A five year old law was changed, regarding to elephant hunting, and people are trying to utilize better technology to improve accessibility's for people with disabilities. Every weather came into the United States, and it had impacted many places, so now everyone is trying to protect themselves in case of a tornado. I may not know anything about the laws made to hunt elephants, but I strongly oppose to the idea of having them being hunt down, as they are scarce animals. People in the world should be wary of the weather and where they live, so they can prepare themselves just in case a tornado tries to strike.
A lot of the things made in the world are "rare" earth elements. All of these elements are on the periodic table. For example a lot of the technology are made up of rare earth elements. They are now making 5G technology that can help with self driving cars and tooth brushes that can tell if you are sick I think that this is not a good idea simply because things like these can be very dangerous. Even on phones, the cost for them are very expensive for no reason.
Most phone providers are now developing 5G data, a technology supposedly faster than 4G. They can use it to make more advanced technology. I think this would be amazing and another step in our technological advances. Perhaps one day we will have flying cars in the future.
In Chicago, 63,000 rubber ducks were dropped into the Chicago river for a race. People could bet on rubber ducks and win prizes. I find this entertaining, people actually betting on ducks for $5. If I could participate, I would bet on as many ducks as I can to have more of a chance of winning.
One of the news segments discussed the tense relation between India and Pakistan over territory. I feel that the dispute won’t be settled anytime soon, because no country wants to give up or be given less territory than they think that they deserve. A second topic of the video was the introduction of 5G connection. 5G connection would make using technology easier with the amount of technology a single person uses daily, it’s just an improvement of life with technology.
Kashmir should give up on being a country. Its taken over by 3 countries, each hate one other. India wanting to have more control over there part due to increased violence is fair in my view. They should gamble on who owns Kashmir.
I feel like the should put out 5G when you can actually get a good connection. The women in the video had to go to the Starbucks to get the 5G connection, but at that point, why not just connect to there free wifi. Also when the women went inside the the Starbucks, her connection died. Also I enjoyed the gambling on the rubber duckies.
Gymnast Simone Biles won her sixth national all-around title. She also became first person EVER to land a double double dismount. A rumor has been going around that Dak Prescott turned down a new contract worth $30 million per year. He is a young quarterback, but apparently he isn’t ready to commit to the team yet.
5G is finally being developed for phone providers, this type of technology can be effective to very well known services. Since, it it faster and more advanced than 4G it would be the next step for more advances samples of technology.
The conflict over Kashmir is all pretty pointless in my opinion. For both India and Pakistan to be going as far as war over a small piece of land is really too much. The rubber ducks being dropped in the river was also interesting. People have the chance to win prizes for only $5 and support a good cause.
A little girls father and mother were taken by ICE. She was very upset and felt alone. I felt so bad for the girls and it brought so much hurt in my heart. No one should have to have there parents taken away from them and left alone with no one.
In the video they talked about 5G connection. This connection is supposed to be easier to use and how much people us the there own technology in one day. this is being made to improve connection. 63,000 rubber ducks were put into Chicago river for a race. people would bet on rubber ducks and win prizes on there bets.
a 11 year old girl got her mom and dad taken away when she was in school now she has to find out how to get them back all because of the us immigration
China is having a lot of pressure on them because the need for rare earth material grows along with the demand for technology. There are hazards with this such as when mining these rare earth materials there are possibilities dealing with radioactive material. The second event that happen was that 5g cellular speeds have been released in some country's but for the whole nation to get access to those speeds will take up to 8 years.
Chicago had a annual duck derby, where they have a duck and they dumb them in the chicago river and whoever's duck crosses finish line first gets a vacation.
This 5G technology is supposed to be 10 times faster than 4G so it should be a helpful tool for t-mobile and i believe she was able to connect to the inteenrt without using mobile data or being in the store.
