,000 people bottled water because there might have been poisonous lead in their water. 2019 climbing season was the deadliest one in four years there were 11 deaths on the mountain. this is sad & hard to hear that there were that many deaths.

  58. New Jersey, now has thousands of civilian's tap water containing lead. A woman who is 103 years old went skydiving which is really cool because you don't expect people that old to skydive.

  59. New jersey is treating 14,000 people to bottled water because of the lack of clean water due too lead.
    - Amare Hoover