A five year old law was changed, regarding to elephant hunting,. The second event that happen was that 5g cellular speeds have been released in some country's. it it faster and more advanced than 4G it would be the next step for more advances samples of technology.A lot of the things made in the world are "rare" earth elements.
One of the news highlights is when they were talking about Kashmir and I think there doing the right thing because when China and every other country wants it, it caused separatism. India just took it so that way it will be easier and I agree with what they did. Another highlight in the news video was they were talking about scandinum which I think is a really cool element because its in Camera lenses,watches etc,but I don't think they should get more expnsive because that means that prices on phones and watches would go up and that wouldn't be good.
An 11 year old girl got her mom and dad taken away when she was in school now she has to find out how to get them back all because of the US immigration .
One of the events that CNN was talking about was this 5G technology is supposed to be 10 times faster than 4G. In my opinion I think this is good because nowadays a lot of people use technology to work and if it goes faster than people can get their stuff done faster. The second event is about a 11 year old girl was alone and upset that ICE has taken her parents away from her. In my opinion this is wrong. Donald Trump is taking away people families and it’s just so stupid to me.
1. an 11 year old girl was taken away from her mom and dad. she would prolly feel scared and alone at this point, I felt so sad and disappointed for this 11 year old girl. no one should have to have their parents taken away from them at a young age(in general)now she's left alone and sad
DEVIN WISE— In this situation I feel like everyone just wants more power and more control over that area. These countries won’t stop until one has complete control or a war breaks out.
China, Pakistan and India are all fighting for territory in Kashmir, a region is southern Asia. originally, Indian were given special status in the region but the prime minister of India proclaimed that this cause terrorism and division, so he removed the status.
India move on policing Kashmir to bring down the crime rate is one i support. If crime is running rampant and the government of the country any of the country is doing nothing to fix it than someone had to step in.India owns 57% so it's their right to step in,Pakistan and China have no right to be mad at India for intruding on the people's "freedom" when they do it to their own citizens every day.
4g is better than 5g,it's ridiculous that you have to buy a 1k phone to use a barely working system.I seriously hope people don't waste 1k on phones in general.
After five years, a law on elephant hunting is changing. In my opinion, this is good because the elephant population has changed so much. Making these laws will hopefully ensure that elephants do not go extinct. Much of the eastern United States is being impacted by severe weather and in my opinion, learning the best way to protect yourself in each possible storm should be an important part of education.
A little girl was taken from her parents due to immigration laws. I think that unfair to little kids who are left alone without their parents. They are left with no parental guidance, shelter, or someone to feed then and no child should be alone without there parents. I feel that they could have at least deported the little girl along with her parents just so she can be taken care of. Another story highlight was talking about 5G connection. The 5G connection is supposedly better than the normal 4G connection. I think that they should put the connection into place to speed up the connections of others. It would probably allow people to get things done faster on technology.
1. An 11 year old girl gets taken away from her parents and she was alone and sad. In my opinion these people who are splitting up families are crazy and need to be fired. 2. 5g data is supposed to be faster than 4g. i feel like it would be helpful because sometimes 4g data be going slow too
One of the events was about a five year old who's parents were taken away by ICE. I think this is a unlawful act and nothing like this should be happening to anyone. Another event was that 5G technology has been proposed to be 10 times faster, I think this is great but I'm not sure if it will truly be faster.
The united states is affected many ways by weather which is why we need news broadcast to be able let the the rest of the world know what is going on in certain place, A certain law in Botswana has been changed regarding elephant hunting
In the news they first talked about the conflict between India, Pakistan, and China over Kashmir. All 3 countries own a part of Kashmir and they all want Kashmir to be their own territory. I feel like these countries are always enemies for no reason. Kashmir benefits them all, so they should just keep their part of the state. Another thing they talked about is the 17 elements on the periodic table called "Rare Earth elements", and according to them they elements aren't that are. These elements are used in most of the technology we use.
In souther Asia Kashmir is the seen of the largest territorial dispute on the planet and the India controls parts of Kashmir but there wants all of it to be Indian territory. Louisvile my be the famouse in part for the Kentucky but Chicago got an annula ducky derby and more than 63000 thus rubber bucket and they are domp in the chicago rive and it costs 5 dolls for human participant to sponsor a duck.
In souther Asia Kashmir is the seen of the largest territorial dispute on the planet and the India controls parts of Kashmir but there wants all of it to be Indian territory. Louisvile my be the famouse in part for the Kentucky but Chicago got an annula ducky derby and more than 63000 thus rubber bucket and they are domp in the chicago rive and it costs 5 dolls for human participant to sponsor a duck.
one was about how India wanted all of an area to belong to India, but Pakistan own the other half. Also china want part of the area. Another was trade relations between china and the USA has been bad. It also talks about how items can become more expensive.
One of the event's that happen was that 5g cellular speeds have been released in some country's but for the whole nation to get access to those speeds will take up to 8 years. The other event In souther Asia Kashmir is the seen of the largest territorial dispute on the planet and the India controls parts of Kashmir but there wants all of it to be Indian territory.
One event from the highlights was about this five year old child who's parents were taken away by ICE. I feel like this is very sad event event and no one should ever have to go through this, especially a child. One of the other highlights was Kashmir creating conflict with Pakistan and Indian.
Kashmir is partially owned by India and Pakistan. Tensions have began to rise within this situation. I believe that Kashmir should go back to being independent in their own way without control by anyone. Another highlight the video included was information on the 17 rare earth metals on the periodic table. These rare earth metal aren't actually considered rare. These metal are used in everyday technology. If these elements will forever be attainable, then we should keep using them. But if not, then I believe a different approach should be taken. I think, like nonrenewable resources, we should find an alternative for the use of these elements.
A five year old law was changed, regarding to elephant hunting, and people are trying to utilize better technology to improve accessibility's for people with disabilities. Every weather came into the United States, and it had impacted many places, so now everyone is trying to protect themselves in case of a tornado. I may not know anything about the laws made to hunt elephants, but I strongly oppose to the idea of having them being hunt down, as they are scarce animals. People in the world should be wary of the weather and where they live, so they can prepare themselves just in case a tornado tries to strike.
I don't agree with them changing a law about the elephant hunting. New generation people are trying to use technology a lot more now, so it's not good to try to dis able them from utilizing technology. Bad weather has been every where like from state to state, country to country, the lists goes on. They may not be able to protect them selves from tornadoes and things like that because of the technology being down or whatever the case may be. ICE took away a 5 year old parents because of some illegal transportation but what if they were tired of living how they were living and the U.S. was they only way out. I think ICE should be more considerate on how they handle things when it comes to illegal transportation problems.
They are developing 5g data for better things and faster technology. There working on putting it everywhere.A 5 year old girl got split up from her parents which is not cool
This news article is about how Kashmir is ruled by China, India, and Pakistan, and they all want it to be apart of their own territory. I don't see the need to for them all to argue, they just need to come to agreements, and I do understand that that is hard but they aren't getting anywhere with what they are doing. They are developing 5g that is 10 times faster than 4g, and it will be able to support self-driving cars and a lot of other things. I think 5g is a really good idea, it will help things on our phones go faster.
An old law was changed, regarding to elephant hunting, and people are trying to use better technological advances to improve accessibility's for people with disabilities. Every weather came into the United States, and it had impacted many places, so now everyone is trying to protect themselves in case of a tornado. I may not know anything about the laws made to hunt elephants, but I strongly oppose to the idea of having them being hunt down, as they are scarce animals. People in the world should be wary of the weather and where they live, so they can prepare themselves just in case a tornado accident happens.
something that was talked aboutwas the tense relation between India and Pakistan over territory.It won’t be settled because no country wants to give up or be given less territory than they think that they deserve. Another thing that was discussed was the introduction of 5G connection,it would make using technology easier with the amount of technology a single person uses daily.It would make life with technology better
Luckily , an old elephant law is going to change.I think that this is really good regarding to elephant hunting.And it will also ensure that elephants do not go extinct. Unless some people don't like it ,I think that its a great new to hear
Kashmir is the scene of the largest territorial dispute on the planet. Pakistan and India wants it to be there territory. Tensions between the two countries have climbed. I feel like they should come to an agreement to who how of the country they should have. Rare earth metals are used in hybrid car batteries, military equipment, and accounts for 90% of global production and supply. It seems like this an very metal for us to use.
Kashmir is the largest territorial dispute on the planet, Pakistan and India want this to be there territory. I believe that they all should at least get a piece of there own land so they don't be trying to send missiles to each other and trying to attack one another.
Kashmir is the largest territorial dispute on the planet. Pakistan and India want to claim this to be their territory. I believe they should come to some agreement that benefits both countries. An old elephant law will be getting altered which is good, as more animals are close to extinction due to hunting.
The five year elephant hunting law has been changed giving permission to use better technology to hunt.India and Pakistan have attained ownership of Kashmir
the international tensions concerning Kashmir, the uses and production of certain metals from the Periodic Table, and the limitations (so far) of 5G technology- izaiah majors
A five year old law was changed, regarding to elephant hunting, and people are trying to utilize better technology to improve accessibility's for people with disabilities. Every weather came into the United States, and it had impacted many places, so now everyone is trying to protect themselves in case of a tornado. I may not know anything about the laws made to hunt elephants, but I strongly oppose to the idea of having them being hunt down, as they are scarce animals. People in the world should be wary of the weather and where they live, so they can prepare themselves just in case a tornado tries to strike.
ReplyDeleteA lot of the things made in the world are "rare" earth elements. All of these elements are on the periodic table. For example a lot of the technology are made up of rare earth elements. They are now making 5G technology that can help with self driving cars and tooth brushes that can tell if you are sick I think that this is not a good idea simply because things like these can be very dangerous. Even on phones, the cost for them are very expensive for no reason.
ReplyDeleteMost phone providers are now developing 5G data, a technology supposedly faster than 4G. They can use it to make more advanced technology. I think this would be amazing and another step in our technological advances. Perhaps one day we will have flying cars in the future.
ReplyDeleteIn Chicago, 63,000 rubber ducks were dropped into the Chicago river for a race. People could bet on rubber ducks and win prizes. I find this entertaining, people actually betting on ducks for $5. If I could participate, I would bet on as many ducks as I can to have more of a chance of winning.
One of the news segments discussed the tense relation between India and Pakistan over territory. I feel that the dispute won’t be settled anytime soon, because no country wants to give up or be given less territory than they think that they deserve. A second topic of the video was the introduction of 5G connection. 5G connection would make using technology easier with the amount of technology a single person uses daily, it’s just an improvement of life with technology.
ReplyDeleteKashmir should give up on being a country. Its taken over by 3 countries, each hate one other. India wanting to have more control over there part due to increased violence is fair in my view. They should gamble on who owns Kashmir.
ReplyDeleteI feel like the should put out 5G when you can actually get a good connection. The women in the video had to go to the Starbucks to get the 5G connection, but at that point, why not just connect to there free wifi. Also when the women went inside the the Starbucks, her connection died. Also I enjoyed the gambling on the rubber duckies.
Gymnast Simone Biles won her sixth national all-around title. She also became first person EVER to land a double double dismount. A rumor has been going around that Dak Prescott turned down a new contract worth $30 million per year. He is a young quarterback, but apparently he isn’t ready to commit to the team yet.
ReplyDelete5G is finally being developed for phone providers, this type of technology can be effective to very well known services. Since, it it faster and more advanced than 4G it would be the next step for more advances samples of technology.
ReplyDeleteThe conflict over Kashmir is all pretty pointless in my opinion. For both India and Pakistan to be going as far as war over a small piece of land is really too much. The rubber ducks being dropped in the river was also interesting. People have the chance to win prizes for only $5 and support a good cause.
ReplyDeleteArticle #1
ReplyDeleteA little girls father and mother were taken by ICE. She was very upset and felt alone. I felt so bad for the girls and it brought so much hurt in my heart. No one should have to have there parents taken away from them and left alone with no one.
In the video they talked about 5G connection. This connection is supposed to be easier to use and how much people us the there own technology in one day. this is being made to improve connection. 63,000 rubber ducks were put into Chicago river for a race. people would bet on rubber ducks and win prizes on there bets.
ReplyDeletea 11 year old girl got her mom and dad taken away when she was in school now she has to find out how to get them back all because of the us immigration
ReplyDeleteChina is having a lot of pressure on them because the need for rare earth material grows along with the demand for technology. There are hazards with this such as when mining these rare earth materials there are possibilities dealing with radioactive material. The second event that happen was that 5g cellular speeds have been released in some country's but for the whole nation to get access to those speeds will take up to 8 years.
ReplyDeleteChicago had a annual duck derby, where they have a duck and they dumb them in the chicago river and whoever's duck crosses finish line first gets a vacation.
ReplyDeleteThis 5G technology is supposed to be 10 times faster than 4G so it should be a helpful tool for t-mobile and i believe she was able to connect to the inteenrt without using mobile data or being in the store.
A five year old law was changed, regarding to elephant hunting,. The second event that happen was that 5g cellular speeds have been released in some country's. it it faster and more advanced than 4G it would be the next step for more advances samples of technology.A lot of the things made in the world are "rare" earth elements.
ReplyDeleteOne of the news highlights is when they were talking about Kashmir and I think there doing the right thing because when China and every other country wants it, it caused separatism. India just took it so that way it will be easier and I agree with what they did. Another highlight in the news video was they were talking about scandinum which I think is a really cool element because its in Camera lenses,watches etc,but I don't think they should get more expnsive because that means that prices on phones and watches would go up and that wouldn't be good.
ReplyDeleteAn 11 year old girl got her mom and dad taken away when she was in school now she has to find out how to get them back all because of the US immigration .
ReplyDeleteOne of the events that CNN was talking about was this 5G technology is supposed to be 10 times faster than 4G. In my opinion I think this is good because nowadays a lot of people use technology to work and if it goes faster than people can get their stuff done faster. The second event is about a 11 year old girl was alone and upset that ICE has taken her parents away from her. In my opinion this is wrong. Donald Trump is taking away people families and it’s just so stupid to me.
ReplyDelete1. an 11 year old girl was taken away from her mom and dad. she would prolly feel scared and alone at this point, I felt so sad and disappointed for this 11 year old girl. no one should have to have their parents taken away from them at a young age(in general)now she's left alone and sad
ReplyDeleteDEVIN WISE— In this situation I feel like everyone just wants more power and more control over that area. These countries won’t stop until one has complete control or a war breaks out.
ReplyDeleteChina, Pakistan and India are all fighting for territory in Kashmir, a region is southern Asia. originally, Indian were given special status in the region but the prime minister of India proclaimed that this cause terrorism and division, so he removed the status.
ReplyDeletethe 5g technology is much faster than 4g but that's in certain spots. India, china and Pakistan need to figure out something
ReplyDeleteIndia move on policing Kashmir to bring down the crime rate is one i support. If crime is running rampant and the government of the country any of the country is doing nothing to fix it than someone had to step in.India owns 57% so it's their right to step in,Pakistan and China have no right to be mad at India for intruding on the people's "freedom" when they do it to their own citizens every day.
ReplyDelete4g is better than 5g,it's ridiculous that you have to buy a 1k phone to use a barely working system.I seriously hope people don't waste 1k on phones in general.
After five years, a law on elephant hunting is changing. In my opinion, this is good because the elephant population has changed so much. Making these laws will hopefully ensure that elephants do not go extinct. Much of the eastern United States is being impacted by severe weather and in my opinion, learning the best way to protect yourself in each possible storm should be an important part of education.
ReplyDeleteA little girl was taken from her parents due to immigration laws. I think that unfair to little kids who are left alone without their parents. They are left with no parental guidance, shelter, or someone to feed then and no child should be alone without there parents. I feel that they could have at least deported the little girl along with her parents just so she can be taken care of. Another story highlight was talking about 5G connection. The 5G connection is supposedly better than the normal 4G connection. I think that they should put the connection into place to speed up the connections of others. It would probably allow people to get things done faster on technology.
ReplyDelete1. An 11 year old girl gets taken away from her parents and she was alone and sad. In my opinion these people who are splitting up families are crazy and need to be fired.
ReplyDelete2. 5g data is supposed to be faster than 4g. i feel like it would be helpful because sometimes 4g data be going slow too
Kashmire is creating a difficult situation for pakistanians and indians. India is trying to fix thisn situation with kasmire by policing it.
ReplyDeleteOne of the events was about a five year old who's parents were taken away by ICE. I think this is a unlawful act and nothing like this should be happening to anyone. Another event was that 5G technology has been proposed to be 10 times faster, I think this is great but I'm not sure if it will truly be faster.
ReplyDeleteThe united states is affected many ways by weather which is why we need news broadcast to be able let the the rest of the world know what is going on in certain place, A certain law in Botswana has been changed regarding elephant hunting
ReplyDeleteIn the news they first talked about the conflict between India, Pakistan, and China over Kashmir. All 3 countries own a part of Kashmir and they all want Kashmir to be their own territory. I feel like these countries are always enemies for no reason. Kashmir benefits them all, so they should just keep their part of the state. Another thing they talked about is the 17 elements on the periodic table called "Rare Earth elements", and according to them they elements aren't that are. These elements are used in most of the technology we use.
ReplyDeleteIn souther Asia Kashmir is the seen of the largest territorial dispute on the planet and the India controls parts of Kashmir but there wants all of it to be Indian territory.
ReplyDeleteLouisvile my be the famouse in part for the Kentucky but Chicago got an annula ducky derby and more than 63000 thus rubber bucket and they are domp in the chicago rive and it costs 5 dolls for human participant to sponsor a duck.
In souther Asia Kashmir is the seen of the largest territorial dispute on the planet and the India controls parts of Kashmir but there wants all of it to be Indian territory.
ReplyDeleteLouisvile my be the famouse in part for the Kentucky but Chicago got an annula ducky derby and more than 63000 thus rubber bucket and they are domp in the chicago rive and it costs 5 dolls for human participant to sponsor a duck.
one was about how India wanted all of an area to belong to India, but Pakistan own the other half. Also china want part of the area. Another was trade relations between china and the USA has been bad. It also talks about how items can become more expensive.
ReplyDeleteOne of the event's that happen was that 5g cellular speeds have been released in some country's but for the whole nation to get access to those speeds will take up to 8 years. The other event In souther Asia Kashmir is the seen of the largest territorial dispute on the planet and the India controls parts of Kashmir but there wants all of it to be Indian territory.
ReplyDeleteOne event from the highlights was about this five year old child who's parents were taken away by ICE. I feel like this is very sad event event and no one should ever have to go through this, especially a child. One of the other highlights was Kashmir creating conflict with Pakistan and Indian.
ReplyDeleteKashmir is partially owned by India and Pakistan. Tensions have began to rise within this situation. I believe that Kashmir should go back to being independent in their own way without control by anyone. Another highlight the video included was information on the 17 rare earth metals on the periodic table. These rare earth metal aren't actually considered rare. These metal are used in everyday technology. If these elements will forever be attainable, then we should keep using them. But if not, then I believe a different approach should be taken. I think, like nonrenewable resources, we should find an alternative for the use of these elements.
ReplyDeletefive year old child who's parents were taken that is crazy and should happed to no one
ReplyDeleteA five year old law was changed, regarding to elephant hunting, and people are trying to utilize better technology to improve accessibility's for people with disabilities. Every weather came into the United States, and it had impacted many places, so now everyone is trying to protect themselves in case of a tornado. I may not know anything about the laws made to hunt elephants, but I strongly oppose to the idea of having them being hunt down, as they are scarce animals. People in the world should be wary of the weather and where they live, so they can prepare themselves just in case a tornado tries to strike.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with them changing a law about the elephant hunting. New generation people are trying to use technology a lot more now, so it's not good to try to dis able them from utilizing technology. Bad weather has been every where like from state to state, country to country, the lists goes on. They may not be able to protect them selves from tornadoes and things like that because of the technology being down or whatever the case may be. ICE took away a 5 year old parents because of some illegal transportation but what if they were tired of living how they were living and the U.S. was they only way out. I think ICE should be more considerate on how they handle things when it comes to illegal transportation problems.
ReplyDeleteThey are developing 5g data for better things and faster technology. There working on putting it everywhere.A 5 year old girl got split up from her parents which is not cool
ReplyDeleteThis news article is about how Kashmir is ruled by China, India, and Pakistan, and they all want it to be apart of their own territory. I don't see the need to for them all to argue, they just need to come to agreements, and I do understand that that is hard but they aren't getting anywhere with what they are doing.
ReplyDeleteThey are developing 5g that is 10 times faster than 4g, and it will be able to support self-driving cars and a lot of other things. I think 5g is a really good idea, it will help things on our phones go faster.
An old law was changed, regarding to elephant hunting, and people are trying to use better technological advances to improve accessibility's for people with disabilities. Every weather came into the United States, and it had impacted many places, so now everyone is trying to protect themselves in case of a tornado. I may not know anything about the laws made to hunt elephants, but I strongly oppose to the idea of having them being hunt down, as they are scarce animals. People in the world should be wary of the weather and where they live, so they can prepare themselves just in case a tornado accident happens.
ReplyDeletesomething that was talked aboutwas the tense relation between India and Pakistan over territory.It won’t be settled because no country wants to give up or be given less territory than they think that they deserve. Another thing that was discussed was the introduction of 5G connection,it would make using technology easier with the amount of technology a single person uses daily.It would make life with technology better
ReplyDeleteLuckily , an old elephant law is going to change.I think that this is really good regarding to elephant hunting.And it will also ensure that elephants do not go extinct. Unless some people don't like it ,I think that its a great new to hear
ReplyDeleteKashmir is the scene of the largest territorial dispute on the planet. Pakistan and India wants it to be there territory. Tensions between the two countries have climbed. I feel like they should come to an agreement to who how of the country they should have. Rare earth metals are used in hybrid car batteries, military equipment, and accounts for 90% of global production and supply. It seems like this an very metal for us to use.
ReplyDeleteKashmir is the largest territorial dispute on the planet, Pakistan and India want this to be there territory. I believe that they all should at least get a piece of there own land so they don't be trying to send missiles to each other and trying to attack one another.
ReplyDeleteKashmir is the largest territorial dispute on the planet. Pakistan and India want to claim this to be their territory. I believe they should come to some agreement that benefits both countries. An old elephant law will be getting altered which is good, as more animals are close to extinction due to hunting.
ReplyDeleteThe five year elephant hunting law has been changed giving permission to use better technology to hunt.India and Pakistan have attained ownership of Kashmir
ReplyDeleteKashmir becomes biggest territorial dispute between India and Pakistan. Electronics have rare earth elements.
ReplyDeletethe international tensions concerning Kashmir, the uses and production of certain metals from the Periodic Table, and the limitations (so far) of 5G technology- izaiah majors